Conservatism is not an ideology it is a reactionology

One could make the exact same claim about liberalism. As much as some people want to pretend otherwise the two sides are not as different as they like to think they are.
Hear me out. Conservatism has no ideological tenants instead it is simply a reactionary tribe armed together to oppose changing an acknowledged imbalance of privilege.

“Conservatism is a reactionary movement, and by that I mean that it’s primarily a reaction against actual social movements involving the lower classes, or people on the bottom.” - Corey Robin (1)

Look only as far back as Trump’s takeover of conservatism without any alignment with the claimed tenants of the Republican Party- fiscal responsibility, Christian Morals, free trade. At odds to the core with conservative pseudo principles. (2) These principles are malleable because they are not part of the ideology. There is no ideology or principles save one:

Keep acknowledged imbalances of privilege in place at all costs.

The reactionology is loud now and under attach now more than ever due to the historical imbalances in equity in place in America today than at any other time (3) which requires serious organization and propaganda to protect from the ever swelling voices of the underclass.

At the end of the day conservatism is inoperative, unprincipled, dangerous, (4) and I will add anti American.

The conservative movement was destined to produce Trump


Charts of the Week: The racial wealth gap; the middle-class income slump

Three Problems with Conservatism

I think you're confusing conservatism with republican-ism.
One could make the exact same claim about liberalism. As much as some people want to pretend otherwise the two sides are not as different as they like to think they are.

There's a HUGE difference between a liberal and a progressive. The problem is, the growing number of progressive voters is so large, that the liberals just don't make an issue out of it, because that would mean losing votes.
Same as the republican vs conservatives.
Hear me out. Conservatism has no ideological tenants instead it is simply a reactionary tribe armed together to oppose changing an acknowledged imbalance of privilege.

“Conservatism is a reactionary movement, and by that I mean that it’s primarily a reaction against actual social movements involving the lower classes, or people on the bottom.” - Corey Robin (1)

Look only as far back as Trump’s takeover of conservatism without any alignment with the claimed tenants of the Republican Party- fiscal responsibility, Christian Morals, free trade. At odds to the core with conservative pseudo principles. (2) These principles are malleable because they are not part of the ideology. There is no ideology or principles save one:

Keep acknowledged imbalances of privilege in place at all costs.

The reactionology is loud now and under attach now more than ever due to the historical imbalances in equity in place in America today than at any other time (3) which requires serious organization and propaganda to protect from the ever swelling voices of the underclass.

At the end of the day conservatism is inoperative, unprincipled, dangerous, (4) and I will add anti American.

The conservative movement was destined to produce Trump


Charts of the Week: The racial wealth gap; the middle-class income slump

Three Problems with Conservatism
Nope. Absolutely not.

Conservatism is the desire to protect the culture as it is from changes that they see as unnecessary. Its ideological opposite, liberalism, desires to make changes (sometimes *drastic* changes) in order to correct social problems that they see as unbearable. In order for our system to work at its best, we need robust, focused, passionate adherents of both sides to send their representatives to DC and have them find our best path, which lies in between both sides. If either side is weakened or shouting away, we either change too quickly and lose established aspects of our culture (see: Prohibition) or we stagnate and fail to keep up with changing ideals and a changing world (see: slavery).

In my experience, those who criticize conservatism as being fundamentally flawed are either a) partisan liberals seeking to demonize their opposition, or b) confusing it with the Republican party.
  • Freedom of speech
  • Self-reliance
  • States rights allowing each state electorate to decide how to spend, educate and regulate its activities
  • Small federal government
  • Accountability for politicians
  • Workfare not welfare
Just a few points I believe essential to a healthy society.

We just watched Trump walk all over those ideals and the right still loves him.
And you think his replacement is any better, if not MUCH MUCH MUCH worse?
Hear me out. Conservatism has no ideological tenants instead it is simply a reactionary tribe armed together to oppose changing an acknowledged imbalance of privilege.

“Conservatism is a reactionary movement, and by that I mean that it’s primarily a reaction against actual social movements involving the lower classes, or people on the bottom.” - Corey Robin (1)

Look only as far back as Trump’s takeover of conservatism without any alignment with the claimed tenants of the Republican Party- fiscal responsibility, Christian Morals, free trade. At odds to the core with conservative pseudo principles. (2) These principles are malleable because they are not part of the ideology. There is no ideology or principles save one:

Keep acknowledged imbalances of privilege in place at all costs.

The reactionology is loud now and under attach now more than ever due to the historical imbalances in equity in place in America today than at any other time (3) which requires serious organization and propaganda to protect from the ever swelling voices of the underclass.

At the end of the day conservatism is inoperative, unprincipled, dangerous, (4) and I will add anti American.

The conservative movement was destined to produce Trump


Charts of the Week: The racial wealth gap; the middle-class income slump

Three Problems with Conservatism
Nope. Absolutely not.

Conservatism is the desire to protect the culture as it is from changes that they see as unnecessary. Its ideological opposite, liberalism, desires to make changes (sometimes *drastic* changes) in order to correct social problems that they see as unbearable. In order for our system to work at its best, we need robust, focused, passionate adherents of both sides to send their representatives to DC and have them find our best path, which lies in between both sides. If either side is weakened or shouting away, we either change too quickly and lose established aspects of our culture (see: Prohibition) or we stagnate and fail to keep up with changing ideals and a changing world (see: slavery).

In my experience, those who criticize conservatism as being fundamentally flawed are either a) partisan liberals seeking to demonize their opposition, or b) confusing it with the Republican party.

Sometimes, even often, change is more than "unnecessary" it is BAD.

Let's try an example.

What is the Conservative, Republican, Liberal, Progressive, Democrat positions on Trade Policy?

The Conservative Position has been controlled mostly by the Free Traders. Though with some resistance from Economic Nationalists.

The Republican Party has been Free Trade, till Trump, who could be a blip.

What of the alternatives?
Republicans will withhold food from a hundred people on the chance that one of them does not need it while democrats will feed a hundred people on the chance one of them is starving.
Hmmm what are you feeding the captive kids in cages at the border Looneybin?
Republicans will withhold food from a hundred people on the chance that one of them does not need it while democrats will feed a hundred people on the chance one of them is starving.

Another knee-jerk reaction, based on fear of conservatives.
I fear nothing but I do despise how readily conservatives can lay their hands on an excuse to abandon Americans to the misery they have caused.
Abandoned who? We pay the lazy dregs to sit at home and anyone who is homeless has chosen that lot.
Conservatives act, based on facts.. Liberals can only react, based entirely on emotions.

Conservatism is unrecognizable these days. Trump is a champion for lies, incompetence, conspiracy theories and gross manners.

You guys should take back the GOP.
It's ironic that the post is based on legendary liberal reactionist Saul Alinsky's dogma. Accuse others of what you are guilty of. Conservatives have the U.S. Constitution. What do liberals have?
Hear me out. Conservatism has no ideological tenants instead it is simply a reactionary tribe armed together to oppose changing an acknowledged imbalance of privilege.

“Conservatism is a reactionary movement, and by that I mean that it’s primarily a reaction against actual social movements involving the lower classes, or people on the bottom.” - Corey Robin (1)

Look only as far back as Trump’s takeover of conservatism without any alignment with the claimed tenants of the Republican Party- fiscal responsibility, Christian Morals, free trade. At odds to the core with conservative pseudo principles. (2) These principles are malleable because they are not part of the ideology. There is no ideology or principles save one:

Keep acknowledged imbalances of privilege in place at all costs.

The reactionology is loud now and under attach now more than ever due to the historical imbalances in equity in place in America today than at any other time (3) which requires serious organization and propaganda to protect from the ever swelling voices of the underclass.

At the end of the day conservatism is inoperative, unprincipled, dangerous, (4) and I will add anti American.

The conservative movement was destined to produce Trump


Charts of the Week: The racial wealth gap; the middle-class income slump

Three Problems with Conservatism
So freedom, limited government, no oppression....and not an 'ideology' but is 'reactionology'?

God created inalienable rights that have been trampled on by Marxist / Socialists Democrats who wanted to change that (a reaction to freedom and limited govt),

Americans are now reacting to the challenge / threat these Marxist / Socialists Democrats pose.
Hear me out. Conservatism has no ideological tenants instead it is simply a reactionary tribe armed together to oppose changing an acknowledged imbalance of privilege.

“Conservatism is a reactionary movement, and by that I mean that it’s primarily a reaction against actual social movements involving the lower classes, or people on the bottom.” - Corey Robin (1)

Look only as far back as Trump’s takeover of conservatism without any alignment with the claimed tenants of the Republican Party- fiscal responsibility, Christian Morals, free trade. At odds to the core with conservative pseudo principles. (2) These principles are malleable because they are not part of the ideology. There is no ideology or principles save one:

Keep acknowledged imbalances of privilege in place at all costs.

The reactionology is loud now and under attach now more than ever due to the historical imbalances in equity in place in America today than at any other time (3) which requires serious organization and propaganda to protect from the ever swelling voices of the underclass.

At the end of the day conservatism is inoperative, unprincipled, dangerous, (4) and I will add anti American.

The conservative movement was destined to produce Trump


Charts of the Week: The racial wealth gap; the middle-class income slump

Three Problems with Conservatism
So freedom, limited government, no oppression....and not an 'ideology' but is 'reactionology'?

God created inalienable rights that have been trampled on by Marxist / Socialists Democrats who wanted to change that (a reaction to freedom and limited govt),

Americans are now reacting to the challenge / threat these Marxist / Socialists Democrats pose.

Which of YOUR rights have been trampled?
Hear me out. Conservatism has no ideological tenants instead it is simply a reactionary tribe armed together to oppose changing an acknowledged imbalance of privilege.

“Conservatism is a reactionary movement, and by that I mean that it’s primarily a reaction against actual social movements involving the lower classes, or people on the bottom.” - Corey Robin (1)

Look only as far back as Trump’s takeover of conservatism without any alignment with the claimed tenants of the Republican Party- fiscal responsibility, Christian Morals, free trade. At odds to the core with conservative pseudo principles. (2) These principles are malleable because they are not part of the ideology. There is no ideology or principles save one:

Keep acknowledged imbalances of privilege in place at all costs.

The reactionology is loud now and under attach now more than ever due to the historical imbalances in equity in place in America today than at any other time (3) which requires serious organization and propaganda to protect from the ever swelling voices of the underclass.

At the end of the day conservatism is inoperative, unprincipled, dangerous, (4) and I will add anti American.

The conservative movement was destined to produce Trump


Charts of the Week: The racial wealth gap; the middle-class income slump

Three Problems with Conservatism
So freedom, limited government, no oppression....and not an 'ideology' but is 'reactionology'?

God created inalienable rights that have been trampled on by Marxist / Socialists Democrats who wanted to change that (a reaction to freedom and limited govt),

Americans are now reacting to the challenge / threat these Marxist / Socialists Democrats pose.

Which of YOUR rights have been trampled?

Freedom of Religion
- In the name of COVID-19 the rights of Christians were trampled, not being allowed to attend church / hold services

Freedom Of Speech
- It's not just social media that is violating this right but Socialist Democrats across the country. The news has reported how parents' voices have been silenced as they try to oppose CRT at school board meetings

Democrats have imposed draconian edicts that have resulted in the destruction of over 50% of all minority-owned small businesses, heavy fines have been imposed on business owners - some jailed - by governors who also violated their own edicts.

There are quite a few, but going over them is a waste of time because you don't care and will deny them anyway.
Hear me out. Conservatism has no ideological tenants instead it is simply a reactionary tribe armed together to oppose changing an acknowledged imbalance of privilege.

“Conservatism is a reactionary movement, and by that I mean that it’s primarily a reaction against actual social movements involving the lower classes, or people on the bottom.” - Corey Robin (1)

Look only as far back as Trump’s takeover of conservatism without any alignment with the claimed tenants of the Republican Party- fiscal responsibility, Christian Morals, free trade. At odds to the core with conservative pseudo principles. (2) These principles are malleable because they are not part of the ideology. There is no ideology or principles save one:

Keep acknowledged imbalances of privilege in place at all costs.

The reactionology is loud now and under attach now more than ever due to the historical imbalances in equity in place in America today than at any other time (3) which requires serious organization and propaganda to protect from the ever swelling voices of the underclass.

At the end of the day conservatism is inoperative, unprincipled, dangerous, (4) and I will add anti American.

The conservative movement was destined to produce Trump


Charts of the Week: The racial wealth gap; the middle-class income slump

Three Problems with Conservatism
So freedom, limited government, no oppression....and not an 'ideology' but is 'reactionology'?

God created inalienable rights that have been trampled on by Marxist / Socialists Democrats who wanted to change that (a reaction to freedom and limited govt),

Americans are now reacting to the challenge / threat these Marxist / Socialists Democrats pose.

Which of YOUR rights have been trampled?
Does taxation without representation count? 6000 page spending bill, hello.
There are 2 main areas where conservatism have legitimate points.

Fiscal conservatism is the most obvious. When the budget runs a deficit, it is essentially stealing from future generations that have to not only pay it back, but the interest as well.

The other is attempting to retain the strict jurisdictional divide in the Constitution.
The 9th and 10 amendment clearly say that the federal government is supposed to be exactly limited to only what it is explicitly authorized to have jurisdiction over. That has been illegally over ridden by vague and wild application of the interstate commerce clause and the clause to promote domestic tranquility.
An example is that the intent of the 2nd amendment was to prevent any federal firearm laws, and clearly the government is in violation.
The federal war on drugs also clearly is illegal.
So are 3 strikes and asset forfeiture laws.
Almost every article in the Bill of Rights has been tossed out the window.

And the reason the conservatives are right about this is not just the fact it violates original intent.
The problem is the more centralized the level of government, the more corrupt, the less anyone can appeal or fix anything wrong.
Highly centralized government with everything being done on the federal level and funded with federal income taxes, is totally and completely wrong. There is no way to maintain a good democracy at the federal legal.

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