Conservatives going nanners over porn


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Dec 12, 2013
Pornography is under attack Wired UK

Pornography is under attack
01 May 15 by James Temperton

The Conservative party has made its view on pornography abundantly clear: porn is damaging to children and must be kept under-wraps. Now the party is upping the ante.

Web filters have made it harder to access pornography online and recent changes to the law banned everything from spanking to facesitting in a bid to protect children from "harmful material". Now the Conservative party wants to go one step further and hide all pornographic websites behind an 18+ verification check. Critics argue the move sets a dangerous precedent.

Pornography under attack -- a timeline

April 2013 - David Cameron outlines plans to block porn from all public Wi-Fi hotspots

Hidden in the Conservative manifesto is a pledge to introduce age-verification on "all sites containing pornographic material". The policy was launched off the back of a NSPCC report that claimed a tenth of all 12 to 13 year olds thought they were "addicted" to pornography.

But how would the age-verification system work? A party spokesperson refused to provide specific details but did say it would be run by an independent regulator. This regulator would have the power to tell ISPs to block websites who do not comply, the spokesperson said, adding there would be no government involvement in deciding what should and shouldn't be age-restricted."
Every study ever conducted into the effects of porn on adults and young people alike have concluded it isn't harmful. Even child advocacy groups say it's normal and fine,

So your kid is looking at porn. Now what

"Dr. Toft added, “Parents are going to do best if they do not consider porn isolated from sexuality. They need to address their moral feelings about sex, and porn is part of that. It is also best addressed ahead of time not after the fact.” He added, “A parent’s reaction can have a tremendous impact, and you could make it traumatic by ranting, raving and threatening reprisals.”‘

Dr. Marty Klein, a Silicon Valley-based marriage counselor, psychotherapist, and sex therapist, said that “many parents are blissfully ignoring their kids’ sexuality. They don’t talk about sex with their children when they’re young and when they trip over their kid’s porn at age 14, they suddenly realize their kid is a sexual being. ” Finding that your kid is using porn, said Dr. Klein, “can be a teachable moment. It can be turned into a positive thing. It may be long overdue for a parent to have a few conversations about sex with their kid.” He added,” we don’t wait around for our kids to ask about taking care of their teeth. We teach them dental hygiene when they’re young. It’s the same with sex.” Dr. Klein argues that “you can’t talk about porn without talking about your kid masturbating. One of the reason parents don’t want their kids looking at porn is because they’re uncomfortable with their kid masturbating.” Klein said that there is no evidence that masturbation is harmful or dangerous unless the child is doing it so much that it’s interfering with other activities."
It isn't love or affection. Porn is not romantic. The women and men in porn don't exactly have the same natural appearance as everyone else.

It is not the decision of porn purveyors whether or not children watch porn. If a parent wants their child to be able to access porn those parents are perfectly capable to seeing to it that their children have access.
Every study ever conducted into the effects of porn on adults and young people alike have concluded it isn't harmful. Even child advocacy groups say it's normal and fine,

So your kid is looking at porn. Now what

"Dr. Toft added, “Parents are going to do best if they do not consider porn isolated from sexuality. They need to address their moral feelings about sex, and porn is part of that. It is also best addressed ahead of time not after the fact.” He added, “A parent’s reaction can have a tremendous impact, and you could make it traumatic by ranting, raving and threatening reprisals.”‘

Dr. Marty Klein, a Silicon Valley-based marriage counselor, psychotherapist, and sex therapist, said that “many parents are blissfully ignoring their kids’ sexuality. They don’t talk about sex with their children when they’re young and when they trip over their kid’s porn at age 14, they suddenly realize their kid is a sexual being. ” Finding that your kid is using porn, said Dr. Klein, “can be a teachable moment. It can be turned into a positive thing. It may be long overdue for a parent to have a few conversations about sex with their kid.” He added,” we don’t wait around for our kids to ask about taking care of their teeth. We teach them dental hygiene when they’re young. It’s the same with sex.” Dr. Klein argues that “you can’t talk about porn without talking about your kid masturbating. One of the reason parents don’t want their kids looking at porn is because they’re uncomfortable with their kid masturbating.” Klein said that there is no evidence that masturbation is harmful or dangerous unless the child is doing it so much that it’s interfering with other activities."
Bullshit, like most libtards claims
Children who are exposed to porn have unrealistic expectations. The girls the boys meet are never going to be as pretty as those in porn. They won't have those bodies and they won't rather have sex with the pizza delivery guy than eat the pizza. The boys the girls encounter won't be as well built or as sexy as the guys in the porn movies. Because porn is so very personal it's easy to believe that this is the way real people behave. It's easy to forget that these people are just acting. That endless hard on is the result of many takes and good editing.

Computer porn should be like television porn subscription and pay per view. If parents want their children to watch they let them.
Children who are exposed to porn have unrealistic expectations. The girls the boys meet are never going to be as pretty as those in porn. They won't have those bodies and they won't rather have sex with the pizza delivery guy than eat the pizza. The boys the girls encounter won't be as well built or as sexy as the guys in the porn movies. Because porn is so very personal it's easy to believe that this is the way real people behave. It's easy to forget that these people are just acting. That endless hard on is the result of many takes and good editing.

Computer porn should be like television porn subscription and pay per view. If parents want their children to watch they let them.

Been looking at porn since I was about 12. Starting with Playboy 'all picture' editions. At no time did I ever think to myself I wish I looked like that (even allowing for it being women I was looking at, I eventually saw naked men as well.) Nor did I ever find myself thinking, when I have sex I'll do it like they do. I understood 'for effect' and all that.

I think what porn may do to our expectation and view of sexual things is akin to what alcohol does. If you're a basicly good person, alcohol just lets you express that goodness without inhibitions not to. If a mean nasty person, that too comes out more freely. As with porn and actually having sex. If a good person you take the 'instructional' aspects and know how to give pleasure to others. If not so good and the slapping a person's face with your dick seemed cool to you, you might do that.

Plus there's two primary categories of porn as gets mentioned in these sorts of studies and reports. 'SEM' (sexually explicit material,) and 'VSEM' (Violent Sexually Explicit Material.) 'SEM' has been demonstrated ad infinitum not to cause any sort of anti-social acting out in viewers and consumers of it. 'VSEM" on the other hand can. Though as is seen more recently with violent video games, it's not a given. But it can be a contributing factor.

Not all porn is the distasteful 'gonzo' sort of the last ~15 or so years. The 'good stuff' is very much just what I term 'graphic lovemaking.' And does show viewers how to give pleasure and orgasms to both the men and the womn depicted in it. Without lesbian-produced porn in fact I'd never have learned about a woman's clitoris or that its' the center of a woman's sexual pleasure. For myself at least, I never got any actual sex ed in school. Remember a film of a woman giving birth in a health class but other than that had no idea about anything.

Since most women's first sexual experience with a guy is negative due to lack of understanding and experience, porn can provide some basic how-to information to change that first experience. Simple refrain of 'if it's hurts you're doing something wrong so stop and figure it out' works. Generally, when intercourse hurts it's because the guy didn't get the gal arroused enough to self-lubricate her vagina and it's basicly rubbing dry skin against dry skin which generates a great deal of heat from the friction so of course it's going to hurt. If people understood the mechanics of sex seeing it in porn with a clarficiation that all the stuff up to actual intercourse is intended to make the intercourse feel better, viewers would be much better lovers.

Is simply no reason nor any excuse to hide sexual information and mechanics from young people about to become sexual regardless of whether they receive explicit info or not. So give them the info they need so we don't keep raising generation after generation of people who have a dim view of sex because it's never been very good for them. You'd be stunned how many women reach their 30s without ever having had an orgasm except by themselves.
If you were 12, how do you feel about a 5 year old getting such instruction? Maybe 12 was age appropriate for you. Maybe another 12 year old wouldn't be ready for such instruction. What is so distasteful about letting this be a parental decision?

I was six when I got my first swichblade and started learning how to use it. Because it was okay for me does that mean all six year olds should start carrying a knife?

For the largest number of people, minors do not benefit from early exposure to porn.

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