Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests

Again, you're not the creator or things.
I'm the REPORTER. :biggrin:

So was Himmler.

the fact you are saying trump made this political says it all. it was political before he got to it.

now he took a big gas whiz on the fire, yes. but he didn't start it.

It was not political. You had a handful of players kneeling and fans made up their own mind. Trump had to divert people's attention and he turned it into a political issue and told his supporters what to think. That is when you looney tune Trump supporters decided you were against the players kneeling.

just because i don't jump on the FUCK TRUMP train doesn't mean i support trump - why you asinine asshats have to keep seeing things your way or "the other way" is beyond me.

it was an issue before trump doubled down. period. it was political. the only thing trump did was bring it to a head faster.

you looney tune trump haters need to stop pinning you don't like on trump.

You are the looney tune. You may not want to admit that you are a Trump supporter but you sound like one. Holding Trump accountable is not fucking Trump. It was a very small issue and everybody made up their mind. Once Trump told his supporters what to say is when it took off.

You looney tune Trump supporters need to quite excusing everything he does.
well good cause to me you're bat shit crazy blinded by hate of a man you've never met, i'll bet. anyone who disagrees with you, you've yet to show comprehension as to WHY they disagree with you so in your limited mental capacity you can only think "not with me, so must be with who i hate or he'd be with me" makes sense to you.

hold him accountable for what he did. poured gas on the fire. but you sit there and want to pretend he not only started this fire, but invented fire just to start it here so he could put gas on it.

You are the one who is mentally limited. The American people see Trump for what he is. The Morning Consult poll gave us a clue what people think of Trump. He is not a leader, untrustworthy, sexist, reckless, liar, dishonest, thin-skinned, uncompassionate and unstable.
Don’t you know no polls matter if they show the pussygrabber in an unfavorable light.
Again the national polls mostly got it right. They had Clinton up by a handful of points in the popular vote. She won by 3 points.
They had it pitifully wrong. They were having her winning the ELECTORAL vote by a landslide, and in accordance, the dummy Democrats were partying victory, even before half the votes were tallied. Only to watch state after state falling red, like dominos.

As for the popular vote, who cares ? Her illegal alien voters will be gone/deported soon. It's only the AMERICAN popular vote that matters, and Trump won that in a landslide. :biggrin:

They did not. ABC/Washing Post only did national polls not statewide polls. They had Clinton winning the popular vote by 4 and she won by 3. The fact is Trump won was because he was less awful than Clinton. Voters hated both choices which is why Obama's approval ratings went up during the campaign.
Again, you're not the creator or things.
I'm the REPORTER. :biggrin:

So was Himmler.

It was not political. You had a handful of players kneeling and fans made up their own mind. Trump had to divert people's attention and he turned it into a political issue and told his supporters what to think. That is when you looney tune Trump supporters decided you were against the players kneeling.

just because i don't jump on the FUCK TRUMP train doesn't mean i support trump - why you asinine asshats have to keep seeing things your way or "the other way" is beyond me.

it was an issue before trump doubled down. period. it was political. the only thing trump did was bring it to a head faster.

you looney tune trump haters need to stop pinning you don't like on trump.

You are the looney tune. You may not want to admit that you are a Trump supporter but you sound like one. Holding Trump accountable is not fucking Trump. It was a very small issue and everybody made up their mind. Once Trump told his supporters what to say is when it took off.

You looney tune Trump supporters need to quite excusing everything he does.
well good cause to me you're bat shit crazy blinded by hate of a man you've never met, i'll bet. anyone who disagrees with you, you've yet to show comprehension as to WHY they disagree with you so in your limited mental capacity you can only think "not with me, so must be with who i hate or he'd be with me" makes sense to you.

hold him accountable for what he did. poured gas on the fire. but you sit there and want to pretend he not only started this fire, but invented fire just to start it here so he could put gas on it.

You are the one who is mentally limited. The American people see Trump for what he is. The Morning Consult poll gave us a clue what people think of Trump. He is not a leader, untrustworthy, sexist, reckless, liar, dishonest, thin-skinned, uncompassionate and unstable.
Don’t you know no polls matter if they show the pussygrabber in an unfavorable light.

Name a poll that shows him in a good light. Even Fox News can't give him good numbers.
The US is not being invaded. The majority of voters support a path to citizenship for illegals. Nobody is being plundered. The United States is the most prosperous nation in the world. You are so clueless.
That's what YOU are. I guess having $133 Billion (remittances) extracted out of your country, and re-inserted into other countries, means nothing to you, huh ? And Mexico has been doing it for 70 years, almost uninterrupted. And that's only part of it. There's also the welfare looting via the anchor baby racket (and false documentation) combined with a misinterpretation of the 14th amendment (like Jacob Howard never intended it to be)

Well, since you're OK with it, how about if, I move into your house, take your food, use your TV set, and remove stuff from your house, and re-insert it into my house, for years ? Wanna do it ?

As for what the majority of AMERICAN voters support, regarding illegal aliens, we showed that back in November 2016. :biggrin:

I should be getting paid for all this tutoring I'm giving you
Again, you're not the creator or things.
I'm the REPORTER. :biggrin:

So was Himmler.

It was not political. You had a handful of players kneeling and fans made up their own mind. Trump had to divert people's attention and he turned it into a political issue and told his supporters what to think. That is when you looney tune Trump supporters decided you were against the players kneeling.

just because i don't jump on the FUCK TRUMP train doesn't mean i support trump - why you asinine asshats have to keep seeing things your way or "the other way" is beyond me.

it was an issue before trump doubled down. period. it was political. the only thing trump did was bring it to a head faster.

you looney tune trump haters need to stop pinning you don't like on trump.

You are the looney tune. You may not want to admit that you are a Trump supporter but you sound like one. Holding Trump accountable is not fucking Trump. It was a very small issue and everybody made up their mind. Once Trump told his supporters what to say is when it took off.

You looney tune Trump supporters need to quite excusing everything he does.
well good cause to me you're bat shit crazy blinded by hate of a man you've never met, i'll bet. anyone who disagrees with you, you've yet to show comprehension as to WHY they disagree with you so in your limited mental capacity you can only think "not with me, so must be with who i hate or he'd be with me" makes sense to you.

hold him accountable for what he did. poured gas on the fire. but you sit there and want to pretend he not only started this fire, but invented fire just to start it here so he could put gas on it.

You are the one who is mentally limited. The American people see Trump for what he is. The Morning Consult poll gave us a clue what people think of Trump. He is not a leader, untrustworthy, sexist, reckless, liar, dishonest, thin-skinned, uncompassionate and unstable.

Strong leader 39% 50%
Trustworthy 33% 53%
Knowledgable 42% 46%
Too liberal 12% 67%
Too conservative 26% 52%
Sexist 50% 35%
Racist 45% 40%
Keeps his promises 34% 50%
Reckless 56% 31%
Honest 35% 51%
Cares about people like me 34% 53%
Thin-skinned 52% 33%
Compassionate 33% 54%
great. you hate trump and found a new way to show it.

have a nice night.

Great you are a Trump sycophant and keep proving it.

have a nice night.
They did not. ABC/Washing Post only did national polls not statewide polls. They had Clinton winning the popular vote by 4 and she won by 3. The fact is Trump won was because he was less awful than Clinton. Voters hated both choices which is why Obama's approval ratings went up during the campaign.
I've already refuted this dopey thing twice. jeeeez!

Hint: You care what an ABC/Wash Post "poll" says ? Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?
The US is not being invaded. The majority of voters support a path to citizenship for illegals. Nobody is being plundered. The United States is the most prosperous nation in the world. You are so clueless.
That's what YOU are. I guess having $133 Billion (remittances) extracted out of your country, and re-inserted into other countries, means nothing to you, huh ? And Mexico has been doing it for 70 years, almost uninterrupted. And that's only part of it. There's also the welfare looting via the anchor baby racket (and false documentation) combined with a misinterpretation of the 14th amendment (like Jacob Howard never intended it to be)

Well, since you're OK with it, how about if, I move into your house, take your food, use your TV set, and remove stuff from your house, and re-insert it into my house, for years ? Wanna do it ?

As for what the majority of AMERICAN voters support, regarding illegal aliens, we showed that back in November 2016. :biggrin:

I should be getting paid for all this tutoring I'm giving you

You are so stupid. That is a stupid analogy. You say the 14th Amendment is mis-interpreted then get a judgeship if you are so smart.

The only thing that Americans showed in November is they hated Trump less than Clinton. If None of the Above was a option and allowed us to start over with neither Clinton or Trump could not run again, it would have won in a landslide.
You apparently do. You want to belittle the players and say their concerns are little. You say you don't but by your attitude you do. You and I don't know enough about these cases to make that conclusion. Coulter is telling you exactly what she wants you to know. She is a partisan hack who is a example of how too much bleach softens the brain. She may or may not be right. I would have to look at all the evidence. Cops are too tolerant of bad cops and that needs to be addressed.
FALSE! I know exactly enough. I know just by looking at the videos (Ex. the Crutcher shooting, McDonald, Scott, etc)

Society is too tolerant of pandering to black troublemakers like Obama, Sharpton, Holder, Jackson, etc

As for Coulter, you don't have a shred of evidence to disparge her book. Yeah, you go look at the evidence. And you'll find she's 100% accurate.
You are so stupid. That is a stupid analogy. You say the 14th Amendment is mis-interpreted then get a judgeship if you are so smart.

The only thing that Americans showed in November is they hated Trump less than Clinton. If None of the Above was a option and allowed us to start over with neither Clinton or Trump could not run again, it would have won in a landslide.
1. Not a stupid analogy. Situation is the same. Only the level (national & individual) are different.

2. So you're saying Howard was OK with kids of foreigners to become citizens ? You got a problem there, He said exactly the opposite.
Jacob Howard, author of the 14th amendment, and co-author of the 13th amendment (other one was Abraham Lincoln)

"[The 14th amendment] will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of person." [2]

Jacob M. Howard - Wikipedia
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What subsidies do they receive from the Federal Government?

I'm curious about that too. Stadiums cost the state and local tax payers. The NFL tax exempt status has been gone for a couple of years, and that was only the NFL corporate office. The teams have always, if I am not mistaken, paid taxes.
No-brainer. Of course there were fine people on both sides. Only programmed, suckered, Trump-bashers think there weren't.

Fine people do not march with white supremacists. I would march with the devil before I would with Richard Spencer. If people started throwing around Nazi salutes, I would leave. There were no fine people marching with the white supremacists and neo-nazis.
You are so stupid. That is a stupid analogy. You say the 14th Amendment is mis-interpreted then get a judgeship if you are so smart.

The only thing that Americans showed in November is they hated Trump less than Clinton. If None of the Above was a option and allowed us to start over with neither Clinton or Trump could not run again, it would have won in a landslide.
1. Not a stupid analogy. Situation is the same. Only the level (national & individual) are different.

2. So you're saying Howard was OK with kids of foreigners to become citizens ? You got a problem there, He said exactly the opposite.
Jacob Howard, author of the 14th amendment, and co-author of the 13th amendment (other one was Abraham Lincoln)

"[The 14th amendment] will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of person." [2]

Jacob M. Howard - Wikipedia

If you look at that quote, he says that persons who are families of ambassadors and foreign ministers are not covered under the 14th Amendment but others will be. It does support the current interpretation of the 14th Amendment.
Good, the government should not be subsidizing the NFL in the First place.
If they can afford to pay those players salaries they don't need tax payer help.
It was bound to happen. NFL owners should have fired these overpaid loudmouths before they wound up costing the owners millions$$$. Now the owners will lose millions$$$ in subsidies, that are offered when NFL teams build or refurbish their stadiums.

Republican Congressman Steve Russell of Oklahoma is a highly decorated 21-year combat veteran who lost comrades in deployments overseas in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. He knows firsthand the sacrifices veterans have made for his country.

He, like many other Republican Congressmen, believe the current NFL protests, begun last year by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, have crossed the line in terms of lack of patriotism among spoiled football players. To that end, Russell has introduced legislation that would end federal subsidies for the NFL.

Also, legislation, to do the same, is being introduced by Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, who is now lead sponsor of the Pro Sports Act, which was introduced by former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz,.

So NFL owners will lose Billions$$ because they couldn't (or wouldn't) control their bigmouth players .Should have gotten rid of these dopes before they caused all he trouble.

Trump calls for end to NFL tax breaks -- bill already in place!

Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests
Lets eview here.

You jackasses actually voted for a man who did insult war heroes, disrespected Gold Star families, and trashed POWs & now you are upset because some people are protesting police brutality because you are so ignorant, you think the protesters disrespect the military.

When you voted for Trump, you disrespected the military.
Lefties are living in a fantasy world inspired by crazy blogs and fueled by hatred. The Mid-East war stagnated for eight years under Barry Hussein while the Military was used as a social experiment. Hussein invited the parents of a (suspected) deserter to the White House while idiotic democrats called Berghdal a "hero" and snubbed the families of the Soldiers who died trying to get him back. The Hussein administration casually dismissed the jihad Major Nadal's murder of his own troops as a "workplace shooting".The only "victories" the Hussein administration had was forcing the greatest Military in to world to accept psychologically confused people who thought they belonged to a different species, excuse me, gender.
They did not. ABC/Washing Post only did national polls not statewide polls. They had Clinton winning the popular vote by 4 and she won by 3. The fact is Trump won was because he was less awful than Clinton. Voters hated both choices which is why Obama's approval ratings went up during the campaign.
I've already refuted this dopey thing twice. jeeeez!

Hint: You care what an ABC/Wash Post "poll" says ? Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

You have not refuted anything. Ignoring it does not make it go away. When the polls say the same thing, there clearly is truth in them.
You apparently do. You want to belittle the players and say their concerns are little. You say you don't but by your attitude you do. You and I don't know enough about these cases to make that conclusion. Coulter is telling you exactly what she wants you to know. She is a partisan hack who is a example of how too much bleach softens the brain. She may or may not be right. I would have to look at all the evidence. Cops are too tolerant of bad cops and that needs to be addressed.
FALSE! I know exactly enough. I know just by looking at the videos (Ex. the Crutcher shooting, McDonald, Scott, etc)

Society is too tolerant of pandering to black troublemakers like Obama, Sharpton, Holder, Jackson, etc

As for Coulter, you don't have a shred of evidence to disparge her book. Yeah, you go look at the evidence. And you'll find she's 100% accurate.
An Ann Coulter believer. That is really bad even for a Trumpette.

You speak of evidence when you ignore everything about your orange buddy. He isn't accurate about anything?
You apparently do. You want to belittle the players and say their concerns are little. You say you don't but by your attitude you do. You and I don't know enough about these cases to make that conclusion. Coulter is telling you exactly what she wants you to know. She is a partisan hack who is a example of how too much bleach softens the brain. She may or may not be right. I would have to look at all the evidence. Cops are too tolerant of bad cops and that needs to be addressed.
FALSE! I know exactly enough. I know just by looking at the videos (Ex. the Crutcher shooting, McDonald, Scott, etc)

Society is too tolerant of pandering to black troublemakers like Obama, Sharpton, Holder, Jackson, etc

As for Coulter, you don't have a shred of evidence to disparge her book. Yeah, you go look at the evidence. And you'll find she's 100% accurate.

What would you suggest? Jail them? Trump and his supporters are white troublemakers.

I would look at all of the evidence not what is in Couter's book. She is a partisan.

What subsidies do they receive from the Federal Government?

I'm curious about that too. Stadiums cost the state and local tax payers. The NFL tax exempt status has been gone for a couple of years, and that was only the NFL corporate office. The teams have always, if I am not mistaken, paid taxes.

The individual teams pay taxes as any business does. The NFL office was tax exempt but it never made much money. The last year of the exemption, they lost money.
More red meat for the rubes. The NFL league office was the only NFL entity that received a tax break. Btw, they ended that themselves in 2015. The individual teams have always paid taxes as have the players. The new law will effect other professional sports however. The stadiums are a local matter but the Bonds issues do get some federal breaks. Since 2000 the new stadiums built got a total of 1.1 billion in tax breaks. But there again other sports received more breaks than football for their stadiums too.

Leave it to the Republicans to raise taxes.

Rah, rah rah.

Is the NFL getting 'massive tax breaks', as Trump said?
The other sports' players aren't disrespecting the country like the footballers are. Did anybody see the national anthem ceremonies of the 2 World Series games played this week ?

Not one person in the whole stadium (in Los Angeles) was kneeling. The singers were terrific, and the whole presentation was honorable to the max.

Those other professional sports are included in laws he wants changed.

"And thanks to the 1986 tax code reform, if a municipality finances over 90 percent of a stadium, those bonds enjoy the same tax exemption as would a public project like a road or bridge."

That is the only federal tax breaks the NFL (well it's actually the cities that built the stadiums) get. About 74 million per year. How many cities? I don't know. Who will pay for it. The fans.

"Terrible Trump" has been at war with the NFL since the World Football League days, when he sued the NFL, won the case and received a whopping dollar settlement. Thanks to his poor business skills the league folded.
The USFL was doing well financially by playing in the spring. Trump insisted that they go head to head against the NFL and that they sue

Trump did not care if they won or not. He wanted to settle and have the NFL accept three teams of which would have been his

The USFL won $3 and folded for good

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