Conservatives, you don’t understand the border issue.

Nope, they are being transported by the gop gov of Florida.
a few are, but the vast majority are being transported by Biden to red states and turned loose. The few sent by Desantis to blue states are being sent away by the hypocritical liberals running those states.
Of course, you had four years to pass legislation……and did nothing.
I'm not a congressman, I'm just a guy who has seen the illegal immigrant problem grow from a trickle to a tsunami over 40 years. I know what I'm talking about, you and your Leftist buddies don't.
I'm not a congressman, I'm just a guy who has seen the illegal immigrant problem grow from a trickle to a tsunami over 40 years. I know what I'm talking about, you and your Leftist buddies don't.
Yeah, libs who hated trump and wanted to see his border policy fail now want to blame you for their obstruction
Yeah, libs who hated trump and wanted to see his border policy fail now want to blame you for their obstruction
In their twisted minds, they somehow think they are "winning" when they engage in this insanity.
In their twisted minds, they somehow think they are "winning" when they engage in this insanity.
I’m sorry to say they are winning

Millions of illegals have flooded across the border with more on the way

Later they will regale us with stories about how poverty in America is rising

and how we need more welfare for the problems they caused
I'm not a congressman, I'm just a guy who has seen the illegal immigrant problem grow from a trickle to a tsunami over 40 years. I know what I'm talking about, you and your Leftist buddies don't.
And your righty buddies did nothing.
If you knew what you were talking about, you wouldn’t be so afraid.
I’m sorry to say they are winning

Millions of illegals have flooded across the border with more on the way

Later they will regale us with stories about how poverty in America is rising

and how we need more welfare for the problems they caused
The only welfare problems are those from the right who want free everything while cutting taxes for the rich. Then, the right hires illegals while whining about them being here. Not one of you do anything or say anything about why they are here. They work and you don’t.
I'm not a congressman, I'm just a guy who has seen the illegal immigrant problem grow from a trickle to a tsunami over 40 years. I know what I'm talking about, you and your Leftist buddies don't.
Whine and bitch and cower. With 70% of the gdp from the blue states, it’s apparent who the workers and who the free loaders are. The right is filled with people wanting handouts and the last thing they want is anyone threatening their handouts. That’s where your fear comes in. Get off your ass and work for a living and compete for those jobs. Get educated and be more valuable. The blue states do it.
How do you know when duhgosa has nothing of value to say?

He posts.

Now returning to the actual thread topic:

It is you liberals who don’t grasp the importance of the border issues. Plural.

One is that any sovereign nation has a right — and probably a duty — to secure its own borders.

Two: the government has a duty to protect its own people. That’s hard to do if you don’t know who the fuck is even entering the country.

Three: you libs tend to ignore the fact that this nation has the MOST generous terms of legal immigration. The reason it’s important to have the term “legal” precede the word “immigration” is because it enables the government to a avoid having our enemies just blithely enter our country. In fact, there are a multitude of other compelling reasons for our government to insist on having immigration properly controlled by law, rules l, regulations and procedures.
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And your righty buddies did nothing.
If you knew what you were talking about, you wouldn’t be so afraid.
Thank you for another useless history lesson. We have a 4 alarm fire going on at the border and you and your fellow Chinacrat minions think the border is secure because that's what your leaders tell you. You better wake up, this is not a game.
a few are, but the vast majority are being transported by Biden to red states and turned loose. The few sent by Desantis to blue states are being sent away by the hypocritical liberals running those states.
DeSantes and Trump are just the tip of the hypocritical right who hire illegals then whine about them being here election time. They count on the illiterate and ignorant base to fall in line.
WE secured the border of Iraq but we cannot secure our own border.???
Ha ha
That was a joke. Thanks to republicans in charge at the time, all the terrorists headed out and committed atrocities elsewhere. They did shit closing any borders. For four years under Trump they did nothing meaningful about anything but spread covid. It was so bad here, the worse of any developed country, illegals had a much lower infection rate then we did.
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How do you know when duhgosa has nothing of value to say?

He posts.

Now returning to the actual thread topic:

It is you liberals who don’t grasp the importance of the border issues. Plural.

One is that any sovereign nation has a right — and probably a duty — to secure its own borders.

Two: the government has a duty to protect its own people. That’s hard to do if you don’t know who the fuck is even entering the country.

Three: you libs tend to ignore the fact that this nation has the MOST generous terms of legal immigration. The reason it’s important to have the term “legal” precede the word “immigration” is because it enables the government to a avoid having our enemies just blithely enter our country. In fact, there are a multitude of other compelling reasons for our government to insist on having immigration properly controlled by law, rules l, regulations and procedures.
How do you know when Dufusagain says nothing ?
He rambles and rambles about made up sht
DeSantes and Trump are just the tip of the hypocritical right who hire illegals then whine about them being here election time. They count on the illiterate and ignorant base to fall in line.
Oh of course now you are blaming Trump and Desantis. Here let me simplify it for you, since you don't get it. You know all those poor Americans who you Democrats supposedly care about? Do you know they are being pushed out into the street in record numbers now? Do you know that the foodbanks across the country are virtually empty? Do you know that it's winter? We have an unmitigated disaster right now and it's harming our most vulnerable population. But you don't give a shit, you'd rather whine about climate change and cheap labor and Trump. You are either a paid DNC shill or a complete fool.
The only welfare problems are those from the right who want free everything while cutting taxes for the rich. Then, the right hires illegals while whining about them being here. Not one of you do anything or say anything about why they are here. They work and you don’t.
You have everything backwards

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