Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests

It was bound to happen. NFL owners should have fired these overpaid loudmouths before they wound up costing the owners millions$$$. Now the owners will lose millions$$$ in subsidies, that are offered when NFL teams build or refurbish their stadiums.

Republican Congressman Steve Russell of Oklahoma is a highly decorated 21-year combat veteran who lost comrades in deployments overseas in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. He knows firsthand the sacrifices veterans have made for his country.

He, like many other Republican Congressmen, believe the current NFL protests, begun last year by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, have crossed the line in terms of lack of patriotism among spoiled football players. To that end, Russell has introduced legislation that would end federal subsidies for the NFL.

Also, legislation, to do the same, is being introduced by Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, who is now lead sponsor of the Pro Sports Act, which was introduced by former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz,.

So NFL owners will lose Billions$$ because they couldn't (or wouldn't) control their bigmouth players .Should have gotten rid of these dopes before they caused all he trouble.

Trump calls for end to NFL tax breaks -- bill already in place!

Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests
Yes this is what happens when we have a party and president prone to autocratic rule.

Mine your own fucking business and start doing something that will help the country for a change.
Didn't he say massive tax breaks? Let me be clear though I think the Stadium extortion deals suck ass, but it is a local thing that Dumb ass Donnie has no control over except the small tax breaks the cities get by classifying the Bonds as municipals.
I say you're full of it. The 2 link articles in the OP refute everything you're saying, but keep babbling, if it makes you feel better.

Trump has control by signing the bills, when they reach his desk. Duh!
Again, you're not the creator or things.
I'm the REPORTER. :biggrin:

So was Himmler.

The kneelers want the entire NFL to engage in social justice awareness. The fans don't want to be preached to at football games. That's why the fans are withdrawing. The world is working exactly as it is supposed to. The kneelers can be treated just like the crazy guy in the park screaming "The End is Nigh". Get ignored. Lose those millions. The kneelers should be made to suffer financially until they get the message.

That is so much bullshit. I have been to football games and when the Anthem is played, most fans are getting their food. These very same people who criticize the players are disrespecting the flag. The fact is that Donald Trump has turned this into a political issue to divide people. The rubes are too blinded by hate to see through it.
the fact you are saying trump made this political says it all. it was political before he got to it.

now he took a big gas whiz on the fire, yes. but he didn't start it.

It was not political. You had a handful of players kneeling and fans made up their own mind. Trump had to divert people's attention and he turned it into a political issue and told his supporters what to think. That is when you looney tune Trump supporters decided you were against the players kneeling.

just because i don't jump on the FUCK TRUMP train doesn't mean i support trump - why you asinine asshats have to keep seeing things your way or "the other way" is beyond me.

it was an issue before trump doubled down. period. it was political. the only thing trump did was bring it to a head faster.

you looney tune trump haters need to stop pinning you don't like on trump.

You are the looney tune. You may not want to admit that you are a Trump supporter but you sound like one. Holding Trump accountable is not fucking Trump. It was a very small issue and everybody made up their mind. Once Trump told his supporters what to say is when it took off.

You looney tune Trump supporters need to quite excusing everything he does.
Yes this is what happens when we have a party and president prone to autocratic rule.

Mine your own fucking business and start doing something that will help the country for a change.
The country is my business, and I decide what is my business, not you. Now go in the bathroom and wash your mouth out with soap. :slap:
It's unreal how some folk are so rabid red white and blue. If you aren't you have no business here according to them. We'll I can honestly say I don't care one but if they kneel stand do handstands whatever. I don't care what they respect or disrespect. If the nfl shuts down that's ok. If they don't that's ok too. This over the top nationalism is a wee bit kooky though. Btw our fine state have 13 billion to a corporation to come here and somehow that is acceptable.
The president and GOP Congress has made it very clear the 1st amendment is under attack.
Free speech, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble is not popular under this administration.
Anyone who has trouble with what the NFL players are doing obviously can’t support the Constitution.
This POS president calls NFL players PEACEFULLY protesting “SOB’s “ while calling neonazis” Fine people.”
There’s certainly something seriously wrong here that can only be corrected by voting these sons of bitches out of office.
Yes this is what happens when we have a party and president prone to autocratic rule.

Mine your own fucking business and start doing something that will help the country for a change.
The country is my business, and I decide what is my business, not you. Now go in the bathroom and wash your mouth out with soap. :slap:
Go fuck yourself. Is that clear enough for you?
Again, you're not the creator or things.
I'm the REPORTER. :biggrin:

So was Himmler.

The kneelers want the entire NFL to engage in social justice awareness. The fans don't want to be preached to at football games. That's why the fans are withdrawing. The world is working exactly as it is supposed to. The kneelers can be treated just like the crazy guy in the park screaming "The End is Nigh". Get ignored. Lose those millions. The kneelers should be made to suffer financially until they get the message.

That is so much bullshit. I have been to football games and when the Anthem is played, most fans are getting their food. These very same people who criticize the players are disrespecting the flag. The fact is that Donald Trump has turned this into a political issue to divide people. The rubes are too blinded by hate to see through it.
the fact you are saying trump made this political says it all. it was political before he got to it.

now he took a big gas whiz on the fire, yes. but he didn't start it.

It was not political. You had a handful of players kneeling and fans made up their own mind. Trump had to divert people's attention and he turned it into a political issue and told his supporters what to think. That is when you looney tune Trump supporters decided you were against the players kneeling.

just because i don't jump on the FUCK TRUMP train doesn't mean i support trump - why you asinine asshats have to keep seeing things your way or "the other way" is beyond me.

it was an issue before trump doubled down. period. it was political. the only thing trump did was bring it to a head faster.

you looney tune trump haters need to stop pinning you don't like on trump.

You are the looney tune. You may not want to admit that you are a Trump supporter but you sound like one. Holding Trump accountable is not fucking Trump. It was a very small issue and everybody made up their mind. Once Trump told his supporters what to say is when it took off.

You looney tune Trump supporters need to quite excusing everything he does.
well good cause to me you're bat shit crazy blinded by hate of a man you've never met, i'll bet. anyone who disagrees with you, you've yet to show comprehension as to WHY they disagree with you so in your limited mental capacity you can only think "not with me, so must be with who i hate or he'd be with me" makes sense to you.

hold him accountable for what he did. poured gas on the fire. but you sit there and want to pretend he not only started this fire, but invented fire just to start it here so he could put gas on it.
NFL owners can blame themselves. Instead of firing the miscreants, right at the start, in many cases, they joined them.
Maybe the author of this thread can explain to the forum why he’s against the 1st amendment.
You can’t be against peaceful protest and FOR the 1st amendment..

Watch him say something stupid.
The president and GOP Congress has made it very clear the 1st amendment is under attack.
Free speech, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble is not popular under this administration.
Anyone who has trouble with what the NFL players are doing obviously can’t support the Constitution.
This POS president calls NFL players PEACEFULLY protesting “SOB’s “ while calling neonazis” Fine people.”
There’s certainly something seriously wrong here that can only be corrected by voting these sons of bitches out of office.
He didn't call neo-Nazis "fine people', asshat. hat was another fabrication smear of the liberal BS media. He was referring to ordinary people who were simply protesting against the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. Get your facts straight before posting in here.

As for your dumb Constitution comment, how many times has that already been refuted in this thread ? 30 ? 40 ? 50 ? Sheeeesh!
Nope...because of cell cameras, it's being exposed more and more and more.
And what the cell cameras have revealed, is police doing there jobs properly, just before being accused of doing them improperly, only to be vindicated in the end. ( Ex. Betty Shelby & Terrence Crutcher, Michael Brown & Darin Wilson, Michael Slager & Walter Scott, Laquan McDonald case, etc etc)
Nope.....just look at Cop Watch and some of the other collections on You Tube.......lots and lots of police abuse of authority going on out there......finally cameras are making that known.
He didn't call neo-Nazis "fine people', asshat. hat was another fabrication smear of the liberal BS media. He was referring to ordinary people who were simply protesting against the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. Get your facts straight before posting in here.

As for your dumb Constitution comment, how many times has that already been refuted in this thread ? 30 ? 40 ? 50 ? Sheeeesh!
Idiot doesn’t know how to post. Oh the Constitution has been refuted?
Really now.
The president and GOP Congress has made it very clear the 1st amendment is under attack.
Free speech, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble is not popular under this administration.
Anyone who has trouble with what the NFL players are doing obviously can’t support the Constitution.
This POS president calls NFL players PEACEFULLY protesting “SOB’s “ while calling neonazis” Fine people.”
There’s certainly something seriously wrong here that can only be corrected by voting these sons of bitches out of office.
He didn't call neo-Nazis "fine people', asshat. hat was another fabrication smear of the liberal BS media. He was referring to ordinary people who were simply protesting against the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. Get your facts straight before posting in here.

As for your dumb Constitution comment, how many times has that already been refuted in this thread ? 30 ? 40 ? 50 ? Sheeeesh!
He called some of them fine people. If you are marching with neo-Nazis, you are a fine person?
The president and GOP Congress has made it very clear the 1st amendment is under attack.
Free speech, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble is not popular under this administration.
Anyone who has trouble with what the NFL players are doing obviously can’t support the Constitution.
This POS president calls NFL players PEACEFULLY protesting “SOB’s “ while calling neonazis” Fine people.”
There’s certainly something seriously wrong here that can only be corrected by voting these sons of bitches out of office.
He didn't call neo-Nazis "fine people', asshat. hat was another fabrication smear of the liberal BS media. He was referring to ordinary people who were simply protesting against the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. Get your facts straight before posting in here.

As for your dumb Constitution comment, how many times has that already been refuted in this thread ? 30 ? 40 ? 50 ? Sheeeesh!
He called some of them fine people. If you are marching with neo-Nazis, you are a fine person?
The idiot also said yesterday T didn’t mock the handicapped reporter and He also didn’t defraud anyone with his Trump University..
He’s just another lying water carrier for this disgraced prez.
You already just said something VERY stupid. :biggrin:

I'm not against the 1st amendment, I just am capable of understanding its limitations. As I've said it has many exceptions. Do you know what they are ? Or do you just jump in here emptyheaded and mouth off.

As for the kneelers, that is no more "peaceful" than someone insulting somebody right to their face. Not at all peaceful. If these dopey kneelers wanted to be "peaceful" they could protest in the street, and not offend the American people's national anthem. Trump was right. Fire the creeps.
FALSE!!! The flag is a piece of cloth and the anthem is notes strung together. I am a veteran and I have no problem with it. A 95 tear old WWII veteran knelt in solidarity with the players. The Baltimore Ravens anthem singer served in Afghanistan and quit in solidarity with the players. It does not represent the military. They did not take a oath to defend the flag. The Constitution is what represents this country.

They are not attacking the flag. You and Trump are attacking the flag. You are using it as a cheap political issue. You and Trump are the human garbage. Just because you don't agree with their issues does not make it a little or no cause. You are the traitor to this country.

The First amendment is the strongest part of our Constitution. There are very few exceptions to free speech. You are going to lock people up for kneeling? You are a good little Nazi. You remind me of the Israelis who created a false God when Moses went up the mountain to get the 10 Commandments.
The flag and the anthem represents the military, and all those who have served in it past and present. Do you even know the words to the Star Spangled Banner ? What do you think it's talking about ? A tennis match ? It refers to naval battle in the War of 1812, you nitwit.

You think the words "the perilous fight" is referring to a boxing match ? How about >> "the rocket's red glare" ? What do you think that refers to ? 4th of July fireworks ? and >> "the bombs bursting in air". Maybe you figure that's about cherry bombs from WalMart, huh ? You dumbass.

The first amendment is CLEARLY the weakest part of the Constitution, because, as I said, it is vulnerable to erosion, and it has, with numerous exceptions. Are you keen enough to know what they are, or would you like me to lay them out here for you ? There'll be no charge for the tutoring.

Lastly, it hardly matters what I remind you of. You are obviously the possessor of a warped, deranged ultra-liberal brain.

The flag and anthem are nothing. The Constitution is what makes this country great. When I joined the military I swore a oath to uphold the Constitution. You are apparently more worried about the anthem and flag. If you served, did you take a oath to uphold the flag and anthem?

The flag has nothing to do with the military. It was created as a representation of the US at that time and as the US is today and nothing more. We did not even have a damn anthem until the War of 1812. We had a Constitution in 1788. Apparently that was not too important to the founding father.

The First Amendment should be the strongest part of the Constitution. It is what separates us from dictatorships. I will fight every attempt by liberals and Trump supporters to erode it.

You are the one who has the warped ultra-liberal brain. I support the Constitution and apparently you do not as you worship false gods.
Didn't he say massive tax breaks? Let me be clear though I think the Stadium extortion deals suck ass, but it is a local thing that Dumb ass Donnie has no control over except the small tax breaks the cities get by classifying the Bonds as municipals.
I say you're full of it. The 2 link articles in the OP refute everything you're saying, but keep babbling, if it makes you feel better.

Trump has control by signing the bills, when they reach his desk. Duh!

No they don't. The 7 billion dollar amount in the first article thrown around by Fox, include the local subsidies, from the local tax payer base, not federal taxes. Donnie may want to be a Dictator but he's not. The second only confirms what politifact says about the tax free status of the municipal bonds used to finance the stadiums.

Furthermore, they'd have to reach the Dumb Asses desk first. They'll never get past the Senate. Nor could they be retroactive for the bonds already passed and stadiums already built.

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