Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

Yes, I will encourage government to regulate life depends on it.

Again, you are drawing a conclusion by going off the deep end and perverting my point of view. I've not said that government shouldn't have some regulatory oversight on hospitals. Or anything else, really... just that this is what has caused the price of health care to skyrocket. In every aspect of our health care system, the government tentacles are wrapped around the wind pipe of free market capitalism and the only alternative is to increase price. We are OVER-regulating virtually everything and we need to take an objective look at that problem in order to fix the price problem... there is no other way. But we can't have that objective look if you are going to be unreasonable and pervert my view.

So we have something that your life depends on but you don't like that it costs so much... well how much should it cost if your life depends on it? How much are you willing to cut costs? You see, we have a dilemma here... you want someone to give you something that money can't buy AND give it to you for free. That's not happening in ANY universe.
Like the far left when it comes to issues of free shit and race...Well, the far right has its idiots too.

Ever heard of a police officer? How about a post man, solider??? Firefighter? Forecaster for the noaa, nws or researcher for darpa??? Or maybe a member of the fbi or cia???

Or how about the hundreds of billions of bucks we as a nation spend on our infrastructure? Hundreds of thousands of workers.

Fuck loserterianism. What a disease.
We're not talking about "helping society" we're talking about growing the economy in a free market system. No one has suggested we don't need infrastructure or that we shouldn't fund it. There is no such thing as "free" education or "free" anything else... and again, this isn't about education, no one is suggesting we do away with education. No one is suggesting we do away with defense, the legal system, monetary system or have dirty water and air... bad drugs and food... etc. Finally, I never said government doesn't "create" anything. Clearly, government creates debt!

You are like a smart-ass punk 8-year-old sitting at the kitchen table with the grown ups discussing the family budget. You have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about but you think you're the smartest person in the room and no one can tell you anything. Every post you've made is chock full of unbelievable naive idiocy about the ways of the world and reality. Free education? ...This is one example of your supreme idiocy on display.
Move to Somalia and see your business prosper

An effective government grows the economy, that is why we have the strongest economy in the world and Somalia doesn't. The government creates jobs in both the private and public sector, those jobs help the economy overall.

Why are you bringing up Somalia? They aren't a free market capitalist economy. The reason we have the strongest economy in the world is because it is based on free market economic principles and free enterprise capitalism. But you are opposed to free market capitalism because it creates millionaires and billionaires and contributes to the widening gap between "rich" and "poor" people. You prefer a Communist system.
A free market capitalist system does not function without government providing essentials to the economy. Your claim that government only functions as a drain on the economy is ludicrous

Again, moron... NO ONE is complaining about essential services. Conservative arguments for smaller more limited government do not call for removal of essential services. Demanding FEDERAL government adhere to Article I Section 8 of the Constitution is not radical extremism.

I never said the government ONLY functions as a drain on the economy and I disagree with that statement. There are lots of things government can do to stimulate private sector job creation, for instance. And Obama has proven the government is capable of printing and borrowing enough trillions of dollars to keep the economy's head above water for 8 years.

My argument is against the type of government and society you want. You see, I want a Constitutional representative republic where free market capitalism and free enterprise are cherished and embraced. You want a Communist system where the government runs and controls everything and takes care of your every need. Both systems can't coexist and we can't change back and forth every 8 years depending on the letter beside the President's name.

So what is the solution here? Do we need to have a war? Because we can't seem to effectively communicate anymore and all efforts at trying to have civil discourse are ending in failure. I know it seems rather far-fetched, but seriously... that's exactly how civil wars start.

You see, I want a Constitutional representative republic where free market capitalism and free enterprise are cherished and embraced. You want a Communist system where the government runs and controls everything and takes care of your every need. Both systems can't coexist and we can't change back and forth every 8 years depending on the letter beside the President's name.

Demonstrating beyond a doubt who the moron is

Nobody is advocating a communist system, it is obvious you are clueless as to what that is

I do not advocate a big government or a small government. I advocate a right sized government as determined by We the People

Communism is exactly what you advocate, weanie.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Move to Somalia and see your business prosper

An effective government grows the economy, that is why we have the strongest economy in the world and Somalia doesn't. The government creates jobs in both the private and public sector, those jobs help the economy overall.

Why are you bringing up Somalia? They aren't a free market capitalist economy. The reason we have the strongest economy in the world is because it is based on free market economic principles and free enterprise capitalism. But you are opposed to free market capitalism because it creates millionaires and billionaires and contributes to the widening gap between "rich" and "poor" people. You prefer a Communist system.
A free market capitalist system does not function without government providing essentials to the economy. Your claim that government only functions as a drain on the economy is ludicrous

Again, moron... NO ONE is complaining about essential services. Conservative arguments for smaller more limited government do not call for removal of essential services. Demanding FEDERAL government adhere to Article I Section 8 of the Constitution is not radical extremism.

I never said the government ONLY functions as a drain on the economy and I disagree with that statement. There are lots of things government can do to stimulate private sector job creation, for instance. And Obama has proven the government is capable of printing and borrowing enough trillions of dollars to keep the economy's head above water for 8 years.

My argument is against the type of government and society you want. You see, I want a Constitutional representative republic where free market capitalism and free enterprise are cherished and embraced. You want a Communist system where the government runs and controls everything and takes care of your every need. Both systems can't coexist and we can't change back and forth every 8 years depending on the letter beside the President's name.

So what is the solution here? Do we need to have a war? Because we can't seem to effectively communicate anymore and all efforts at trying to have civil discourse are ending in failure. I know it seems rather far-fetched, but seriously... that's exactly how civil wars start.

You see, I want a Constitutional representative republic where free market capitalism and free enterprise are cherished and embraced. You want a Communist system where the government runs and controls everything and takes care of your every need. Both systems can't coexist and we can't change back and forth every 8 years depending on the letter beside the President's name.

Demonstrating beyond a doubt who the moron is

Nobody is advocating a communist system, it is obvious you are clueless as to what that is

I do not advocate a big government or a small government. I advocate a right sized government as determined by We the People

Communism is exactly what you advocate, weanie.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Your commie, commie, commie act went out in the 50's
A single toll road vs the millions of miles of roads provided by government, you have a long way to go

M-kay... YOU said:
Are you proposing we sit back and let the free market provide infrastucture? Complete lunacy, you want to pay a toll every half mile?

I replied:
Hmmm.... Has anyone EVER encountered a privately-owned toll road?

Then your quoted response above. Doesn't make sense. :dunno:

My point was, the government is the only people I know of who collect tolls on roads. I've never encountered a privately-owned toll road and just wondered if anyone had. It sounded like you didn't want the private sector to handle infrastructure because we'd have toll roads every half mile... but private sector capitalists don't build toll roads.

And while we're on this quote... GOVERNMENT doesn't provide ANY goddamn thing. WE provide... in the form of taxes, or in some cases, tolls. Government has no other source of income other than the taxpayers. It doesn't produce anything for profit.

You totally miss the point....the Government IS We the People

Read the Preamble to the Constitution
The Government creates millions of jobs

2 million federal employees, state and local employees, policemen, firemen, teachers....

The entire defense industry is created by the governement

Who are then payed by the tax payer. Robbing Peter to pay Paul.

No you are not

Taxpayers are paying for services they demand

Really? I know damn well I dont demand more IRS employees.

IRS is one of the few agencies that make money

Adding more IRS employees makes multiples of his salary.

By the way it is the IRS which has continually asked for the tax code to be made simpler and congress has refused.
Why are you bringing up Somalia? They aren't a free market capitalist economy. The reason we have the strongest economy in the world is because it is based on free market economic principles and free enterprise capitalism. But you are opposed to free market capitalism because it creates millionaires and billionaires and contributes to the widening gap between "rich" and "poor" people. You prefer a Communist system.
A free market capitalist system does not function without government providing essentials to the economy. Your claim that government only functions as a drain on the economy is ludicrous

Again, moron... NO ONE is complaining about essential services. Conservative arguments for smaller more limited government do not call for removal of essential services. Demanding FEDERAL government adhere to Article I Section 8 of the Constitution is not radical extremism.

I never said the government ONLY functions as a drain on the economy and I disagree with that statement. There are lots of things government can do to stimulate private sector job creation, for instance. And Obama has proven the government is capable of printing and borrowing enough trillions of dollars to keep the economy's head above water for 8 years.

My argument is against the type of government and society you want. You see, I want a Constitutional representative republic where free market capitalism and free enterprise are cherished and embraced. You want a Communist system where the government runs and controls everything and takes care of your every need. Both systems can't coexist and we can't change back and forth every 8 years depending on the letter beside the President's name.

So what is the solution here? Do we need to have a war? Because we can't seem to effectively communicate anymore and all efforts at trying to have civil discourse are ending in failure. I know it seems rather far-fetched, but seriously... that's exactly how civil wars start.

You see, I want a Constitutional representative republic where free market capitalism and free enterprise are cherished and embraced. You want a Communist system where the government runs and controls everything and takes care of your every need. Both systems can't coexist and we can't change back and forth every 8 years depending on the letter beside the President's name.

Demonstrating beyond a doubt who the moron is

Nobody is advocating a communist system, it is obvious you are clueless as to what that is

I do not advocate a big government or a small government. I advocate a right sized government as determined by We the People

Communism is exactly what you advocate, weanie.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Your commie, commie, commie act went out in the 50's

Unfortunately commie traitors like you didn't go out in the 50s. Instead you multiplied and took over our government.
A single toll road vs the millions of miles of roads provided by government, you have a long way to go

M-kay... YOU said:
Are you proposing we sit back and let the free market provide infrastucture? Complete lunacy, you want to pay a toll every half mile?

I replied:
Hmmm.... Has anyone EVER encountered a privately-owned toll road?

Then your quoted response above. Doesn't make sense. :dunno:

My point was, the government is the only people I know of who collect tolls on roads. I've never encountered a privately-owned toll road and just wondered if anyone had. It sounded like you didn't want the private sector to handle infrastructure because we'd have toll roads every half mile... but private sector capitalists don't build toll roads.

And while we're on this quote... GOVERNMENT doesn't provide ANY goddamn thing. WE provide... in the form of taxes, or in some cases, tolls. Government has no other source of income other than the taxpayers. It doesn't produce anything for profit.

You totally miss the point....the Government IS We the People

Read the Preamble to the Constitution

Wrong. We are definitely not the government. If I was, then why can't I stop paying taxes?
A single toll road vs the millions of miles of roads provided by government, you have a long way to go

M-kay... YOU said:
Are you proposing we sit back and let the free market provide infrastucture? Complete lunacy, you want to pay a toll every half mile?

I replied:
Hmmm.... Has anyone EVER encountered a privately-owned toll road?

Then your quoted response above. Doesn't make sense. :dunno:

My point was, the government is the only people I know of who collect tolls on roads. I've never encountered a privately-owned toll road and just wondered if anyone had. It sounded like you didn't want the private sector to handle infrastructure because we'd have toll roads every half mile... but private sector capitalists don't build toll roads.

And while we're on this quote... GOVERNMENT doesn't provide ANY goddamn thing. WE provide... in the form of taxes, or in some cases, tolls. Government has no other source of income other than the taxpayers. It doesn't produce anything for profit.

You totally miss the point....the Government IS We the People

Read the Preamble to the Constitution

No, the government is not the same as We The People.

Let's do read the Preamble:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

You'll notice it doesn't say "We the people are henceforth, The Government."

What it says is, We the people establish this Constitution. The "government" doesn't exist yet... the Constitution will outline the powers the government will have. It outlines a government with three equal branches, the legislative, executive and judicial. It outlines how we elect or appoint those positions. At no point does the Constitution indicate the government becomes 'one' with those who control it.
A single toll road vs the millions of miles of roads provided by government, you have a long way to go

M-kay... YOU said:
Are you proposing we sit back and let the free market provide infrastucture? Complete lunacy, you want to pay a toll every half mile?

I replied:
Hmmm.... Has anyone EVER encountered a privately-owned toll road?

Then your quoted response above. Doesn't make sense. :dunno:

My point was, the government is the only people I know of who collect tolls on roads. I've never encountered a privately-owned toll road and just wondered if anyone had. It sounded like you didn't want the private sector to handle infrastructure because we'd have toll roads every half mile... but private sector capitalists don't build toll roads.

And while we're on this quote... GOVERNMENT doesn't provide ANY goddamn thing. WE provide... in the form of taxes, or in some cases, tolls. Government has no other source of income other than the taxpayers. It doesn't produce anything for profit.

You totally miss the point....the Government IS We the People

Read the Preamble to the Constitution

Wrong. We are definitely not the government. If I was, then why can't I stop paying taxes?

Sure you can

Use your constitutional rights to seek the repeal of all taxes. If you can get enough We the People to go along, you can do it

Good luck anarchist
A single toll road vs the millions of miles of roads provided by government, you have a long way to go

M-kay... YOU said:
Are you proposing we sit back and let the free market provide infrastucture? Complete lunacy, you want to pay a toll every half mile?

I replied:
Hmmm.... Has anyone EVER encountered a privately-owned toll road?

Then your quoted response above. Doesn't make sense. :dunno:

My point was, the government is the only people I know of who collect tolls on roads. I've never encountered a privately-owned toll road and just wondered if anyone had. It sounded like you didn't want the private sector to handle infrastructure because we'd have toll roads every half mile... but private sector capitalists don't build toll roads.

And while we're on this quote... GOVERNMENT doesn't provide ANY goddamn thing. WE provide... in the form of taxes, or in some cases, tolls. Government has no other source of income other than the taxpayers. It doesn't produce anything for profit.

You totally miss the point....the Government IS We the People

Read the Preamble to the Constitution

No, the government is not the same as We The People.

Let's do read the Preamble:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

You'll notice it doesn't say "We the people are henceforth, The Government."

What it says is, We the people establish this Constitution. The "government" doesn't exist yet... the Constitution will outline the powers the government will have. It outlines a government with three equal branches, the legislative, executive and judicial. It outlines how we elect or appoint those positions. At no point does the Constitution indicate the government becomes 'one' with those who control it.
Sad that you miss the power of our Constitution

We the People established the constitution of our own government. That constitution enabled common men to elect their own representatives in that government
A single toll road vs the millions of miles of roads provided by government, you have a long way to go

M-kay... YOU said:
Are you proposing we sit back and let the free market provide infrastucture? Complete lunacy, you want to pay a toll every half mile?

I replied:
Hmmm.... Has anyone EVER encountered a privately-owned toll road?

Then your quoted response above. Doesn't make sense. :dunno:

My point was, the government is the only people I know of who collect tolls on roads. I've never encountered a privately-owned toll road and just wondered if anyone had. It sounded like you didn't want the private sector to handle infrastructure because we'd have toll roads every half mile... but private sector capitalists don't build toll roads.

And while we're on this quote... GOVERNMENT doesn't provide ANY goddamn thing. WE provide... in the form of taxes, or in some cases, tolls. Government has no other source of income other than the taxpayers. It doesn't produce anything for profit.

You totally miss the point....the Government IS We the People

Read the Preamble to the Constitution

Wrong. We are definitely not the government. If I was, then why can't I stop paying taxes?

Sure you can

Use your constitutional rights to seek the repeal of all taxes. If you can get enough We the People to go along, you can do it

Good luck anarchist

In other words, I can't. The vast majority of people want the border sealed. They vote accordingly. Has the border been sealed?

Nope. Your theory of us being the government is obviously a fiction.
A single toll road vs the millions of miles of roads provided by government, you have a long way to go

M-kay... YOU said:
Are you proposing we sit back and let the free market provide infrastucture? Complete lunacy, you want to pay a toll every half mile?

I replied:
Hmmm.... Has anyone EVER encountered a privately-owned toll road?

Then your quoted response above. Doesn't make sense. :dunno:

My point was, the government is the only people I know of who collect tolls on roads. I've never encountered a privately-owned toll road and just wondered if anyone had. It sounded like you didn't want the private sector to handle infrastructure because we'd have toll roads every half mile... but private sector capitalists don't build toll roads.

And while we're on this quote... GOVERNMENT doesn't provide ANY goddamn thing. WE provide... in the form of taxes, or in some cases, tolls. Government has no other source of income other than the taxpayers. It doesn't produce anything for profit.

You totally miss the point....the Government IS We the People

Read the Preamble to the Constitution

Wrong. We are definitely not the government. If I was, then why can't I stop paying taxes?

Sure you can

Use your constitutional rights to seek the repeal of all taxes. If you can get enough We the People to go along, you can do it

Good luck anarchist

In other words, I can't. The vast majority of people want the border sealed. They vote accordingly. Has the border been sealed?

Nope. Your theory of us being the government is obviously a fiction.

The border can't be sealed 100%. It is a simplistic fantasy of the right wing
Building a wall or a fence is just another conservative proposal that will never be attained because they will never approve of raising revenue to pay for it. They will not approve a one percent raise in taxes for people making over ten million dollars a year or a one cent per gallon tax on gasoline to pay for their proposed wall and fence.
Building a wall or a fence is just another conservative proposal that will never be attained because they will never approve of raising revenue to pay for it. They will not approve a one percent raise in taxes for people making over ten million dollars a year or a one cent per gallon tax on gasoline to pay for their proposed wall and fence.

But Trump says he will make Mexico pay for it
M-kay... YOU said:
Are you proposing we sit back and let the free market provide infrastucture? Complete lunacy, you want to pay a toll every half mile?

I replied:
Hmmm.... Has anyone EVER encountered a privately-owned toll road?

Then your quoted response above. Doesn't make sense. :dunno:

My point was, the government is the only people I know of who collect tolls on roads. I've never encountered a privately-owned toll road and just wondered if anyone had. It sounded like you didn't want the private sector to handle infrastructure because we'd have toll roads every half mile... but private sector capitalists don't build toll roads.

And while we're on this quote... GOVERNMENT doesn't provide ANY goddamn thing. WE provide... in the form of taxes, or in some cases, tolls. Government has no other source of income other than the taxpayers. It doesn't produce anything for profit.

You totally miss the point....the Government IS We the People

Read the Preamble to the Constitution

Wrong. We are definitely not the government. If I was, then why can't I stop paying taxes?

Sure you can

Use your constitutional rights to seek the repeal of all taxes. If you can get enough We the People to go along, you can do it

Good luck anarchist

In other words, I can't. The vast majority of people want the border sealed. They vote accordingly. Has the border been sealed?

Nope. Your theory of us being the government is obviously a fiction.

The border can't be sealed 100%. It is a simplistic fantasy of the right wing
They can be sealed 95%, and that's good enough.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
You totally miss the point....the Government IS We the People

Read the Preamble to the Constitution

Wrong. We are definitely not the government. If I was, then why can't I stop paying taxes?

Sure you can

Use your constitutional rights to seek the repeal of all taxes. If you can get enough We the People to go along, you can do it

Good luck anarchist

In other words, I can't. The vast majority of people want the border sealed. They vote accordingly. Has the border been sealed?

Nope. Your theory of us being the government is obviously a fiction.

The border can't be sealed 100%. It is a simplistic fantasy of the right wing
They can be sealed 95%, and that's good enough.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Half of all illegal immigrants never crossed the border illegally, how is a bigger fence going to stop that?
A single toll road vs the millions of miles of roads provided by government, you have a long way to go

M-kay... YOU said:
Are you proposing we sit back and let the free market provide infrastucture? Complete lunacy, you want to pay a toll every half mile?

I replied:
Hmmm.... Has anyone EVER encountered a privately-owned toll road?

Then your quoted response above. Doesn't make sense. :dunno:

My point was, the government is the only people I know of who collect tolls on roads. I've never encountered a privately-owned toll road and just wondered if anyone had. It sounded like you didn't want the private sector to handle infrastructure because we'd have toll roads every half mile... but private sector capitalists don't build toll roads.

And while we're on this quote... GOVERNMENT doesn't provide ANY goddamn thing. WE provide... in the form of taxes, or in some cases, tolls. Government has no other source of income other than the taxpayers. It doesn't produce anything for profit.

You totally miss the point....the Government IS We the People

Read the Preamble to the Constitution

No, the government is not the same as We The People.

Let's do read the Preamble:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

You'll notice it doesn't say "We the people are henceforth, The Government."

What it says is, We the people establish this Constitution. The "government" doesn't exist yet... the Constitution will outline the powers the government will have. It outlines a government with three equal branches, the legislative, executive and judicial. It outlines how we elect or appoint those positions. At no point does the Constitution indicate the government becomes 'one' with those who control it.
Sad that you miss the power of our Constitution

We the People established the constitution of our own government. That constitution enabled common men to elect their own representatives in that government

Again... YOU said "We The People ARE the Government!" I challenged that with the very source you cited, the Preamble of the Constitution. Now you are walking back your previous statement and admitting that it was flawed. Man established the Constitution which outlines the structure of the government.

No, the Constitution did not enable man... Men enabled the Constitution. Men are enabled by their Creator who endowed them with inalienable rights, including the right to self-govern.
A single toll road vs the millions of miles of roads provided by government, you have a long way to go

M-kay... YOU said:
Are you proposing we sit back and let the free market provide infrastucture? Complete lunacy, you want to pay a toll every half mile?

I replied:
Hmmm.... Has anyone EVER encountered a privately-owned toll road?

Then your quoted response above. Doesn't make sense. :dunno:

My point was, the government is the only people I know of who collect tolls on roads. I've never encountered a privately-owned toll road and just wondered if anyone had. It sounded like you didn't want the private sector to handle infrastructure because we'd have toll roads every half mile... but private sector capitalists don't build toll roads.

And while we're on this quote... GOVERNMENT doesn't provide ANY goddamn thing. WE provide... in the form of taxes, or in some cases, tolls. Government has no other source of income other than the taxpayers. It doesn't produce anything for profit.

You totally miss the point....the Government IS We the People

Read the Preamble to the Constitution

No, the government is not the same as We The People.

Let's do read the Preamble:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

You'll notice it doesn't say "We the people are henceforth, The Government."

What it says is, We the people establish this Constitution. The "government" doesn't exist yet... the Constitution will outline the powers the government will have. It outlines a government with three equal branches, the legislative, executive and judicial. It outlines how we elect or appoint those positions. At no point does the Constitution indicate the government becomes 'one' with those who control it.
Sad that you miss the power of our Constitution

We the People established the constitution of our own government. That constitution enabled common men to elect their own representatives in that government

Again... YOU said "We The People ARE the Government!" I challenged that with the very source you cited, the Preamble of the Constitution. Now you are walking back your previous statement and admitting that it was flawed. Man established the Constitution which outlines the structure of the government.

No, the Constitution did not enable man... Men enabled the Constitution. Men are enabled by their Creator who endowed them with inalienable rights, including the right to self-govern.

You obviously have no clue as to what "We the People" entails
I never said We the People are the government....I said the Government is us. We the People created it, We the People elect the representatives, We the People fund it

"Men are enabled by their Creator who endowed them with inalienable rights, including the right to self-govern" This is from the Declaration of Independence not the Constitution
You are as usual, confused.

The government does NOT create jobs and both Bush and Trump would tell you that. If you had a functioning brain cell to your name, you'd know what they meant but you are an idiot so it has to be explained to you.

What they mean is to create an environment where private businesses can create jobs. Like reducing taxes, giving tax incentives, cutting regulations, and basically getting the goverent out if the way.

Another ignorant left wing nut thread killed. My job is done here.
Shove that right wing bullshit up your ass, fuckface.

I personally worked on a DOE contract for 4 years. That's 4 years collecting a paycheck. That's 4 years with a fucking job, you asshole.

Furthermore, it doesn't matter how much taxes or regulations are reduced, the only thing that creates jobs, is demand. No company, let me repeat, NO COMPANY is going to invest capitol in a market that's not in demand.

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