Conservatives, concerned with home, hearth and family, allowed this to happen

Frankly, I don't know exactly what "conservatives" are concerned with. They just seem to be a an ideological mush without a leader. Nobody knows what they stand for, and they won't tell you.

Free exercise, Free economy, free speech, free expression, RKBA, smaller federal government, more federalism. Less bureaucracy, accountable politicians.

Should I go on?

I can't agree with you on the size of government, or free exercise, given that you want to use government to shove your religion down the throats and up the reproductive tracts of the rest of us. Smaller government, my ass. Now say it like you mean it. BTW: trump is behaving as if he is not accountable to anyone. Hiding, sniveling, secretive. No tax returns. Directing people not to testify. Firing inspectors general. So much for your "accountable politicians." If you want accountability, let's get started by explaining the presence of unidentified federal operatives in Portland, Oregon. You want accountability. So do I.
Frankly, I don't know exactly what "conservatives" are concerned with. They just seem to be a an ideological mush without a leader. Nobody knows what they stand for, and they won't tell you.

Free exercise, Free economy, free speech, free expression, RKBA, smaller federal government, more federalism. Less bureaucracy, accountable politicians.

Should I go on?

I can't agree with you on the size of government, or free exercise, given that you want to use government to shove your religion down the throats and up the reproductive tracts of the rest of us. Smaller government, my ass. Now say it like you mean it. BTW: trump is behaving as if he is not accountable to anyone. Hiding, sniveling, secretive. No tax returns. Directing people not to testify. Firing inspectors general. So much for your "accountable politicians." If you want accountability, let's get started by explaining the presence of unidentified federal operatives in Portland, Oregon. You want accountability. So do I.

Your side wants to establish atheism as the national religion, to create a government hostile to it, not neutral. And there are secular reasons to be against abortion as well as religious ones the religious ones are just more prevalent.

The thing is you are using accountability wrong. He is accountable because we know what he is doing, and people get to decide if they agree with it or not. A hostile press makes us sure to know. On the other hand Democrats can do whatever they want because they have a friendly press.

They are not unidentified if you know they are feds.
Andrew Klavan on this topic....

One of the great disadvantages of having ceded the culture to the Left is that conservatives are always on defense. Because the Left owns the news media, the entertainment media, and the academy ā€“ the Empire of Lies, as I call it ā€“ they set the agenda, and all we can do is fight back. We think weā€™re winning when we repulse their attacks, but you canā€™t win on defense. They will keep coming back again and again until the day is theirs, even if it takes half a century.

Why are we talking about race, for instance? Race is not a problem in this country. A violent underclass, too often black, created and sustained by Democrat policies ā€“ that is a problem. Instead of babbling about the police, who are only trying to clean up societyā€™s messes, we should be talking about how to destroy the Great Society swamp in which too many of our black citizens are trapped.

What about transgenderism? I have no doubt there are a small number of people in this country who get confused about which of the two sexes they are. But so what? All Godā€™s children have their troubles. Weā€™re 25-trillion dollars in debt. If Harry wants to pretend to be Sally, thatā€™s Harryā€™s problem, not mine. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll treat him kindly, cause thatā€™s just the sort of lovable fellow I am, but Iā€™m not rewriting the wisdom of the ages so he can play make-believe on my dime.

These things become topics because the Left has the power to make them topics. The minute we start saying, ā€œWell, maybe some statues should be taken down,ā€ the game is over. They won. The minute we say, ā€œYou canā€™t defund the police. What we need is police reformā€ ā€“ game over. They won. Weā€™ve accepted their premises. Weā€™re no longer talking about the things that matter.

Here is one paragraph from the report: ā€œAmong the traditions that formed the American spirit, three stand out. Protestant Christianity, widely practiced by the citizenry at the time, was infused with the beautiful Biblical teachings that every human being is imbued with dignity and bears responsibilities toward fellow human beings, because each is made in the image of God. The civic republican ideal, rooted in classical Rome, stressed that freedom and equality under law depend on an ethical citizenry that embraces the obligations of self-government. And classical liberalism put at the front and center of politics the moral premise that human beings are by nature free and equal, which strengthened the political conviction that legitimate government derives from the consent of the governed.ā€

Whatever happens in the next election, restoring this wisdom to our citizens and their children should be the project of the Right for the next fifty years. If itā€™s not, the agenda will continue to be the identity politics with which the Left divides us in order to consolidate their power.

We allowed the Marxists to take over Hollywood, the media, the universities, the schools because we figured it was someone else's job to fight them.

Now, we are reaping what we have sown.
It was NOT the Marxists that took over at all. Nooo, it was those who have been the most powerful people in the World for a very long time. The Super Wealthy, Royalty, the Powerful. The Marxists just provide the chaos and instability they need!

A slice of the past:

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
by Antony C. Sutton

a snapshot of the INCREDIBLE American Financial Power behind Hitler


Financial Contributors to Hitler's Political Campaign
Feb 23-Mar 13 1933
from the Hjalmer Schacht account at Delbruck, Schickler Bank

Political Contributors......Ammount Given.....Affiliated Directors

I.G. Farbenindustrie.........$400,000.........Edsel Ford, Walter Teagle, Paul Warburg

German General Electric...... $60,000.........Gerard Swope, Owen Young

Osram G.m.b.H.................$40,000.........Owen Young
Who were these men involved in supporting Hitler

Edsel Ford-------President of FORD Motor Co.(1919-1943)

Walter Teagle----President of Standard Oil(1922-1942), Chairman of the Board(1937-1942)

Paul Warburg-----American Banker credited with being the driving force behind creation of the Federal Reserve

Gerald Swope-----President of General Electric(1922-1942)

Owen Young-------Founder of RCA(Radio Corporation of America) 1919, RCA would later evolve into NBC Corporation
Andrew Klavan on this topic....

One of the great disadvantages of having ceded the culture to the Left is that conservatives are always on defense. Because the Left owns the news media, the entertainment media, and the academy ā€“ the Empire of Lies, as I call it ā€“ they set the agenda, and all we can do is fight back. We think weā€™re winning when we repulse their attacks, but you canā€™t win on defense. They will keep coming back again and again until the day is theirs, even if it takes half a century.

Why are we talking about race, for instance? Race is not a problem in this country. A violent underclass, too often black, created and sustained by Democrat policies ā€“ that is a problem. Instead of babbling about the police, who are only trying to clean up societyā€™s messes, we should be talking about how to destroy the Great Society swamp in which too many of our black citizens are trapped.

What about transgenderism? I have no doubt there are a small number of people in this country who get confused about which of the two sexes they are. But so what? All Godā€™s children have their troubles. Weā€™re 25-trillion dollars in debt. If Harry wants to pretend to be Sally, thatā€™s Harryā€™s problem, not mine. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll treat him kindly, cause thatā€™s just the sort of lovable fellow I am, but Iā€™m not rewriting the wisdom of the ages so he can play make-believe on my dime.

These things become topics because the Left has the power to make them topics. The minute we start saying, ā€œWell, maybe some statues should be taken down,ā€ the game is over. They won. The minute we say, ā€œYou canā€™t defund the police. What we need is police reformā€ ā€“ game over. They won. Weā€™ve accepted their premises. Weā€™re no longer talking about the things that matter.

Here is one paragraph from the report: ā€œAmong the traditions that formed the American spirit, three stand out. Protestant Christianity, widely practiced by the citizenry at the time, was infused with the beautiful Biblical teachings that every human being is imbued with dignity and bears responsibilities toward fellow human beings, because each is made in the image of God. The civic republican ideal, rooted in classical Rome, stressed that freedom and equality under law depend on an ethical citizenry that embraces the obligations of self-government. And classical liberalism put at the front and center of politics the moral premise that human beings are by nature free and equal, which strengthened the political conviction that legitimate government derives from the consent of the governed.ā€

Whatever happens in the next election, restoring this wisdom to our citizens and their children should be the project of the Right for the next fifty years. If itā€™s not, the agenda will continue to be the identity politics with which the Left divides us in order to consolidate their power.

The "Left" is only allowed this disruption if the REAL power structure wants it.

When ANTIFA and other groups protested at the NATO Summit in Chicago(2012), Obama being a puppet President, the MSM had great praise for the police. The protesters were held in check and, more importantly, painted as the bad guys.

NOW that TRUMP has upset the Apple Cart, the MSM has their orders to attack the President daily.
Owning and controlling the means of production is the central tenant of socialism. No one on the right or the left is proposing this. I brought it up because there are a lot of people on these boards that throw around the "ism" terms without knowing what they mean. The best economies in our world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. One or the other by itself is ruin. Our argument is the percentages.

Trump didn't set this idea before anyone. He blurted it out during a press conference. It was largely ignored as it should have been. But I always smile knowing that the first person to even hint at socialism...was a Republican. :)
Well, I just proved this is an outright lie.

He said it. Kudlow said it. What lie?
I don't get it. Is it acknowledged that only conservatives care about home, hearth and family? What happened to the rest of the Country?

I believe it was 1996, or 1992, when Bill Clinton stood up at a campaign rally, and said he was tired of people in politics talking about family values.

That didn't surprise me at all, given what type of "family man" Bill Clinton was.

What did surprise me, was that this statement got a massive round of applause from the entire audience.

Looking back on it... it was rather prophetic to what the DNC is today.
I HAVE to give TRUMP a lot of credit.

There is a Very,, Very Powerful UN-HOLY alliance with the Chinese Communists, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Professional Sports, Progressives and the Main-Stream Media. Donald was a player in the game and could have laid back and taken it easy.

Unbelievable courage to take that consortium of power on. Sadly, one has to be a BILLIONAIRE like Trump or Ross Perot to stand any chance of success.
Owning and controlling the means of production is the central tenant of socialism. No one on the right or the left is proposing this. I brought it up because there are a lot of people on these boards that throw around the "ism" terms without knowing what they mean. The best economies in our world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. One or the other by itself is ruin. Our argument is the percentages.

Trump didn't set this idea before anyone. He blurted it out during a press conference. It was largely ignored as it should have been. But I always smile knowing that the first person to even hint at socialism...was a Republican. :)
Well, I just proved this is an outright lie.

He said it. Kudlow said it. What lie?
"Owning and controlling the means of production is the central tenant of socialism. No one on the right or the left is proposing this."

THAT was the lie. The left is undeniably proposing nationalizing industries.
We allowed the Marxists to take over Hollywood, the media, the universities, the schools because we figured it was someone else's job to fight them.

Now, we are reaping what we have sown.
I think of it like a scab ripped open and puss drooling out of it. It has been exposed in its full glorious idiotism.
They aren't working in the shadows anymore. They will be destroyed.

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