Conservatives, you don’t understand the border issue.

That booster shot should hurry up

I'm just sayin


If you want to stop illegals fine employers who hire illegals. 90% will self deport within six months. That has been done very successfully in other countries.
easier to just seal the border and only allow legal entry. what is your problem with that?
That’s not what you said dufus. You claimed there were no exact numbers. We have plenty of exact numbers around some categories of aliens. Now you’re making up shit again. Sure sign of dementia.
We know exactly how many have applied for a visa and we know who has not reapplied. So we have a real good number how many now are illegally here for visa overstays.....

Now, maybe you can’t add or subtract, so that’s your problem. .
The problem is all yours. You can’t admit reality.
If you want to understand why the border encounter numbers are so high, you should take a look at these handy charts:

View attachment 724598

View attachment 724599

Let me explain what this means. We have the first chart showing an explosion in border encounters near the end of the Trump presidency after instituting Title 42. We have the second chart showing that around 60% of CBP arrests are people who have already entered illegally. And the third chart shows that CBP estimates it apprehended about 82.6% of people who tried to illegally enter in 2021.

What should we take away from that? One, our border is not remotely open. CBP actually exceeded its goal on interdiction effectiveness in the first year under Biden. Second, Title 42 is driving up the number of border encounters. And third, people are continuing to try and enter again after we expel them using Title 42, leading to increased recidivism. Why? Because under Title 42, they're being denied the opportunity to go through the asylum system.

Basically, the numbers are artificially inflated because of Title 42. If we ended Title 42, the numbers would drop fairly substantially. Now, would the numbers fall off a cliff? No. Migration is largely driven by EXTERNAL factors. The things driving migration right now are instability and economic issues in Central and South America (particularly, Venezuela and the Northern Triangle in Central America).

Now, you might ask why Biden hasn't sought to end Title 42. Guess what? He did.
Biden administration announces official end to Title 42, the Trump-era pandemic restrictions at the US border | CNN Politics

You'll never guess what happened next? A Trump "judge" refused to let Biden end the policy Trump created, despite the fact that Biden sought to use the same procedure to end it that Trump used to create it.
Judge blocks Biden administration from lifting public health order used to quickly expel migrants

And here's the funny part, Title 42 is supposedly a COVID-mitigation policy. So keep in mind that all these Trump "judges" have been striking down Biden's COVID policies left and right, but the one COVID policy Biden tried to end on his own, they told him he MUST keep enforcing. It's calvinball. Partisan hacks in robes making political decisions.

So Trump "judges" are requiring Biden to continue to enforce a Trump policy that is inflating the border encounter and apprehension data in a major way.

But hey, at least Biden can choose how to best apply the resources he has at his disposal to enforce our immigration laws in the most efficient and effective manner, right? Wrong. Trump "judges" have also ruled that Biden doesn't have the power to set immigration enforcement priorities.
Court strikes down Biden immigration enforcement priorities

That's right. The people in charge of federal law enforcement are not allowed to tell the officers serving under them where to focus law enforcement efforts and resources. Why? Because some hack appointed by Trump said so.

I could go on and on all day about how ridiculous things are. But the truth of the matter is that presidents don't have much control over migration, and Biden has even less control over migration and the border than your average president because the clowns Trump put on the federal bench have seized control of large swaths of federal immigration policy from the Executive Branch we elected.
You don't "know" squat about the border. This is a massive problem for our country on many levels, not just the immediate overwhelming of border state personnel and resources. If you are an American you really need to stop pushing this Democrat Party bullshit.
More made up shit. Immigrants coming across the Mexican border make up 1/4 of the total immigration.
Are you just making up shit and really out raged at the 200,000 foreign national doctors and healthcare workers here also ?

Fake anger. This is an anger ploy about a situation that the gop WHEN IN CONTROL DID NOTHING ABOUT.
More befuddlement ^ on display from duhgosa.

We do not know the exact numbers coming in illegally from Mexico. That said, we don’t know the exact numbers of other illegal aliens. (This goes mostly for illegal entries but includes some aliens who overstay visas.)

You’re busy tossing in factors which were not under discussion. Your deflections are obvious. And you remain utterly unpersuasive.

Proof that you are flatly wrong in claiming that we have the slightest damn clue about exact numbers: show me the exact number of illegal aliens who crossed the border without being caught by the border patrol. Source? Link?
More befuddlement ^ on display from duhgosa.

We do not know the exact numbers coming in illegally from Mexico. That said, we don’t know the exact numbers of other illegal aliens. (This goes mostly for illegal entries but includes some aliens who overstay visas.)

You’re busy tossing in factors which were not under discussion. Your deflections are obvious. And you remain utterly unpersuasive.

Proof that you are flatly wrong in claiming that we have the slightest damn clue about exact numbers: show me the exact number of illegal aliens who crossed the border without being caught by the border patrol. Source? Link?
Yawn……babble and bullshit.
just a simple question for you: why do you think its OK for people to enter our country illegally?
I don’t and the vast majority aren’t dumbo. The southern boarder is being inundated with people requesting asylum from countries that made living conditions horrible because of climate change, something your herd of illiterates don't believe in. And, they are 1/4 of those from other nations. I don’t see you all up tight about that and the drugs being imported from China ?
But, this is the gop strategy to make a fear issue because they have NO,POLICIES.
I don’t and the vast majority aren’t dumbo. The southern boarder is being inundated with people requesting asylum from countries that made living conditions horrible because of climate change, something your herd of illiterates don't believe in. And, they are 1/4 of those from other nations. I don’t see you all up tight about that and the drugs being imported from China ?
But, this is the gop strategy to make a fear issue because they have NO,POLICIES.
Totally wrong. Most of your Liberal buddies are just fine and dandy with 250,000 undocumented illegals pouring in every single month. Who cares WHY the hordes are showing up at our border it needs to STOP. China and Mexico are conducting a full fledged attack on our country and Democrat minions like you blame "Climate Change" and the GOP.
Totally wrong. Most of your Liberal buddies are just fine and dandy with 250,000 undocumented illegals pouring in every single month. Who cares WHY the hordes are showing up at our border it needs to STOP. China and Mexico are conducting a full fledged attack on our country and Democrat minions like you blame "Climate Change" and the GOP.

Totally wrong. Most of your Liberal buddies are just fine and dandy with 250,000 undocumented illegals pouring in every single month. Who cares WHY the hordes are showing up at our border it needs to STOP. China and Mexico are conducting a full fledged attack on our country and Democrat minions like you blame "Climate Change" and the GOP.
Of course, you had four years to pass legislation……and did nothing.
I don’t and the vast majority aren’t dumbo. The southern boarder is being inundated with people requesting asylum from countries that made living conditions horrible because of climate change, something your herd of illiterates don't believe in. And, they are 1/4 of those from other nations. I don’t see you all up tight about that and the drugs being imported from China ?
But, this is the gop strategy to make a fear issue because they have NO,POLICIES.
then let them request asylum legally. are you OK with the drug traffic at our border that killing thousands of american kids every week? the chinese drugs that you mentioned are crossing the border in the hands of the illegals you claim are all just poor oppressed people looking for asylum. in summary, you are an idiot.
then let them request asylum legally
They are foolish.
If coke heads like Trump didn’t initiate such a demand, the drug problems wouldn’t be so high. Trump hired illegals too. So your buddy spread covid, hired illegals does coke…..and you whine about Dems. Amazing.
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They are foolish.
no they aren't,. they are being bused and flown all over the country and released by Biden. They never show up for their asylum hearings, why should they? they are collecting welfare and getting free food and medical care for doing nothing but walking across the border. Why do you want open borders? No other country on earth has that, why should we?
I am as liberal as one can get and I thoroughly understand that the border is wide open and gang violence and poverty is not a reason to allow asylum. Asylum seekers are given a court date and that is the last time you see them until the next amnesty, WE secured the border of Iraq but we cannot secure our own border.???FUCK BIDEN>

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