Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings
So your first sentence is a lie. I stopped reading right after that. I give no credence to liars.

And yet you voted for Trump.
This is a tipping point. There is no going back.

Should we worry about this loon’s predictions?

breaking down, because Trump does not have the numbers.

He doesn't have the women. White women, single women, Asian, Black or Hispanic women. Women know a misogynist when they hear one. Blacks, Asians, Hispanics know a racist when they hear one. There aren't enough angry white men to elect him.

The pictures of them have been seen by Mr. Lucy a fully qualified Psychiatrist and also about six of his colleagues and they are all experts in trauma and psychological trauma and they all think those teenagers are displaying no sign of any traumatisation on any level.

"Sounds about like what would come from a silly twat."

You have nothing intelligent to offer, this is illustrated by your One Liners with added Name Calling thrown in.

why do you constantly whine ?
Most of those deaths are gang related. They're counting gang members as "children."

If more guns make us safer, then why do we have 48% of the world's civilian gun ownership, and have less than 5% of the world's population, but have 31% of the world's mass shootings? More than anyone else. Why are our gun homicide rates more than 25.2 times higher than any other high income country?
America's gun culture vs. the world in 5 charts - CNN

You mean why do have a homicide rate that is higher than all the lilly white European countries you admire?

Are you some kind of racist?

Are you some kind of idiot?
I'll take that to mean you blame brown people for homicides.
Yep...old Democrat trick. Find a victim group considered beyond attack and use it to attack others. Could be a gold star mom one day ...traumatized juveniles the next.
Doesn’t seem to be working as well Post 2016 does it? :)

Yes. Trumpbots just don't understand common decency. They attack anyone who doesn't support Trump, no matter why, or who they are.

Wind em up and send em into the arena to play politics. Bleed from every orifice when Americans don’t lie down and surrender. Then find the next traumatized victims of some tragedy, tell them they are immune to questioning or opposition, and send them out as fodder. It’s the Democrat way.

Young people are being shown that if they speak out, promote what they believe and utilize the first amendment rights they will be demonized and attacked by a radical and extremist faction of America's current political spectrum.

They will say “wow! When they sent us out here as propaganda props they didn’t explain the other side would exercise their “first amendment rights” too! Not fair they talk back!”
Young people are being shown that if they speak out, promote what they believe and utilize the first amendment rights they will be demonized and attacked by a radical and extremist faction of America's current political spectrum.
They are being shown that their opinions are just that. They are also learning a valuable lesson on emotional advocacy.

It does not impress adults.


Used to work for them.

Yep...old Democrat trick. Find a victim group considered beyond attack and use it to attack others. Could be a gold star mom one day ...traumatized juveniles the next.
Doesn’t seem to be working as well Post 2016 does it? :)

Yes. Trumpbots just don't understand common decency. They attack anyone who doesn't support Trump, no matter why, or who they are.

Wind em up and send em into the arena to play politics. Bleed from every orifice when Americans don’t lie down and surrender. Then find the next traumatized victims of some tragedy, tell them they are immune to questioning or opposition, and send them out as fodder. It’s the Democrat way.

View attachment 178057

You mean like the families of the Benghazi victims were used by Republicans. It was so bad that Ambassador Stephens family begged Republicans to stop politicizing his death.

Or how about Vince Foster? Republicans have been trying to pin his suicide on the Clintons for years. His sister, who had been looking for a psychiatrist for him to test his depression, also begged you assholes to stop.

The private investigator in FOX’s news piece about the Seth Rich murder is suing FOX News for that fake news report Hannity put out on FOX is in the awkward position of defending this story, even though they withdrew the story because it “didn’t meet their journalistic standards” (who knew they had any?) and sent Hannity “on vacation” for airing it.

Conservatives have politicized this murder as well, and the family has begged them to stop.

Then there’s the Westbrook Bsotist Church. A group so odious that decent people come out and block them from military funerals.

God forbid that a left winger suffer a tragedy and decide to take action because of it, like these high school kids. The rabid weasels of the conservative right will attack them relentlessly.
are you speaking of cindy sheehan as the gold star mother.......or pat tillman's mother?

I have no idea what you are talking about. I’m sure that makes two of us.

Another Russian troll outed. If you don’t know who either one of these women are, I highly doubt you are an Anerican. I’m not an American but I knew who they were talking about instantly.
are you speaking of cindy sheehan as the gold star mother.......or pat tillman's mother?

I have no idea what you are talking about. I’m sure that makes two of us.

Another Russian troll outed. If you don’t know who either one of these women are, I highly doubt you are an Anerican. I’m not an American but I knew who they were talking about instantly.


Lol. You see how ridiculous?
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

ROFL! I knew some lying leftwing douche bag would get around to this. It's their stock in trade. The whole reason the leftwing scum put the kids up to demanding gun control is so they could attack anyone who disagreed as "attacking" the victims. That is how fucking sleazy thse vermin are. There is no bar so low that a snowflake won't slither under it.


I guess you caught us. Nobody would believe those kids might have their own opinions about all their friends being killed, Right?
Nobody does, asshole. Their leftwing parents and teachers put them up to it. The only opinions they have are the ones their parents and teachers have drilled into them. This thing is a scam, a con, a fraud.

Just because you as an adult have to be told what to think and say by your party masters does not mean that everyone is incapable of independent thought

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Remember something progressives.

Simply because you are outraged does not automatical qualify you as being right.

A question you might want to ask yourself is why are you not outraged over these 17 dead.

Has it become so commonplace that it does not even register anymore?

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are you speaking of cindy sheehan as the gold star mother.......or pat tillman's mother?

I have no idea what you are talking about. I’m sure that makes two of us.

Another Russian troll outed. If you don’t know who either one of these women are, I highly doubt you are an Anerican. I’m not an American but I knew who they were talking about instantly.


Lol. You see how ridiculous?

o dont you drag me into is not a russian do i know this...well we have known each other for over 2 decades? over two message boards
why do you constantly whine ?
Most of those deaths are gang related. They're counting gang members as "children."

If more guns make us safer, then why do we have 48% of the world's civilian gun ownership, and have less than 5% of the world's population, but have 31% of the world's mass shootings? More than anyone else. Why are our gun homicide rates more than 25.2 times higher than any other high income country?
America's gun culture vs. the world in 5 charts - CNN

You mean why do have a homicide rate that is higher than all the lilly white European countries you admire?

Are you some kind of racist?

Are you some kind of idiot?
I'll take that to mean you blame brown people for homicides.

Of course you will. Crazies like you make all kinds of unfounded assumptions.
Yep...old Democrat trick. Find a victim group considered beyond attack and use it to attack others. Could be a gold star mom one day ...traumatized juveniles the next.
Doesn’t seem to be working as well Post 2016 does it? :)

Yes. Trumpbots just don't understand common decency. They attack anyone who doesn't support Trump, no matter why, or who they are.

Wind em up and send em into the arena to play politics. Bleed from every orifice when Americans don’t lie down and surrender. Then find the next traumatized victims of some tragedy, tell them they are immune to questioning or opposition, and send them out as fodder. It’s the Democrat way.

View attachment 178057

You really deserve a turd in your Christmas stocking.
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings
my my joined feb. 1st and 200 post already. You might wanna look into getting a job

That’s fewer than 10 posts a day. The Russian trolls here are posting 30 to 50 posts per day.

Every day we watch conservatives sink to new levels of inhumanity and self deception. You spew fear and hate at everyone who doesn’t subscribe to the bullshit you’re peddling.

I thought the attacks on the Sandy Hook parents were beyond the pale but this is a new low for right right wing media.

On a positive note these kids are going to be voting in a few years and they will demolish anyone who is funded by the NRA.

This is a tipping point. There is no going back.

Your desire to have spokesmen, that cannot be questioned, and just get to spew your propaganda is noted and rejected.

RUn along now.
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