Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests

The flag represents FREEDOM

That freedom includes freedom of speech and freedom of assembly
It is more than "My country right or wrong"
Not all speech is free, there are numerous exceptions. And there is no such thing as freedom of speech in private industry. Just go out and say the boss's daughter is a hooker, and see how long you last on that job.

The workplace is on the football field and starts when the whistle blows. The anthem is not a part of that. Why are there so many people at the refreshment line when the anthem is played? Apparently they don't see it as a big deal.
FALSE!!! The flag is a piece of cloth and the anthem is notes strung together. I am a veteran and I have no problem with it. A 95 tear old WWII veteran knelt in solidarity with the players. The Baltimore Ravens anthem singer served in Afghanistan and quit in solidarity with the players. It does not represent the military. They did not take a oath to defend the flag. The Constitution is what represents this country.

They are not attacking the flag. You and Trump are attacking the flag. You are using it as a cheap political issue. You and Trump are the human garbage. Just because you don't agree with their issues does not make it a little or no cause. You are the traitor to this country.

The First amendment is the strongest part of our Constitution. There are very few exceptions to free speech. You are going to lock people up for kneeling? You are a good little Nazi. You remind me of the Israelis who created a false God when Moses went up the mountain to get the 10 Commandments.
The flag and the anthem represents the military, and all those who have served in it past and present. Do you even know the words to the Star Spangled Banner ? What do you think it's talking about ? A tennis match ? It refers to naval battle in the War of 1812, you nitwit.

You think the words "the perilous fight" is referring to a boxing match ? How about >> "the rocket's red glare" ? What do you think that refers to ? 4th of July fireworks ? and >> "the bombs bursting in air". Maybe you figure that's about cherry bombs from WalMart, huh ? You dumbass.

The first amendment is CLEARLY the weakest part of the Constitution, because, as I said, it is vulnerable to erosion, and it has, with numerous exceptions. Are you keen enough to know what they are, or would you like me to lay them out here for you ? There'll be no charge for the tutoring.

Lastly, it hardly matters what I remind you of. You are obviously the possessor of a warped, deranged ultra-liberal brain.
The only federal tax breaks go to the cities who built the stadiums with bonds. I'm not sure they can retroactively take those away. The teams all pay Federal taxes, always have. The league office gave up their tax free status in 2015.
If that were true, none of this would be going on. I sense you don't know what you're talking about.

Is the NFL getting 'massive tax breaks', as Trump said?

“federal government lost a potential tax revenue of $1.11 billion on bonds issued by local governments to finance NFL stadiums.”

Nauseating. Kick these whiny millionaires to the curb.

Over 15 years, is a drop in an enormous bucket.
Did he say it was more than a drop ? Nope. He said America hating millionaires are being subsidized. Time to take away their drop in the bucket.
No, you're just taking it the wrong way on purpose to avoid discussing racial injustice by cops. It happens with every protest since protests existed.

One group protests a wrong doing while the other group, in this case yourself, pretends that the style of the protest is more important aND needs more attention than the protested injustice.

BUT you being upset about kneeling will never match how upset someone is when the cops shoot them dead. I know you FEEL it's a tie, but it's not
I have no problem with the protests, other than the fact that it's now the cool thing to do, rather than the focus being on the alleged problem of racial injustice by cops (I still do not buy that bullshit for a second, but I digress).

My problem is with the NFL's inconsistent enforcement of its own rules.

NFL rules require players to stand during the national anthem. NFL rules also require that players only wear approved decals, patches, or other items on their uniforms during games.

The Kneeling Nancy's have been shitting on NFL rules without permission or repercussions.

The Dallas Cowboys wanted to wear a decal in support of the fallen Dallas Police Officers who were murdered by that racist black fucktard WHILE the police were providing protection for the BLM protesters to protest the police. The Cowboys asked permission before doing it. The NFL said no.

The NFL supports public anti-cop actions during NFL broadcasts, but does not support police being honored with decals.

The inference: The NFL hates cops and supports cop murdering.

So, fuck the NFL. Roger Goodell is the worst sports commissioner, past, present, and future.

I fucking hope the NFL goes motherfucking bankrupt for this horseshit. I hope a competing entity takes over and replaces the NFL. Fuck that organization and its PC, one-sided, bullshit, commie narrative ass!!!

Either way, WE should not be FORCED to pay A GODDAMN DIME to the NFL through taxation and subsidies. At a minimum, there should be an anti-trust investigation.

There are no NFL rules requiring them to stand. The rule states the commissioner "may not "shall".

The NFL does not hate cops. You are just another crazy Trump supporter. The players kneeling are not saying they are anti-cop. They are holding cops accountable. I can look at the facts surrounding allegations of police brutality and come to different conclusions. I can see where the NFL I coming from. If you make 1 exception to the uniform code then everyone will want 1 made. How do you decide which cause is more worthy?

Look at what the cop in Utah did when he arrested and dragged the nurse away because she was following the law. Would that cop have been held accountable if the incident had not been taped? Too many cops look the other way when you have a bad cop.

A real leader would have reached out to the players kneeling and trying to find common ground. However Trump needs a political club to beat over his enemies so he uses the flag and anthem to divide us.
Nope...because of cell cameras, it's being exposed more and more and more.
And what the cell cameras have revealed, is police doing there jobs properly, just before being accused of doing them improperly, only to be vindicated in the end. ( Ex. Betty Shelby & Terrence Crutcher, Michael Brown & Darin Wilson, Michael Slager & Walter Scott, Laquan McDonald case, etc etc)
More red meat for the rubes. The NFL league office was the only NFL entity that received a tax break. Btw, they ended that themselves in 2015. The individual teams have always paid taxes as have the players. The new law will effect other professional sports however. The stadiums are a local matter but the Bonds issues do get some federal breaks. Since 2000 the new stadiums built got a total of 1.1 billion in tax breaks. But there again other sports received more breaks than football for their stadiums too.

Leave it to the Republicans to raise taxes.

Rah, rah rah.

Is the NFL getting 'massive tax breaks', as Trump said?
Fine by me. Most stadium deals are pure welfare.
Looks like you don't care for protesters. What happened to "I disagree with you, but defend to death your right to say it"?
Now this congressman who served in the middle east and lost fellow soldiers over there. I myself question the statement "they died for their country" since we are the country always invading other countries. We've been doing that ever since I enlisted back when JFK was prez and we're still invading and interfering whenever and wherever. And always, always, countries that have no capability to invade us back in retaliation. Think of the trillions wasted and for what? Maybe that's partly what these players are protesting also.
This isn't 1968, and the Vietnam War isn't raging. For your edification, the US is the # 1 VICTIM of invasion in the world today, with $133 Billion/year being lost in remittances. Imperialism (except for ISIS) is no longer done with guns & bombs. It is done with the imperialist countries sending millions of poor people to the prey country (USA), getting jobs there, and sending the wages$$ back to the home country (Remittances$$$)

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2015

Thereby, the imperialist country pillages the prey country for its wealth, with tens of Billions$$/year being extracted out of the prey country (USA) economy, and reinserted into the imperialist country's economy. This pillaging is being done by manipulation of laws, and often breaking laws (as in illegal immigration), and the complicity of vested interests in the prey country (ex. in the US > Democrats, churches, unions, Spanish media, greedy businesses, etc)

As for the freedom of speech angle, I've already addressed that more than once in this thread. Just read the thread.

The United States is not being invaded. You sound as crazy as he does except you work the opposite side of the street.
The only federal tax breaks go to the cities who built the stadiums with bonds. I'm not sure they can retroactively take those away. The teams all pay Federal taxes, always have. The league office gave up their tax free status in 2015.
If that were true, none of this would be going on. I sense you don't know what you're talking about.

Is the NFL getting 'massive tax breaks', as Trump said?

“federal government lost a potential tax revenue of $1.11 billion on bonds issued by local governments to finance NFL stadiums.”

Nauseating. Kick these whiny millionaires to the curb.

They did not lose any tax revenues. The bonds are used by local governments. NFL teams pay taxes the same as any regular business does. You are the whiny one.
There are no NFL rules requiring them to stand. The rule states the commissioner "may not "shall".

The NFL does not hate cops. You are just another crazy Trump supporter. The players kneeling are not saying they are anti-cop. They are holding cops accountable. I can look at the facts surrounding allegations of police brutality and come to different conclusions. I can see where the NFL I coming from. If you make 1 exception to the uniform code then everyone will want 1 made. How do you decide which cause is more worthy?

Look at what the cop in Utah did when he arrested and dragged the nurse away because she was following the law. Would that cop have been held accountable if the incident had not been taped? Too many cops look the other way when you have a bad cop.

A real leader would have reached out to the players kneeling and trying to find common ground. However Trump needs a political club to beat over his enemies so he uses the flag and anthem to divide us.
HA HA. The dopes think they're "holding cops accountable", when really, all they're doing is displaying what suckers they are for the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustle campaign.

Nobody is in favor of bad cops getting away crimes of their own. But time after time, case after case (see Post # 72), cops have been falsely accused in order to gin up votes for Democrats, or to appease a majority black electorate, or both.

As for dividing, it's the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustle team who have done that, like never before, and the kneeling football player flunkies who naively follow them.
Did he say it was more than a drop ? Nope. He said America hating millionaires are being subsidized. Time to take away their drop in the bucket.

Didn't he say massive tax breaks? Let me be clear though I think the Stadium extortion deals suck ass, but it is a local thing that Dumb ass Donnie has no control over except the small tax breaks the cities get by classifying the Bonds as municipals.
I'll take the word of the players as to why they are protesting over "Trump the Terrible". He just wants to hurt the NFL. He is abusing his power as president. The player have only been require to be on the field during the anthem for about 8 years now, so BFD.
Doesn't matter when they were on the field. What matters is them deliberately insulting the flag, the anthem, the military, the country. They could protest anywhere, anytime. They don't have to do it during the anthem.

There is no reason why they can't protest during the anthem. Martin Luther King could have protested anywhere so why did he do it in Washington DC?
The United States is not being invaded. You sound as crazy as he does except you work the opposite side of the street.
The US has been invaded for 70 years. Thankfully, Trump is finally doing something about it. First president to really do so since Eisenhower in 1954 (Operation Wetback)

Currently the invaders (Mexico, China, India top 3) in total have been plundering us for $133 Billion/year (Pew Research center-2016), with $24.3/year going to just Mexico alone (the Vikings would be envious)
There is no reason why they can't protest during the anthem. Martin Luther King could have protested anywhere so why did he do it in Washington DC?
Of course there's a reason. It's been stated here 100 times, and you know it.
The United States is not being invaded. You sound as crazy as he does except you work the opposite side of the street.
The US has been invaded for 70 years. Thankfully, Trump is finally doing something about it. First president to really do so since Eisenhower in 1954 (Operation Wetback)

Currently the invaders (Mexico, China, India top 3) in total have been plundering us for $133 Billion/year (Pew Research center-2016), with $24.3/year going to just Mexico alone (the Vikings would be envious)
And with the complicity of companies like Google, and Facebook, and others who love to hire and underpay foreign nationals and force their American Counterparts to train them to replace themselves.
It's unreal how some folk are so rabid red white and blue. If you aren't you have no business here according to them. We'll I can honestly say I don't care one but if they kneel stand do handstands whatever. I don't care what they respect or disrespect. If the nfl shuts down that's ok. If they don't that's ok too. This over the top nationalism is a wee bit kooky though. Btw our fine state have 13 billion to a corporation to come here and somehow that is acceptable.

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