Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests

Yeah I always get those confused. Doesn't change the fact he sued the NFL, got a dollar settlement and cratered the league because of his poor business skills.
Uhhhh......I'm getting the gut feeling you're straying off topic. I think Trump is outraged just as much as most of America is.
Protests or not, it's about time these tax-funded subsidies were addressed.

The only federal tax breaks go to the cities who built the stadiums with bonds. I'm not sure they can retroactively take those away. The teams all pay Federal taxes, always have. The league office gave up their tax free status in 2015.
There is no reason any multi billion dollar industry should be getting subsidies from the federal government. Let alone one in the entertainment industry
You're right, just make sure you're boycotting them for what they're doing and not what you perceive them as doing while ignoring why they are doing that thing.
What are they doing?

It looks like they are taking a big fat shit on the country that provides them such a great opportunity to be ass-fuck rich. They have a problem with cops, so they shit on America, which, by extension, shits on Americans.

The NFL has a rule against doing EXACTLY what they are doing. The NFL is allowing them to shit on Americans.

Is that a good reason for him to boycott? Is he doing it for the right reason in your opinion?
I did read it all....that doesn't change my point in the least bit. Continue to support government suppression of free's what trumpanzees do.
In that case you're just a dum dum. Repeat - not all speech is free, there are numerous exceptions, and in private industry, there is no such thing, period.
The only federal tax breaks go to the cities who built the stadiums with bonds. I'm not sure they can retroactively take those away. The teams all pay Federal taxes, always have. The league office gave up their tax free status in 2015.
If that were true, none of this would be going on. I sense you don't know what you're talking about.
I'll take the word of the players as to why they are protesting over "Trump the Terrible". He just wants to hurt the NFL. He is abusing his power as president. The player have only been require to be on the field during the anthem for about 8 years now, so BFD.
Doesn't matter when they were on the field. What matters is them deliberately insulting the flag, the anthem, the military, the country. They could protest anywhere, anytime. They don't have to do it during the anthem.

By attacking them the president is insulting the Constitution and everyone who has sworn to protect it. Personally I thought it was an ineffective way for a high paid athlete to protest, but now that dumb ass Donnie shot off his mouth about it, I'm not so sure, but it doesn't bother me one bit. Play ball.
I would like to see the NFL bankrupt and disbanded. But don’t believe the original post in that “owners can’t control players mouths”. Let Cam Newton mention female capabilities and watch the hammer come down. Instantly.
I would like to see the NFL bankrupt and disbanded. But don’t believe the original post in that “owners can’t control players mouths”. Let Cam Newton mention female capabilities and watch the hammer come down. Instantly.
Let a non-black player drop the "N" word.

Owners and the NFL have been inconsistent at best.
They are not. You are the ones shitting on the Anthem and flag. When I joined the service., I took a oath to defend the Constitution of the United States not the flag or anthem. I defended this country for them to kneel if they so desire. These Congressmen take the same oath to defend the Constitution. These so-called conservatives are abusing their authority to go after their enemies. They want to divide this country and keep the rubes satisfied. Hate animates Republicans more than ideas. How the party has changed since Ronald Reagan.
FALSE! The flag and anthem represent much more than the Constitution. They represent the entire country, the whole military, past & present, and thousands of soldiers, sailors, etc who sacrificed their lives in wars.

The kneelers aren't just exercising free speech. They could do that out in the street like everyone else. They are deliberately attacking the flag and anthem and everything I just mentioned. And in so doing, THEY are the ones dividing the country, with little or no cause to crab about. Trump was right to call them SOBs. That's just what they are, and traitors as well.

As for the Constitution (free speech), not all speech is free. The 1st amendment is the weakest part of the Constitution, with numerous exceptions to free speech. They ought to make disrespecting the flag and anthem another one of those.

FALSE!!! The flag is a piece of cloth and the anthem is notes strung together. I am a veteran and I have no problem with it. A 95 tear old WWII veteran knelt in solidarity with the players. The Baltimore Ravens anthem singer served in Afghanistan and quit in solidarity with the players. It does not represent the military. They did not take a oath to defend the flag. The Constitution is what represents this country.

They are not attacking the flag. You and Trump are attacking the flag. You are using it as a cheap political issue. You and Trump are the human garbage. Just because you don't agree with their issues does not make it a little or no cause. You are the traitor to this country.

The First amendment is the strongest part of our Constitution. There are very few exceptions to free speech. You are going to lock people up for kneeling? You are a good little Nazi. You remind me of the Israelis who created a false God when Moses went up the mountain to get the 10 Commandments.
I am also reading ESPN will once again be laying off hundreds. More good news.
The kneelers want the entire NFL to engage in social justice awareness. The fans don't want to be preached to at football games. That's why the fans are withdrawing. The world is working exactly as it is supposed to. The kneelers can be treated just like the crazy guy in the park screaming "The End is Nigh". Get ignored. Lose those millions. The kneelers should be made to suffer financially until they get the message.

That is so much bullshit. I have been to football games and when the Anthem is played, most fans are getting their food. These very same people who criticize the players are disrespecting the flag. The fact is that Donald Trump has turned this into a political issue to divide people. The rubes are too blinded by hate to see through it.
the fact you are saying trump made this political says it all. it was political before he got to it.

now he took a big gas whiz on the fire, yes. but he didn't start it.

It was not political. You had a handful of players kneeling and fans made up their own mind. Trump had to divert people's attention and he turned it into a political issue and told his supporters what to think. That is when you looney tune Trump supporters decided you were against the players kneeling.
The only federal tax breaks go to the cities who built the stadiums with bonds. I'm not sure they can retroactively take those away. The teams all pay Federal taxes, always have. The league office gave up their tax free status in 2015.
If that were true, none of this would be going on. I sense you don't know what you're talking about.

Is the NFL getting 'massive tax breaks', as Trump said?

“federal government lost a potential tax revenue of $1.11 billion on bonds issued by local governments to finance NFL stadiums.”

Nauseating. Kick these whiny millionaires to the curb.
The kneelers want the entire NFL to engage in social justice awareness. The fans don't want to be preached to at football games. That's why the fans are withdrawing. The world is working exactly as it is supposed to. The kneelers can be treated just like the crazy guy in the park screaming "The End is Nigh". Get ignored. Lose those millions. The kneelers should be made to suffer financially until they get the message.

That is so much bullshit. I have been to football games and when the Anthem is played, most fans are getting their food. These very same people who criticize the players are disrespecting the flag. The fact is that Donald Trump has turned this into a political issue to divide people. The rubes are too blinded by hate to see through it.
the fact you are saying trump made this political says it all. it was political before he got to it.

now he took a big gas whiz on the fire, yes. but he didn't start it.

It was not political. You had a handful of players kneeling and fans made up their own mind. Trump had to divert people's attention and he turned it into a political issue and told his supporters what to think. That is when you looney tune Trump supporters decided you were against the players kneeling.

just because i don't jump on the FUCK TRUMP train doesn't mean i support trump - why you asinine asshats have to keep seeing things your way or "the other way" is beyond me.

it was an issue before trump doubled down. period. it was political. the only thing trump did was bring it to a head faster.

you looney tune trump haters need to stop pinning everything you don't like on trump.
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