Conservatives, concerned with home, hearth and family, allowed this to happen

No, ours is not the side that has ever tolerated, or even supported Communism or any aspects thereof. Your side totally owns it; all of it.

You wouldn't know an "ist" if one ran up to you and said "Hello!".
You right wingers throw these terms around so often, no cares anymore.
No one is afraid..or scared..or confused by them anymore.
No you just supported an ideology that hasn't had a successful policy implementation in almost four decades.
You failed to compromise (past 1994), you failed to learn from your mistakes, and you failed to expel the foaming at the mouth fringe from
invading the party that supposedly carried your belief system. You abandoned your ideology's core principals in the name of
worship and allegiance to a fraud and a charlatan.

Yes, you are reaping what you've sown. Because for the last three decades, all you've sown is hate.

Yes, because progressives don't hate religious people, white people, heterosexual men, and "traitors" from identity groups that they usually count as their own.

all of course when it suits them.

Progressivism by it's nature can't let people live their lives unless they live it the way the "rulers" want them to.

No freedom, no success, no individuality.

Become the mob, or get smashed by it.
Frankly, I don't know exactly what "conservatives" are concerned with. They just seem to be a an ideological mush without a leader. Nobody knows what they stand for, and they won't tell you.

Free exercise, Free economy, free speech, free expression, RKBA, smaller federal government, more federalism. Less bureaucracy, accountable politicians.

Should I go on?
People voted for Trump in 2016 thinking "how bad could he be?"

NOW they KNOW!
Oh right! If only President Trump had ordered a nationwide lockdown immediately AGAINST his medical expert teams advice. Things would be SOOOOOO much better. There wouldn't have been any collateral damage from several months of lockdowns and COVID-19 would be a thing of the past. For sure. You can guarantee that right? Because you are a COVID-19 expert and could predict that right?
Evidence? What evidence? just keep beating on the same right wing tropes. 138K+ people dead. 15% unemployment. An administration that is the most incompetent in our nation's history.
Sure...I promise I won't let your right wing bias get in the way of the truth. :)

You wanna talk about political bias, you're so hyper-focused on owning conservatives that you're over here dunking on an argument that I didn't make. Seriously, wtf do covid numbers have to do with this conversation? And what trope did I push?

As to your question, the evidence of the thing that I actually said (that it's the left that has been pushing hatred) is, AS I said, the fact that it's rabid leftists, and not conservatives, who are displaying hatred by pushing for, ignoring, and/or defending outright violence in the streets, while conservatives have yet to respond physically in even remotely significant numbers. If only one side is foaming at the mouth and committing RANDOM acts of destruction, THAT points to the obvious conclusion that it isn't the OTHER side that's been advancing hatred.

Very simply, if the right hated like the left hates, these wouldn't be riots. They would be battles.
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We allowed the Marxists to take over Hollywood, the media, the universities, the schools because we figured it was someone else's job to fight them.

Now, we are reaping what we have sown.
Yeah. We got Ronald Reagan and who else on the right in Hollywood? The mainstream media in the U.S. are all essentially 100% owned by wealthy Democrats like Warren Buffett and Michael Bloomberg. Pot-smoking commies serve as tenured faculty at all our universities, and people just went to work and forgot all about that rottenness, until it all fell apart.
Yes, because progressives don't hate religious people, white people, heterosexual men, and "traitors" from identity groups that they usually count as their own.

all of course when it suits them.

Progressivism by it's nature can't let people live their lives unless they live it the way the "rulers" want them to.

No freedom, no success, no individuality.

Become the mob, or get smashed by it.

Uh..sorry..but you are describing right wingers. If you are white, heterosexual, and Christian, you're in the club. If you are know that Constitution?...well..we think it doesn't apply to you. :)
The world is laughing at us right now, and it's not because of trump. It's because China caused a massive virus outbreak, and all these deaths, and our people are blaming trump. You've not seen anyone, yet, actually even bring up china, it's all trump.

They are also laughing because there was never any scenario in which trump could have done something the left would have approved of. If trump had shut everything down like the left said he should have, today we'd be arguing how trump completely destroyed the economy.

There is quite simply no Avenue he could have taken that didnt lead to the left accusing him of something.
Uh..sorry..but you are describing right wingers. If you are white, heterosexual, and Christian, you're in the club. If you are know that Constitution?...well..we think it doesn't apply to you. :)

We will take anyone into the "club", and you don't have to swear fealty to your identity group, and we don't enforce ours.

Coming from someone who wants to ignore the 2nd, your fealty to the constitution is comical.
Perhaps if you learned a useful trade, and got out of your mother's basement and got a productive, honest job, maybe you wouldn't be so bored all the time.

Maybe if you made a useful argument and stop deflecting, people might be interested in responding your scratchings.
And yes, you bore me.
We will take anyone into the "club", and you don't have to swear fealty to your identity group, and we don't enforce ours.

Coming from someone who wants to ignore the 2nd, your fealty to the constitution is comical.

Whelp...get your "well formed militia", stand on that bridge and then come see me.
The Constitution applies to everyone contained in our great country. Not just the select few you decide are worthy.
Tell me, what have conservative implemented in the last four decades that is worthy of discussion?
And yes, you bore me.

A good, professional-quality DeWalt drill, with a large diameter bit will do that.

But you wouldn't know that, since such tools are only for people who are in useful trades; and not for worthless parasites who proudly boast of having no trade at all.
Very true, your side OWNS Authoritarian/Totalitarianism and Fascism!

You WANT/Encourage a One Trump Government!
Maybe you can be the very first winner of the Name That Fascist Policy contest!

The rules are simple. Name one Fascist policy that Donald Trump has put before Congress. Pointing out goofy shit that he's said at press conferences that gives you the willies about the ghost of Hitler doesn't count. This game is limited to actual policies that the president has tried to pass through the house and senate, that PROVE that he is trying to implement Fascist designs on our nation, and you must be able to successfully point out what about those policies proves that Fascism is the philosophy driving them.

Again, pointing out random comments that the president has made, unconnected to any actual policy that he's pushed, that made you feel trepidation, doesn't count.

Will you be the first winner of NAME




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