Conservative Christians Claim Ocasio-Cortez Is A Witch Leading Attack Against Trump

Dave Kubal (Cabal?) has a hankering for some Puerto Rican pussy.

Of course. Puerto Rico is really close to Haiti, where they worship voodoo and sacrifice chickens. He's smart to choose those Rican's, as they're not ate up with AIDS like the Haitians are.
Aren't Puerto Ricans into Santeria???

Actually, most of them are Roman Catholic. There are also Jewish communities there. But, I see what you are doing, using bullshit to try to demonize someone you disagree with. Typical conservative play.
Wow.........................first the conservatives were passing around a nude selfie of some woman in a bathtub and said it was AOC. Interestingly enough, there were guys out there with foot fetishes who knew the real identity of the woman in the tube and they outed the claim as fake.

Now, they're claiming she's a witch? What next? You gonna call AOC the Whore of Babylon and then claim Obama is the Anti-Christ?

Christian conservatives need to calm the hell down and quit making spurious claims. Besides, the only difference between miracles and magic is the intention with which it is used. Jesus did many acts of beneficial magic that Christians call "miracles" today. And, one example of His best magic trick was walking on water.

Link to this nude selfie of some woman in a bathtub that's supposedly AOC please?

Just because you don't want to believe it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Fake Nude Photo of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Actually Shows Sydney Leathers

Fake ‘Nude Selfie’ of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez deleted

The Latest Smear Against Ocasio-Cortez: A Fake Nude Photo

You asked for one, I gave you three. Inside Edition, Yahoo news, and NY Times.

Regardless, you know damned well that a slut of the caliber AOC is, will have some nude porn pics out there somewhere. Even Obammy's white mammy Ann Dunham did the porn scene.

Your Right to Know: More Racy Photos of Obama's Mother Discovered (Video)

Wow.........................first the conservatives were passing around a nude selfie of some woman in a bathtub and said it was AOC. Interestingly enough, there were guys out there with foot fetishes who knew the real identity of the woman in the tube and they outed the claim as fake.

Now, they're claiming she's a witch? What next? You gonna call AOC the Whore of Babylon and then claim Obama is the Anti-Christ?

Christian conservatives need to calm the hell down and quit making spurious claims. Besides, the only difference between miracles and magic is the intention with which it is used. Jesus did many acts of beneficial magic that Christians call "miracles" today. And, one example of His best magic trick was walking on water.

Link to this nude selfie of some woman in a bathtub that's supposedly AOC please?

Just because you don't want to believe it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Fake Nude Photo of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Actually Shows Sydney Leathers

Fake ‘Nude Selfie’ of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez deleted

The Latest Smear Against Ocasio-Cortez: A Fake Nude Photo

You asked for one, I gave you three. Inside Edition, Yahoo news, and NY Times.

Regardless, you know damned well that a slut of the caliber AOC is, will have some nude porn pics out there somewhere. Even Obammy's white mammy Ann Dunham did the porn scene.

Your Right to Know: More Racy Photos of Obama's Mother Discovered (Video)

Speaking of sluts...

Wow.........................first the conservatives were passing around a nude selfie of some woman in a bathtub and said it was AOC. Interestingly enough, there were guys out there with foot fetishes who knew the real identity of the woman in the tube and they outed the claim as fake.

Now, they're claiming she's a witch? What next? You gonna call AOC the Whore of Babylon and then claim Obama is the Anti-Christ?

Christian conservatives need to calm the hell down and quit making spurious claims. Besides, the only difference between miracles and magic is the intention with which it is used. Jesus did many acts of beneficial magic that Christians call "miracles" today. And, one example of His best magic trick was walking on water.

Link to this nude selfie of some woman in a bathtub that's supposedly AOC please?

Just because you don't want to believe it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Fake Nude Photo of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Actually Shows Sydney Leathers

Fake ‘Nude Selfie’ of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez deleted

The Latest Smear Against Ocasio-Cortez: A Fake Nude Photo

You asked for one, I gave you three. Inside Edition, Yahoo news, and NY Times.

Regardless, you know damned well that a slut of the caliber AOC is, will have some nude porn pics out there somewhere. Even Obammy's white mammy Ann Dunham did the porn scene.

Your Right to Know: More Racy Photos of Obama's Mother Discovered (Video)

Speaking of sluts...


At least she got famous for posing like that. She also married a rich man, and became the First Lady of the United States.

Obamy's mammy Ann Dunham didn't become anything but worm food, which she is to this very day: A nobody who would have even been remembered, were it not for the fact that I mentioned her.
It seems like conservative Christians have achieved a new level of absurdity. Shall we weigh her down with stones and throw her into the pond...and if she does not float she is not a witch? Oops, to bad.

And to be sure, these people are not using "witch" figuratively . They really believe that she is a witch:

Conservative Christians Claim Ocasio-Cortez Is A Witch Leading Attack Against Trump

Earlier this month, Dave Kubal, president of the Religious Right group Intercessors for America, explained how Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is connected to “a coven of witches that cast spells on President Trump 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

Now to be clear, there are witches, those who practice the ancient earth-nature religions.

Modern Witchcraft: It May Not Be What You Think - Christian Research Institute

The term witchcraft evokes different images for different people. Many Westerners would be surprised to know that more and more of their contemporaries are embracing witchcraft as a viable expression of their own spirituality. However marginal or far out it may have seemed in the past, it is clear that witchcraft is becoming progressively more mainstream throughout the world.

Witches are people who revere both the God and the Goddess. They seek a more friendly relationship with their natural environment, endeavoring to recognize the sacredness of all of nature. Witches, further, seek to utilize cosmic or psychic forces to do their bidding. To this end, the practice of witchcraft involves knowledge and skill in appropriating the rituals that are believed to harness and focus these energies. Seeing themselves in stark contrast to other occult religions such as Satanism, witches seek to work these forces in order to enhance their own experience of life and to promote healing and community.

AOC should actually take being called a witch as a compliment, and I hope that she is a witch. We can use more witches in congress.. A "demonic attack on Trump." No, she does not deal in daemons and she has much better ways of getting to him in mind.

But these ass hats do not actually have any idea what Witchcraft really is and have no interest in learning. Rather, they use it as they would use the "N" word to defile and vilify her. Very stupid and very sad
First i not heard anyone call cortez a witch. Mostly a stupid bitch.

Real witchs such as wickens are mostly harmless people.
Shes not harmless shes dam dangerous.
And a true moron ding bat.
Shes not a witch . shes not smart enough
It seems like conservative Christians have achieved a new level of absurdity. Shall we weigh her down with stones and throw her into the pond...and if she does not float she is not a witch? Oops, to bad.

And to be sure, these people are not using "witch" figuratively . They really believe that she is a witch:

Conservative Christians Claim Ocasio-Cortez Is A Witch Leading Attack Against Trump

Earlier this month, Dave Kubal, president of the Religious Right group Intercessors for America, explained how Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is connected to “a coven of witches that cast spells on President Trump 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

Now to be clear, there are witches, those who practice the ancient earth-nature religions.

Modern Witchcraft: It May Not Be What You Think - Christian Research Institute

The term witchcraft evokes different images for different people. Many Westerners would be surprised to know that more and more of their contemporaries are embracing witchcraft as a viable expression of their own spirituality. However marginal or far out it may have seemed in the past, it is clear that witchcraft is becoming progressively more mainstream throughout the world.

Witches are people who revere both the God and the Goddess. They seek a more friendly relationship with their natural environment, endeavoring to recognize the sacredness of all of nature. Witches, further, seek to utilize cosmic or psychic forces to do their bidding. To this end, the practice of witchcraft involves knowledge and skill in appropriating the rituals that are believed to harness and focus these energies. Seeing themselves in stark contrast to other occult religions such as Satanism, witches seek to work these forces in order to enhance their own experience of life and to promote healing and community.

AOC should actually take being called a witch as a compliment, and I hope that she is a witch. We can use more witches in congress.. A "demonic attack on Trump." No, she does not deal in daemons and she has much better ways of getting to him in mind.

But these ass hats do not actually have any idea what Witchcraft really is and have no interest in learning. Rather, they use it as they would use the "N" word to defile and vilify her. Very stupid and very sad

Son you have NO idea what witchcraft is. It is quite real and they are vided into two groups, white witchcraft and black witchcraft. They both however connect to the same type of beings.
Wow.........................first the conservatives were passing around a nude selfie of some woman in a bathtub and said it was AOC. Interestingly enough, there were guys out there with foot fetishes who knew the real identity of the woman in the tube and they outed the claim as fake.

Now, they're claiming she's a witch? What next? You gonna call AOC the Whore of Babylon and then claim Obama is the Anti-Christ?

Christian conservatives need to calm the hell down and quit making spurious claims. Besides, the only difference between miracles and magic is the intention with which it is used. Jesus did many acts of beneficial magic that Christians call "miracles" today. And, one example of His best magic trick was walking on water.

Link to this nude selfie of some woman in a bathtub that's supposedly AOC please?

Just because you don't want to believe it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Fake Nude Photo of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Actually Shows Sydney Leathers

Fake ‘Nude Selfie’ of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez deleted

The Latest Smear Against Ocasio-Cortez: A Fake Nude Photo

You asked for one, I gave you three. Inside Edition, Yahoo news, and NY Times.
You leftists need to revisit the definition of nude. A pair of crossed ankles and a little shin is NOT nude.
Wow.........................first the conservatives were passing around a nude selfie of some woman in a bathtub and said it was AOC. Interestingly enough, there were guys out there with foot fetishes who knew the real identity of the woman in the tube and they outed the claim as fake.

Now, they're claiming she's a witch? What next? You gonna call AOC the Whore of Babylon and then claim Obama is the Anti-Christ?

Christian conservatives need to calm the hell down and quit making spurious claims. Besides, the only difference between miracles and magic is the intention with which it is used. Jesus did many acts of beneficial magic that Christians call "miracles" today. And, one example of His best magic trick was walking on water.

Link to this nude selfie of some woman in a bathtub that's supposedly AOC please?

Just because you don't want to believe it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Fake Nude Photo of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Actually Shows Sydney Leathers

Fake ‘Nude Selfie’ of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez deleted

The Latest Smear Against Ocasio-Cortez: A Fake Nude Photo

You asked for one, I gave you three. Inside Edition, Yahoo news, and NY Times.
You leftists need to revisit the definition of nude. A pair of crossed ankles and a little shin is NOT nude.

Actually, it was the Daily Caller (a conservative site), that was passing around the photo and calling it a nude selfie.

From the Yahoo link........................

The Daily Caller deleted a tweet on Wednesday that promoted a fake “Nude Selfie” of New York's Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. When followers clicked, they were brought to a pic of bare feet in a bathtub, which were later said to belong to ex-congressman Anthony Weiner’s sexting partner Sydney Leathers.
Wow.........................first the conservatives were passing around a nude selfie of some woman in a bathtub and said it was AOC. Interestingly enough, there were guys out there with foot fetishes who knew the real identity of the woman in the tube and they outed the claim as fake.

Now, they're claiming she's a witch? What next? You gonna call AOC the Whore of Babylon and then claim Obama is the Anti-Christ?

Christian conservatives need to calm the hell down and quit making spurious claims. Besides, the only difference between miracles and magic is the intention with which it is used. Jesus did many acts of beneficial magic that Christians call "miracles" today. And, one example of His best magic trick was walking on water.

Link to this nude selfie of some woman in a bathtub that's supposedly AOC please?

Just because you don't want to believe it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Fake Nude Photo of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Actually Shows Sydney Leathers

Fake ‘Nude Selfie’ of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez deleted

The Latest Smear Against Ocasio-Cortez: A Fake Nude Photo

You asked for one, I gave you three. Inside Edition, Yahoo news, and NY Times.
You leftists need to revisit the definition of nude. A pair of crossed ankles and a little shin is NOT nude.

Actually, it was the Daily Caller (a conservative site), that was passing around the photo and calling it a nude selfie.

From the Yahoo link........................

The Daily Caller deleted a tweet on Wednesday that promoted a fake “Nude Selfie” of New York's Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. When followers clicked, they were brought to a pic of bare feet in a bathtub, which were later said to belong to ex-congressman Anthony Weiner’s sexting partner Sydney Leathers.
Then someone there needs to be reacquainted with the definition of the word. who cares if it is or isn't AOC. She is hardly worth the time and when she is, it is only to be made fun of.
Wow.........................first the conservatives were passing around a nude selfie of some woman in a bathtub and said it was AOC. Interestingly enough, there were guys out there with foot fetishes who knew the real identity of the woman in the tube and they outed the claim as fake.

Now, they're claiming she's a witch? What next? You gonna call AOC the Whore of Babylon and then claim Obama is the Anti-Christ?

Christian conservatives need to calm the hell down and quit making spurious claims. Besides, the only difference between miracles and magic is the intention with which it is used. Jesus did many acts of beneficial magic that Christians call "miracles" today. And, one example of His best magic trick was walking on water.

Link to this nude selfie of some woman in a bathtub that's supposedly AOC please?

Just because you don't want to believe it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Fake Nude Photo of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Actually Shows Sydney Leathers

Fake ‘Nude Selfie’ of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez deleted

The Latest Smear Against Ocasio-Cortez: A Fake Nude Photo

You asked for one, I gave you three. Inside Edition, Yahoo news, and NY Times.
You leftists need to revisit the definition of nude. A pair of crossed ankles and a little shin is NOT nude.

Actually, it was the Daily Caller (a conservative site), that was passing around the photo and calling it a nude selfie.

From the Yahoo link........................

The Daily Caller deleted a tweet on Wednesday that promoted a fake “Nude Selfie” of New York's Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. When followers clicked, they were brought to a pic of bare feet in a bathtub, which were later said to belong to ex-congressman Anthony Weiner’s sexting partner Sydney Leathers.
Then someone there needs to be reacquainted with the definition of the word. who cares if it is or isn't AOC. She is hardly worth the time and when she is, it is only to be made fun of.

Well, for one, AOC cares that the conservative Daily Caller is passing around photos of a nude woman in a bathtub, as a way to try to tarnish her image. And, I'd think that people would care that some conservative news site is passing around fake news.
It seems like conservative Christians have achieved a new level of absurdity. Shall we weigh her down with stones and throw her into the pond...and if she does not float she is not a witch? Oops, to bad.

And to be sure, these people are not using "witch" figuratively . They really believe that she is a witch:

Conservative Christians Claim Ocasio-Cortez Is A Witch Leading Attack Against Trump

Earlier this month, Dave Kubal, president of the Religious Right group Intercessors for America, explained how Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is connected to “a coven of witches that cast spells on President Trump 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

Now to be clear, there are witches, those who practice the ancient earth-nature religions.

Modern Witchcraft: It May Not Be What You Think - Christian Research Institute

The term witchcraft evokes different images for different people. Many Westerners would be surprised to know that more and more of their contemporaries are embracing witchcraft as a viable expression of their own spirituality. However marginal or far out it may have seemed in the past, it is clear that witchcraft is becoming progressively more mainstream throughout the world.

Witches are people who revere both the God and the Goddess. They seek a more friendly relationship with their natural environment, endeavoring to recognize the sacredness of all of nature. Witches, further, seek to utilize cosmic or psychic forces to do their bidding. To this end, the practice of witchcraft involves knowledge and skill in appropriating the rituals that are believed to harness and focus these energies. Seeing themselves in stark contrast to other occult religions such as Satanism, witches seek to work these forces in order to enhance their own experience of life and to promote healing and community.

AOC should actually take being called a witch as a compliment, and I hope that she is a witch. We can use more witches in congress.. A "demonic attack on Trump." No, she does not deal in daemons and she has much better ways of getting to him in mind.

But these ass hats do not actually have any idea what Witchcraft really is and have no interest in learning. Rather, they use it as they would use the "N" word to defile and vilify her. Very stupid and very sad

Son you have NO idea what witchcraft is. It is quite real and they are vided into two groups, white witchcraft and black witchcraft. They both however connect to the same type of beings.
Son ??:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg: I have a hell of a better idea what witchcraft is that these religious fools who use it as a weapon to demean someone. I never said that it was not real.:21::21::21:
Wow.........................first the conservatives were passing around a nude selfie of some woman in a bathtub and said it was AOC. Interestingly enough, there were guys out there with foot fetishes who knew the real identity of the woman in the tube and they outed the claim as fake.

Now, they're claiming she's a witch? What next? You gonna call AOC the Whore of Babylon and then claim Obama is the Anti-Christ?

Christian conservatives need to calm the hell down and quit making spurious claims. Besides, the only difference between miracles and magic is the intention with which it is used. Jesus did many acts of beneficial magic that Christians call "miracles" today. And, one example of His best magic trick was walking on water.

Link to this nude selfie of some woman in a bathtub that's supposedly AOC please?

Just because you don't want to believe it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Fake Nude Photo of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Actually Shows Sydney Leathers

Fake ‘Nude Selfie’ of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez deleted

The Latest Smear Against Ocasio-Cortez: A Fake Nude Photo

You asked for one, I gave you three. Inside Edition, Yahoo news, and NY Times.
You leftists need to revisit the definition of nude. A pair of crossed ankles and a little shin is NOT nude.
This is getting ugly and stupid thanks to the right wing trolls
It seems like conservative Christians have achieved a new level of absurdity. Shall we weigh her down with stones and throw her into the pond...and if she does not float she is not a witch? Oops, to bad.

And to be sure, these people are not using "witch" figuratively . They really believe that she is a witch:

Conservative Christians Claim Ocasio-Cortez Is A Witch Leading Attack Against Trump

Earlier this month, Dave Kubal, president of the Religious Right group Intercessors for America, explained how Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is connected to “a coven of witches that cast spells on President Trump 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

Now to be clear, there are witches, those who practice the ancient earth-nature religions.

Modern Witchcraft: It May Not Be What You Think - Christian Research Institute

The term witchcraft evokes different images for different people. Many Westerners would be surprised to know that more and more of their contemporaries are embracing witchcraft as a viable expression of their own spirituality. However marginal or far out it may have seemed in the past, it is clear that witchcraft is becoming progressively more mainstream throughout the world.

Witches are people who revere both the God and the Goddess. They seek a more friendly relationship with their natural environment, endeavoring to recognize the sacredness of all of nature. Witches, further, seek to utilize cosmic or psychic forces to do their bidding. To this end, the practice of witchcraft involves knowledge and skill in appropriating the rituals that are believed to harness and focus these energies. Seeing themselves in stark contrast to other occult religions such as Satanism, witches seek to work these forces in order to enhance their own experience of life and to promote healing and community.

AOC should actually take being called a witch as a compliment, and I hope that she is a witch. We can use more witches in congress.. A "demonic attack on Trump." No, she does not deal in daemons and she has much better ways of getting to him in mind.

But these ass hats do not actually have any idea what Witchcraft really is and have no interest in learning. Rather, they use it as they would use the "N" word to defile and vilify her. Very stupid and very sad

Frightened by a smart, articulate, attractive young woman, conservative Christians panic

Your libtard article only got one out of three right…

Who would have thought that these medieval fairytales would survive until modern day, and that "adults," such as Dave Kubel would actually believe them. I wonder what these "Christians" think of elves and faeries. Unbelievable! Spare me, please!

The is a faith called Wicca, but it is not implicated here, except to the extent that these "Christians" have it confused with whatever it is that they believe.

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