Conservative woman slaps 6yo special needs boy

Did I just see the kid slap her first? I saw that right? What was going on before to cause this confrontation in the first place? How did they both get there, why did the kid slap her and why did she slap him back?
What did the 6 year old know and WHEN DID HE KNOW IT??? :rofl:

Get him Mike!
You know what? Even special needs kids need to be taught not to hit because they may be hit back. Apparently this child was never taught that or was not presented with enough retaliation in return to grasp the concept. Not unlike liberals these days needing safety zones for someone speaking outside their comfort zone. Everyone gets a trophy right?
Yes of course when working with a 6 year old special needs child slapping them in the face is the best way to teach them something. Mike you must be an expert in the field! You should start a practice!
I could have this practice solved in a heartbeat. Don't hit anyone you don't want hitting back. It's a good rule even special needs kids can grasp. Yet you can't, maybe you have the problem here.
Oh you could teach that in a heartbeat? Wow you should go do that! I've been doing it my entire career, but if you can do it in a heartbeat then you'll put me out of business! Go Mike! You've found you're calling!
Did I just see the kid slap her first? I saw that right? What was going on before to cause this confrontation in the first place? How did they both get there, why did the kid slap her and why did she slap him back?
What did the 6 year old know and WHEN DID HE KNOW IT??? :rofl:

Get him Mike!
You know what? Even special needs kids need to be taught not to hit because they may be hit back. Apparently this child was never taught that or was not presented with enough retaliation in return to grasp the concept. Not unlike liberals these days needing safety zones for someone speaking outside their comfort zone. Everyone gets a trophy right?
Yes of course when working with a 6 year old special needs child slapping them in the face is the best way to teach them something. Mike you must be an expert in the field! You should start a practice!
I could have this practice solved in a heartbeat. Don't hit anyone you don't want hitting back. It's a good rule even special needs kids can grasp. Yet you can't, maybe you have the problem here.
Oh you could teach that in a heartbeat? Wow you should go do that! I've been doing it my entire career, but if you can do it in a heartbeat then you'll put me out of business! Go Mike! You've found you're calling!
I am not surprised you are a failure in your field. You never use common sense. I can have all your kids and you behaving much better in a day or two. You wouldn't be in business if it wasn't for government funding and unions and that's the problem right there.
Did I just see the kid slap her first? I saw that right? What was going on before to cause this confrontation in the first place? How did they both get there, why did the kid slap her and why did she slap him back?
What did the 6 year old know and WHEN DID HE KNOW IT??? :rofl:

Get him Mike!
You know what? Even special needs kids need to be taught not to hit because they may be hit back. Apparently this child was never taught that or was not presented with enough retaliation in return to grasp the concept. Not unlike liberals these days needing safety zones for someone speaking outside their comfort zone. Everyone gets a trophy right?

Case workers, teachers and healthcare workers are attacked and assaulted by mentally unstable kids a lot I see the medical records when working workmans comp cases. I will cut these people some slack because some of these kids are very strong and will hit you with pretty much anything they can get their hands on.
Shouldn't that come back to the parents for letting it get that far? Special needs doesn't mean they are un-trainable animals with free range to attack anyone they want to and get the government's support if someone retaliates.
Okay enough of my joking now. Do you know any parents with special needs kids? Have you raised one? Do you have ANY fucking idea what you're talking about?

If you had child with no language, who does not learn in the same way that you do, and you have grown up NEVER being exposed to any kind of serious developmental disabilities... what would you do? Most parents have no idea when their child is diagnosed. The parents I work with have gone out and bought EVERY book they can, sign their kids up for EVERY program they can find, and deal with special needs issues EVERY DAY OF THEIR CHILD'S LIFE!

Do you really want to condemn these people? Walk a mile in their shoes Mike. You have ZERO idea what you're talking about.
What did the 6 year old know and WHEN DID HE KNOW IT??? :rofl:

Get him Mike!
You know what? Even special needs kids need to be taught not to hit because they may be hit back. Apparently this child was never taught that or was not presented with enough retaliation in return to grasp the concept. Not unlike liberals these days needing safety zones for someone speaking outside their comfort zone. Everyone gets a trophy right?
Yes of course when working with a 6 year old special needs child slapping them in the face is the best way to teach them something. Mike you must be an expert in the field! You should start a practice!
I could have this practice solved in a heartbeat. Don't hit anyone you don't want hitting back. It's a good rule even special needs kids can grasp. Yet you can't, maybe you have the problem here.
Oh you could teach that in a heartbeat? Wow you should go do that! I've been doing it my entire career, but if you can do it in a heartbeat then you'll put me out of business! Go Mike! You've found you're calling!
I am not surprised you are a failure in your field. You never use common sense. I can have all your kids and you behaving much better in a day or two. You wouldn't be in business if it wasn't for government funding and unions and that's the problem right there.
You're a moron.
Did I just see the kid slap her first? I saw that right? What was going on before to cause this confrontation in the first place? How did they both get there, why did the kid slap her and why did she slap him back?
What did the 6 year old know and WHEN DID HE KNOW IT??? :rofl:

Get him Mike!
You know what? Even special needs kids need to be taught not to hit because they may be hit back. Apparently this child was never taught that or was not presented with enough retaliation in return to grasp the concept. Not unlike liberals these days needing safety zones for someone speaking outside their comfort zone. Everyone gets a trophy right?

Case workers, teachers and healthcare workers are attacked and assaulted by mentally unstable kids a lot I see the medical records when working workmans comp cases. I will cut these people some slack because some of these kids are very strong and will hit you with pretty much anything they can get their hands on.
Shouldn't that come back to the parents for letting it get that far? Special needs doesn't mean they are un-trainable animals with free range to attack anyone they want to and get the government's support if someone retaliates.
Okay enough of my joking now. Do you know any parents with special needs kids? Have you raised one? Do you have ANY fucking idea what you're talking about?

If you had child with no language, who does not learn in the same way that you do, and you have grown up NEVER being exposed to any kind of serious developmental disabilities... what would you do? Most parents have no idea when their child is diagnosed. The parents I work with have gone out and bought EVERY book they can, sign their kids up for EVERY program they can find, and deal with special needs issues EVERY DAY OF THEIR CHILD'S LIFE!

Do you really want to condemn these people? Walk a mile in their shoes Mike. You have ZERO idea what you're talking about.
Yes I do, and the first thing we did was to read your books and then throw them in the trash because the only people more special needs than the child was you idiots writing books and putting on special programs. That child can actually learn. He can adjust it may just take a little more time than normal but I'm guessing you being thee expert and all would know that...or maybe not upon further reflection. Kids of all mental states can learn not to hit. It's a simple fucking concept everyone can get to know as long as you don't treat one special snowflake like they can hit and not have any retaliation due to their specialness.

You can treat these kids as pretty normal knowing their limited position and also taking into account it may take a bit longer for the message to get through. The worst thing you can do is read some of these idiot's books and shit. They're human and they will learn. They will learn to be pretty socially acceptable or they will learn they can get away with anything because they are special. It's up to you to teach them which way to go.
What did the 6 year old know and WHEN DID HE KNOW IT??? :rofl:

Get him Mike!
You know what? Even special needs kids need to be taught not to hit because they may be hit back. Apparently this child was never taught that or was not presented with enough retaliation in return to grasp the concept. Not unlike liberals these days needing safety zones for someone speaking outside their comfort zone. Everyone gets a trophy right?

Case workers, teachers and healthcare workers are attacked and assaulted by mentally unstable kids a lot I see the medical records when working workmans comp cases. I will cut these people some slack because some of these kids are very strong and will hit you with pretty much anything they can get their hands on.
Shouldn't that come back to the parents for letting it get that far? Special needs doesn't mean they are un-trainable animals with free range to attack anyone they want to and get the government's support if someone retaliates.
Okay enough of my joking now. Do you know any parents with special needs kids? Have you raised one? Do you have ANY fucking idea what you're talking about?

If you had child with no language, who does not learn in the same way that you do, and you have grown up NEVER being exposed to any kind of serious developmental disabilities... what would you do? Most parents have no idea when their child is diagnosed. The parents I work with have gone out and bought EVERY book they can, sign their kids up for EVERY program they can find, and deal with special needs issues EVERY DAY OF THEIR CHILD'S LIFE!

Do you really want to condemn these people? Walk a mile in their shoes Mike. You have ZERO idea what you're talking about.
Yes I do, and the first thing we did was to read your books and then throw them in the trash because the only people more special needs than the child was you idiots writing books and putting on special programs. That child can actually learn. He can adjust it may just take a little more time than normal but I'm guessing you being thee expert and all would know that...or maybe not upon further reflection. Kids of all mental states can learn not to hit. It's a simple fucking concept everyone can get to know as long as you don't treat one special snowflake like they can hit and not have any retaliation due to their specialness.

You can treat these kids as pretty normal knowing their limited position and also taking into account it may take a bit longer for the message to get through. The worst thing you can do is read some of these idiot's books and shit. They're human and they will learn. They will learn to be pretty socially acceptable or they will learn they can get away with anything because they are special. It's up to you to teach them which way to go.
"Kids of all mental states can learn not to hit." Duh. :cuckoo:

Kids of all mental states can learn all kinds of things. But they're all different. And if you're in charge of a child like this woman was, you don't hit back. They're 6 years old.

I did not bring up the books because they're some brilliant cure. I brought them up as evidence that parents will bust their asses to do the best they can for their kids. As you accused this mother of not doing. The bus driver was wrong and unprofessional. That's all you need to know. You don't know ANYTHING about the kid or the parents.
Did I just see the kid slap her first? I saw that right? What was going on before to cause this confrontation in the first place? How did they both get there, why did the kid slap her and why did she slap him back?
What did the 6 year old know and WHEN DID HE KNOW IT??? :rofl:

Get him Mike!
You know what? Even special needs kids need to be taught not to hit because they may be hit back. Apparently this child was never taught that or was not presented with enough retaliation in return to grasp the concept. Not unlike liberals these days needing safety zones for someone speaking outside their comfort zone. Everyone gets a trophy right?

Case workers, teachers and healthcare workers are attacked and assaulted by mentally unstable kids a lot I see the medical records when working workmans comp cases. I will cut these people some slack because some of these kids are very strong and will hit you with pretty much anything they can get their hands on.
Shouldn't that come back to the parents for letting it get that far? Special needs doesn't mean they are un-trainable animals with free range to attack anyone they want to and get the government's support if someone retaliates.
Okay enough of my joking now. Do you know any parents with special needs kids? Have you raised one? Do you have ANY fucking idea what you're talking about?

If you had child with no language, who does not learn in the same way that you do, and you have grown up NEVER being exposed to any kind of serious developmental disabilities... what would you do? Most parents have no idea when their child is diagnosed. The parents I work with have gone out and bought EVERY book they can, sign their kids up for EVERY program they can find, and deal with special needs issues EVERY DAY OF THEIR CHILD'S LIFE!

Do you really want to condemn these people? Walk a mile in their shoes Mike. You have ZERO idea what you're talking about.

I saw this on the local news yesterday, she just south of us (Seattle) in Auburn...she needs to be kicked off the city council for sure.
Also, she is a former the hell does she think she can get away with this?
Did I just see the kid slap her first? I saw that right? What was going on before to cause this confrontation in the first place? How did they both get there, why did the kid slap her and why did she slap him back?

Actually, he swatted at her, but the little boy missed.
Yes of course when working with a 6 year old special needs child slapping them in the face is the best way to teach them something. Mike you must be an expert in the field! You should start a practice!

Fear and Pain are the world's best teachers. Why any child who cannot control themselves us allowed in a school is beyond me.
Did I just see the kid slap her first? I saw that right? What was going on before to cause this confrontation in the first place? How did they both get there, why did the kid slap her and why did she slap him back?
The kid is mentally ill. Apparently, so is she.

Former judge.

City council woman.


Thinks Democrats want to murder children.

She only wants to beat them.
Yes of course when working with a 6 year old special needs child slapping them in the face is the best way to teach them something. Mike you must be an expert in the field! You should start a practice!

Fear and Pain are the world's best teachers. Why any child who cannot control themselves us allowed in a school is beyond me.
Wow what wonderful people you conservatives are. :cool:
Highline School District official Catherine Carbone Rogers said, however, “There`s never, ever any circumstance where it`s acceptable for a staff member to strike a student.”

Burrage’s Facebook page proclaims her to be a proud conservative, displaying slogans like “Obama wants Catholic institutions to provide abortions & condoms. No news yet whether Muslims will be forced to sell bacon & alcohol.”

And, “THE GOOD NEWS IS that the US Government has admitted that it is driving the country off a ‘Fiscal Cliff.’ THE BAD NEWS is that we just elected a guy who’s campaign slogan was “FORWARD”! Go figure….”


Evil angry woman.

Hope they through her fat ass in jail.

The video is hard to watch.

Conservative city councilwoman caught slapping 6-year-old special needs student s face
Worse P(iece) O(f) S(hit) hyper-partisan lame-assed excuse for a thread I've seen in quite some time.

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