Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests

The concerns were PROVEN to not be real, in the courts, where they never should have had to go in the first place.

Rofl, what court case was that? And when did a judge rule that cops never abuse their power and always are punished in the courts?

What's that docket like lol? the government now wants to get involved with pressuring people to stand for the National Anthem........
Hmmmmmmm........something something something about the government and free speech somewhere.......
Interesting how posters ignore posts earlier in the thread. Maybe they just jump in here without reading the previous post, and not knowing their new post has already been refuted repeatedly.

You know about being black better than blacks do. So when I need to know what's real I'll ask you because you're the expert
Better yet, take my advice and read the book (Mugged) and about all those cases listed in Post # 72, and learn about what the liberal OMISSION media has been hiding from you all these years, thereby cultivating blacks to think like you do now.

Why? I don't need to open a book to find out about what being black is like.
Why? I don't need to open a book to find out about what being black is like.
It's not about what being black is like. It's about what being white is like. And being a cop. And yes, you DO need to read that book. Very much.

How many of those cases in Post # 72, do you know anything about ? One ? None ? the government now wants to get involved with pressuring people to stand for the National Anthem........
Hmmmmmmm........something something something about the government and free speech somewhere.......
Interesting how posters ignore posts earlier in the thread. Maybe they just jump in here without reading the previous post, and not knowing their new post has already been refuted repeatedly.

I did read it all....that doesn't change my point in the least bit. Continue to support government suppression of free's what trumpanzees do.
No, you're just taking it the wrong way on purpose to avoid discussing racial injustice by cops. It happens with every protest since protests existed.

One group protests a wrong doing while the other group, in this case yourself, pretends that the style of the protest is more important aND needs more attention than the protested injustice.

BUT you being upset about kneeling will never match how upset someone is when the cops shoot them dead. I know you FEEL it's a tie, but it's not
A post couldn't be more backwards than this one. The idea that the kneelers are protesting a wrong of racial injustice by cops is a laughingstock. That is nothing more than the concoction set up by the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustlers in 2016, to gin up votes for the Democrat candidate. Millions of blacks fell for it, as the race hustlers knew they would, and then we got riots (Ferguson, Baltimore, etc), when Obama, Holder, etc. threatened mayors and governors with DOJ lawsuits, if they allowed their cops and National Guard to do their jobs.

These so-called "racial injustice" cases have, one after another, turned out to be false, with cops being falsely arrested only to be vindicated in the end.

The people who were shot dead were shot dead JUSTIFIABLY, and I'll even name names >> Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Terrence Crutcher, Walter Scott, Laquan McDonald, and plenty more.

And there is no pretending about the seriousness of the disrespecting of the flag, anthem, military, country. That is the real issue issue here, and the only one.

Prosecutors work hand in hand with police so it's no wonder they have a hard time convicting their buddies. However....

"Cities and counties across the country have paid millions in recent years to settle lawsuits filed by families of people killed or mistreated by police..

$1.9-million settlement in Sandra Bland death is the latest big payout in police-misconduct lawsuits
The concerns were PROVEN to not be real, in the courts, where they never should have had to go in the first place.

Rofl, what court case was that? And when did a judge rule that cops never abuse their power and always are punished in the courts?

What's that docket like lol?
What's the matter ? You half asleep ? I just TOLD you what cases - in post # 72. >> "You got a challenge. How about Officer Betty Shelby and Terrence Crutcher ? Or Laquan McDonald ? Or Michael Brown and Darin Wilson ? Or even Walter Scott and officer Michael Slager ?"

PLUS all the cases in the long list from the book Mugged. Got it now ? :rolleyes-41:
The NFL Kneelers are dumb racist who are being exploited by left wing demagogue pundits and politicians

No , they are kneeling due to racial injustice by cops. They have every right.
And we have every right to boycott them for disrespecting our Military. As far a injustice by cops, lol! Total racist bullshit.

You're right, just make sure you're boycotting them for what they're doing and not what you perceive them as doing while ignoring why they are doing that thing.
Right! Double talk wins all the time.Just look at Clinton.
You know about being black better than blacks do. So when I need to know what's real I'll ask you because you're the expert
Better yet, take my advice and read the book (Mugged) and about all those cases listed in Post # 72, and learn about what the liberal OMISSION media has been hiding from you all these years, thereby cultivating blacks to think like you do now.

Why? I don't need to open a book to find out about what being black is like.
I don't even see this as a black/white issue....I see it as a human rights issue because all races of Americans are having issues with police brutality.
The kneelers want the entire NFL to engage in social justice awareness. The fans don't want to be preached to at football games. That's why the fans are withdrawing. The world is working exactly as it is supposed to. The kneelers can be treated just like the crazy guy in the park screaming "The End is Nigh". Get ignored. Lose those millions. The kneelers should be made to suffer financially until they get the message.

That is so much bullshit. I have been to football games and when the Anthem is played, most fans are getting their food. These very same people who criticize the players are disrespecting the flag. The fact is that Donald Trump has turned this into a political issue to divide people. The rubes are too blinded by hate to see through it.
the fact you are saying trump made this political says it all. it was political before he got to it.

now he took a big gas whiz on the fire, yes. but he didn't start it.

The fire was barely smoldering. The networks hardly ever show the playing of the anthem during the pregame show.
I don't even see this as a black/white issue....I see it as a human rights issue because all races of Americans are having issues with police brutality.
Much less than in previous years/decades. Police brutality is a political hype, con job.
The fire was barely smoldering. The networks hardly ever show the playing of the anthem during the pregame show.
During the World series they sure do. And a lot more than just the anthem.

A marvelous presentation, and much needed in these hate America stupid days, we're living in.
The kneelers want the entire NFL to engage in social justice awareness. The fans don't want to be preached to at football games. That's why the fans are withdrawing. The world is working exactly as it is supposed to. The kneelers can be treated just like the crazy guy in the park screaming "The End is Nigh". Get ignored. Lose those millions. The kneelers should be made to suffer financially until they get the message.

That is so much bullshit. I have been to football games and when the Anthem is played, most fans are getting their food. These very same people who criticize the players are disrespecting the flag. The fact is that Donald Trump has turned this into a political issue to divide people. The rubes are too blinded by hate to see through it.
the fact you are saying trump made this political says it all. it was political before he got to it.

now he took a big gas whiz on the fire, yes. but he didn't start it.

The fire was barely smoldering. The networks hardly ever show the playing of the anthem during the pregame show.
and that started after trump pulled his bullshit. but again, he didn't "start the fire" he just made it bigger.
No one is "shitting on the Flag and Anthem"....unless you also say kneeling in church is shitting on your god.
Don't be stupid. Kneeling in church isn't the same as kneeling at the national anthem ( an act of deliberate insult)
More red meat for the rubes. The NFL league office was the only NFL entity that received a tax break. Btw, they ended that themselves in 2015. The individual teams have always paid taxes as have the players. The new law will effect other professional sports however. The stadiums are a local matter but the Bonds issues do get some federal breaks. Since 2000 the new stadiums built got a total of 1.1 billion in tax breaks. But there again other sports received more breaks than football for their stadiums too.

Leave it to the Republicans to raise taxes.

Rah, rah rah.

Is the NFL getting 'massive tax breaks', as Trump said?
The other sports' players aren't disrespecting the country like the footballers are. Did anybody see the national anthem ceremonies of the 2 World Series games played this week ?

Not one person in the whole stadium (in Los Angeles) was kneeling. The singers were terrific, and the whole presentation was honorable to the max.

Those other professional sports are included in laws he wants changed.

"And thanks to the 1986 tax code reform, if a municipality finances over 90 percent of a stadium, those bonds enjoy the same tax exemption as would a public project like a road or bridge."

That is the only federal tax breaks the NFL (well it's actually the cities that built the stadiums) get. About 74 million per year. How many cities? I don't know. Who will pay for it. The fans.

"Terrible Trump" has been at war with the NFL since the World Football League days, when he sued the NFL, won the case and received a whopping dollar settlement. Thanks to his poor business skills the league folded.
trump was USFL.

Yeah I always get those confused. Doesn't change the fact he sued the NFL, got a dollar settlement and cratered the league because of his poor business skills.
More red meat for the rubes. The NFL league office was the only NFL entity that received a tax break. Btw, they ended that themselves in 2015. The individual teams have always paid taxes as have the players. The new law will effect other professional sports however. The stadiums are a local matter but the Bonds issues do get some federal breaks. Since 2000 the new stadiums built got a total of 1.1 billion in tax breaks. But there again other sports received more breaks than football for their stadiums too.

Leave it to the Republicans to raise taxes.

Rah, rah rah.

Is the NFL getting 'massive tax breaks', as Trump said?
The other sports' players aren't disrespecting the country like the footballers are. Did anybody see the national anthem ceremonies of the 2 World Series games played this week ?

Not one person in the whole stadium (in Los Angeles) was kneeling. The singers were terrific, and the whole presentation was honorable to the max.

Those other professional sports are included in laws he wants changed.

"And thanks to the 1986 tax code reform, if a municipality finances over 90 percent of a stadium, those bonds enjoy the same tax exemption as would a public project like a road or bridge."

That is the only federal tax breaks the NFL (well it's actually the cities that built the stadiums) get. About 74 million per year. How many cities? I don't know. Who will pay for it. The fans.

"Terrible Trump" has been at war with the NFL since the World Football League days, when he sued the NFL, won the case and received a whopping dollar settlement. Thanks to his poor business skills the league folded.
trump was USFL.

Yeah I always get those confused. Doesn't change the fact he sued the NFL, got a dollar settlement and cratered the league because of his poor business skills.
yep. i had to go look it up to be sure.

i don't think he got what he was after but i'm not going to sit here and just bag on trump out of perception when i don't know the details.
I'll take the word of the players as to why they are protesting over "Trump the Terrible". He just wants to hurt the NFL. He is abusing his power as president. The player have only been require to be on the field during the anthem for about 8 years now, so BFD.
Doesn't matter when they were on the field. What matters is them deliberately insulting the flag, the anthem, the military, the country. They could protest anywhere, anytime. They don't have to do it during the anthem.

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