Conservatism is not an ideology it is a reactionology

Republicans will withhold food from a hundred people on the chance that one of them does not need it while democrats will feed a hundred people on the chance one of them is starving.

Another knee-jerk reaction, based on fear of conservatives.
I fear nothing but I do despise how readily conservatives can lay their hands on an excuse to abandon Americans to the misery they have caused.

Untrue. Even though your side won the election, you still have the overwhelming need to strike out at Trump, conservatives, and the Republican party.

That's got to be some mighty powerful fear you people have bottled up inside, that you can't let go.
You seriously haven't realized what the capital attack did to the republican brand have you?

There was a riot by a minority of the protestors who were otherwise peaceful. This incident was unfortunate but not significant.

It is significant in that the right thinks they can disavow the insurrection without disavowing the violent ideology or the leader that caused it. Doesn't work that way.
It is significant in that the right thinks they can disavow the insurrection without disavowing the violent ideology or the leader that caused it. Doesn't work that way.

As I said in another thread:

The narrative of an insurrection at the Capitol just doesn't hold up to the most basic examination:

  • Some 100,000 people attend the protest and the vast majority are peaceful
  • The minority who went inside the Capitol had doors and gates open for them by Capitol police
  • The "weapons" that some frustrated protestors had in their possession were flag poles, hockey sticks, bats but no guns (and yet we are a country of gun owners)
  • We are told that an officer was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher and later we are told that there was no blunt force trauma suffered by the officer
  • When protestors inside the Capitol are asked to leave, most leave peacefully
The only reason I can see for calling this an insurrection is to activate article 1, section 8 of the Constitution of the United States which gives power to congress " to provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions."

Calling it an insurrection gives power to Congress. That is the only reason the protest was labeled an insurrection.

Republicans will withhold food from a hundred people on the chance that one of them does not need it while democrats will feed a hundred people on the chance one of them is starving.
Well, let's find the hungry people and feed them.
Traditional conservatism is not what’s going on today. Reactionaries have taken the mantle and transmogrified the definition.
We're seeing both ends of the political spectrum divide, within themselves, between traditional conservatism/liberalism and left/right wing authoritarianism.

Dangerous times.
Hear me out. Conservatism has no ideological tenants instead it is simply a reactionary tribe armed together to oppose changing an acknowledged imbalance of privilege.

“Conservatism is a reactionary movement, and by that I mean that it’s primarily a reaction against actual social movements involving the lower classes, or people on the bottom.” - Corey Robin (1)

Look only as far back as Trump’s takeover of conservatism without any alignment with the claimed tenants of the Republican Party- fiscal responsibility, Christian Morals, free trade. At odds to the core with conservative pseudo principles. (2) These principles are malleable because they are not part of the ideology. There is no ideology or principles save one:

Keep acknowledged imbalances of privilege in place at all costs.

The reactionology is loud now and under attach now more than ever due to the historical imbalances in equity in place in America today than at any other time (3) which requires serious organization and propaganda to protect from the ever swelling voices of the underclass.

At the end of the day conservatism is inoperative, unprincipled, dangerous, (4) and I will add anti American.

The conservative movement was destined to produce Trump


Charts of the Week: The racial wealth gap; the middle-class income slump

Three Problems with Conservatism
A conservative is a person that understands the danger of centralized power, and fights it. Problem is, the entire Federal government has been weaponized by Progressives by centralizing all power to it. Now the Federal government throws money at every man, woman, child, and nation on the globe, with the hopes of engineering power and influence therein. The US now has the largest debt in human history and is exploding exponentially. Soon the bubble will burst, a path that will more than likely destroy the Republic. But all you will hear from the press is that the man in the Viking hat tried to take over the Capital and destroy the Republic, that and the unarmed woman shot dead.

There is no place for a conservative in the system, Ron Paul was the closest thing to it and the press ignored him, unlike how they treated Trump with all the press and fanfare. After all, bad press is better than no press, as they say in show business. Deep down, they really wanted Trump and you want him back as well cuz you love to hate him. He is an easy target after all as it takes peoples eyes off how horrible and despotic their own party is..
Republicans will withhold food from a hundred people on the chance that one of them does not need it while democrats will feed a hundred people on the chance one of them is starving.

Another knee-jerk reaction, based on fear of conservatives.
I fear nothing but I do despise how readily conservatives can lay their hands on an excuse to abandon Americans to the misery they have caused.
I fear nothing but I do despise how readily conservatives can lay their hands on an excuse to abandon Americans to the misery they have caused
Yes. As they are doing in regard to 1/6 and they just did in Texas.
Republicans will withhold food from a hundred people on the chance that one of them does not need it while democrats will feed a hundred people on the chance one of them is starving.

Another knee-jerk reaction, based on fear of conservatives.
I fear nothing but I do despise how readily conservatives can lay their hands on an excuse to abandon Americans to the misery they have caused.

Untrue. Even though your side won the election, you still have the overwhelming need to strike out at Trump, conservatives, and the Republican party.

That's got to be some mighty powerful fear you people have bottled up inside, that you can't let go.
You seriously haven't realized what the capital attack did to the republican brand have you?

I seriously relize a lot of things, many of which you can't even begin to comprehend. There was no "capital attack." It was a protest that got out of hand after leftist elements broke through the barricades and waved Trump-supporters into the building. Nobody brought a firearm into the building and the only person who was killed was shot by some capitol security person.
Conservationism in the US is:

Taking personal responsibility for your own well being

Opposing the government depriving the people of Liberty

Fighting against the Liberal agenda to turn the US into a soulless destructive Socialist shithole.

Desiring to make America Great again
Hear me out. Conservatism has no ideological tenants instead it is simply a reactionary tribe armed together to oppose changing an acknowledged imbalance of privilege.

“Conservatism is a reactionary movement, and by that I mean that it’s primarily a reaction against actual social movements involving the lower classes, or people on the bottom.” - Corey Robin (1)

Look only as far back as Trump’s takeover of conservatism without any alignment with the claimed tenants of the Republican Party- fiscal responsibility, Christian Morals, free trade. At odds to the core with conservative pseudo principles. (2) These principles are malleable because they are not part of the ideology. There is no ideology or principles save one:

Keep acknowledged imbalances of privilege in place at all costs.

The reactionology is loud now and under attach now more than ever due to the historical imbalances in equity in place in America today than at any other time (3) which requires serious organization and propaganda to protect from the ever swelling voices of the underclass.

At the end of the day conservatism is inoperative, unprincipled, dangerous, (4) and I will add anti American.

The conservative movement was destined to produce Trump


Charts of the Week: The racial wealth gap; the middle-class income slump

Three Problems with Conservatism
Conservatism has not been practiced in DC for decades. There are also only a handful of true conservatives in DC.

Your thread is a massive failure because you, like your sources, have no idea what you're talking about.
Trump was never a conservative nor did he represent conservative values.
Trump won because people were sick of the status quo. It really was that simple. It wasn't Russia or some grand conspiracy, it was just pissed off voters.

Your inability to recognize that and temper your platform/political ambitions will be the reason you will not hold onto the power you've been given. The people don't want to hear you whine about the right, they want to see results.
Conservatives act, based on facts.. Liberals can only react, based entirely on emotions.

“Stop the steal”!

The facts clearly show that the election was stolen.
The facts clearly show that the election was stolen.
You emotion leads you to believe that. The facts show the opposite.

Not emotional, I'm stoic as an Indian. I just know how Democrats roll because I was one once upon a time.
Conservatives act, based on facts.. Liberals can only react, based entirely on emotions.

“Stop the steal”!

The facts clearly show that the election was stolen.
The facts clearly show that the election was stolen.
You emotion leads you to believe that. The facts show the opposite.

Not emotional, I'm stoic as an Indian. I just know how Democrats roll because I was one once upon a time.
Not emotional, I'm stoic as an Indian. I just know how Democrats roll because I was one once upon a time.
Emotions aren’t only expressed by apoplectic displays. They can cloud your judgement. Your “feelings” about Democrats have you believing fantasy over objective reality. Have you believing in an impracticable conspiracy to “steal” the election rather than the reality that an unpopular president who never had an approval higher than 50% simply received fewer votes than his opponent.

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