Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests

You are the one who is mentally limited. The American people see Trump for what he is. The Morning Consult poll gave us a clue what people think of Trump. He is not a leader, untrustworthy, sexist, reckless, liar, dishonest, thin-skinned, uncompassionate and unstable.
Is that all the adjectives you could come up with ? Gosh what hostility. Basis of hostility ? Fear (that your perverted politics is going down the drain, for good)

Your perverted politics is already being rejected. That is what voters think of Trump.
Fine people do not march with white supremacists. I would march with the devil before I would with Richard Spencer. If people started throwing around Nazi salutes, I would leave. There were no fine people marching with the white supremacists and neo-nazis.
:disagree: You march when and where you see fit, not dictated by who else is marching. There have always been reputable, peaceful protests marred by violent screwballs like antifa, answer coalition, BLM, Weathermen, etc. There probably always will be. Only fools let bad guys dictate the activity.

Like hell you don't. White supremacists and neo-Nazis are screwballs. I guess you are defending your pals.
You have not refuted anything. Ignoring it does not make it go away. When the polls say the same thing, there clearly is truth in them.
Refuted you twice Poll man, >> in Posts176 and 186, a so have others in this thread.

There clearly is UNtruth in them, as there was repeatedly in late 2016. :doubt:

You have not refuted anything. your pretending they do not exist does not make them go away.
If you look at that quote, he says that persons who are families of ambassadors and foreign ministers are not covered under the 14th Amendment but others will be. It does support the current interpretation of the 14th Amendment.
OMG how absolutely :lame2:brain can you be ? The "others" he refers to are people not born to foreigners. Your "logic" would mean persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers would not be citizens, but kids of FENCE JUMPERS, AUTO TRUNK HIDERS, and other such criminals would be.

And you want us to think Howard meant that huh ? Pheeeeew! (high-pitched whistle). You're breaking records for absurdity. :rolleyes:

You are the lamebrain. I suppose he told you that. That is open to interpretation.
Those who are so offended need to toughen up. Learn to ignore and if you can't then it's on you. Ignore the kneelers and it all goes away. If you get upset you give them what they want. Attention.
Nah! They're in stadiums packed with tens of thousands of people. Millions more watching on TV. They've already got attention. If you ignore them, you accept them. That can't be allowed to happen.

I accept their right to do it. That should be allowed to happen because of the Constitution.
Only racists call nazis and white supremacists “ fine people.”
We’ve never, not even once, had a president that has complemented them.
Your new nickname is Trump’s colon.

Only a MSM whore would interpret what Trump said as that. What he said is that there were good people that were marching along with them for their own objections and reasons. You don't have to be a white supremacist or Nazi to want to preserve history and be against mob rule.

Good people do not march with white supremacists and Nazis. If you do then you are one.
Your perverted politics is already being rejected. That is what voters think of Trump.

In that endeavor, Breitbart CEO Bannon enjoys the approval of the electorate.

Bannon has pushed McConnell into a public-opinion Thunderdome and, at least according to [URL='']a Harvard-Harris poll, he is the favorite to leave. Of surveyed Republicans, 44 percent want McConnell to stay on as majority leader while 56 percent say he should resign. What’s more, only 39 percent of those same Republicans oppose Bannon’s coming electoral conquest while an overwhelming 61 percent support it.[/URL]{
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You are the one who is mentally limited. The American people see Trump for what he is. The Morning Consult poll gave us a clue what people think of Trump. He is not a leader, untrustworthy, sexist, reckless, liar, dishonest, thin-skinned, uncompassionate and unstable.
Is that all the adjectives you could come up with ? Gosh what hostility. Basis of hostility ? Fear (that your perverted politics is going down the drain, for good)

Your perverted politics is already being rejected. That is what voters think of Trump.
You have a clear ability for hanging yourself :laugh: >>
You are the one who is mentally limited. The American people see Trump for what he is. The Morning Consult poll gave us a clue what people think of Trump. He is not a leader, untrustworthy, sexist, reckless, liar, dishonest, thin-skinned, uncompassionate and unstable.
Is that all the adjectives you could come up with ? Gosh what hostility. Basis of hostility ? Fear (that your perverted politics is going down the drain, for good)

Your perverted politics is already being rejected. That is what voters think of Trump.

In that endeavor, the pudgy, triple-shirted Breitbart CEO enjoys the approval of the electorate.

Bannon has pushed McConnell into a public-opinion Thunderdome and, at least according to a Harvard-Harris poll, he is the favorite to leave. Of surveyed Republicans, 44 percent want McConnell to stay on as majority leader while 56 percent say he should resign. What’s more, only 39 percent of those same Republicans oppose Bannon’s coming electoral conquest while an overwhelming 61 percent support it.

Those numbers will feed Bannon’s scourge and discourage an already embattled establishment. But will they sway incumbents? Maybe. Already Sens. Bob Corker of Tennessee and Jeff Flake of Arizona have decided to forgo their 2018 re-election campaigns.

Everyone in Washington is wondering whether or not Bannon is a credible threat after he helped topple incumbent Sen. Luther Strange in a special Alabama primary. Per this poll, those fears are valid, and Bannon is especially dangerous

The trouble is that Republicans do not make up the entire electorate. A candidate has to be able to win a general election. Bannon is a white supremacist and what we are seeing is exactly what happened in Nazi Germany. If these candidates embrace Bannon then they are white supremacists and Nazis and it is a fair argument against them.

By the way I question any poll in which there are no undecided.
The trouble is that Republicans do not make up the entire electorate. A candidate has to be able to win a general election. Bannon is a white supremacist and what we are seeing is exactly what happened in Nazi Germany. If these candidates embrace Bannon then they are white supremacists and Nazis and it is a fair argument against them.

By the way I question any poll in which there are no undecided.
You posted this 12 minutes ago., in response to my post # 267. I just finished posting 267 NOW. Am having problem with my lap top. Might take me 20 minutes to do a single post. Just thought I'd let you know.

267 is now cleaned up, if you want to read it.
You are the lamebrain. I suppose he told you that. That is open to interpretation.
HA HA. Another of the left's favorite talking-words ("interpretation") Right up there with "out of context" :rolleyes:

Another post where the quote (212) refuted the post (264), before it was quoted. :slap:

Oh yeah, right! Howard wanted to exclude the kids of diplomats, but he was cool with the kids of fence jumpers, right ? Is there a doctor in the house ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle; :rolleyes-41:) You must be very embarrassed.
You have not refuted anything. your pretending they do not exist does not make them go away.
I'm not pretending they don't exist. Of course they exist. So what ? They're typical lamesteam liberal media laughingstocks.

Just like they were in November 2016. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I accept their right to do it. That should be allowed to happen because of the Constitution.
The Constitution does not allow ALL speech. Numerous methods of speech are illegal. This will be too. All in good time. :biggrin:
The trouble is that Republicans do not make up the entire electorate. A candidate has to be able to win a general election. Bannon is a white supremacist and what we are seeing is exactly what happened in Nazi Germany. If these candidates embrace Bannon then they are white supremacists and Nazis and it is a fair argument against them.

By the way I question any poll in which there are no undecided.
Show one shred of evidence that Bannon is a white supremacist.

As for the entire electorate, it put Trump in the White House. There will be an even higher % for him after the invader voters are deported. :biggrin:
It was bound to happen. NFL owners should have fired these overpaid loudmouths before they wound up costing the owners millions$$$. Now the owners will lose millions$$$ in subsidies, that are offered when NFL teams build or refurbish their stadiums.

Republican Congressman Steve Russell of Oklahoma is a highly decorated 21-year combat veteran who lost comrades in deployments overseas in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. He knows firsthand the sacrifices veterans have made for his country.

He, like many other Republican Congressmen, believe the current NFL protests, begun last year by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, have crossed the line in terms of lack of patriotism among spoiled football players. To that end, Russell has introduced legislation that would end federal subsidies for the NFL.

Also, legislation, to do the same, is being introduced by Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, who is now lead sponsor of the Pro Sports Act, which was introduced by former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz,.

So NFL owners will lose Billions$$ because they couldn't (or wouldn't) control their bigmouth players .Should have gotten rid of these dopes before they caused all he trouble.

Trump calls for end to NFL tax breaks -- bill already in place!

Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests
Apparently House members don't have anything to do. Stupid legislation like this will be dead on arrival in the Senate.
That has nothing at all to do with Citizens United.

Your right, Citizens united stops people from paying pols for favors....Once again, you support the bs only to cry about the results of the bullshit you support. Its like supporting High Diving but being against wetness.

I am now and always have been against corporate welfare. Most conservatives are. Citizens United and corporate welfare are two separate things. Saying differently is simply another left wing lie.

Like I said, you support the thing that bore these results. So when you look at the NFL getting sweetheart deals just remember you defended this with your heart and soul only to complain about the end result.

You can support off roading and be against mud all you like but the only person confused is you trying to separate the two

And like I said, you are full of shit as always.

Hey, I wouldn't want to match wits with someone like me myself. So I don't blame you for pulling the parachute on this. Have a good day!

I don't want to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
It was bound to happen. NFL owners should have fired these overpaid loudmouths before they wound up costing the owners millions$$$. Now the owners will lose millions$$$ in subsidies, that are offered when NFL teams build or refurbish their stadiums.

Republican Congressman Steve Russell of Oklahoma is a highly decorated 21-year combat veteran who lost comrades in deployments overseas in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. He knows firsthand the sacrifices veterans have made for his country.

He, like many other Republican Congressmen, believe the current NFL protests, begun last year by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, have crossed the line in terms of lack of patriotism among spoiled football players. To that end, Russell has introduced legislation that would end federal subsidies for the NFL.

Also, legislation, to do the same, is being introduced by Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, who is now lead sponsor of the Pro Sports Act, which was introduced by former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz,.

So NFL owners will lose Billions$$ because they couldn't (or wouldn't) control their bigmouth players .Should have gotten rid of these dopes before they caused all he trouble.

Trump calls for end to NFL tax breaks -- bill already in place!

Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests
/—-/ The Left has hated NFL for decades. The death of pro football is a dream come true for them. They want us watching soccer anyway.
It was bound to happen. NFL owners should have fired these overpaid loudmouths before they wound up costing the owners millions$$$. Now the owners will lose millions$$$ in subsidies, that are offered when NFL teams build or refurbish their stadiums.

Republican Congressman Steve Russell of Oklahoma is a highly decorated 21-year combat veteran who lost comrades in deployments overseas in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. He knows firsthand the sacrifices veterans have made for his country.

He, like many other Republican Congressmen, believe the current NFL protests, begun last year by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, have crossed the line in terms of lack of patriotism among spoiled football players. To that end, Russell has introduced legislation that would end federal subsidies for the NFL.

Also, legislation, to do the same, is being introduced by Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, who is now lead sponsor of the Pro Sports Act, which was introduced by former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz,.

So NFL owners will lose Billions$$ because they couldn't (or wouldn't) control their bigmouth players .Should have gotten rid of these dopes before they caused all he trouble.

Trump calls for end to NFL tax breaks -- bill already in place!

Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests
/—-/ The Left has hated NFL for decades. The death of pro football is a dream come true for them. They want us watching soccer anyway.

It's their ongoing attempt to sissify the males in the US. They did it to our military, they did it in our schools, they are doing it to our football, they are even doing it to our boy scouts for crying out loud. Liberals don't get that the key word in boy scouts is "boy."
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It was bound to happen. NFL owners should have fired these overpaid loudmouths before they wound up costing the owners millions$$$. Now the owners will lose millions$$$ in subsidies, that are offered when NFL teams build or refurbish their stadiums.

Republican Congressman Steve Russell of Oklahoma is a highly decorated 21-year combat veteran who lost comrades in deployments overseas in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. He knows firsthand the sacrifices veterans have made for his country.

He, like many other Republican Congressmen, believe the current NFL protests, begun last year by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, have crossed the line in terms of lack of patriotism among spoiled football players. To that end, Russell has introduced legislation that would end federal subsidies for the NFL.

Also, legislation, to do the same, is being introduced by Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, who is now lead sponsor of the Pro Sports Act, which was introduced by former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz,.

So NFL owners will lose Billions$$ because they couldn't (or wouldn't) control their bigmouth players .Should have gotten rid of these dopes before they caused all he trouble.

Trump calls for end to NFL tax breaks -- bill already in place!

Conservatives in Congress Introduce Legislation to End NFL Subsidies Following Protests
Apparently House members don't have anything to do. Stupid legislation like this will be dead on arrival in the Senate.

Hey! They are saving the taxpayers money. Does it make sense that the little people build arenas for millionaires to play a kids game? I mean, WTF..............

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