Conservatives, concerned with home, hearth and family, allowed this to happen

A good, professional-quality DeWalt drill, with a large diameter bit will do that.

But you wouldn't know that, since such tools are only for people who are in useful trades; and not for worthless parasites who proudly boast of having no trade at all.

And still more boredom. Love my DeWalt corded drill. Built a small porch and a medium size deck with that sucker. This conversation is about conservatism and its future. You got anything?? C'mon, give me one conservative policy implemented in the last four decades you can point to as an unqualified success? What do conservatives offer in the way of policy direction that can take this country into the next century?
Whelp...get your "well formed militia", stand on that bridge and then come see me.
The Constitution applies to everyone contained in our great country. Not just the select few you decide are worthy.
Tell me, what have conservative implemented in the last four decades that is worthy of discussion?
Making America the envy of the world. That's pretty good, eh?
We allowed the Marxists to take over Hollywood, the media, the universities, the schools because we figured it was someone else's job to fight them.

Now, we are reaping what we have sown.

May be, but it starts at the top. With Clinton and GWB certainly. Obama just continued the same approach that his predecessors did but with an easier path because most of the West had been lulled to sleep.

The conservative brand was hijacked in America just as it is in Canada today. In the U.S it was "we need to fight a war somewhere". In Canada it's been "build shiny prisons and target citizens". None of this is popular with citizens, even if one tries to wrap it up in "lower taxes, religious freedom and you get to keep your guns". That's not an appealing trade off, is it? I have little faith that Ted Cruz in 2016 would have won, nor other more conservative GOP candidates. Just as McCain and Romney were crushed.

Therefore, if conservatives would have remained Reaganesque, we probably would have seen a second term for GHWB and possibly no Clinton presidency. He was an imperfect conservative, but was better than his son (although obviously GWB was dealing with a once in a generation attack on U.S soil).

When I hear the term "conservative", I'm not sure what to think. Just as liberalism has lost it's traditional value as it has changed so much. Trump isn't a Neo-Con, that's very good for GOP prospects going forward if they can maintain this.
Maybe you can be the very first winner of the Name That Fascist Policy contest!

The rules are simple. Name one Fascist policy that Donald Trump has put before Congress. Pointing out goofy shit that he's said at press conferences that gives you the willies about the ghost of Hitler doesn't count. This game is limited to actual policies that the president has tried to pass through the house and senate, that PROVE that he is trying to implement Fascist designs on our nation, and you must be able to successfully point out what about those policies proves that Fascism is the philosophy driving them.

Again, pointing out random comments that the president has made, unconnected to any actual policy that he's pushed, that made you feel trepidation, doesn't count.

Will you be the first winner of NAME




Whelp...he said this. And this got little to no play. Yes it was concerning bailouts. But it was the closest to any political figure I've seen saying the government should own part of companies...therefore, controlling the means of production. LOL.
Uh..sorry..but you are describing right wingers. If you are white, heterosexual, and Christian, you're in the club. If you are know that Constitution?...well..we think it doesn't apply to you. :)
Find me ONE prominent right winger that has said that the constitution only applies to white heterosexual Christians in the last 40 years. I'll wait.
Whelp...he said this. And this got little to no play. Yes it was concerning bailouts. But it was the closest to any political figure I've seen saying the government should own part of companies...therefore, controlling the means of production. LOL.
I admit I wouldn't be a fan of this, but you've forgotten two key rules. Number one, where is the policy that he set before the House? I am willing to let this particular rule slide, as you've at least found a conversation where Trump actually goes in depth into policy preferences.

The more important oversight, however, is that you've failed to explain how it is that you've boiled the philosophical drive of this preference down to Fascism. Marxism, communism, socialism. . . the ideologies opposite from Fascism share the goal of government control of industry. How do you eliminate these philosophies from being the driver, and, more importantly, how do you disprove the most likely alternative (IMO the most likely explanation period), which is simply that this preference is a pragmatic one, and not based on any particular ideological drive? Honestly, given how all-over-the-map Trump's spitball commentary is, I don't know how anybody could convince themselves that this guy operates according to any ideological framework. His views don't consistently match up with any particular philosophy that I can identify.

Also, immediately assuming that this is a move to "control the means of production" is a bit presumptuous, no? Might it be that he's simply of the mind that, if the US taxpayer has to come out of pocket to the tune of billions of dollars to keep these companies afloat, that their representatives should have some say as to how those billions are used going forward? Again, I am NOT a fan of this course of action, I'm simply making the point that calling it Fascism is jumping the gun to an absolutely hysterical degree.
I admit I wouldn't be a fan of this, but you've forgotten two key rules. Number one, where is the policy that he set before the House? I am willing to let this particular rule slide, as you've at least found a conversation where Trump actually goes in depth into policy preferences.

The more important oversight, however, is that you've failed to explain how it is that you've boiled the philosophical drive of this preference down to Fascism. Marxism, communism, socialism. . . the ideologies opposite from Fascism share the goal of government control of industry. How do you eliminate these philosophies from being the driver, and, more importantly, how do you disprove the most likely alternative (IMO the most likely explanation period), which is simply that this preference is a pragmatic one, and not based on any particular ideological drive? Honestly, given how all-over-the-map Trump's spitball commentary is, I don't know how anybody could convince themselves that this guy operates according to any ideological framework. His views don't consistently match up with any particular philosophy that I can identify.

Owning and controlling the means of production is the central tenant of socialism. No one on the right or the left is proposing this. I brought it up because there are a lot of people on these boards that throw around the "ism" terms without knowing what they mean. The best economies in our world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. One or the other by itself is ruin. Our argument is the percentages.

Trump didn't set this idea before anyone. He blurted it out during a press conference. It was largely ignored as it should have been. But I always smile knowing that the first person to even hint at socialism...was a Republican. :)
Owning and controlling the means of production is the central tenant of socialism. No one on the right or the left is proposing this. I brought it up because there are a lot of people on these boards that throw around the "ism" terms without knowing what they mean. The best economies in our world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. One or the other by itself is ruin. Our argument is the percentages.

Trump didn't set this idea before anyone. He blurted it out during a press conference. It was largely ignored as it should have been. But I always smile knowing that the first person to even hint at socialism...was a Republican. :)
I don't know about Trump being the first, and what he's proposing isn't really/necessarily socialism.

I could google you quite a list of prominent democrats who've been calling for, essentially, the nationalization of the medical/pharmaceutical industries for a couple decades now.

I also take exception to this "mixed economy" idea. I'm constantly told that the govenment providing services and a social safety net against the backdrop of an economy of private ownership constitutes an economy with elements of capitalism and socialism. I disagree that government services are an element of socialism. They're simply an element of government. A nation with an economy mixed between capitalism and socialism wouldn't look like the US, because the US hasn't nationalized any industry. Even the national defense/security industries are comprised largely of private owners.
No you just supported an ideology that hasn't had a successful policy implementation in almost four decades.
You failed to compromise (past 1994), you failed to learn from your mistakes, and you failed to expel the foaming at the mouth fringe from
invading the party that supposedly carried your belief system. You abandoned your ideology's core principals in the name of
worship and allegiance to a fraud and a charlatan.

Yes, you are reaping what you've sown. Because for the last three decades, all you've sown is hate.
Remember, kids, the liberals' idea of "compromise" is "STFU and do what we tell you to do".

We have no loyalty to the leftist agenda. We're loyal to America.

Try it sometime.
Owning and controlling the means of production is the central tenant of socialism. No one on the right or the left is proposing this. I brought it up because there are a lot of people on these boards that throw around the "ism" terms without knowing what they mean. The best economies in our world are a mix of capitalism and socialism. One or the other by itself is ruin. Our argument is the percentages.

Trump didn't set this idea before anyone. He blurted it out during a press conference. It was largely ignored as it should have been. But I always smile knowing that the first person to even hint at socialism...was a Republican. :)
Well, I just proved this is an outright lie.
I'm constantly told that the govenment providing services and a social safety net against the backdrop of an economy of private ownership constitutes an economy with elements of capitalism and socialism. I disagree that government services are an element of socialism. They're simply an element of government.

I think there's an important distinction to understand.

A socialistic government program would be one where taxes are collected from some people, to pay for benefits to different people than those who are being made to pay for it. I don't completely dispute the legitimacy of a very limited amount of that, but I think it needs to be clearly understood that just because those who receive these benefits are not paying for them, these benefits are not free at all. Someone else is paying for them than the ones enjoying them.

A truly legitimate government program would be paid for by taxes and fees collected from those who actually enjoy the benefits of that program.
I think there's an important distinction to understand.

A socialistic government program would be one where taxes are collected from some people, to pay for benefits to different people than those who are being made to pay for it. I don't completely dispute the legitimacy of a very limited amount of that, but I think it needs to be clearly understood that just because those who receive these benefits are not paying for them, these benefits are not free at all. Someone else is paying for them than the ones enjoying them.

A truly legitimate government program would be paid for by taxes and fees collected from those who actually enjoy the benefits of that program.
Yes, but you can't buy votes with other people's money that way.

That's how the left sees the Treasury: Their own personal vote-buying slush fund.
We allowed the Marxists to take over Hollywood, the media, the universities, the schools because we figured it was someone else's job to fight them.

Now, we are reaping what we have sown.

Agree to a point. We don't try to force our views down everyone's throats or demand compliance with our mindsets. Most conservatives just want to be left the hell alone. Although I think it's one of the best virtues of being "conservative", it's also one of our greatest faults.

The flip side is when the righteous among us finally do get mad we tend to go scorched earth on anything and anyone that dares stand in our way.
I think there's an important distinction to understand.

A socialistic government program would be one where taxes are collected from some people, to pay for benefits to different people than those who are being made to pay for it. I don't completely dispute the legitimacy of a very limited amount of that, but I think it needs to be clearly understood that just because those who receive these benefits are not paying for them, these benefits are not free at all. Someone else is paying for them than the ones enjoying them.

A truly legitimate government program would be paid for by taxes and fees collected from those who actually enjoy the benefits of that program.

I get your point here, and I largely agree, but the point being made wasn't about the legitimacy of government redistribution of wealth, but rather about whether government services funded by taxes automatically qualify as socialism.

Similarly, even redistribution of the sort that you're discussing isn't necessarily socialism. It's not just about what's done with taxes. Socialism is about government/communal control of the means of production. Until the US nationalizes an industry, I don't see this as a mixed, part socialist-part capitalist economy.
What a crock of shit. Our country was on a fantastic trajectory until China launched a bio attack on us. And while that was going on and people were already stressed out from the subsequent lockdowns, the George Floyd video went viral and was played about a bazillion times to maximize outrage. China opens the floodgates and you blame the guy dealing with the flood.

I have to disagree.....slightly.....the democrat party planned on engaging in race based riots. They organized, trained, financed and coordinated the riots when they broke out.....they had their teams in place and were simply waiting for a trigger. We saw this coordination when Trump was elected with the pussy hat marches....they were organized and ready to go the same way. The trigger was the Floyd killing, and if it hadn't been his killing it would have been another one. That is why the peaceful protests went from quiet marches to burning, looting and killing in democrat party controlled cities. The race riots would have happened whether the Chinese Flu happened or not, and expect another surge in riots just before the election.

Trump was polling really well in Black and Hispanic communities...and the democrats aren't going to allow those minorities to support a they had to burn, loot and kill in those neighborhoods and then blame Trump for it.
Agree to a point. We don't try to force our views down everyone's throats or demand compliance with our mindsets. Most conservatives just want to be left the hell alone. Although I think it's one of the best virtues of being "conservative", it's also one of our greatest faults.

The flip side is when the righteous among us finally do get mad we tend to go scorched earth on anything and anyone that dares stand in our way.

Andrew Klavan over at Dailywire talks about this all the time on his podcast.....and that woman who just recently got red pilled.... Karlyn Borysenko talked about this....she went to a Trump rally as a hard core lefty and came out realizing that Conservative Trump supporters just want to be left alone......nicest people she has ever met, and they had no problem with her being a lefty......if you watch her videos on the topic it is interesting to see her red pill experience.
Oh dear lord, shove this alt-right, conspiracy theory flaunting horseshit in your flat hat. LOL. :)
The current administration blew it. What lockdowns were in place before March?..but now??...138K+ dead. sorry, George Floyd was just the straw that broke said camel's back.

So just what did 'the current administration' have to do with the lockdowns and so many deaths????

Trump told the states to handle it and it was the governors that insisted on lockdowns that created the mass unemployment and failed business's.

It's the states/governors and local governments that have alot more responsibility for this mess

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