Conservatism is not an ideology it is a reactionology

Conservatism as a coherent ideology is dead and buried.
Republicans will withhold food from a hundred people on the chance that one of them does not need it while democrats will feed a hundred people on the chance one of them is starving.

Another knee-jerk reaction, based on fear of conservatives.
I fear nothing but I do despise how readily conservatives can lay their hands on an excuse to abandon Americans to the misery they have caused.
what about the misery democrats cause?...both parties have caused quite a bit of misery over the years...
Hear me out. Conservatism has no ideological tenants instead it is simply a reactionary tribe armed together to oppose changing an acknowledged imbalance of privilege.

“Conservatism is a reactionary movement, and by that I mean that it’s primarily a reaction against actual social movements involving the lower classes, or people on the bottom.” - Corey Robin (1)

Look only as far back as Trump’s takeover of conservatism without any alignment with the claimed tenants of the Republican Party- fiscal responsibility, Christian Morals, free trade. At odds to the core with conservative pseudo principles. (2) These principles are malleable because they are not part of the ideology. There is no ideology or principles save one:

Keep acknowledged imbalances of privilege in place at all costs.

The reactionology is loud now and under attach now more than ever due to the historical imbalances in equity in place in America today than at any other time (3) which requires serious organization and propaganda to protect from the ever swelling voices of the underclass.

At the end of the day conservatism is inoperative, unprincipled, dangerous, (4) and I will add anti American.

The conservative movement was destined to produce Trump


Charts of the Week: The racial wealth gap; the middle-class income slump

Three Problems with Conservatism

^ Moron of the week!
Hear me out. Conservatism has no ideological tenants instead it is simply a reactionary tribe armed together to oppose changing an acknowledged imbalance of privilege.

“Conservatism is a reactionary movement, and by that I mean that it’s primarily a reaction against actual social movements involving the lower classes, or people on the bottom.” - Corey Robin (1)

Look only as far back as Trump’s takeover of conservatism without any alignment with the claimed tenants of the Republican Party- fiscal responsibility, Christian Morals, free trade. At odds to the core with conservative pseudo principles. (2) These principles are malleable because they are not part of the ideology. There is no ideology or principles save one:

Keep acknowledged imbalances of privilege in place at all costs.

The reactionology is loud now and under attach now more than ever due to the historical imbalances in equity in place in America today than at any other time (3) which requires serious organization and propaganda to protect from the ever swelling voices of the underclass.

At the end of the day conservatism is inoperative, unprincipled, dangerous, (4) and I will add anti American.

The conservative movement was destined to produce Trump


Charts of the Week: The racial wealth gap; the middle-class income slump

Three Problems with Conservatism

Conservatives act, based on facts.. Liberals can only react, based entirely on emotions.
That is neither supported by the fact-voided leader of the right not an argument for any ideology. Fail.

You just proved what I said. What you just posted was based on emotion and truthfully, wasn't even a coherent statement.

Please translate that into English for me if you can.
Just typed not instead of nor. You provided no support for any ideology. Just a hit and run insult.
Hear me out. Conservatism has no ideological tenants instead it is simply a reactionary tribe armed together to oppose changing an acknowledged imbalance of privilege.

“Conservatism is a reactionary movement, and by that I mean that it’s primarily a reaction against actual social movements involving the lower classes, or people on the bottom.” - Corey Robin (1)

Look only as far back as Trump’s takeover of conservatism without any alignment with the claimed tenants of the Republican Party- fiscal responsibility, Christian Morals, free trade. At odds to the core with conservative pseudo principles. (2) These principles are malleable because they are not part of the ideology. There is no ideology or principles save one:

Keep acknowledged imbalances of privilege in place at all costs.

The reactionology is loud now and under attach now more than ever due to the historical imbalances in equity in place in America today than at any other time (3) which requires serious organization and propaganda to protect from the ever swelling voices of the underclass.

At the end of the day conservatism is inoperative, unprincipled, dangerous, (4) and I will add anti American.

The conservative movement was destined to produce Trump


Charts of the Week: The racial wealth gap; the middle-class income slump

Three Problems with Conservatism
How about just plain logic:

#1) Wars are bad. Let's not fight them unless we have to.
#2) Small Gov't and personal freedoms are good.
#3) Military spend is good as it prevents wars hopefully.
#4) Religion is fine for those that need it and lack of faith fine for those that don't. Personal choice.
#5) Border security is important. We pay taxes to be kept safe.
#6) Healthcare is important but so is choice. Anything the Gov't touches is generally a lot worse than what happens in the private sector. See #2.
#7) Men are men and women are women. Keep it simple stupid. Stop the whole one may choose their gender. It sounds idiotic and is unfair to women.
#8) There is no systemic racism in the US. A black man has the same exact legal rights in America as a white man.
#9) Pro Life/Pro Choice....see #2. Personal freedoms matter.
#10) It is OK to agree to disagree. Calling people racist because you disagree with them is stupid.

Take a word of advice, leftist. Try your very best not to offend someone. Try even harder not to be offended. You're welcome, snowflake.
Conservatives act, based on facts.. Liberals can only react, based entirely on emotions.
That is neither supported by the fact-voided leader of the right not an argument for any ideology. Fail.

You just proved what I said. What you just posted was based on emotion and truthfully, wasn't even a coherent statement.

Please translate that into English for me if you can.
Just typed not instead of nor. You provided no support for any ideology. Just a hit and run insult.

I addressed your point seriously and honestly. Trumpism is a paleoconservatism, a very serious and conservative ideology.

That it is not Free Market Ideology, does not mean it is not conservatism.
Conservatism just means saying NO to everything
Unfunded tax breaks for the rich and corporations is a YES. See? They’ll say yes to support established power structures. They just won’t improve the bottom of the rung. It’s trickle nowhere policy.

"unfunded tax breaks" just shows that you think that everything in the nation belongs to teh government.
Conservatives act, based on facts.. Liberals can only react, based entirely on emotions.
That is neither supported by the fact-voided leader of the right not an argument for any ideology. Fail.

You just proved what I said. What you just posted was based on emotion and truthfully, wasn't even a coherent statement.

Please translate that into English for me if you can.
Just typed not instead of nor. You provided no support for any ideology. Just a hit and run insult.

I addressed your point seriously and honestly. Trumpism is a paleoconservatism, a very serious and conservative ideology.

That it is not Free Market Ideology, does not mean it is not conservatism.
You didn't type any of that you said “emotions vs facts bye loser”. I’m paraphrasing. I don’t know what paleo conservatives are. I’ll need to google since you don’t want to explain how the current conservative ideology to simply protect existing power centers has any other agenda.
Conservatism just means saying NO to everything
Unfunded tax breaks for the rich and corporations is a YES. See? They’ll say yes to support established power structures. They just won’t improve the bottom of the rung. It’s trickle nowhere policy.

"unfunded tax breaks" just shows that you think that everything in the nation belongs to teh government.
It doesn’t. You can’t explain why the lowest contribution rate by rich in history is ok and why the inequity at historical gaps is ok.
  • Freedom of speech
  • Self-reliance
  • States rights allowing each state electorate to decide how to spend, educate and regulate its activities
  • Small federal government
  • Accountability for politicians
  • Workfare not welfare
Just a few points I believe essential to a healthy society.

This is why conservatives don't act. Because they don't impose.

They only react to imposition.
Conservatives act, based on facts.. Liberals can only react, based entirely on emotions.
That is neither supported by the fact-voided leader of the right not an argument for any ideology. Fail.

You just proved what I said. What you just posted was based on emotion and truthfully, wasn't even a coherent statement.

Please translate that into English for me if you can.
Just typed not instead of nor. You provided no support for any ideology. Just a hit and run insult.

I addressed your point seriously and honestly. Trumpism is a paleoconservatism, a very serious and conservative ideology.

That it is not Free Market Ideology, does not mean it is not conservatism.
You didn't type any of that you said “emotions vs facts bye loser”. I’m paraphrasing. I don’t know what paleo conservatives are. I’ll need to google since you don’t want to explain how the current conservative ideology to simply protect existing power centers has any other agenda.

Hint: Conservatives are individuals, we have not evolved into a hive mind, like you liberal have.

(purposeful use of singular tense there)

Paleoconservatism is a political philosophy and variety of conservatism in the United States stressing American nationalism, Christian ethics, regionalism, and traditionalist conservatism. Paleoconservatism's concerns overlap with those of the Old Right that opposed the New Deal in the 1930s and 1940s[1] as well as with paleolibertarianism[2][3] and right-wing populism

According to the international relations scholar Michael Foley, "paleoconservatives press for restrictions on immigration, a rollback of multicultural programs and large-scale demographic change, the decentralization of federal policy, the restoration of controls upon free trade, a greater emphasis upon economic nationalism and non-interventionism in the conduct of American foreign policy"
The entire thread is weak sauce. Why are we labeling people. I am an Independent but that just means I think for myself and don't put myself in a corner or tie myself to one political party/ideology.
Here me out. Conservatism has no ideological tenants instead it is simply a reactionary tribe armed together to oppose changing an acknowledged imbalance of privilege.

“Conservatism is a reactionary movement, and by that I mean that it’s primarily a reaction against actual social movements involving the lower classes, or people on the bottom.” - Corey Robin (1)

Look only as far back as Trump’s takeover of conservatism without any alignment with the claimed tenants of the Republican Party- fiscal responsibility, Christian Morals, free trade. At odds to the core with conservative pseudo principles. (2) These principles are malleable because they are not part of the ideology. There is no ideology or principles save one:

Keep acknowledged imbalances of privilege in place at all costs.

The reactionology is loud now and under attach now more than ever due to the historical imbalances in equity in place in America today than at any other time (3) which requires serious organization and propaganda to protect from the ever swelling voices of the underclass.

At the end of the day conservatism is inoperative, unprincipled, dangerous, (4) and I will add anti American.

The conservative movement was destined to produce Trump


Charts of the Week: The racial wealth gap; the middle-class income slump

Three Problems with Conservatism
It depends on how you define the term "conservatism". Ask a lot of these obedient Trumpsters here, and they'll admit that Trump isn't a conservative. I've even had a few admit that conservatism, as we knew it, is all but dead.

Many of them think of Trump (of all fucking people) as a populist. So on the right, we have two somewhat similar but still different, separate and competing ideologies: Traditional conservatism and Trumpism, a weird mixture of populism, cafeteria libertarianism, rage, ignorance and paranoia.

Limited government? Fiscal responsibility? Conservative values? Fuck them. Trumpism is its own animal, and Trumpsters are willing to destroy this whole thing if they don't get their way. These are Right Wing authoritarians, just as we've seen before in history.
ok dumb bunny
Utah Idaho are the 2 most conservative states in the Union
Since you're so enlightened tell us how Utah and Idaho are destroy the Country?
States don't destroy the country.

I can see this is pretty complicated for you. I can't help that.
That's an asinine response and you know it.
States are people.
I just blew up your stupid lie.
Utah and Idaho are saturated with conservatives
Your weren't able to show how Utah and Idaho are destroying the country.
You failed.
Here me out. Conservatism has no ideological tenants instead it is simply a reactionary tribe armed together to oppose changing an acknowledged imbalance of privilege.

“Conservatism is a reactionary movement, and by that I mean that it’s primarily a reaction against actual social movements involving the lower classes, or people on the bottom.” - Corey Robin (1)

Look only as far back as Trump’s takeover of conservatism without any alignment with the claimed tenants of the Republican Party- fiscal responsibility, Christian Morals, free trade. At odds to the core with conservative pseudo principles. (2) These principles are malleable because they are not part of the ideology. There is no ideology or principles save one:

Keep acknowledged imbalances of privilege in place at all costs.

The reactionology is loud now and under attach now more than ever due to the historical imbalances in equity in place in America today than at any other time (3) which requires serious organization and propaganda to protect from the ever swelling voices of the underclass.

At the end of the day conservatism is inoperative, unprincipled, dangerous, (4) and I will add anti American.

The conservative movement was destined to produce Trump


Charts of the Week: The racial wealth gap; the middle-class income slump

Three Problems with Conservatism
It depends on how you define the term "conservatism". Ask a lot of these obedient Trumpsters here, and they'll admit that Trump isn't a conservative. I've even had a few admit that conservatism, as we knew it, is all but dead.

Many of them think of Trump (of all fucking people) as a populist. So on the right, we have two somewhat similar but still different, separate and competing ideologies: Traditional conservatism and Trumpism, a weird mixture of populism, cafeteria libertarianism, rage, ignorance and paranoia.

Limited government? Fiscal responsibility? Conservative values? Fuck them. Trumpism is its own animal, and Trumpsters are willing to destroy this whole thing if they don't get their way. These are Right Wing authoritarians, just as we've seen before in history.
ok dumb bunny
Utah Idaho are the 2 most conservative states in the Union
Since you're so enlightened tell us how Utah and Idaho are destroy the Country?
States don't destroy the country.

I can see this is pretty complicated for you. I can't help that.
That's an asinine response and you know it.
States are people.
I just blew up your stupid lie.
Utah and Idaho are saturated with conservatives
Your weren't able to show how Utah and Idaho are destroying the country.
You failed.
In your little world, sure. MAGA.

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