Conservative Federal Judge J. Michael Luttig (RET): There Is No Republican Party


I totally agree with Judge Luttig! Also, according to Judge Luttig and Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Tribe, Trump isn't even legally eligible to run for President after the insurrection on January 6, 2021 according to Article 3 of the 14th Amendment. What do you think?
I think opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
Except, apparently, you.

As for me, I think US law is whatever the USSC makes up.
For those that should have stayed in school,,,,,Fascism , Socialism, Communism are LEFT WING.


For 40 years, he espoused a philosophy consistent with conservative principles recognized for centuries.

Until a bunch of uneducated emotional snowflake rubes subsumed their entire existence to a conman and tried to pretend conservatism was whatever their Dear Leader said.

Keep on clinging, rube!

SO a long standing Republican judge made a mistake.
Books have been written on these kind of mistakes.
Any honest person would admit that when WE have to make a decision, some times we make the wrong one.
Just because you don't like that he dislikes Trump. Now he is a bad guy.... a RINO
SAME for the rest of you. Defending just because he is anti Trump.
All truth is avoided in the name of political party rule.

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