Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests

Welp, we can end this stupidness right here because everyone knows you don't get to say what's "real" or not on behalf of others. But it's just another tried and true side step. Take one groups concerns and say it's not real somehow that way you can attempt to continue to ignore it.
I generally agree with your post, but:

Does the same equally apply to those who oppose taking down monuments to ordinary people who were forced by their government to serve, and did so, many paying the ultimate price?
More red meat for the rubes. The NFL league office was the only NFL entity that received a tax break. Btw, they ended that themselves in 2015. The individual teams have always paid taxes as have the players. The new law will effect other professional sports however. The stadiums are a local matter but the Bonds issues do get some federal breaks. Since 2000 the new stadiums built got a total of 1.1 billion in tax breaks. But there again other sports received more breaks than football for their stadiums too.

Leave it to the Republicans to raise taxes.

Rah, rah rah.

Is the NFL getting 'massive tax breaks', as Trump said?
The other sports' players aren't disrespecting the country like the footballers are. Did anybody see the national anthem ceremonies of the 2 World Series games played this week ?

Not one person in the whole stadium (in Los Angeles) was kneeling. The singers were terrific, and the whole presentation was honorable to the max.

Those other professional sports are included in laws he wants changed.

"And thanks to the 1986 tax code reform, if a municipality finances over 90 percent of a stadium, those bonds enjoy the same tax exemption as would a public project like a road or bridge."

That is the only federal tax breaks the NFL (well it's actually the cities that built the stadiums) get. About 74 million per year. How many cities? I don't know. Who will pay for it. The fans.

"Terrible Trump" has been at war with the NFL since the World Football League days, when he sued the NFL, won the case and received a whopping dollar settlement. Thanks to his poor business skills the league folded.
Welp, we can end this stupidness right here because everyone knows you don't get to say what's "real" or not on behalf of others. But it's just another tried and true side step. Take one groups concerns and say it's not real somehow that way you can attempt to continue to ignore it.
I generally agree with your post, but:

Does the same equally apply to those who oppose taking down monuments to ordinary people who were forced by their government to serve, and did so, many paying the ultimate price?

Were talking about this topic. Once again, this is just another attempt to sidestep issues because black people being abused by cops doesn't affect them (you in this case). So you want to look for blame and of course why not compare dead body to monuments....let's give that a try!

Welp, we can end this stupidness right here because everyone knows you don't get to say what's "real" or not on behalf of others. But it's just another tried and true side step. Take one groups concerns and say it's not real somehow that way you can attempt to continue to ignore it.

Sorry bud. No matter what you call a laughingstock at the end of the day they are protesting injustices committed by police. You think that's something to protect. Hey, we all like what we like.
The concerns were PROVEN to not be real, in the courts, where they never should have had to go in the first place. Cities were bullied into arresting cops, and portraying ordinary police work as "racial injustice".

Cities caved to avoid DOJ civil rights litigation that the cities could not afford. (brought on by thugs Eric Holder, Obama, Sharpton) All the cases I mentioned previously, fit this pattern. Sorry bud. That's a FACT,not opinion.
I oppose Corporate Welfare. The NFL shouldn't be receiving it. It's a multi-billion $ corporation for God sake.
Were talking about this topic. Once again, this is just another attempt to sidestep issues because black people being abused by cops doesn't affect them (you in this case). So you want to look for blame and of course why not compare dead body to monuments....let's give that a try!

Well, see. You just blew up your own point.

As long as the speech it not an issue the left hates, it should be expressed freely, right?
Were talking about this topic. Once again, this is just another attempt to sidestep issues because black people being abused by cops doesn't affect them (you in this case). So you want to look for blame and of course why not compare dead body to monuments....let's give that a try!

I can see they (the race hustlers) have got YOU programmed. :rolleyes:

Try examining FACTS.
Welp, we can end this stupidness right here because everyone knows you don't get to say what's "real" or not on behalf of others. But it's just another tried and true side step. Take one groups concerns and say it's not real somehow that way you can attempt to continue to ignore it.

Sorry bud. No matter what you call a laughingstock at the end of the day they are protesting injustices committed by police. You think that's something to protect. Hey, we all like what we like.
The concerns were PROVEN to not be real, in the courts, where they never should have had to go in the first place. Cities were bullied into arresting cops, and portraying ordinary police work as "racial injustice".

Cities caved to avoid DOJ civil rights litigation that the cities could not afford. (brought on by thugs Eric Holder, Obama, Sharpton) All the cases I mentioned previously, fit this pattern. Sorry bud. That's a FACT,not opinion.

Hey man, this sounds just like when blacks had the gall to ask for the nerve to vote and when polled whites, white thought blacks were making up the significance. This isn't new, but instead of just saying real things are fake it would be tougher to defend police abuse.
More red meat for the rubes. The NFL league office was the only NFL entity that received a tax break. Btw, they ended that themselves in 2015. The individual teams have always paid taxes as have the players. The new law will effect other professional sports however. The stadiums are a local matter but the Bonds issues do get some federal breaks. Since 2000 the new stadiums built got a total of 1.1 billion in tax breaks. But there again other sports received more breaks than football for their stadiums too.

Leave it to the Republicans to raise taxes.

Rah, rah rah.

Is the NFL getting 'massive tax breaks', as Trump said?
The other sports' players aren't disrespecting the country like the footballers are. Did anybody see the national anthem ceremonies of the 2 World Series games played this week ?

Not one person in the whole stadium (in Los Angeles) was kneeling. The singers were terrific, and the whole presentation was honorable to the max.

Those other professional sports are included in laws he wants changed.

"And thanks to the 1986 tax code reform, if a municipality finances over 90 percent of a stadium, those bonds enjoy the same tax exemption as would a public project like a road or bridge."

That is the only federal tax breaks the NFL (well it's actually the cities that built the stadiums) get. About 74 million per year. How many cities? I don't know. Who will pay for it. The fans.

"Terrible Trump" has been at war with the NFL since the World Football League days, when he sued the NFL, won the case and received a whopping dollar settlement. Thanks to his poor business skills the league folded.
trump was USFL.
Hey man, this sounds just like when blacks had the gall to ask for the nerve to vote and when polled whites, white thought blacks were making up the significance. This isn't new, but instead of just saying real things are fake it would be tougher to defend police abuse.
The Dallas Cowboys asked to have a decal placed on their helmets in support of police officers murdered in Dallas by that racist black dude during the BLM protest.

The NFL said NO.


Because it's the "wrong" side of the issue? Cops bad, black dudes good?

You're not looking too consistent here.
Protests or not, it's about time these tax-funded subsidies were addressed.
Hey man, this sounds just like when blacks had the gall to ask for the nerve to vote and when polled whites, white thought blacks were making up the significance. This isn't new, but instead of just saying real things are fake it would be tougher to defend police abuse.
There ISN'T any police abuse (any more than there ever has been). In fact, police brutality cases (REAL ones) have declined greatly since decades ago. You just refuse to admit you've been conned. Show me one case where police abuse really existed - maybe I'll show it it didn't. You got a challenge. How about Officer Betty Shelby and Terrence Crutcher ? Or Laquan McDonald ? Or Michael Brown and Darin Wilson ? Or even Walter Scott and officer Michael Slager ?

For more cases, of whites being railroaded to appease blacks, read Mugged by Anne Coulter. And all these cases >>

Eleanor Bumpurs - 1984.

Micheal Stewart - Sept. 15, 1983

Larry Davis - 1987

Lemrick Nelson - 1992

Kiko Garcia - 1992

Edmund Perry - 1985

Marla Hanson - 1986

Marion Barry - 1989

Edward Summers - January 1994

Robert Chambers - 1986

Michael Lasane - 1996

Howard Beach - Dec. 20, 1986

Evelyn Wagler - 1973

Ann Winer - 1987

Channon Christian & Christopher Newsom - 2007

White gangs at Columbia University - 1987

Sabrina Collins - 1990

Gilbert Moore, Jr. - 1993

Alicia Hardin- 2005

Tawana Brawley - 1987

Laurie Hecht - 1987

New York City hoaxes - 1992

Clinton's Nonexistent Church Burnings - 1996

Clinton's white Army Special Forces Hoax - 1996

Race Card > Jesse Jackson, Madonna Constantine, and Henry Louis Gates

Wisconsin (Mississippi Burning) attack - 1989

Melissa McLauchlin - 1992

Colin Ferguson - 1993

Charlie Rangel/Louis Farrakhan - 1972
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Were talking about this topic. Once again, this is just another attempt to sidestep issues because black people being abused by cops doesn't affect them (you in this case). So you want to look for blame and of course why not compare dead body to monuments....let's give that a try!

I can see they (the race hustlers) have got YOU programmed. :rolleyes:

Try examining FACTS.

You know about being black better than blacks do. So when I need to know what's real I'll ask you because you're the expert
The NFL Kneelers are dumb racist who are being exploited by left wing demagogue pundits and politicians

No , they are kneeling due to racial injustice by cops. They have every right.
And we have every right to boycott them for disrespecting our Military. As far as injustice by cops, lol! Total racist bullshit.
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Were talking about this topic. Once again, this is just another attempt to sidestep issues because black people being abused by cops doesn't affect them (you in this case). So you want to look for blame and of course why not compare dead body to monuments....let's give that a try!

Well, see. You just blew up your own point.

As long as the speech it not an issue the left hates, it should be expressed freely, right?

Begging won't chage my focus but nice try.
It was bound to happen. NFL owners should have fired these overpaid loudmouths before they wound up costing the owners millions$$$. Now the owners will lose millions$$$ in subsidies, that are offered when NFL teams build or refurbish their stadiums.

Republican Congressman Steve Russell of Oklahoma is a highly decorated 21-year combat veteran who lost comrades in deployments overseas in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. He knows firsthand the sacrifices veterans have made for his country.

He, like many other Republican Congressmen, believe the current NFL protests, begun last year by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, have crossed the line in terms of lack of patriotism among spoiled football players. To that end, Russell has introduced legislation that would end federal subsidies for the NFL.

Also, legislation, to do the same, is being introduced by Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, who is now lead sponsor of the Pro Sports Act, which was introduced by former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz,.

So NFL owners will lose Billions$$ because they couldn't (or wouldn't) control their bigmouth players .Should have gotten rid of these dopes before they caused all he trouble.

Trump calls for end to NFL tax breaks -- bill already in place!

Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests the government now wants to get involved with pressuring people to stand for the National Anthem........
Hmmmmmmm........something something something about the government and free speech somewhere.......
The NFL Kneelers are dumb racist who are being exploited by left wing demagogue pundits and politicians

No , they are kneeling due to racial injustice by cops. They have every right.
And we have every right to boycott them for disrespecting our Military. As far a injustice by cops, lol! Total racist bullshit.

You're right, just make sure you're boycotting them for what they're doing and not what you perceive them as doing while ignoring why they are doing that thing.
You know about being black better than blacks do. So when I need to know what's real I'll ask you because you're the expert
Better yet, take my advice and read the book (Mugged) and about all those cases listed in Post # 72, and learn about what the liberal OMISSION media has been hiding from you all these years, thereby cultivating blacks to think like you do now.
The NFL Kneelers are dumb racist who are being exploited by left wing demagogue pundits and politicians

No , they are kneeling due to racial injustice by cops. They have every right.

But Penny; they're shitting on the Flag and Anthem to make a point that is totally unrelated!! A bit like shooting ducks because the chooks ate the grain.

No one is "shitting on the Flag and Anthem"....unless you also say kneeling in church is shitting on your god.
They are not. You are the ones shitting on the Anthem and flag. When I joined the service., I took a oath to defend the Constitution of the United States not the flag or anthem. I defended this country for them to kneel if they so desire. These Congressmen take the same oath to defend the Constitution. These so-called conservatives are abusing their authority to go after their enemies. They want to divide this country and keep the rubes satisfied. Hate animates Republicans more than ideas. How the party has changed since Ronald Reagan.
FALSE! The flag and anthem represent much more than the Constitution. They represent the entire country, the whole military, past & present, and thousands of soldiers, sailors, etc who sacrificed their lives in wars.

The kneelers aren't just exercising free speech. They could do that out in the street like everyone else. They are deliberately attacking the flag and anthem and everything I just mentioned. And in so doing, THEY are the ones dividing the country, with little or no cause to crab about. Trump was right to call them SOBs. That's just what they are, and traitors as well.

As for the Constitution (free speech), not all speech is free. The 1st amendment is the weakest part of the Constitution, with numerous exceptions to free speech. They ought to make disrespecting the flag and anthem another one of those.

I'll take the word of the players as to why they are protesting over "Trump the Terrible". He just wants to hurt the NFL. He is abusing his power as president. The player have only been require to be on the field during the anthem for about 8 years now, so BFD.

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