Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests

While they're at it they should end the antitrust exemption from MLB. Maybe we'd get some new leagues where we could afford to attend games again.

A reminder: Clayton Kershaw is making $33 million per year on a 7 year contract, to pitch ever 4 or 5 days. We're paying for that in the form of $8 cokes and $12 beers.
Good points. Call your congressmen and the White House.
Again, you put too much stock in emotions young lady. Protests aren't about honoring things. Protests aren't toasts to things.
These foolish acts aren't protests against anything, either. They are displays of naivete'

Your posts are displays of naivete'. I mean, that is if we're playing the game of I get to determine what you really mean like you're doing with the NFL.

but let's stop playing footsy. Tell me why blacks should be pro police abuse. You have the floor.

Your posts are displays of naivete'. I mean, that is if we're playing the game of I get to determine what you really mean like you're doing with the NFL.

but let's stop playing footsy. Tell me why blacks should be pro police abuse. You have the floor.
I never said that. How about if you tell me why politicians should be pro-criminal, as they've been for decades. If you read Ann Coulter's book, you'd find out. You won't learn it from your liberal OMISSION media.

Maybe you've been only following them, and that why YOU, et al, are so information-deprived and naive.
Are these actual subsidies or tax breaks. There is a big difference. No company should ever get taxpayer money unless they are providing goods and or services to the Government. this should be monitored by an independent entity to insure that said Company is providing the goods and or services at a fair market value.
the Government
Generally II don't have a problem with tax breaks because money legitimately made by an individual or group does not automatically belong to the Fed. We became a free nation because of unfair taxation. Nowadays a certain large segment of the population believes we should accept every tax the Government comes up with.

That being said I do not live in a state that has a professional football team why the fuck are my taxes going to the NFL ?
Again, you put too much stock in emotions young lady. Protests aren't about honoring things. Protests aren't toasts to things.
These foolish acts aren't protests against anything, either. They are displays of naivete'

Your posts are displays of naivete'. I mean, that is if we're playing the game of I get to determine what you really mean like you're doing with the NFL.

but let's stop playing footsy. Tell me why blacks should be pro police abuse. You have the floor.
Can you show were the Police are unfairly targeting the Black community ?
Again, you put too much stock in emotions young lady. Protests aren't about honoring things. Protests aren't toasts to things.
These foolish acts aren't protests against anything, either. They are displays of naivete'

Your posts are displays of naivete'. I mean, that is if we're playing the game of I get to determine what you really mean like you're doing with the NFL.

but let's stop playing footsy. Tell me why blacks should be pro police abuse. You have the floor.
Can you show were the Police are unfairly targeting the Black community ?

Apparently not if you would be willing to trade places with a black man in a police encounter please tell us the benefits. You are pro police abuse and or see a benefit in being black while in a police situation. You have the floor.
Apparently not if you would be willing to trade places with a black man in a police encounter please tell us the benefits. You are pro police abuse and or see a benefit in being black while in a police situation. You have the floor.
That wasn't the question.

I've been wondering about that question too, and still no answer. Well, do you have one, Mr Dodge ?

Can you show were the Police are unfairly targeting the Black community ?
Again, you put too much stock in emotions young lady. Protests aren't about honoring things. Protests aren't toasts to things.
These foolish acts aren't protests against anything, either. They are displays of naivete'

Your posts are displays of naivete'. I mean, that is if we're playing the game of I get to determine what you really mean like you're doing with the NFL.

but let's stop playing footsy. Tell me why blacks should be pro police abuse. You have the floor.
Can you show were the Police are unfairly targeting the Black community ?

Apparently not if you would be willing to trade places with a black man in a police encounter please tell us the benefits. You are pro police abuse and or see a benefit in being black while in a police situation. You have the floor.
FBI statistics state that the majority of violent crimes committed or perpetrated by black people sorry thats facts not racism. There are racist cops as there are in any group but you can not show that it is systematic.
FBI statistics state that the majority of violent crimes committed or perpetrated by black people sorry thats facts not racism. There are racist cops as there are in any group but you can not show that it is systematic.
He has bought into the race hustlers' scam talk - Lock, stock, & barrel.
Apparently not if you would be willing to trade places with a black man in a police encounter please tell us the benefits. You are pro police abuse and or see a benefit in being black while in a police situation. You have the floor.

The problem with your "police abuse" argument is that in most cases, it's not abuse at all. It's just abuse in the minds of blacks and leftists because they don't know our laws.

I would trade places with a black person in a police encounter. I would obey all their commands and likely get a break from them. After all, that's how most black people handle the situation and they are not "abused" at all.

Every time I hear about this kneeling or people supporting them, I think of how ignorant the people in our country are; people who don't understand that there is no law that states a police officer can only use deadly force if his attacker has a weapon. There is no such law and never was. Kneeling, losing fans and customers, now government getting involved, all for what? Because a fraction of our society refuses to recognize authority.

The solution to unarmed police shootings and getting their asses kicked is to obey all commands of a police officer. Too easy for us on the right to understand--too difficult for the left.
Are these actual subsidies or tax breaks. There is a big difference. No company should ever get taxpayer money unless they are providing goods and or services to the Government. this should be monitored by an independent entity to insure that said Company is providing the goods and or services at a fair market value.
the Government
Generally II don't have a problem with tax breaks because money legitimately made by an individual or group does not automatically belong to the Fed. We became a free nation because of unfair taxation. Nowadays a certain large segment of the population believes we should accept every tax the Government comes up with.

That being said I do not live in a state that has a professional football team why the fuck are my taxes going to the NFL ?

It seems to me it's a tax break, but the term tax break has less of an impact on readers than the word subsidy.
A reminder: Clayton Kershaw is making $33 million per year on a 7 year contract, to pitch ever 4 or 5 days. We're paying for that in the form of $8 cokes and $12 beers.

Choice is the greatest thing about this country. Nobody has to pay that for beer or cokes. Stay home and buy your beer and coke from the grocery store. That's what I do.

If people are willing to pay $20.00 for a coke or beer to see a baseball game live, then I celebrate capitalism. They are providing a product for the highest price the market is willing to pay for it.
Those who are so offended need to toughen up. Learn to ignore and if you can't then it's on you. Ignore the kneelers and it all goes away. If you get upset you give them what they want. Attention.

We are ignoring it. We simply don't turn on football games any longer. In fact they are now experiencing the lowest ratings they've had in four years. The more they protest, the less people will watch.
Again, you put too much stock in emotions young lady. Protests aren't about honoring things. Protests aren't toasts to things.

Protests are about objection, and black football players object to law, order, and respect for authority. Given the fact we are a nation of laws, I think it's time for these millionaires to find another country to live in--a less civilized one.
Those who are so offended need to toughen up. Learn to ignore and if you can't then it's on you. Ignore the kneelers and it all goes away. If you get upset you give them what they want. Attention.

We are ignoring it. We simply don't turn on football games any longer. In fact they are now experiencing the lowest ratings they've had in four years. The more they protest, the less people will watch.

Most f the stadiums look full to me. You ain't paying for anything while watching the game on TV. So you not watching the game on TV is costing the NFL nothing.
Again, you put too much stock in emotions young lady. Protests aren't about honoring things. Protests aren't toasts to things.

Protests are about objection, and black football players object to law, order, and respect for authority. Given the fact we are a nation of laws, I think it's time for these millionaires to find another country to live in--a less civilized one.

Go suck one. These guys are protesting the lawlessness of the police and of this society relative to racial injustice.
Only racists call nazis and white supremacists “ fine people.”
We’ve never, not even once, had a president that has complemented them.
Your new nickname is Trump’s colon.

Only a MSM whore would interpret what Trump said as that. What he said is that there were good people that were marching along with them for their own objections and reasons. You don't have to be a white supremacist or Nazi to want to preserve history and be against mob rule.
Again, you put too much stock in emotions young lady. Protests aren't about honoring things. Protests aren't toasts to things.

Protests are about objection, and black football players object to law, order, and respect for authority. Given the fact we are a nation of laws, I think it's time for these millionaires to find another country to live in--a less civilized one.

Go suck one. These guys are protesting the lawlessness of the police and of this society relative to racial injustice.

Any lawlessness is addressed by every police department and in some cases (like Ferguson) the federal government. The only lawlessness that exists are those police officers who went outside of the law and they are held responsible for their actions. It's a fraction of 1%, but they are given their day in court and justice served.
Those who are so offended need to toughen up. Learn to ignore and if you can't then it's on you. Ignore the kneelers and it all goes away. If you get upset you give them what they want. Attention.

We are ignoring it. We simply don't turn on football games any longer. In fact they are now experiencing the lowest ratings they've had in four years. The more they protest, the less people will watch.

Most f the stadiums look full to me. You ain't paying for anything while watching the game on TV. So you not watching the game on TV is costing the NFL nothing.

Obviously you don't understand how entertainment works.

Entertainment sells time slots for advertisers. The larger the audience, the more they can charge. When audiences shrink, so does their ability to charge more for those advertising slots. They then have to start charging less, and less, and less.

I'm not going to give you 1 million dollars to run my commercials during your football game if only 300,000 people will see it compared to the 350,000 people that seen my commercials two years ago. If you want my business, you have to charge me in proportion to the audience size that will see my advertising.
More red meat for the rubes. The NFL league office was the only NFL entity that received a tax break. Btw, they ended that themselves in 2015. The individual teams have always paid taxes as have the players. The new law will effect other professional sports however. The stadiums are a local matter but the Bonds issues do get some federal breaks. Since 2000 the new stadiums built got a total of 1.1 billion in tax breaks. But there again other sports received more breaks than football for their stadiums too.

Leave it to the Republicans to raise taxes.

Rah, rah rah.

Is the NFL getting 'massive tax breaks', as Trump said?
The other sports' players aren't disrespecting the country like the footballers are. Did anybody see the national anthem ceremonies of the 2 World Series games played this week ?

Not one person in the whole stadium (in Los Angeles) was kneeling. The singers were terrific, and the whole presentation was honorable to the max.

Those other professional sports are included in laws he wants changed.

"And thanks to the 1986 tax code reform, if a municipality finances over 90 percent of a stadium, those bonds enjoy the same tax exemption as would a public project like a road or bridge."

That is the only federal tax breaks the NFL (well it's actually the cities that built the stadiums) get. About 74 million per year. How many cities? I don't know. Who will pay for it. The fans.

"Terrible Trump" has been at war with the NFL since the World Football League days, when he sued the NFL, won the case and received a whopping dollar settlement. Thanks to his poor business skills the league folded.
trump was USFL.

Yeah I always get those confused. Doesn't change the fact he sued the NFL, got a dollar settlement and cratered the league because of his poor business skills.
USFL was making money playing in the Spring

Trump demanded they go head to head with them in the fall

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