Conservative Ignorance About Gay Marriage and Sexuality

Many Conservatives don't give a crap about gay marriage.

It's the left using gays to further their own selfish agenda.

The left doesn't care about gays as people. They only care about VOTES.

Yes he left's "agenda" is to respect human rights of the gay people and respect them. They recognize the bigotry of the right. So I think it's a good "selfish agenda" to have to respect people who may be different than yourself.

I know respecting human rights and treating others with dignity is a strange concept to conservatives. Maybe they should stick to buying more weapons as the NRA teaches them every day.

You haven't been here very long so you may not have noticed that there are no Conservatives on this board. All we have here are rabid RWs who are intent on taking fro the poor, giving to the rich and taking basic human rights away from anyone who does not pretend to be a Good Christian.

Welcome to the board and keep up the good fight for equality for all.

Thank you for the welcome, I will continue to expose con hypocrisy and ignorance. Fight bigotry, ignorance and violence. ;-)
Conservative Ignorance About Gay Marriage and Sexuality

Conservative Ignorance: Marriage is for the purpose of procreationm
Common Sense Reality: Wow, I didn't know single mothers were not real mothers. You mean people can't procreate if they are single? And what about marriages for people who can't or won't have kids? Should we nullify them?

Conservative Ignoranc
e: A child needs a mother and a father.
Common Sense Reality: A child needs a million other "things" to have a happy life. Why don't cons ban families with drug usage, domestic violence, poor people who can't afford food, healthcare and education. Again, if every child needed a mother and a father and a loving family, then someone forgot to tell that to the 50% of kids growing up in single parent households or families with domestic social problems. Almost all marriages would need to be banned if a child needs a perfect, loving environment.

Conservative Ignorance: Gay marriage doesn't make sense, gays can't have children.
Common Sense Reality: Can someone please educate cons about in vitro fertilization? Do you know what a surrogate mom is? Even if 100% of the population was gay, we could still procreate. Actually having 5% gays in the world is like having brakes on population growth "vehicle" to slow down our explosive growth assuming gays can't have kids which is not true any ways. And gays can adopt kids the heterosexual parents discard in the trash, thanks heteros.

Conservative Ignorance
: Bible defines a marriage as one between man and woman.
Common Sense Reality: Sure and bible also prescribes thousands of other atrocities you are supposed to commit on other people. So what about Muslims and Jews and atheists? They don't believe in bible, should they be held responsible to abide by biblical definition of marriage?

Conservative Ignorance: If we allow gay marriage then you will ask for more privileges such as marrying a dog or a tree or your mother. ("Argument from Slippery Slope")
Common Sense Reality: Hey cons, name one person who demanded the right to marry his mother or his dog or a tree. Go ahead, do a Google search. And then tell us how it affected our society and how it harmed your own marriage. LOL.​


Fight Bigotry, Ignorance and Violence. Join the Fight.

Thank you for once again showing the libs are narrowminded fools who are unable to understand anyone who isn't just like them.
: Hey cons, name one person who demanded the right to marry his mother or his dog or a tree.

total 100% idiot liberal!!!!! procreation has been practiced 1000 ways in human history!! The 1950's version of love and marriage produced the greatest generation and greatest country in human history by far.

Capturing a Bride. Courtship by capture contributed its share of customs to the rituals of modern marriage. The screams, tears, and struggles of the bride among various peoples are known to be merely a part of the marriage routine; yet they are considered absolutely essential to show her bashfulness and modesty. The conscious or unconscious simulation of capture as retained in later systems of marriage appears to be due to a much earlier concept of modesty and delicacy. Even after the establishment of Christianity had abolished marriage by capture throughout all of Europe, the Anglo-Saxons persisted in simulating the capture of the bride.

Among the Arabs of the Sinai peninsula, a girl acquires a permanent reputation of chastity and modesty in proportion to her tears and her struggles of resistance on her marriage day. In many Irish traditions, a marriage is considered scarcely legal unless the bride attempts to escape and the bridegroom overtakes and "captures" her. A custom in Wales requires the relatives of the bride to grab her as she reaches the church door and run off with her, forcing the bridegroom and his party to follow in pursuit. When the stolen bride is recaptured, she is at once handed over to the groom. A popular superstition arising from this tradition is that whoever of the groom's friends caught her will be married within the year.

Buying a Bride. Marriage through purchase was quite likely the next stage in the evolution of courtship.
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Many Conservatives don't give a crap about gay marriage.

It's the left using gays to further their own selfish agenda.

The left doesn't care about gays as people. They only care about VOTES.

LOL.....Many Conservatives don't give a crap about gay marriage- they oppose because they only care about votes.

Many on the right don't care about voters as people- they are just a means to an end.
Again, if every child needed a mother and a father and a loving family, then someone forgot to tell that to the 50% of kids growing up in single parent households

100% stupid and liberal as always. You can tell the kids many of whom are in prison where 95% of imates were raised by single, poor mothers. Liberalism worked out really well didn't it??

See why we are 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance???
. So you must understand that marriage and procreation are not correlated 100% of the time.

100% stupid. If anyone said they were correlated 100% of the time I will pay you $10,000. Bet?? or run away with your liberal strawman between your legs once again.
Conservative Ignorance About Gay Marriage and Sexuality

Conservative Ignorance: Marriage is for the purpose of procreationm
Common Sense Reality: Wow, I didn't know single mothers were not real mothers. You mean people can't procreate if they are single? And what about marriages for people who can't or won't have kids? Should we nullify them?

Conservative Ignoranc
e: A child needs a mother and a father.
Common Sense Reality: A child needs a million other "things" to have a happy life. Why don't cons ban families with drug usage, domestic violence, poor people who can't afford food, healthcare and education. Again, if every child needed a mother and a father and a loving family, then someone forgot to tell that to the 50% of kids growing up in single parent households or families with domestic social problems. Almost all marriages would need to be banned if a child needs a perfect, loving environment.

Conservative Ignorance: Gay marriage doesn't make sense, gays can't have children.
Common Sense Reality: Can someone please educate cons about in vitro fertilization? Do you know what a surrogate mom is? Even if 100% of the population was gay, we could still procreate. Actually having 5% gays in the world is like having brakes on population growth "vehicle" to slow down our explosive growth assuming gays can't have kids which is not true any ways. And gays can adopt kids the heterosexual parents discard in the trash, thanks heteros.

Conservative Ignorance
: Bible defines a marriage as one between man and woman.
Common Sense Reality: Sure and bible also prescribes thousands of other atrocities you are supposed to commit on other people. So what about Muslims and Jews and atheists? They don't believe in bible, should they be held responsible to abide by biblical definition of marriage?

Conservative Ignorance: If we allow gay marriage then you will ask for more privileges such as marrying a dog or a tree or your mother. ("Argument from Slippery Slope")
Common Sense Reality: Hey cons, name one person who demanded the right to marry his mother or his dog or a tree. Go ahead, do a Google search. And then tell us how it affected our society and how it harmed your own marriage. LOL.​


Fight Bigotry, Ignorance and Violence. Join the Fight.

I suggest that if you wish to Fight Bigotry, Ignorance and Violence that you focus you efforts on your Prog Brethren who loot cities whenever they have a convenient excuse.
: Hey cons, name one person who demanded the right to marry his mother or his dog or a tree.

total 100% idiot liberal!!!!! procreation has been practiced 1000 ways in human history!! The 1950's version of love and marriage produced the greatest generation and greatest country in human history by far.
Um...I was not aware that the Baby Boomers are the "Greatest Generation"....I thought it was those who lived thru the Great Depression and fought WWII.....and for those who actually paid attention in History class, that would be the 1930s-40s production of love and marriage.
Almost all marriages would need to be banned if a child needs a perfect, loving environment.

100% stupid and liberal. Ideally a child should have a perfect loving environment but not one conservative ever said the absence thereof should result in a ban. Want to bet $10,000 or must you admit to being a stupid and typical liberal.​

Some posters here consider themselves authorities on damn near everything even though the most cursory reading of their posts will show you that they will say some really stupid crap and always with the insult of "100% stupid". That insult is all Good ole SpecialEdDear has got but hey, he's a published author of best sellers on Amazon.


I'm just gonna start off by calling "World Savior" out on his/her hypocrisy. I will tell him/her what I told someone else a few days ago: your campaign for gay rights is hollow. There are gay people around the world, not just America, who are being slaughtered and denied basic human rights (which most gays here in America already enjoy). But you only focus your attention on the "atrocities" being levied against homosexuals in America. Spare me you apoplectics. You don't give one damn about gay people. I however do.

Conservative Ignorance: Marriage is for the purpose of procreation
Common Sense Reality: Wow, I didn't know single mothers were not real mothers. You mean people can't procreate if they are single? And what about marriages for people who can't or won't have kids? Should we nullify them?​

So what is marriage for then? Cash and prizes? Notoriety? Stature?

Conservative Ignorance: A child needs a mother and a father.
Common Sense Reality: A child needs a million other "things" to have a happy life. Why don't cons ban families with drug usage, domestic violence, poor people who can't afford food, healthcare and education. Again, if every child needed a mother and a father and a loving family, then someone forgot to tell that to the 50% of kids growing up in single parent households or families with domestic social problems. Almost all marriages would need to be banned if a child needs a perfect, loving environment.

Funny how I hear democrats preaching family values when we have black high school thugs running around rioting, throwing rocks and bricks at police. Why don't you do anything about the black families being plagued by unemployment and/or violence? Why not do something about the deadbeat fathers who foist a child their mothers without a second thought?

Common Sense Reality: You have no right lecturing anyone on the stability of a family.

Conservative Ignorance: Gay marriage doesn't make sense, gays can't have children.
Common Sense Reality: Can someone please educate cons about in vitro fertilization? Do you know what a surrogate mom is? Even if 100% of the population was gay, we could still procreate. Actually having 5% gays in the world is like having brakes on population growth "vehicle" to slow down our explosive growth assuming gays can't have kids which is not true any ways. And gays can adopt kids the heterosexual parents discard in the trash, thanks heteros.

As a couple, no, they cannot have children. Male on male or female on female sex will never ever yield a procreative result. They have to resort to heterosexual means to have children, which hearkens back to the heterosexual nature of the human species.

Conservative Ignorance: Bible defines a marriage as one between man and woman.
Common Sense Reality: Sure and bible also prescribes thousands of other atrocities you are supposed to commit on other people. So what about Muslims and Jews and atheists? They don't believe in bible, should they be held responsible to abide by biblical definition of marriage?

Interesting how you know nothing about the Bible. Have you even read it? Is this a thread or a religious hit piece? Just how do you expect to win anyone over by attacking what they believe in?

Conservative Ignorance: If we allow gay marriage then you will ask for more privileges such as marrying a dog or a tree or your mother. ("Argument from Slippery Slope")
Common Sense Reality: Hey cons, name one person who demanded the right to marry his mother or his dog or a tree. Go ahead, do a Google search. And then tell us how it affected our society and how it harmed your own marriage. LOL.

Your sarcasm is cute. If you want an answer to your question, read the transcript of the oral arguments that took place on the gay marriage case sitting before the Supreme Court.

Speaking of "hypocrisy", there are those rabid RWs who talk a good game but don't actually do much of anything except live off the hard work of the elderly. Some will tell you they are every so terribly honorable and even adopt a user name that would make one think they're Real Men. They'll also preach the bible to you, while behaving and talking against everything Jesus preached.There are some who are so magnanimous, looking down their nose and saying they have decided to accept equality in marriage only to jump back on the wagon of the sexually immature and insecure.

Don't be fooled. And don't bother to try to engage in an actual discussion because the first ^^ will just call you "stupid" and "dear" while the first sign of an adult conversation will cause the second to run like the scared little bunny rabbit that he is. BUT, giving credit where its due, he will usually call you "sir" before he bails. LOL

These two make a great pair.

If you're in favor of equality for all Americans, you have your work cut out for you on this board.
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Independent Thinking:

Conservative Ignorance: Marriage is for the purpose of procreationm
Common Sense Reality: Wow, I didn't know single mothers were not real mothers
Single mothers used males to procreate with or with out the benefit of marriage. Procreation is not the sole purpose of marriage. If it was gays wouldn't bother.

A child needs a mother and a father
Ask a child if both would be better to have than one. Gay sex has nothing to do with the fact that all children start out with a mommy and a daddy. Every child has one of each. Can they survive without one or the other? Yes. Is that the best case scenario? Barring abuse, ask a child, "which is best, mommy, daddy, or mommy and daddy?"

Gay marriage doesn't make sense, gays can't have children
I've yet to meet a conservative that thinks gays want to marry in order to have children. It is the sexual act that some think makes no sense. Those people think heterosex makes sense, for a variety of reasons.

Bible defines a marriage as one between man and woman
Yes it does. Most atheists, Jews, and Muslims agree with the Bible's assertion. In fact, some non Bible readers will kill anyone that defines marriage any other way. To those who don't agree with the Bible, what makes you think you have the right to insist we ignore our beliefs to support yours? Bake your own cake. Pick your own flowers.

If we allow gay marriage then you will ask for more privileges such as marrying a dog or a tree or your mother
If you would have told your great grandparents that one day homosexuals would be dancing naked in the streets demanding to be recognized as the norm, or that there are universities teaching that pedophilia is a normal male reaction to a little boy or girl, they'd think you were crazy. 50 years from now they'll think you were crazy for not approving of fur baby coupling...
An optimistic day...

This thread will hopefully separate the reasonably minded Gays from the hate filled activist tools.

So far, not so much....:dunno:
Independent Thinking:

Conservative Ignorance: Marriage is for the purpose of procreationm
Common Sense Reality: Wow, I didn't know single mothers were not real mothers
Single mothers used males to procreate with or with out the benefit of marriage. Procreation is not the sole purpose of marriage. If it was gays wouldn't bother.

A child needs a mother and a father
Ask a child if both would be better to have than one. Gay sex has nothing to do with the fact that all children start out with a mommy and a daddy. Every child has one of each. Can they survive without one or the other? Yes. Is that the best case scenario? Barring abuse, ask a child, "which is best, mommy, daddy, or mommy and daddy?"

Gay marriage doesn't make sense, gays can't have children
I've yet to meet a conservative that thinks gays want to marry in order to have children. It is the sexual act that some think makes no sense. Those people think heterosex makes sense, for a variety of reasons.

Bible defines a marriage as one between man and woman
Yes it does. Most atheists, Jews, and Muslims agree with the Bible's assertion. In fact, some non Bible readers will kill anyone that defines marriage any other way. To those who don't agree with the Bible, what makes you think you have the right to insist we ignore our beliefs to support yours? Bake your own cake. Pick your own flowers.

If we allow gay marriage then you will ask for more privileges such as marrying a dog or a tree or your mother
If you would have told your great grandparents that one day homosexuals would be dancing naked in the streets demanding to be recognized as the norm, or that there are universities teaching that pedophilia is a normal male reaction to a little boy or girl, they'd think you were crazy. 50 years from now they'll think you were crazy for not approving of fur baby coupling...

The fictions some of these fake christians come up with can be downright scary.

Go back to your bible thumping and mind your own business.
An optimistic day...

This thread will hopefully separate the reasonably minded Gays from the hate filled activist tools.

So far, not so much....:dunno:

The liberal is actually stupid enough and dangerous enough to pretend that the evolution from 92% of kids in intact families to 50% is progressive! Its like Hitler defending Nazi Germany even as the Russians and Allies were within one mile of Berlin.
Conservative Ignorance About Gay Marriage and Sexuality

Conservative Ignorance: Marriage is for the purpose of procreationm
Common Sense Reality: Wow, I didn't know single mothers were not real mothers. You mean people can't procreate if they are single? And what about marriages for people who can't or won't have kids? Should we nullify them?

Conservative Ignoranc
e: A child needs a mother and a father.
Common Sense Reality: A child needs a million other "things" to have a happy life. Why don't cons ban families with drug usage, domestic violence, poor people who can't afford food, healthcare and education. Again, if every child needed a mother and a father and a loving family, then someone forgot to tell that to the 50% of kids growing up in single parent households or families with domestic social problems. Almost all marriages would need to be banned if a child needs a perfect, loving environment.

Conservative Ignorance: Gay marriage doesn't make sense, gays can't have children.
Common Sense Reality: Can someone please educate cons about in vitro fertilization? Do you know what a surrogate mom is? Even if 100% of the population was gay, we could still procreate. Actually having 5% gays in the world is like having brakes on population growth "vehicle" to slow down our explosive growth assuming gays can't have kids which is not true any ways. And gays can adopt kids the heterosexual parents discard in the trash, thanks heteros.

Conservative Ignorance
: Bible defines a marriage as one between man and woman.
Common Sense Reality: Sure and bible also prescribes thousands of other atrocities you are supposed to commit on other people. So what about Muslims and Jews and atheists? They don't believe in bible, should they be held responsible to abide by biblical definition of marriage?

Conservative Ignorance: If we allow gay marriage then you will ask for more privileges such as marrying a dog or a tree or your mother. ("Argument from Slippery Slope")
Common Sense Reality: Hey cons, name one person who demanded the right to marry his mother or his dog or a tree. Go ahead, do a Google search. And then tell us how it affected our society and how it harmed your own marriage. LOL.​


Fight Bigotry, Ignorance and Violence. Join the Fight.

You truly are the "new" left wing wacko".

I hope you're not here to stay. We have enough rderps
This from Lumpy1 has got to be the stupidest post of the day. Can someone post a poll to determine if this is the winner for "Stupidest Comment Of The Day" award? Here's what she said.

Lumpy1: "Activist Gays are far more concerned with destroying christian/jewish faith in America than marriage.
Basically, you're a too
Independent Thinking:

Conservative Ignorance: Marriage is for the purpose of procreationm
Common Sense Reality: Wow, I didn't know single mothers were not real mothers
Single mothers used males to procreate with or with out the benefit of marriage. Procreation is not the sole purpose of marriage. If it was gays wouldn't bother.

A child needs a mother and a father
Ask a child if both would be better to have than one. Gay sex has nothing to do with the fact that all children start out with a mommy and a daddy. Every child has one of each. Can they survive without one or the other? Yes. Is that the best case scenario? Barring abuse, ask a child, "which is best, mommy, daddy, or mommy and daddy?"

Gay marriage doesn't make sense, gays can't have children
I've yet to meet a conservative that thinks gays want to marry in order to have children. It is the sexual act that some think makes no sense. Those people think heterosex makes sense, for a variety of reasons.

Bible defines a marriage as one between man and woman
Yes it does. Most atheists, Jews, and Muslims agree with the Bible's assertion. In fact, some non Bible readers will kill anyone that defines marriage any other way. To those who don't agree with the Bible, what makes you think you have the right to insist we ignore our beliefs to support yours? Bake your own cake. Pick your own flowers.

If we allow gay marriage then you will ask for more privileges such as marrying a dog or a tree or your mother
If you would have told your great grandparents that one day homosexuals would be dancing naked in the streets demanding to be recognized as the norm, or that there are universities teaching that pedophilia is a normal male reaction to a little boy or girl, they'd think you were crazy. 50 years from now they'll think you were crazy for not approving of fur baby coupling...

The fictions some of these fake christians come up with can be downright scary.

Go back to your bible thumping and mind your own business.

Because for some reason you think you are more entitled to an opinion than anyone else?

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