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Conservative columnist George Will says he's voting for Biden

George Will is the kind of conservative who is happier being in the minority and never having power.
He was a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan. A genuine Conservative intellectual, but never a fanatic. His biggest “crime” nowadays, besides opposing Trump and betraying party loyalty, is that he is an intellectual. Many Trump fanatics can’t imagine conservative ideas leading one to oppose Trump, let alone vote for Biden. Personally I never liked George Will’s politics. Still don’t.

The issue with Trump and his supporters though, isn't that he's a Reagan or Churchill, it's that he's a man of action who addressed what needed to be addressed (both of those leaders were men of action too). What good is it to have a plastic politician walk around, throw out elitist million dollar words while your southern border is being invaded (yes, that's the world, it's not racist to call a sieve what it is), your industries are being stolen along with IP, jobs and communism is being imported?

I don't always agree with Trumps tweets or words, but he is shaking up politics. He's making elected leaders focus on their constituents NOT how to help companies offshore and sell out their nation. What he has done with China in four years is take a position nobody believed was possible, even the weak MSM and people on CNN laughed at the idea that America could confront China and win. F them and their weak, submissive, uninformed behinds.

This Cold War has been going on for decades. Unlike in the 80s when Reagan confronted it, it was going on without a peep from America. You were losing ground, so would the rest of the West as we need your muscle and global dominance on capitalism and liberty.

So, the choice is really simple. America First or China First. I don't have to listen to Trump, believe all he says, or even agree with all his positions. The primary, core issues and policies are what the West MUST have. Confront China, protect U.S sovereignty, force global socialists to embrace capitalism, individual liberty and ones choice to follow their Faith peacefully.
A lot here I understand, and your attitude seems rational and sober, but I still disagree with it. China is already state capitalist, and competes economically in ways the USSR conglomeration of nationalities never did, or could. China is an ancient society, a civilization with a deep authoritarian tradition, and at this point I am pretty certain it won’t be led to collapse from the outside by economic or ideological pressure like the Soviet Union. It has no significant “imprisoned nations” at its border that can rebel and by rebelling destroy its whole system.

The U.S. does not represent “freedom” against communism so much as just a different axis of state capitalism, which is itself increasingly vulnerable to centrifugal forces. Chinese nationalism and its people’s willingness to sacrifice (and work hard) may prove much stronger than U.S. nationalism and cohesiveness and our ability to sacrifice. Of course Western societies are still more open and “free,” but even that may change in the not too distant future.

Trump is probably less able to confront China successfully than either traditional Democrats or Republicans, at least in my view. I think in at least this respect George Will would agree with me. You are, I think, mistaken if you believe a Democratic administration, should it come to power, will not also play “hardball” with China in the next period. Just as Putin was happy to have Trump elected rather than Hillary, XiJinping and the Chinese CP is preparing for a Trump victory ... and may even prefer it.

I think on immigration too, George Will wants a more rational policy than Trump. Without a road to citizenship for present long-resident illegal immigrant workers, even “The Wall” has gone unfinanced. Border control could easily have been further strengthened with Democratic agreement — had Trump approached the whole issue appropriately. Without welcoming foreign students and world scientists from China and everywhere, U.S. innovation will suffer ... terribly.

China is a hard nut. It will be around forever. It probably cannot be cracked from without. But our nation can self-destruct. U.S. leadership of the West, and the Western world itself, is I believe more fragile than you suspect. I don’t rule out a U.S. resurgence. I just don’t believe Trump, of all people, can lead one.
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He works for Washington Post, I wouldn't expect him to vote any other way. I bet he voted for Hillary in 2016 too, you know, "to get back to normal" and stuff (meaning, China crushes the West, but his job is safe, not to worry).
Nope, he said this was his first vote for a democrat for president. There are going to be a lot more people who do the same. Party loyalty only goes so far. Regardless of party, you just can't vote for a president that has shown that he will divide and weaken the country when unity has never been more important.

Donald Trump does not embrace Conservative or Liberal values. He does not give a damn about any of them. What drives Trump is adoration, hundreds of thousands standing at his inauguration to hear his words, tens of thousand at a rally chanting "Trump, Trump, Trump", and the most important people in the word shaking his hand as his picture flies around the globe..
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He works for Washington Post, I wouldn't expect him to vote any other way. I bet he voted for Hillary in 2016 too, you know, "to get back to normal" and stuff (meaning, China crushes the West, but his job is safe, not to worry).
Nope, he said this was his first vote for a democrat for president. There are going to be a lot more people who do same. Party loyalty only goes so far. Regardless of party, you just can't vote for a president that has shown that he will divide and weaken the country when unity has never been more important.

How "united" do you think this country will be if Sleepy Joe comes in and institutes the New Green Deal, defunds the police, packs the Supreme Court with leftards, puts 10 million people in so-called fossil fuels on to bread lines, mandates masks and starts confiscating their firearms?
For those of you who are confused or pretending to be confused - let me paraphrase it for you:

George Will is saying to hell with my traditional conservative Republican politics for now - because Trump is too DANGEROUS to remain president. Get Trump out of office so we can return to normal politics (like Itchy and Scratchy). Biden would be a return to NORMALCY.

For those of you who are confused or pretending to be confused - let me paraphrase it for you:

George Will is saying to hell with my traditional conservative Republican politics for now - because Trump is too DANGEROUS to remain president. Get Trump out of office so we can return to normal politics (like Itchy and Scratchy).

View attachment 365963

Fine. I get it. Mr. Will is willing to turn over the reins of government to liberal extremists, because he thinks President Trump is "too dangerous". That tells me his so-called "conservative principles" aren't very important to him.
For those of you who are confused or pretending to be confused - let me paraphrase it for you:

George Will is saying to hell with my traditional conservative Republican politics for now - because Trump is too DANGEROUS to remain president. Get Trump out of office so we can return to normal politics (like Itchy and Scratchy).

View attachment 365963

Fine. I get it. Mr. Will is willing to turn over the reins of government to liberal extremists, because he thinks President Trump is "too dangerous". That tells me his so-called "conservative principles" aren't very important to him.

Apparently you don't "get it"...
Conservative Washington Post columnist George Will confirmed Tuesday that he would vote for former Vice President Joe Biden, his first vote for a Democrat for president.

In an interview with USA Today Washington bureau chief Susan Page for the Aspen Institute, Will went further than his 2016 non-endorsement of President Trump and said that he would vote for Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee. Will warned against Trump's nomination in 2016 but stopped short of endorsing his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, at the time.

"Who do you plan to vote for in November?" Page asked the columnist via Zoom.

"Biden," Will replied immediately.

George Will on on MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell a few minutes ago. Lawrence welcomed him aboard, to which George replied - "Temporary loitering". Welcome aboard, George!
It's such an obviously fake staged "interview" that it could pass as a comedy skit.

George Will works for 2 of the most prolific fake news organizations in the USA. The Washington 'Jimmy's World' Post and MSNBC. That's his bread and butter. He says whatever his boss tells him to say.

Will does not speak with a normal conversational vocal cadence. He's reading from a teleprompter. You can even see the teleprompter reflect off of in his glasses.
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For those of you who are confused or pretending to be confused - let me paraphrase it for you:

George Will is saying to hell with my traditional conservative Republican politics for now - because Trump is too DANGEROUS to remain president. Get Trump out of office so we can return to normal politics (like Itchy and Scratchy). Biden would be a return to NORMALCY.

View attachment 365963
Too dangerous? How many wars did he start?

These globalist pigs want to go back to indefinite wars and kissing China’s ass.
He works for Washington Post, I wouldn't expect him to vote any other way.

Yes, a paid establishment hack to the bone; he will follow the money that pays him, all the establishment GOP hacks and pols will, too.

I bet he voted for Hillary in 2016 too, you know, "to get back to normal" and stuff (meaning, China crushes the West, but his job is safe, not to worry).

Exactly. These Deplorables need to be killed; they're the only demographic left in the way.

Learn Mandarin. They might pay you an extra 2 cents a day, or maybe give you an extra rotten carrot on your lunch plate.
Conservative Washington Post columnist George Will confirmed Tuesday that he would vote for former Vice President Joe Biden, his first vote for a Democrat for president.

In an interview with USA Today Washington bureau chief Susan Page for the Aspen Institute, Will went further than his 2016 non-endorsement of President Trump and said that he would vote for Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee. Will warned against Trump's nomination in 2016 but stopped short of endorsing his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, at the time.

"Who do you plan to vote for in November?" Page asked the columnist via Zoom.

"Biden," Will replied immediately.

George Will on on MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell a few minutes ago. Lawrence welcomed him aboard, to which George replied - "Temporary loitering". Welcome aboard, George!

Well if he does it will just show what an idiot he is. Biden isn't POTUS material and never will be. Open mouth, insert foot Joe Biden might be a great dog catcher but that's bout it. Mans his own worst enemy.
George Will is saying to hell with my traditional conservative Republican politics for now - because Trump is too DANGEROUS to remain president.....
Too dangerous? How many wars did he start?
These globalist pigs want to go back to indefinite wars and kissing China’s ass.
Actually, there is no “defeating” China without U.S. control of Middle East oil and the U.S. abusing its naval control over international shipping, without the overthrow and destruction of Russian opposition to the U.S. empire, without much more bullying of Europe. Therefore the anti-Russian Cold War of “liberal imperialism” just like Trump’s anti-Russian sanctions, the now doubled U.S. military presence in the Middle East, the growing trade pressures against our West European allies (Nordstresm2, etc.), these are all essential to bipartisan efforts to deal with the declining U.S.position in the world.

Democrats in power will not be less anti-China, less imperialist, or less “dangerous” in geo-political conflicts. The Wall Street geo-political consensus has changed in recent years, and it really has little to do with Trump himself. That developing geo-political posture is simply more strategic and steady in playing this great game. After the U.S. efforts to reign in China with Pacific Trade deals collapsed, the U.S. under Trump followed at first an impossible and unsteady effort to bully through negotiations everyone — Russia and China and Europe. Now it is more isolated and our country more fractured, and Trump must pursue the old policies in a more brutal way. No changes. But now we have unsteady policy that weakens the country and doesn’t even recognize clearly the many different international interests that must be negotiated in forming an effective multilateral “United front.” This lack of realism and U.S. political collapse is what is “dangerous.”
There doesn't seem to be such a thing as "conservative" any more. It's all right-wing extremist policies designed to take away the rights of Americans and transform us into a third-world authoritarian country, so at least Will is making sense.
I completely understand his dislike of Trump but I don't understand a desire to return to "normal" politics. Politics have been broken for a very long time and obviously Trump has only made that even worse but why the desire to return to war and debt?
Conservative Washington Post columnist George Will confirmed Tuesday that he would vote for former Vice President Joe Biden, his first vote for a Democrat for president.

In an interview with USA Today Washington bureau chief Susan Page for the Aspen Institute, Will went further than his 2016 non-endorsement of President Trump and said that he would vote for Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee. Will warned against Trump's nomination in 2016 but stopped short of endorsing his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, at the time.

"Who do you plan to vote for in November?" Page asked the columnist via Zoom.

"Biden," Will replied immediately.

George Will on on MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell a few minutes ago. Lawrence welcomed him aboard, to which George replied - "Temporary loitering". Welcome aboard, George!

You do know he is just a RINO never tRumper don’t you? Also part of the DEEP STATE!!!
You knew that right?

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