Conservatives Who Deny Racial Difference

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
To me, this is a pretty dangerous breed. Liberals can be expected to believe that "we are all equal" -- it's been their scam from the beginning. But conservatives are supposed to be believers in the reality of human difference. They're supposed to be accepting of facts, and want policy built around them instead of fantasy.

Yet when it comes to race, there's a whole raft of self-identified "conservatives" whose views on race are no different from the left: we are all equal, all differences are merely environmental, etc. They might disagree with liberals on affirmative action, but not because races are actually different.

And they scream "racist" and "Hitler" louder than liberals do! They essentially put their hands over their ears and say "can't hear you!" when the fact about genetics, IQ, etc. come out.

The quickest way to obliterate what's left of Western Civilization is to smother out the race that built it. So why are these "conservatives" so quick to deny racial difference?
It never ceases to puzzle me, William. My best guess is that deep down, they know their heritage is being threatened by diversity and multiculturalism, but they're terrified of the consequences of attracting the attention of a hostile press; that wield far more influence over employers than unions could ever dream of.
It never ceases to puzzle me, William. My best guess is that deep down, they know their heritage is being threatened by diversity and multiculturalism, but they're terrified of the consequences of attracting the attention of a hostile press; that wield far more influence over employers than unions could ever dream of.

Yeah William, it will be ok for you, there are plenty of them who just use that 'non-racist' stuff as window dressing, so they look 'good'. Believe me, there are plenty of racist pigs who call themselves "conservatives". You can see how they fawn over guys like jesse lee peterson, alan west, and Herman Cain when they spout their (some white "conservatives") racist blanket and inaccurate generalizations. In short they are full of shit when they spout their 'anti-racist, we are all the same' message.
It never ceases to puzzle me, William. My best guess is that deep down, they know their heritage is being threatened by diversity and multiculturalism, but they're terrified of the consequences of attracting the attention of a hostile press; that wield far more influence over employers than unions could ever dream of.

Yeah William, it will be ok for you, there are plenty of them who just use that 'non-racist' stuff as window dressing, so they look 'good'. Believe me, there are plenty of racist pigs who call themselves "conservatives". You can see how they fawn over guys like jesse lee peterson, alan west, and Herman Cain when they spout their (some white "conservatives") racist blanket and inaccurate generalizations. In short they are full of shit when they spout their 'anti-racist, we are all the same' message.

I think some of both goes on.

1. Yes, there are some insincere "conservatives" who are really just white partisans trying to make their stands respectable. You can't get fired for supporting 'law and order' or 'low taxes' or 'family values', but you can get fired for supporting white separatism.

2. But there are many "conservatives" who truly are deluded into thinking there are no racial differences. LadyGunSlinger, daveman, California Girl, etc... I am confident that on some level, they've convinced themselves of racial equality.

Bottom line, yes, I think the conservatives are fully of shit when they fawn over MLK and Herman Cain. Absolutely full of shit.
To me, this is a pretty dangerous breed.

I'm sure that rational, thinking people do seem pretty dangerous to a craven idiot like you. But then, just about everything inspires fear in you, you pathetic fucking coward.
It never ceases to puzzle me, William. My best guess is that deep down, they know their heritage is being threatened by diversity and multiculturalism, but they're terrified of the consequences of attracting the attention of a hostile press; that wield far more influence over employers than unions could ever dream of.

So, because you are a fucking coward you "guess" everyone else must be too? You're a fucking joke.
"their heritage is being threatened by diversity and multiculturalism, but they're terrified of the consequences..."



"Multiculturalism, Diversity." it's ok to get a flavor of anothers culture...i.e. their food, music, customs - yeah, how "quaint" and "culturally enriching" it is...

As far as "LIVING WITHIN A MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY-especially where people have dark skin color" on a daily basis --
Blech ! you can keep it.

I come from a diverse 'melting pot.' Over the past 25+ years though - it's gotten much much worse........our government allowed the WRONG types of people to immigrate here by the zillions:

++ others...

Unfortunately, we already had enough american born criminals, lowlives, rapists, scam artists, thieves, and lunatics - so over the last 25+ years, we imported them from ..."see above."

I'm the minority now - and I DO feel threatend. Multicultural/diverse societies attract seedy, lowlife people.

The neighborhoods become
filth-holes...[and especially now-a-days with these "thug blacks" FREELY roaming all over the place --ruining once very nice neighborhoods].

muslims, chinese, russians, MEXICANS...people from india. i really, REALLY, understand NOW why india is a backward, 3rd-world shit-hole along with pakistan, russia and mexico. ( list goes on and on)........

"threatend by diversity and multiculturalism.."

i know i feel "threatend." Once america becomes less and less "white" - and more and more "dark & diverse" and where people speak less and less "ENGLISH" and WHERE MORE AND MORE of these "immigrants" will be collecting food stamps and living on welfare while having kid, after kid, after kid and no way to pay for stuff [knowing full well the Gov't will pay their food, clothng and hospital bills) --- well, you can kiss 'america' good-bye............just a matter of time before "she" becomes another 3rd-world craphole (like--oh i dunno--mexico for example, or pakistan, or india....).

I'd much rather "live with my own people." What's WRONG with that ? If the koreans can have their own neighborhood, why can't I ? If the chinese can have their own NEIGHBORHOODS, why can't I ? muslims have their own neighborhood, why can't I ? The russians like living together amongst themselves, why can't I ? The jews have their own neighborhoods too - what's wrong with me wanting to live in an Italian neighborhood - and wanting mostly Italian and irish neighbors ?


what's wrong with me wanting to live "with my own kind" like they do in "HARLEM" ??

hmmmmm ?
Just what we needed around here, another paranoid, racist douchebag. :rolleyes:
I'm just wondering then how to account for many black people who take advantage of their educational opportunities and excel academically and later in their chosen fields of endeavor. They're black, so how are they able to achieve such levels of success?

Could it be that even though they're black they've had instilled in them from parents or others that hard work is the ticket to achievement, just as it is for whites, Asians, Hispanics, and anyone else who's willing to apply themselves?
Just what we needed around here, another paranoid, racist douchebag. :rolleyes:

Can you answer the question, though? What's wrong with wanting to live with your own people?

Everyone else on Earth gets to. Heck, it's encouraged. It's natural. It's paid for by American taxpayers.

But if whites do? They're paranoid racist douchebags.

Double standard much?
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Just what we needed around here, another paranoid, racist douchebag. :rolleyes:

Can you answer the question, though? What's wrong with wanting to live with your own people??

For you, that means living all by yourself or finding another pathetic fucking coward as hopelessly stupid and weak as you. Go do that. Maybe you and matthew can share a one bedroom and comfort each other about your ignorant fears. In any case, go do it somewhere else, because we have no place in my country for useless losers like you.
Just what we needed around here, another paranoid, racist douchebag. :rolleyes:

Can you answer the question, though? What's wrong with wanting to live with your own people??

For you, that means living all by yourself or finding another pathetic fucking coward as hopelessly stupid and weak as you. Go do that. Maybe you and matthew can share a one bedroom and comfort each other about your ignorant fears. In any case, go do it somewhere else, because we have no place in my country for useless losers like you.

You're holier than thou act is bull shit. With the level of black on white violence going on in America today, whites have every right to be anxious about what in the hell is going on with blacks...

[ame=]I Hate White People - YouTube[/ame]

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Can you answer the question, though? What's wrong with wanting to live with your own people??

For you, that means living all by yourself or finding another pathetic fucking coward as hopelessly stupid and weak as you. Go do that. Maybe you and matthew can share a one bedroom and comfort each other about your ignorant fears. In any case, go do it somewhere else, because we have no place in my country for useless losers like you.

You're holier than thou act is bull shit. With the level of black on white violence going on in America today, whites have every right to be anxious about what in the hell is going on with blacks...

If you read that asshole's posts and can't see the consistent pattern of cowardly racism, then you are an idiot. If you agree with his cowardly racism, then you are as much of a fucking douchebag as he is.
For you, that means living all by yourself or finding another pathetic fucking coward as hopelessly stupid and weak as you. Go do that. Maybe you and matthew can share a one bedroom and comfort each other about your ignorant fears. In any case, go do it somewhere else, because we have no place in my country for useless losers like you.

You're holier than thou act is bull shit. With the level of black on white violence going on in America today, whites have every right to be anxious about what in the hell is going on with blacks...

If you read that asshole's posts and can't see the consistent pattern of cowardly racism, then you are an idiot. If you agree with his cowardly racism, then you are as much of a fucking douchebag as he is.
There's no more RACIST people on earth than blacks, so according to you it's blacks that are the cowards.

STFU idiot. You don't even make sense.
Nobody is equal to anybody else.

So the entire issue of whether Blacks are equal to Whites sort of misses the whole question.

We ought to be equal under the law simply because that is how we claim we want our society to act..

Beyond that?

Equality is a silly notion when applied to judging differnt persons, different races, different ethnics or to any other realm of judging persons one can contrive..

We ALL know that we are not the equal of anybody else, do we not?

Today you are you
That is truer than true
There is no one alive
Who is you-er than you.

Dr Seuss
If you read that asshole's posts and can't see the consistent pattern of cowardly racism, then you are an idiot. If you agree with his cowardly racism, then you are as much of a fucking douchebag as he is.
I do believe this is the first issue you and I are in 100% agreement on.
Just what we needed around here, another paranoid, racist douchebag. :rolleyes:

Can you answer the question, though? What's wrong with wanting to live with your own people??

For you, that means living all by yourself or finding another pathetic fucking coward as hopelessly stupid and weak as you. Go do that. Maybe you and matthew can share a one bedroom and comfort each other about your ignorant fears. In any case, go do it somewhere else, because we have no place in my country for useless losers like you.

Yet instead of getting out there and interacting with people of color, you're sitting in your room behind a computer screen, ranting about the "useless losers" who don't share your lefty-fruity-multiculturalism. Do you see the problem with that, Unkotare?

Who are your black friends -- the self-identified blacks of USMB? Right.

Human beings clumping by race and ethnicity is one of the most powerful and consistent behaviors we have. It's totally natural and healthy. Everyone everywhere does it. Only in the U.S., Canada and Europe is there unwanted, forced mixing, which must be achieved by government force and lawsuits. How can conservatives support that? Wouldn't a conservative or libertarian just let people associate with whom they choose, rather than submitting to a government force to tell them whom to live with, go to school with and work with?

Of what use are any of our rights, if we aren't free to have the most basic one: the freedom of association?
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Can you answer the question, though? What's wrong with wanting to live with your own people??

For you, that means living all by yourself or finding another pathetic fucking coward as hopelessly stupid and weak as you. Go do that. Maybe you and matthew can share a one bedroom and comfort each other about your ignorant fears. In any case, go do it somewhere else, because we have no place in my country for useless losers like you.

Yet instead of getting out there and interacting with people of color, you're sitting in your room behind a computer screen,

Wrong again LOSER.
Yet instead of getting out there and interacting with people of color, you're sitting in your room behind a computer screen, ranting about the "useless losers" who don't share your lefty-fruity-multiculturalism. Do you see the problem with that, Unkotare?

Who are your black friends -- the self-identified blacks of USMB? Right.

Wrong - AGAIN - loser. The little racist fantasy world you have constructed to justify your pathetic, cowardly racism is NOT the real world, you fucking clown. You should spend less time playing guessing games and more time trying to grow a set of balls, loser.

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