Conservatives’ Deny Facts and Forget History, But It Won’t Help

We know you are and expect you to continue to be mystified. Now shut the fuck up and let the adults talk.
I see you can't explain what he lied about.

When I know I could show you a video of him lying and you would still argue, why bother with you?

All we keep asking for is proof, nobody has any. We can qualify that with the word "yet", but it's been a year.
How unreasonable of you to demand proof before convicting Trump of treason. You must also be a traitor.

If being a "traitor" means being entirely willing to shove leftwing stupidity right back up their asses I'm guilty.
Yes you are. Party over country is your motto. If you have to collude with our enemies to accomplish your goals fine. God knows what you have promised them.

This reminds me of Reagan Carter. Reagan/Bush got the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election. Then years later they sold the Iranians a bunch of weapons. Coincidence? That's what Republicans said. And they got away with it like they're trying to get away with colluding with russia.

also referred to as Irangate,[1]Contragate[2] or the Iran–Contra scandal, was a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan Administration. Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo.[3] They hoped, thereby, to fund the Contras in Nicaragua while at the same time negotiating the release of several U.S. hostages. Under the Boland Amendment, further funding of the Contras by the government had been prohibited by Congress.

The scandal began as an operation to free seven American hostages being held in Lebanon by Hezbollah, a paramilitary group with Iranian ties connected to the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. It was planned that Israel would ship weapons to Iran, and then the United States would resupply Israel and receive the Israeli payment. The Iranian recipients promised to do everything in their power to achieve the release of the hostages.[4][5] Large modifications to the plan were devised by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North of the National Security Council in late 1985, in which a portion of the proceeds from the weapon sales was diverted to fund anti-Sandinista, or Contras, in Nicaragua.[4]

While President Ronald Reagan was a supporter of the Contra cause,[6] the evidence is disputed as to whether he authorized the diversion of the money raised by the Iranian arms sales to the Contras.
We know you are and expect you to continue to be mystified. Now shut the fuck up and let the adults talk.
I see you can't explain what he lied about.

When I know I could show you a video of him lying and you would still argue, why bother with you?

All we keep asking for is proof, nobody has any. We can qualify that with the word "yet", but it's been a year.
How unreasonable of you to demand proof before convicting Trump of treason. You must also be a traitor.

If being a "traitor" means being entirely willing to shove leftwing stupidity right back up their asses I'm guilty.
That's not what it means but you are still a traitor and loser.
What did Donald Jr lie about? I'm still mystified by that accusation.

We know you are and expect you to continue to be mystified. Now shut the fuck up and let the adults talk.
I see you can't explain what he lied about.

When I know I could show you a video of him lying and you would still argue, why bother with you?

All we keep asking for is proof, nobody has any. We can qualify that with the word "yet", but it's been a year.
You need more proof? Wow what a stupid fuck you must be.

But ok, there's more to come. Just keep watching. It's why the special investigator is still working the case. And every week more comes out. So just be patient.

But don't ask for the case to go away. Not when it's getting better and better by the day.

And why don't you pass any bills? Pass something. You have a majority and the White House. Tick tick tick. Times a wasting.
He doesn't want MORE proof. He want's you to provide any proof whatsoever. So far, there is none.
We know you are and expect you to continue to be mystified. Now shut the fuck up and let the adults talk.
I see you can't explain what he lied about.

When I know I could show you a video of him lying and you would still argue, why bother with you?

All we keep asking for is proof, nobody has any. We can qualify that with the word "yet", but it's been a year.
You need more proof? Wow what a stupid fuck you must be.

But ok, there's more to come. Just keep watching. It's why the special investigator is still working the case. And every week more comes out. So just be patient.

But don't ask for the case to go away. Not when it's getting better and better by the day.

And why don't you pass any bills? Pass something. You have a majority and the White House. Tick tick tick. Times a wasting.
He doesn't want MORE proof. He want's you to provide any proof whatsoever. So far, there is none.

Documentary Reveals The 'Dirty Tricks' Of One Of Trump's Closest Political Advisers

Court of public opinion.

Poll: Majority think Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer was inappropriate

Yea, the public is stupid, not you rwnj's. Suuuureeee.

So it isn't just me who thinks you are a stupid fuck. Ask Don.
I see you can't explain what he lied about.

When I know I could show you a video of him lying and you would still argue, why bother with you?

All we keep asking for is proof, nobody has any. We can qualify that with the word "yet", but it's been a year.
How unreasonable of you to demand proof before convicting Trump of treason. You must also be a traitor.

If being a "traitor" means being entirely willing to shove leftwing stupidity right back up their asses I'm guilty.
Yes you are. Party over country is your motto. If you have to collude with our enemies to accomplish your goals fine. God knows what you have promised them.

This reminds me of Reagan Carter. Reagan/Bush got the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election. Then years later they sold the Iranians a bunch of weapons. Coincidence? That's what Republicans said. And they got away with it like they're trying to get away with colluding with russia.

also referred to as Irangate,[1]Contragate[2] or the Iran–Contra scandal, was a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan Administration. Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo.[3] They hoped, thereby, to fund the Contras in Nicaragua while at the same time negotiating the release of several U.S. hostages. Under the Boland Amendment, further funding of the Contras by the government had been prohibited by Congress.

The scandal began as an operation to free seven American hostages being held in Lebanon by Hezbollah, a paramilitary group with Iranian ties connected to the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. It was planned that Israel would ship weapons to Iran, and then the United States would resupply Israel and receive the Israeli payment. The Iranian recipients promised to do everything in their power to achieve the release of the hostages.[4][5] Large modifications to the plan were devised by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North of the National Security Council in late 1985, in which a portion of the proceeds from the weapon sales was diverted to fund anti-Sandinista, or Contras, in Nicaragua.[4]

While President Ronald Reagan was a supporter of the Contra cause,[6] the evidence is disputed as to whether he authorized the diversion of the money raised by the Iranian arms sales to the Contras.

All those words and not one thing about the actual topic. I am not Republican child, I am simply a thinking American who knows that thus far there are no "facts", just wishful emotion from cowards like you.
No you are full of shit and it's funny but also frustrating. But who cares what you think. You're one of them who it doesn't matter what he does. Even if he rounded up all the muslims and killed them you'd defend them.

Sorry but I'm going to defend him until you present some evidence he did something illegal or unethical. As long as THIS is all you have, I'm going to defend him... and I didn't even vote for his father!

Oh so now you don't even think what he did was unethical? Even they now admit it's at least that. Remember? Now they are saying "everybody does it".

You may not have voted for him but you prefer him to Hillary so close enough. I consider anyone who didn't vote, voted for Gary Johnson or Trump a douche bag.

I see you can't explain what he lied about.

When I know I could show you a video of him lying and you would still argue, why bother with you?

All we keep asking for is proof, nobody has any. We can qualify that with the word "yet", but it's been a year.
How unreasonable of you to demand proof before convicting Trump of treason. You must also be a traitor.

If being a "traitor" means being entirely willing to shove leftwing stupidity right back up their asses I'm guilty.
That's not what it means but you are still a traitor and loser.

It's exactly what I means and yes you ARE a loser. This Nation is a post constitutional nation. We no longer live by the rule of law OR the Constitution itself. The 4th amendment has ceased to exist, the 1st Amendment has been turned on it's head and the "Bill of Rights" has become just a few quaint suggestions that somebody wrote a long time ago.
When I know I could show you a video of him lying and you would still argue, why bother with you?

All we keep asking for is proof, nobody has any. We can qualify that with the word "yet", but it's been a year.
How unreasonable of you to demand proof before convicting Trump of treason. You must also be a traitor.

If being a "traitor" means being entirely willing to shove leftwing stupidity right back up their asses I'm guilty.
Yes you are. Party over country is your motto. If you have to collude with our enemies to accomplish your goals fine. God knows what you have promised them.

This reminds me of Reagan Carter. Reagan/Bush got the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election. Then years later they sold the Iranians a bunch of weapons. Coincidence? That's what Republicans said. And they got away with it like they're trying to get away with colluding with russia.

also referred to as Irangate,[1]Contragate[2] or the Iran–Contra scandal, was a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan Administration. Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo.[3] They hoped, thereby, to fund the Contras in Nicaragua while at the same time negotiating the release of several U.S. hostages. Under the Boland Amendment, further funding of the Contras by the government had been prohibited by Congress.

The scandal began as an operation to free seven American hostages being held in Lebanon by Hezbollah, a paramilitary group with Iranian ties connected to the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. It was planned that Israel would ship weapons to Iran, and then the United States would resupply Israel and receive the Israeli payment. The Iranian recipients promised to do everything in their power to achieve the release of the hostages.[4][5] Large modifications to the plan were devised by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North of the National Security Council in late 1985, in which a portion of the proceeds from the weapon sales was diverted to fund anti-Sandinista, or Contras, in Nicaragua.[4]

While President Ronald Reagan was a supporter of the Contra cause,[6] the evidence is disputed as to whether he authorized the diversion of the money raised by the Iranian arms sales to the Contras.

All those words and not one thing about the actual topic. I am not Republican child, I am simply a thinking American who knows that thus far there are no "facts", just wishful emotion from cowards like you.

You aren't? I look through all of the threads you started and I don't see a democratic or liberal thread topic. What are you if not a republican?

Intelligence Official: Transcripts Of Flynn's Calls Don't Show Criminal Wrongdoing

And you've been defending the Trump team since February.
All we keep asking for is proof, nobody has any. We can qualify that with the word "yet", but it's been a year.
How unreasonable of you to demand proof before convicting Trump of treason. You must also be a traitor.

If being a "traitor" means being entirely willing to shove leftwing stupidity right back up their asses I'm guilty.
Yes you are. Party over country is your motto. If you have to collude with our enemies to accomplish your goals fine. God knows what you have promised them.

This reminds me of Reagan Carter. Reagan/Bush got the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election. Then years later they sold the Iranians a bunch of weapons. Coincidence? That's what Republicans said. And they got away with it like they're trying to get away with colluding with russia.

also referred to as Irangate,[1]Contragate[2] or the Iran–Contra scandal, was a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan Administration. Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo.[3] They hoped, thereby, to fund the Contras in Nicaragua while at the same time negotiating the release of several U.S. hostages. Under the Boland Amendment, further funding of the Contras by the government had been prohibited by Congress.

The scandal began as an operation to free seven American hostages being held in Lebanon by Hezbollah, a paramilitary group with Iranian ties connected to the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. It was planned that Israel would ship weapons to Iran, and then the United States would resupply Israel and receive the Israeli payment. The Iranian recipients promised to do everything in their power to achieve the release of the hostages.[4][5] Large modifications to the plan were devised by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North of the National Security Council in late 1985, in which a portion of the proceeds from the weapon sales was diverted to fund anti-Sandinista, or Contras, in Nicaragua.[4]

While President Ronald Reagan was a supporter of the Contra cause,[6] the evidence is disputed as to whether he authorized the diversion of the money raised by the Iranian arms sales to the Contras.

All those words and not one thing about the actual topic. I am not Republican child, I am simply a thinking American who knows that thus far there are no "facts", just wishful emotion from cowards like you.

You aren't? I look through all of the threads you started and I don't see a democratic or liberal thread topic. What are you if not a republican?

Intelligence Official: Transcripts Of Flynn's Calls Don't Show Criminal Wrongdoing

And you've been defending the Trump team since February.

I am an American who knows better than to play within the false left/right, pub/dem construct. If you think that simply asking for proof is "defending" anyone you are nothing but a hopeless blind partisan lost in the paradigm. It's ok though, most people are.
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The conservatives’ denial of facts is well known, and their memory of history is typically faulty.
Could you quote these "facts" that they are denying?

Or are you simply full of shit again?

Methinks it is the latter.

We can start with "Cutting taxes create jobs" - it didn't work for Reagan or W. The CBO has said tax cuts don't create jobs, but Republicans are prepared to do it again.

Then there's "Deficits don't matter". This only applies when Republicans are in power, because growth created by tax cuts will cover them. When Democrats are in power, Republicans are appalled by out of control deficits, which are much lower than the Republican deficits which didn't matter. Republicans see no issues with this disconnect from reality.

Then there's "ISIS was created by Obama's foreign policy". ISIS was formed in 2005 from remnants of Saddam's Republican Guard and an offshoot of Al Qaeda so radical that AQ disavowed them.

I could go on and on but conservstives will never acknowledge their own lies.
How many strawmen can you rape in one post?
Well for starters, that he released the emails in an effort to be transparent. He released them because the NYT had copies and was about to publish them.

Also that meeting with someone he believed to be a lawyer in the employ of Putin's Kremlin to obtain information from a foreign government who wanted help his father get elected is a "nothing burger", because the lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin. Junior doesn't seem to understand the legal implications of "intent".

How did the NY Times have copies of his personal emails?

What "information" did Trump Jr. receive?

Intent to what??? :dunno:

Let's put this another way:

Remember those TV shows where cops pretended to be underage kids inviting sexual predators to meet them alone while their parents are away? These guys would show up with flowers, candy and booze hoping for a hot time with a kid, only to be greeted by the police, who then arrested them. Even though there was no child waiting to have sex with the perv, these guys were still found to be guilty because they went to that meeting intending to have sex with a child.

Don Jr. agreed to meet a lawyer who he believed was working for Putin, to acquire information from a foreign government who wanted to help his father get elected. Conspiring with a foreign government to meddle in a US election is treason. Don Jr. went to that meeting intending to collude with Putin and commit treason.

Just because the lawyer wasn't who Junior thought she was when he agreeed to the meeting, doesn't mean he gets to walk away from his crime.
Oh so now you don't even think what he did was unethical? Even they now admit it's at least that. Remember? Now they are saying "everybody does it".

You may not have voted for him but you prefer him to Hillary so close enough. I consider anyone who didn't vote, voted for Gary Johnson or Trump a douche bag.

No, I don't think anything he did was unethical or illegal and I don't believe anyone has proven it is. I don't think they've admitted it is... that's a flat out lie.

Yes, I prefer Trump over Hillary. I didn't vote for Trump, Hillary or Gary Johnson. I voted for Daryl Castle of the Constitution Party. I would actually PREFER President Pence over President Trump. None of that changes my opinion on this matter one way or another.
Well for starters, that he released the emails in an effort to be transparent. He released them because the NYT had copies and was about to publish them.

Also that meeting with someone he believed to be a lawyer in the employ of Putin's Kremlin to obtain information from a foreign government who wanted help his father get elected is a "nothing burger", because the lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin. Junior doesn't seem to understand the legal implications of "intent".

How did the NY Times have copies of his personal emails?

What "information" did Trump Jr. receive?

Intent to what??? :dunno:

Let's put this another way:

Remember those TV shows where cops pretended to be underage kids inviting sexual predators to meet them alone while their parents are away? These guys would show up with flowers, candy and booze hoping for a hot time with a kid, only to be greeted by the police, who then arrested them. Even though there was no child waiting to have sex with the perv, these guys were still found to be guilty because they went to that meeting intending to have sex with a child.

Don Jr. agreed to meet a lawyer who he believed was working for Putin, to acquire information from a foreign government who wanted to help his father get elected. Conspiring with a foreign government to meddle in a US election is treason. Don Jr. went to that meeting intending to collude with Putin and commit treason.

Just because the lawyer wasn't who Junior thought she was when he agreeed to the meeting, doesn't mean he gets to walk away from his crime.

It's not the same thing... Having sex with underage children is a crime. Gathering opposition research on a political opponent is POLITICS. There is no crime, even IF he had obtained information, which he didn't.

YOU do not understand what TREASON is.... You're an IDIOT!
Well for starters, that he released the emails in an effort to be transparent. He released them because the NYT had copies and was about to publish them.

Also that meeting with someone he believed to be a lawyer in the employ of Putin's Kremlin to obtain information from a foreign government who wanted help his father get elected is a "nothing burger", because the lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin. Junior doesn't seem to understand the legal implications of "intent".

How did the NY Times have copies of his personal emails?

What "information" did Trump Jr. receive?

Intent to what??? :dunno:

Let's put this another way:

Remember those TV shows where cops pretended to be underage kids inviting sexual predators to meet them alone while their parents are away? These guys would show up with flowers, candy and booze hoping for a hot time with a kid, only to be greeted by the police, who then arrested them. Even though there was no child waiting to have sex with the perv, these guys were still found to be guilty because they went to that meeting intending to have sex with a child.

Don Jr. agreed to meet a lawyer who he believed was working for Putin, to acquire information from a foreign government who wanted to help his father get elected. Conspiring with a foreign government to meddle in a US election is treason. Don Jr. went to that meeting intending to collude with Putin and commit treason.

Just because the lawyer wasn't who Junior thought she was when he agreeed to the meeting, doesn't mean he gets to walk away from his crime.

It's not the same thing... Having sex with underage children is a crime. Gathering opposition research on a political opponent is POLITICS. There is no crime, even IF he had obtained information, which he didn't.

YOU do not understand what TREASON is.... You're an IDIOT!

She truly is, which begs the question why bother?
Well for starters, that he released the emails in an effort to be transparent. He released them because the NYT had copies and was about to publish them.

Also that meeting with someone he believed to be a lawyer in the employ of Putin's Kremlin to obtain information from a foreign government who wanted help his father get elected is a "nothing burger", because the lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin. Junior doesn't seem to understand the legal implications of "intent".

How did the NY Times have copies of his personal emails?

What "information" did Trump Jr. receive?

Intent to what??? :dunno:

Let's put this another way:

Remember those TV shows where cops pretended to be underage kids inviting sexual predators to meet them alone while their parents are away? These guys would show up with flowers, candy and booze hoping for a hot time with a kid, only to be greeted by the police, who then arrested them. Even though there was no child waiting to have sex with the perv, these guys were still found to be guilty because they went to that meeting intending to have sex with a child.

Don Jr. agreed to meet a lawyer who he believed was working for Putin, to acquire information from a foreign government who wanted to help his father get elected. Conspiring with a foreign government to meddle in a US election is treason. Don Jr. went to that meeting intending to collude with Putin and commit treason.

Just because the lawyer wasn't who Junior thought she was when he agreeed to the meeting, doesn't mean he gets to walk away from his crime.

It's not the same thing... Having sex with underage children is a crime. Gathering opposition research on a political opponent is POLITICS. There is no crime, even IF he had obtained information, which he didn't.

YOU do not understand what TREASON is.... You're an IDIOT!

Colluding with a foreign government who wants to help one candidate win an election is not "operational research", it's treason and yes it is illegal. Foreign governments don't favour the candidate who best serves YOUR country's interests, they want to elect the candidate who best serves THEIR interests.

People are EXECUTED for committing treason.
Well for starters, that he released the emails in an effort to be transparent. He released them because the NYT had copies and was about to publish them.

Also that meeting with someone he believed to be a lawyer in the employ of Putin's Kremlin to obtain information from a foreign government who wanted help his father get elected is a "nothing burger", because the lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin. Junior doesn't seem to understand the legal implications of "intent".

How did the NY Times have copies of his personal emails?

What "information" did Trump Jr. receive?

Intent to what??? :dunno:

Let's put this another way:

Remember those TV shows where cops pretended to be underage kids inviting sexual predators to meet them alone while their parents are away? These guys would show up with flowers, candy and booze hoping for a hot time with a kid, only to be greeted by the police, who then arrested them. Even though there was no child waiting to have sex with the perv, these guys were still found to be guilty because they went to that meeting intending to have sex with a child.

Don Jr. agreed to meet a lawyer who he believed was working for Putin, to acquire information from a foreign government who wanted to help his father get elected. Conspiring with a foreign government to meddle in a US election is treason. Don Jr. went to that meeting intending to collude with Putin and commit treason.

Just because the lawyer wasn't who Junior thought she was when he agreeed to the meeting, doesn't mean he gets to walk away from his crime.

It's not the same thing... Having sex with underage children is a crime. Gathering opposition research on a political opponent is POLITICS. There is no crime, even IF he had obtained information, which he didn't.

YOU do not understand what TREASON is.... You're an IDIOT!

Colluding with a foreign government who wants to help one candidate win an election is not "operational research", it's treason and yes it is illegal. Foreign governments don't favour the candidate who best serves YOUR country's interests, they want to elect the candidate who best serves THEIR interests.

People are EXECUTED for committing treason.

So now you want to kill Trump, aren't you special.
Oh so now you don't even think what he did was unethical? Even they now admit it's at least that. Remember? Now they are saying "everybody does it".

You may not have voted for him but you prefer him to Hillary so close enough. I consider anyone who didn't vote, voted for Gary Johnson or Trump a douche bag.

No, I don't think anything he did was unethical or illegal and I don't believe anyone has proven it is. I don't think they've admitted it is... that's a flat out lie.

Yes, I prefer Trump over Hillary. I didn't vote for Trump, Hillary or Gary Johnson. I voted for Daryl Castle of the Constitution Party. I would actually PREFER President Pence over President Trump. None of that changes my opinion on this matter one way or another.

Not even unethical?

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) joined a bipartisan chorus of voices condemning Donald Trump Jr.’s newly revealed decision to meet with a Russian lawyer in 2016.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.) called the revelation Tuesday “disturbing.”

“Anytime you’re in a campaign and you get an offer from a foreign government to help your campaign, the answer is no,” Graham said.

So Boss, if you don't see what Don Jr did was unethical, we are done here. Bye.

And yes, I know where you get your talking points from

Donald Trump Jr. committed a grave political sin - getting the optics wrong
We all know it’s true. In American politics these days it's only the optics that matter—not intent or that something is a rookie mistake.

Ha! So now Fox is making the same argument Paul Ryan made for Don when Don pressured Comey and then fired him for not being loyal

Ryan on Trump: 'He's just new to this' -

Sorry, being new to this is not an excuse and neither is ignorance of the law. Jr. certainly knew what he was doing was at least unethical. His excuse was that "everybody does it".
Well for starters, that he released the emails in an effort to be transparent. He released them because the NYT had copies and was about to publish them.

Also that meeting with someone he believed to be a lawyer in the employ of Putin's Kremlin to obtain information from a foreign government who wanted help his father get elected is a "nothing burger", because the lawyer wasn't connected to the Kremlin. Junior doesn't seem to understand the legal implications of "intent".

How did the NY Times have copies of his personal emails?

What "information" did Trump Jr. receive?

Intent to what??? :dunno:

Let's put this another way:

Remember those TV shows where cops pretended to be underage kids inviting sexual predators to meet them alone while their parents are away? These guys would show up with flowers, candy and booze hoping for a hot time with a kid, only to be greeted by the police, who then arrested them. Even though there was no child waiting to have sex with the perv, these guys were still found to be guilty because they went to that meeting intending to have sex with a child.

Don Jr. agreed to meet a lawyer who he believed was working for Putin, to acquire information from a foreign government who wanted to help his father get elected. Conspiring with a foreign government to meddle in a US election is treason. Don Jr. went to that meeting intending to collude with Putin and commit treason.

Just because the lawyer wasn't who Junior thought she was when he agreeed to the meeting, doesn't mean he gets to walk away from his crime.

It's not the same thing... Having sex with underage children is a crime. Gathering opposition research on a political opponent is POLITICS. There is no crime, even IF he had obtained information, which he didn't.

YOU do not understand what TREASON is.... You're an IDIOT!

Colluding with a foreign government who wants to help one candidate win an election is not "operational research", it's treason and yes it is illegal. Foreign governments don't favour the candidate who best serves YOUR country's interests, they want to elect the candidate who best serves THEIR interests.

People are EXECUTED for committing treason.

So now you want to kill Trump, aren't you special.

I want to cut their lying tongues out.
Oh so now you don't even think what he did was unethical? Even they now admit it's at least that. Remember? Now they are saying "everybody does it".

You may not have voted for him but you prefer him to Hillary so close enough. I consider anyone who didn't vote, voted for Gary Johnson or Trump a douche bag.

No, I don't think anything he did was unethical or illegal and I don't believe anyone has proven it is. I don't think they've admitted it is... that's a flat out lie.

Yes, I prefer Trump over Hillary. I didn't vote for Trump, Hillary or Gary Johnson. I voted for Daryl Castle of the Constitution Party. I would actually PREFER President Pence over President Trump. None of that changes my opinion on this matter one way or another.

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer once again criticized Donald Trump Jr. for meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer in 2016 after being promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton obtained by the Russian government.

Krauthammer, speaking Thursday on “Special Report With Bret Baier” on Fox News, said the emails Trump Jr. released earlier this week “totally undermine a six-month story from the White House ... that there wasn’t any collusion.” (SO LIE. YOU DON'T THINK LYING IS UNETHICAL?)

He added, “This was a bungled collusion. This was amateurish collusion. This was Keystone Kops collusion. But it doesn’t change the fact that it was attempted collusion and it undoes the White House story completely.”

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