Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests

More red meat for the rubes. The NFL league office was the only NFL entity that received a tax break. Btw, they ended that themselves in 2015. The individual teams have always paid taxes as have the players. The new law will effect other professional sports however. The stadiums are a local matter but the Bonds issues do get some federal breaks. Since 2000 the new stadiums built got a total of 1.1 billion in tax breaks. But there again other sports received more breaks than football for their stadiums too.

Leave it to the Republicans to raise taxes.

Rah, rah rah.

Is the NFL getting 'massive tax breaks', as Trump said?
The other sports' players aren't disrespecting the country like the footballers are. Did anybody see the national anthem ceremonies of the 2 World Series games played this week ?

Not one person in the whole stadium (in Los Angeles) was kneeling. The singers were terrific, and the whole presentation was honorable to the max.

Those other professional sports are included in laws he wants changed.

"And thanks to the 1986 tax code reform, if a municipality finances over 90 percent of a stadium, those bonds enjoy the same tax exemption as would a public project like a road or bridge."

That is the only federal tax breaks the NFL (well it's actually the cities that built the stadiums) get. About 74 million per year. How many cities? I don't know. Who will pay for it. The fans.

"Terrible Trump" has been at war with the NFL since the World Football League days, when he sued the NFL, won the case and received a whopping dollar settlement. Thanks to his poor business skills the league folded.
trump was USFL.

Yeah I always get those confused. Doesn't change the fact he sued the NFL, got a dollar settlement and cratered the league because of his poor business skills.
USFL was making money playing in the Spring

Trump demanded they go head to head with them in the fall

And he lost bigly. :badgrin:
Those who are so offended need to toughen up. Learn to ignore and if you can't then it's on you. Ignore the kneelers and it all goes away. If you get upset you give them what they want. Attention.

We are ignoring it. We simply don't turn on football games any longer. In fact they are now experiencing the lowest ratings they've had in four years. The more they protest, the less people will watch.

Most f the stadiums look full to me. You ain't paying for anything while watching the game on TV. So you not watching the game on TV is costing the NFL nothing.

Obviously you don't understand how entertainment works.

Entertainment sells time slots for advertisers. The larger the audience, the more they can charge. When audiences shrink, so does their ability to charge more for those advertising slots. They then have to start charging less, and less, and less.

I'm not going to give you 1 million dollars to run my commercials during your football game if only 300,000 people will see it compared to the 350,000 people that seen my commercials two years ago. If you want my business, you have to charge me in proportion to the audience size that will see my advertising.

I know how entertainment works and I know that there will be nothing the major networks will be able to use that will replace football and get the ratings football will get no matter how low. I also know that the TV contracts are multi year and that if you choose not to watch each NFL Team will get their share of the TV money. Third, all the NFL has to do if those like you don't watch gams is be like baseball and use local TV to televise the games and they will be watched.
An Ann Coulter believer. That is really bad even for a Trumpette.

You speak of evidence when you ignore everything about your orange buddy. He isn't accurate about anything?
How would you know what's "really bad" ? Really bad when you make judgements about things you have limited (or zero) knowledge. Wanna show us how much you don't know about Ann Coulter's book Mugged ?

Tell us what you don't know about the cases Ann reports about >>
Trumpettes already must be really dupable but throw in believing Coulter makes it worse.

I would never, ever read anything written by Ann Coulter. I have heard her before. Once a lying fuck, always a lying fuck. You know, like Trump.

Besides, everyone knows Ann Coulter is the transvestite bastard son of Rush Limbaugh.
Those who are so offended need to toughen up. Learn to ignore and if you can't then it's on you. Ignore the kneelers and it all goes away. If you get upset you give them what they want. Attention.

We are ignoring it. We simply don't turn on football games any longer. In fact they are now experiencing the lowest ratings they've had in four years. The more they protest, the less people will watch.

Most f the stadiums look full to me. You ain't paying for anything while watching the game on TV. So you not watching the game on TV is costing the NFL nothing.

Obviously you don't understand how entertainment works.

Entertainment sells time slots for advertisers. The larger the audience, the more they can charge. When audiences shrink, so does their ability to charge more for those advertising slots. They then have to start charging less, and less, and less.

I'm not going to give you 1 million dollars to run my commercials during your football game if only 300,000 people will see it compared to the 350,000 people that seen my commercials two years ago. If you want my business, you have to charge me in proportion to the audience size that will see my advertising.

I know how entertainment works and I know that there will be nothing the major networks will be able to use that will replace football and get the ratings football will get no matter how low. I also know that the TV contracts are multi year and that if you choose not to watch each NFL Team will get their share of the TV money. Third, all the NFL has to do if those like you don't watch gams is be like baseball and use local TV to televise the games and they will be watched.

They won't be able to replace football but they also won't be able to charge the same price for advertising either.

Companies have budgets just like we do at home. They are only going to spend X amount of dollars on advertising. It doesn't matter if their advertising is on for a movie, a sitcom, a sports event or even a concert. X amount of people is only worth X amount of money as far as advertisers are concerned.

But that's only the beginning. Because this is so controversial, an advertiser has to consider whether their advertising will bring them just as much harm as good. If Budweiser takes a hit in sales during the football season, they may very well pull all of their advertising. Their money is better spent advertising during a boxing match, soccer, or a number of other non-controversial shows.

Most everybody I know has boycotted football. The NFL's ratings are reflecting that as well.
Are these actual subsidies or tax breaks. There is a big difference. No company should ever get taxpayer money unless they are providing goods and or services to the Government. this should be monitored by an independent entity to insure that said Company is providing the goods and or services at a fair market value.
the Government
Generally II don't have a problem with tax breaks because money legitimately made by an individual or group does not automatically belong to the Fed. We became a free nation because of unfair taxation. Nowadays a certain large segment of the population believes we should accept every tax the Government comes up with.

That being said I do not live in a state that has a professional football team why the fuck are my taxes going to the NFL ?

It is a fact, that NFL home cities & states benefit greatly from that NFL franchise. Millions of dollars flowing into those cities with every game. The federal income taxes paid by the players & management.

It is no different than communities offering tax breaks to bring in fatories.
It was bound to happen. NFL owners should have fired these overpaid loudmouths before they wound up costing the owners millions$$$. Now the owners will lose millions$$$ in subsidies, that are offered when NFL teams build or refurbish their stadiums.

Republican Congressman Steve Russell of Oklahoma is a highly decorated 21-year combat veteran who lost comrades in deployments overseas in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. He knows firsthand the sacrifices veterans have made for his country.

He, like many other Republican Congressmen, believe the current NFL protests, begun last year by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, have crossed the line in terms of lack of patriotism among spoiled football players. To that end, Russell has introduced legislation that would end federal subsidies for the NFL.

Also, legislation, to do the same, is being introduced by Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, who is now lead sponsor of the Pro Sports Act, which was introduced by former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz,.

So NFL owners will lose Billions$$ because they couldn't (or wouldn't) control their bigmouth players .Should have gotten rid of these dopes before they caused all he trouble.

Trump calls for end to NFL tax breaks -- bill already in place!

Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests

I'm not sure that Congress can actually do this. Congress can only regulate federal funds. What municipalities offer in bribes to the NFL is outside of what Congress has authority over.
It was bound to happen. NFL owners should have fired these overpaid loudmouths before they wound up costing the owners millions$$$. Now the owners will lose millions$$$ in subsidies, that are offered when NFL teams build or refurbish their stadiums.

Republican Congressman Steve Russell of Oklahoma is a highly decorated 21-year combat veteran who lost comrades in deployments overseas in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. He knows firsthand the sacrifices veterans have made for his country.

He, like many other Republican Congressmen, believe the current NFL protests, begun last year by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, have crossed the line in terms of lack of patriotism among spoiled football players. To that end, Russell has introduced legislation that would end federal subsidies for the NFL.

Also, legislation, to do the same, is being introduced by Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, who is now lead sponsor of the Pro Sports Act, which was introduced by former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz,.

So NFL owners will lose Billions$$ because they couldn't (or wouldn't) control their bigmouth players .Should have gotten rid of these dopes before they caused all he trouble.

Trump calls for end to NFL tax breaks -- bill already in place!

Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests

I'm not sure that Congress can actually do this. Congress can only regulate federal funds. What municipalities offer in bribes to the NFL is outside of what Congress has authority over.

The way the story was written is that the feds "match" money the locals raise for bonds. But it didn't say if it was a dollar per dollar match, only that they match the funds.

So if the city or state raises 30 million dollars for renovations or a new stadium, it may mean that the federal government hands over 30 million as well if it's a dollar per dollar match. If I have this correct, then I don't like it protests or not. Our federal government was not designed to be a charity and my tax dollars should not be used to build a new stadium in a state that's hundreds of miles away from where I live.
Why are we giving money to the NFL in the first place????

You know why and you defend it too. This is just the result of what you defend

That's some stupid shit right there. I have no idea why we would pay them and I would not support it. You know nothing as usual.

Citizens united. They pay our pols and our pols pay them with our money. And useful fools like you help them the whole way.

That has nothing at all to do with Citizens United.
Why are we giving money to the NFL in the first place????

You know why and you defend it too. This is just the result of what you defend

That's some stupid shit right there. I have no idea why we would pay them and I would not support it. You know nothing as usual.

Citizens united. They pay our pols and our pols pay them with our money. And useful fools like you help them the whole way.

That has nothing at all to do with Citizens United.

Your right, Citizens united stops people from paying pols for favors....Once again, you support the bs only to cry about the results of the bullshit you support. Its like supporting High Diving but being against wetness.
The NFL Kneelers are dumb racist who are being exploited by left wing demagogue pundits and politicians

No , they are kneeling due to racial injustice by cops. They have every right.

But Penny; they're shitting on the Flag and Anthem to make a point that is totally unrelated!! A bit like shooting ducks because the chooks ate the grain.

No one is "shitting on the Flag and Anthem"....unless you also say kneeling in church is shitting on your god.
I want a new TV: crap on flag
I want a new phone: crap on flag
I want food stamps: crap on flag
I want drugs: crap on flag
I want Hillary: crap on flag

I AM ENTITLED: crap on flag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's a pattern there, bru!!!


This crapping on a flag...


This is protesting police brutality and the racist lyrics in the anthem.

Why are we giving money to the NFL in the first place????

You know why and you defend it too. This is just the result of what you defend

That's some stupid shit right there. I have no idea why we would pay them and I would not support it. You know nothing as usual.

Citizens united. They pay our pols and our pols pay them with our money. And useful fools like you help them the whole way.

That has nothing at all to do with Citizens United.

Your right, Citizens united stops people from paying pols for favors....Once again, you support the bs only to cry about the results of the bullshit you support. Its like supporting High Diving but being against wetness.

I am now and always have been against corporate welfare. Most conservatives are. Citizens United and corporate welfare are two separate things. Saying differently is simply another left wing lie.
You know why and you defend it too. This is just the result of what you defend

That's some stupid shit right there. I have no idea why we would pay them and I would not support it. You know nothing as usual.

Citizens united. They pay our pols and our pols pay them with our money. And useful fools like you help them the whole way.

That has nothing at all to do with Citizens United.

Your right, Citizens united stops people from paying pols for favors....Once again, you support the bs only to cry about the results of the bullshit you support. Its like supporting High Diving but being against wetness.

I am now and always have been against corporate welfare. Most conservatives are. Citizens United and corporate welfare are two separate things. Saying differently is simply another left wing lie.

Like I said, you support the thing that bore these results. So when you look at the NFL getting sweetheart deals just remember you defended this with your heart and soul only to complain about the end result.

You can support off roading and be against mud all you like but the only person confused is you trying to separate the two
That's some stupid shit right there. I have no idea why we would pay them and I would not support it. You know nothing as usual.

Citizens united. They pay our pols and our pols pay them with our money. And useful fools like you help them the whole way.

That has nothing at all to do with Citizens United.

Your right, Citizens united stops people from paying pols for favors....Once again, you support the bs only to cry about the results of the bullshit you support. Its like supporting High Diving but being against wetness.

I am now and always have been against corporate welfare. Most conservatives are. Citizens United and corporate welfare are two separate things. Saying differently is simply another left wing lie.

Like I said, you support the thing that bore these results. So when you look at the NFL getting sweetheart deals just remember you defended this with your heart and soul only to complain about the end result.

You can support off roading and be against mud all you like but the only person confused is you trying to separate the two

And like I said, you are full of shit as always.
The problem with your "police abuse" argument is that in most cases, it's not abuse at all. It's just abuse in the minds of blacks and leftists because they don't know our laws.

I would trade places with a black person in a police encounter. I would obey all their commands and likely get a break from them. After all, that's how most black people handle the situation and they are not "abused" at all.

Every time I hear about this kneeling or people supporting them, I think of how ignorant the people in our country are; people who don't understand that there is no law that states a police officer can only use deadly force if his attacker has a weapon. There is no such law and never was. Kneeling, losing fans and customers, now government getting involved, all for what? Because a fraction of our society refuses to recognize authority.

The solution to unarmed police shootings and getting their asses kicked is to obey all commands of a police officer. Too easy for us on the right to understand--too difficult for the left.
They especially seem to be oblivious to the critically important command of >> "Let me see your hands" Young blacks (especially males) have a tendency to need to show toughness, and independence, and thus they deliberately ignore the cop's command. Sometimes they even laugh at the cop. A second or two later they are dead - shot in the heart.

They don't understand that when their hands are not visible, they are a threat to the life of the cop, who has zero time to assess if they have a gun or not (which takes a half second to point and shoot). Much of the problem lies with schools who don't teach this stuff. The schools are infested with liberal "teachers" who are clueless about law enforcement and guns.
Citizens united. They pay our pols and our pols pay them with our money. And useful fools like you help them the whole way.

That has nothing at all to do with Citizens United.

Your right, Citizens united stops people from paying pols for favors....Once again, you support the bs only to cry about the results of the bullshit you support. Its like supporting High Diving but being against wetness.

I am now and always have been against corporate welfare. Most conservatives are. Citizens United and corporate welfare are two separate things. Saying differently is simply another left wing lie.

Like I said, you support the thing that bore these results. So when you look at the NFL getting sweetheart deals just remember you defended this with your heart and soul only to complain about the end result.

You can support off roading and be against mud all you like but the only person confused is you trying to separate the two

And like I said, you are full of shit as always.

Hey, I wouldn't want to match wits with someone like me myself. So I don't blame you for pulling the parachute on this. Have a good day!
The problem with your "police abuse" argument is that in most cases, it's not abuse at all. It's just abuse in the minds of blacks and leftists because they don't know our laws.

I would trade places with a black person in a police encounter. I would obey all their commands and likely get a break from them. After all, that's how most black people handle the situation and they are not "abused" at all.

Every time I hear about this kneeling or people supporting them, I think of how ignorant the people in our country are; people who don't understand that there is no law that states a police officer can only use deadly force if his attacker has a weapon. There is no such law and never was. Kneeling, losing fans and customers, now government getting involved, all for what? Because a fraction of our society refuses to recognize authority.

The solution to unarmed police shootings and getting their asses kicked is to obey all commands of a police officer. Too easy for us on the right to understand--too difficult for the left.
They especially seem to be oblivious to the critically important command of >> "Let me see your hands" Young blacks (especially males) have a tendency to need to show toughness, and independence, and thus they deliberately ignore the cop's command. Sometimes they even laugh at the cop. A second or two later they are dead - shot in the heart.

They don't understand that when their hands are not visible, they are a threat to the life of the cop, who has zero time to assess if they have a gun or not (which takes a half second to point and shoot). Much of the problem lies with schools who don't teach this stuff. The schools are infested with liberal "teachers" who are clueless about law enforcement and guns.

That's why I've always said that perhaps we need a federal program that pays local police officers to hold assemblies in their schools; teach kids what they were taught in the police academy; show them why police officers demand the things they do, and why police are compelled to respond the way they do when a suspect doesn't listen to their orders.

The problem is that these little ghetto rats don't understand police procedure. Their parent is just as dumb as the kid and his friends and support the idiocy that the police are looking for a reason to kill black people. Maybe if we did that, it would sure reduce more police shootings than a bunch of clowns going to their knees before a football game.
A reminder: Clayton Kershaw is making $33 million per year on a 7 year contract, to pitch ever 4 or 5 days. We're paying for that in the form of $8 cokes and $12 beers.

Choice is the greatest thing about this country. Nobody has to pay that for beer or cokes. Stay home and buy your beer and coke from the grocery store. That's what I do.

If people are willing to pay $20.00 for a coke or beer to see a baseball game live, then I celebrate capitalism. They are providing a product for the highest price the market is willing to pay for it.
You remain a fucking idiot.
More red meat for the rubes. The NFL league office was the only NFL entity that received a tax break. Btw, they ended that themselves in 2015. The individual teams have always paid taxes as have the players. The new law will effect other professional sports however. The stadiums are a local matter but the Bonds issues do get some federal breaks. Since 2000 the new stadiums built got a total of 1.1 billion in tax breaks. But there again other sports received more breaks than football for their stadiums too.

Leave it to the Republicans to raise taxes.

Rah, rah rah.

Is the NFL getting 'massive tax breaks', as Trump said?
The other sports' players aren't disrespecting the country like the footballers are. Did anybody see the national anthem ceremonies of the 2 World Series games played this week ?

Not one person in the whole stadium (in Los Angeles) was kneeling. The singers were terrific, and the whole presentation was honorable to the max.

Those other professional sports are included in laws he wants changed.

"And thanks to the 1986 tax code reform, if a municipality finances over 90 percent of a stadium, those bonds enjoy the same tax exemption as would a public project like a road or bridge."

That is the only federal tax breaks the NFL (well it's actually the cities that built the stadiums) get. About 74 million per year. How many cities? I don't know. Who will pay for it. The fans.

"Terrible Trump" has been at war with the NFL since the World Football League days, when he sued the NFL, won the case and received a whopping dollar settlement. Thanks to his poor business skills the league folded.
trump was USFL.

Yeah I always get those confused. Doesn't change the fact he sued the NFL, got a dollar settlement and cratered the league because of his poor business skills.
USFL was making money playing in the Spring

Trump demanded they go head to head with them in the fall
Trump's attacks on the NFL have nothing to do with the flag or the anthem. It's payback for them denying him a team.

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