Conservatives’ Deny Facts and Forget History, But It Won’t Help

Conservatives here will be triggered on this thread as they always are when their dear leader is exposed as a criminal and liar.

McCain remembers the fall of Nixon very well. He and many other Republicans old enough are now having the worst case of deja vu ever. Soon the pressure on Republicans will reach critical mass and they'll be forced to get rid of Trump. And as noted Pence will also face his own problems. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
Colluding with a foreign government who wants to help one candidate win an election is not "operational research", it's treason and yes it is illegal. Foreign governments don't favour the candidate who best serves YOUR country's interests, they want to elect the candidate who best serves THEIR interests.

People are EXECUTED for committing treason.

Article III Sec. 3
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

Now, that is the Constitutional definition of Treason. Trump Jr. is NOT GUILTY of this. I'm sorry that Tim Kaine thinks he is... I'm sorry YOU think he is. You are idiots who don't understand what Treason is.

You can't even tell us what "information" was exchanged here! You can't explain what they were supposedly "colluding" to do! So you are WAY out in the weeds on this and you're losing your goddamn minds. Russia isn't even technically an official "enemy of state" as defined Constitutionally. We're not at war with Russia, we haven't broken off diplomatic relations... we have a fucking Russian Ambassador!

Honestly.... you people are acting like you're in the third grade!
Oh so now you don't even think what he did was unethical? Even they now admit it's at least that. Remember? Now they are saying "everybody does it".

You may not have voted for him but you prefer him to Hillary so close enough. I consider anyone who didn't vote, voted for Gary Johnson or Trump a douche bag.

No, I don't think anything he did was unethical or illegal and I don't believe anyone has proven it is. I don't think they've admitted it is... that's a flat out lie.

Yes, I prefer Trump over Hillary. I didn't vote for Trump, Hillary or Gary Johnson. I voted for Daryl Castle of the Constitution Party. I would actually PREFER President Pence over President Trump. None of that changes my opinion on this matter one way or another.

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer once again criticized Donald Trump Jr. for meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer in 2016 after being promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton obtained by the Russian government.

Krauthammer, speaking Thursday on “Special Report With Bret Baier” on Fox News, said the emails Trump Jr. released earlier this week “totally undermine a six-month story from the White House ... that there wasn’t any collusion.” (SO LIE. YOU DON'T THINK LYING IS UNETHICAL?)

He added, “This was a bungled collusion. This was amateurish collusion. This was Keystone Kops collusion. But it doesn’t change the fact that it was attempted collusion and it undoes the White House story completely.”

Krauthammer and Graham are Establishment SHILLS.
No lies. No collusion. No attempt at collusion. NOTHING BURGERS!
Whatever idiot.

Here is what I am willing to do. Lets move on. Trump's team cheated and colluded to win, and Bill Clinton got the BJ and lied and was able to continue being President. Lets move on.

Well we can "move on" but we're not going to accept a false narrative.

No one cheated, no one colluded. You failed to produce any evidence of this.
Conservatives here will be triggered on this thread as they always are when their dear leader is exposed as a criminal and liar.

McCain remembers the fall of Nixon very well. He and many other Republicans old enough are now having the worst case of deja vu ever. Soon the pressure on Republicans will reach critical mass and they'll be forced to get rid of Trump. And as noted Pence will also face his own problems. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

He is your leader too. No one has a problem admitting he is a liar. We haven't had an honest president since Reagan.

There is no evidence a crime occurred let alone that trump committed it. If and when that happens we don't have a problem admitting it.
Whatever idiot.

Here is what I am willing to do. Lets move on. Trump's team cheated and colluded to win, and Bill Clinton got the BJ and lied and was able to continue being President. Lets move on.

Well we can "move on" but we're not going to accept a false narrative.

No one cheated, no one colluded. You failed to produce any evidence of this.

Just like Reagan didn't make a deal with the Iranians. Just like Bush didn't steal Florida. Just like Bush didn't lie us into Iraq. And now add this one to the list.
Conservatives here will be triggered on this thread as they always are when their dear leader is exposed as a criminal and liar.

McCain remembers the fall of Nixon very well. He and many other Republicans old enough are now having the worst case of deja vu ever. Soon the pressure on Republicans will reach critical mass and they'll be forced to get rid of Trump. And as noted Pence will also face his own problems. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

He is your leader too. No one has a problem admitting he is a liar. We haven't had an honest president since Reagan.

There is no evidence a crime occurred let alone that trump committed it. If and when that happens we don't have a problem admitting it.

Even if Jared, Jr, Manafort, Flynn, Rex & Sessions all get busted, you'll still say we haven't got anything on Trump. I see how it is.
Whatever idiot.

Here is what I am willing to do. Lets move on. Trump's team cheated and colluded to win, and Bill Clinton got the BJ and lied and was able to continue being President. Lets move on.

Well we can "move on" but we're not going to accept a false narrative.

No one cheated, no one colluded. You failed to produce any evidence of this.

Remember you guys said the russian government wasn't in the meeting and that woman was just a lawyer lobbying for orphans? Did you know this guy was in the meeting?

A Russian-American lobbyist says he attended a June 2016 meeting with President Donald Trump’s son, marking another shift in the account of a discussion that was billed as part of a Russian government effort to help the Republican’s White House campaign.

Rinat Akhmetshin confirmed his participation to The Associated Press on Friday. Akhmetshin has been reported to have ties to Russian intelligence agencies, a characterization he dismisses as a “smear campaign.” He told the AP he served in the Soviet military in a unit that was part of counterintelligence but was never formally trained as a spy.

He was in the meeting???? WOW!!! And they weren't colluding with Russia? LOL.
The conservatives’ denial of facts is well known, and their memory of history is typically faulty.
Could you quote these "facts" that they are denying?

Or are you simply full of shit again?

Methinks it is the latter.
The trouble with some Conservative Americans they cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction...Like Nixon and now HIM(His Imperial Majesty) Trump,the truth will be gleaned by a thousand cuts until the truth is fully exposed...I ask myself,WHY can't these CREEPS just admit the truth.

They cannot because their whole existence is a LIE

Wow. Put down the kool aid. It's killing you
Conservatives here will be triggered on this thread as they always are when their dear leader is exposed as a criminal and liar.

McCain remembers the fall of Nixon very well. He and many other Republicans old enough are now having the worst case of deja vu ever. Soon the pressure on Republicans will reach critical mass and they'll be forced to get rid of Trump. And as noted Pence will also face his own problems. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

He is your leader too. No one has a problem admitting he is a liar. We haven't had an honest president since Reagan.

There is no evidence a crime occurred let alone that trump committed it. If and when that happens we don't have a problem admitting it.

Even if Jared, Jr, Manafort, Flynn, Rex & Sessions all get busted, you'll still say we haven't got anything on Trump. I see how it is.

Busted for what exactly?

And even if all your friends are convicted of a crime doesn't mean you've committed one
Conservatives here will be triggered on this thread as they always are when their dear leader is exposed as a criminal and liar.

McCain remembers the fall of Nixon very well. He and many other Republicans old enough are now having the worst case of deja vu ever. Soon the pressure on Republicans will reach critical mass and they'll be forced to get rid of Trump. And as noted Pence will also face his own problems. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

Us liberals fear that there is a new normal today than in the past. In other words what Don Jr. did and what the entire Trump team did would have sunk any other administration, but maybe not them. Similar to how Trump said he grabs women's pussies and he still got elected. No one else but him could have got away with that. This is a unique situation where Republicans want a Republican in the white house so bad they'll allow just about anything.

Mike Pence's Press Secretary Won't Say If His Boss Met With Russians | HuffPost
Wrong, turd, HIllary did far worse, and the media didn't even report it. What Trump Jr did was entirely legal and normal during political campaigns. Hillary received derogatory information about Trump from hundreds of sources. How is that any different?

If the media didn't report how are you alone privy to this news?

He's always been fos.
You are so bitter.
Now it turns out a former kgb guy was in the meeting????
Whatever idiot.

Here is what I am willing to do. Lets move on. Trump's team cheated and colluded to win, and Bill Clinton got the BJ and lied and was able to continue being President. Lets move on.

Well we can "move on" but we're not going to accept a false narrative.

No one cheated, no one colluded. You failed to produce any evidence of this.

Remember you guys said the russian government wasn't in the meeting and that woman was just a lawyer lobbying for orphans? Did you know this guy was in the meeting?

A Russian-American lobbyist says he attended a June 2016 meeting with President Donald Trump’s son, marking another shift in the account of a discussion that was billed as part of a Russian government effort to help the Republican’s White House campaign.

Rinat Akhmetshin confirmed his participation to The Associated Press on Friday. Akhmetshin has been reported to have ties to Russian intelligence agencies, a characterization he dismisses as a “smear campaign.” He told the AP he served in the Soviet military in a unit that was part of counterintelligence but was never formally trained as a spy.

He was in the meeting???? WOW!!! And they weren't colluding with Russia? LOL.

I don't know if this guy was there or not. Just because some yahoo shows up and claims he was there, doesn't mean a damn thing. Just because this person "is reported to have ties" doesn't mean anything to me.

And they "colluded" to do WHAT? Please... someone tell me! What exactly did they "collude" to do? They didn't change the votes... they didn't hack voting machines! I don't get what it was they were "colluding" to do! No one will tell me!

Did they give Trump Jr. some dirt on Hillary? What was it? Was it worse than the dirt we already had on Hillary? Was it worse than what Wikileaks exposed? I'm just not understanding how the Russians helped Trump.

There is no "quid" and there is no "pro quo" here... there's a great big Nothing Burger! Nadda... Zip... Nothing! Trump Jr. had a 20-minute meeting with a Russian lobbying to have some adoption law reversed. And that's it... that's all you have! You're trying to turn THAT into treason!

Meanwhile... Hillary was literally selling her office and influence for personal gain and we've got the clear unquestionable evidence to prove it.
Whatever idiot.

Here is what I am willing to do. Lets move on. Trump's team cheated and colluded to win, and Bill Clinton got the BJ and lied and was able to continue being President. Lets move on.

Well we can "move on" but we're not going to accept a false narrative.

No one cheated, no one colluded. You failed to produce any evidence of this.

Remember you guys said the russian government wasn't in the meeting and that woman was just a lawyer lobbying for orphans? Did you know this guy was in the meeting?

A Russian-American lobbyist says he attended a June 2016 meeting with President Donald Trump’s son, marking another shift in the account of a discussion that was billed as part of a Russian government effort to help the Republican’s White House campaign.

Rinat Akhmetshin confirmed his participation to The Associated Press on Friday. Akhmetshin has been reported to have ties to Russian intelligence agencies, a characterization he dismisses as a “smear campaign.” He told the AP he served in the Soviet military in a unit that was part of counterintelligence but was never formally trained as a spy.

He was in the meeting???? WOW!!! And they weren't colluding with Russia? LOL.

I don't know if this guy was there or not. Just because some yahoo shows up and claims he was there, doesn't mean a damn thing. Just because this person "is reported to have ties" doesn't mean anything to me.

And they "colluded" to do WHAT? Please... someone tell me! What exactly did they "collude" to do? They didn't change the votes... they didn't hack voting machines! I don't get what it was they were "colluding" to do! No one will tell me!

Did they give Trump Jr. some dirt on Hillary? What was it? Was it worse than the dirt we already had on Hillary? Was it worse than what Wikileaks exposed? I'm just not understanding how the Russians helped Trump.

There is no "quid" and there is no "pro quo" here... there's a great big Nothing Burger! Nadda... Zip... Nothing! Trump Jr. had a 20-minute meeting with a Russian lobbying to have some adoption law reversed. And that's it... that's all you have! You're trying to turn THAT into treason!

Meanwhile... Hillary was literally selling her office and influence for personal gain and we've got the clear unquestionable evidence to prove it.
Zero respect for you. You remind me of Johnny Cochran defending oj
Zero respect for you. You remind me of Johnny Cochran defending oj

Sorry, I'm not defending anybody... I just want to see some evidence of a crime or unethical behavior... something.... anything. I can't even get anyone to tell me what they were supposed to be "colluding" to do. "Influencing" an election is called "campaigning." It's the way we've conducted every election since 1776. Opposition research is big business in politics. Where do you think the infamous "pussy grabbing" tape came from? And the "peeing Russian prostitutes" story came from oppo-research gathered from the Ukraine... a foreign entity!

Just like EVERYTHING you guys throw at Trump, you're guilty of 1000x worse!
Zero respect for you. You remind me of Johnny Cochran defending oj

Sorry, I'm not defending anybody... I just want to see some evidence of a crime or unethical behavior... something.... anything. I can't even get anyone to tell me what they were supposed to be "colluding" to do. "Influencing" an election is called "campaigning." It's the way we've conducted every election since 1776. Opposition research is big business in politics. Where do you think the infamous "pussy grabbing" tape came from? And the "peeing Russian prostitutes" story came from oppo-research gathered from the Ukraine... a foreign entity!

Just like EVERYTHING you guys throw at Trump, you're guilty of 1000x worse!
No respect for you

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