Conspiracy Theories:

The best in government propaganda.

If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

The Covid vaccine will turn you gay...Its a Bill Gates conspiracy.

If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

The Covid vaccine will turn you gay...Its a Bill Gates conspiracy.

Here is the fact of that matter on that:

COVID Vaccine Kills 1,170 and counting

The CDC and FDA received 1,170 reports of fatalities among individuals in the U.S. who received a Covid vaccine — 0.003% of vaccinated people — between Dec. 14, and Feb. 7. During this time, over 41 million doses of Pfizer or Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccines were administered across the country, according to the CDC.

These 1170 dead after receiving the so-called "vaccine" are just the start, the tip of the iceberg. There will likely be many, many, more.

This "vaccine" is not a vaccine in any traditional sense. It does not contain any elements of the novel coronavirus which allegedly causes the disease COVID-19. Instead, this "vaccine" is actually experimental gene therapy which irreversibly alters a recipient's DNA.

Scientists claim that their artificial "messenger RNA" which is what the "vaccine" actually contains, instructs the human body at the DNA level as to how to look for and respond to a specific protein on the surface of the novel coronavirus which causes COVID-19.

Once this "vaccine" is injected, it begins snipping parts of human DNA within cells, which alters the DNA of that person.

When tested on animals, 100 of the animals injected, died.

Rather than take this as a warning sign to stop what they were doing, scientists instead asked for -- and got -- a waiver from animal testing!

So this "vaccine" kills any animals injected with it. Is there any surprise thousands of people are dropping dead when it is injected into them?

Here's the worst part:

When exposed to novel coronavirus in the wild, a person injected with this "vaccine" ends-up suffering a HYPER-IMMUNE RESPONSE which kills them.

Their immune systems go into a sort of hyper drive, a Cytokine storm - which then kills the person.

Within about 6 months, it is believed by many that so many humans will be dying from THE VACCINE, that government will try to cover it up by claiming a new mutation of COVID has come into being, and will blame this new (non-existent_ strain for the deaths.

Some Doctors are privately telling media outlets they expect fifty percent of the people receiving this new "vaccine" to be DEAD within 6 months.


It explores conspiracy theories....entertaining.

Vlad Putina and Trump used to go down to the southern border and throw rotten eggs at the kids they put in cages

At night they'd slug vodka with Russian hookers and pee on everyone


It explores conspiracy theories....entertaining.

I listened to a lot of that pod. One thing that stands out is a lot of the conspiracy theorists involved with the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory were young parents who couldn’t process the fact someone would shoot kids. To these people conspiracy theories are a coping mechanism. Those people are victims. I don’t hold those people in contempt the way I hold conspiracy theorists who just want to feel like they’re smarter than everyone. Those people are victims too, but it’s kind of hard to empathize with them.
NY Times Calls For Biden to Appoint “Reality Czar” to Fight “Misinformation”

“This task force could also meet regularly with tech platforms, and push for structural changes that could help those companies tackle their own extremism and misinformation problems. (For example, it could formulate “safe harbor” exemptions that would allow platforms to share data about QAnon and other conspiracy theory communities with researchers and government agencies without running afoul of privacy laws.) And it could become the tip of the spear for the federal government’s response to the reality crisis,” states the article.

“Ah, the Ministry of Truth. I’ve been waiting for this one,” responded Raheem Kassam.

How the Biden Administration Can Help Solve Our Reality Crisis
These steps, experts say, could prod more people to abandon the scourge of hoaxes and lies.

If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Jfk sure pissed off the elite when he made the statement in his speech the word secrecy is repundant,he made it clear that our government should be open and transparent,wow what a concept and a refreshimg change that would be,having an honest and transparent open government,well we can all dream,we have that right.
If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.
If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.

BS! Try reading some books sheeple. But you are correct on one part:

Government secrecy is indeed necessary for winning wars. Government secrecy is also necessary for starting those wars in the first place. US government agencies have an extensive history of using false pretenses to initiate military conflicts; if they could not hide the facts behind a veil of government opacity, the public would never engage in them. The American people would never have allowed their sons to go to Vietnam if they’d known the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie. They’d never have sent their sons and daughters to invade Iraq if they’d known weapons of mass destruction were a lie. They would lose the support of the public, and the international community would refuse to back them.
If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Jfk sure pissed off the elite when he made the statement in his speech the word secrecy is repundant,he made it clear that our government should be open and transparent,wow what a concept and a refreshimg change that would be,having an honest and transparent open government,well we can all dream,we have that right.


Could you imagine a liberal saying that today? These new Dempcraps are not liberal at all.
If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.

BS! Try reading some books sheeple. But you are correct on one part:

Government secrecy is indeed necessary for winning wars. Government secrecy is also necessary for starting those wars in the first place. US government agencies have an extensive history of using false pretenses to initiate military conflicts; if they could not hide the facts behind a veil of government opacity, the public would never engage in them. The American people would never have allowed their sons to go to Vietnam if they’d known the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie. They’d never have sent their sons and daughters to invade Iraq if they’d known weapons of mass destruction were a lie. They would lose the support of the public, and the international community would refuse to back them.
:thankusmile: Best damn post on this thread why government secrecy is indeed repundant.:thup:
If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.

BS! Try reading some books sheeple. But you are correct on one part:

Government secrecy is indeed necessary for winning wars. Government secrecy is also necessary for starting those wars in the first place. US government agencies have an extensive history of using false pretenses to initiate military conflicts; if they could not hide the facts behind a veil of government opacity, the public would never engage in them. The American people would never have allowed their sons to go to Vietnam if they’d known the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie. They’d never have sent their sons and daughters to invade Iraq if they’d known weapons of mass destruction were a lie. They would lose the support of the public, and the international community would refuse to back them.
:thankusmile: Best damn post on this thread why government secrecy is indeed repundant.:thup:

Yes sir! And I have seen it first hand being a vet. As Eisenhower said:

If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.

BS! Try reading some books sheeple. But you are correct on one part:

Government secrecy is indeed necessary for winning wars. Government secrecy is also necessary for starting those wars in the first place. US government agencies have an extensive history of using false pretenses to initiate military conflicts; if they could not hide the facts behind a veil of government opacity, the public would never engage in them. The American people would never have allowed their sons to go to Vietnam if they’d known the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie. They’d never have sent their sons and daughters to invade Iraq if they’d known weapons of mass destruction were a lie. They would lose the support of the public, and the international community would refuse to back them.
I have read more than you and you just proved my point.

You believe you are better read more informed and more enlightened but you are not and you claims are bullsghit and show massive ignorance of history. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was two incidents one of which HAPPENED and was quite real.

You failed to address any facts and you do not know what the fuck you are babbling about. Conspiraacy theory makes you feel supoerior when in ffact you are not qand governments must have secrets to functiion in war and in peace.

COnspiracy theories exist because of weak minds which is easily proven because none of them are true.
If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.

BS! Try reading some books sheeple. But you are correct on one part:

Government secrecy is indeed necessary for winning wars. Government secrecy is also necessary for starting those wars in the first place. US government agencies have an extensive history of using false pretenses to initiate military conflicts; if they could not hide the facts behind a veil of government opacity, the public would never engage in them. The American people would never have allowed their sons to go to Vietnam if they’d known the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie. They’d never have sent their sons and daughters to invade Iraq if they’d known weapons of mass destruction were a lie. They would lose the support of the public, and the international community would refuse to back them.
:thankusmile: Best damn post on this thread why government secrecy is indeed repundant.:thup:

Yes sir! And I have seen it first hand being a vet. As Eisenhower said:

Which is meaningless and does not support your lame understanding of government.
If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.

BS! Try reading some books sheeple. But you are correct on one part:

Government secrecy is indeed necessary for winning wars. Government secrecy is also necessary for starting those wars in the first place. US government agencies have an extensive history of using false pretenses to initiate military conflicts; if they could not hide the facts behind a veil of government opacity, the public would never engage in them. The American people would never have allowed their sons to go to Vietnam if they’d known the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie. They’d never have sent their sons and daughters to invade Iraq if they’d known weapons of mass destruction were a lie. They would lose the support of the public, and the international community would refuse to back them.
I have read more than you and you just proved my point.

You believe you are better read more informed and more enlightened but you are not and you claims are bullsghit and show massive ignorance of history. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was two incidents one of which HAPPENED and was quite real.

You failed to address any facts and you do not know what the fuck you are babbling about. Conspiraacy theory makes you feel supoerior when in ffact you are not qand governments must have secrets to functiion in war and in peace.

COnspiracy theories exist because of weak minds which is easily proven because none of them are true.

Now, you are just making baseless accusations. Congrats you get the sheeple award today. I don't just award it to anyone. So here you go.:) Also you can't spell very well. Maybe start with your spelling before you go further.

If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.

BS! Try reading some books sheeple. But you are correct on one part:

Government secrecy is indeed necessary for winning wars. Government secrecy is also necessary for starting those wars in the first place. US government agencies have an extensive history of using false pretenses to initiate military conflicts; if they could not hide the facts behind a veil of government opacity, the public would never engage in them. The American people would never have allowed their sons to go to Vietnam if they’d known the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie. They’d never have sent their sons and daughters to invade Iraq if they’d known weapons of mass destruction were a lie. They would lose the support of the public, and the international community would refuse to back them.
I have read more than you and you just proved my point.

You believe you are better read more informed and more enlightened but you are not and you claims are bullsghit and show massive ignorance of history. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was two incidents one of which HAPPENED and was quite real.

You failed to address any facts and you do not know what the fuck you are babbling about. Conspiraacy theory makes you feel supoerior when in ffact you are not qand governments must have secrets to functiion in war and in peace.

COnspiracy theories exist because of weak minds which is easily proven because none of them are true.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident is the most notorious false flag in American history. It resulted in the death of millions of people. Declassified documents reveal the North Vietnamese did not attack the United States on August 4, 1964. In fact, the CIA, through its South Vietnamese proxy, invaded North Vietnam and the standoff in the Gulf of Tonkin was a result of those illegal covert raids conducted under OPLAN 34A. President Lyndon Johnson’s Secretary of State, Robert McNamara, lied to a joint session of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees about the role played by the Navy in the phantom attacks. Declassified documents also reveal a number of senators knew the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin was a false flag. A March 1968 closed session of the Foreign Relations Committee withheld a committee staff investigation that raised doubts over whether the Tonkin incident ever took place. On August 7, Congress passed a joint resolution in response to the phantom attacks in the Gulf of Tonkin. The authorization to use military force was a direct violation of the Constitution. Congress did not formally declare war as specified by Article I, Section 8, Clause 11.

If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.

BS! Try reading some books sheeple. But you are correct on one part:

Government secrecy is indeed necessary for winning wars. Government secrecy is also necessary for starting those wars in the first place. US government agencies have an extensive history of using false pretenses to initiate military conflicts; if they could not hide the facts behind a veil of government opacity, the public would never engage in them. The American people would never have allowed their sons to go to Vietnam if they’d known the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie. They’d never have sent their sons and daughters to invade Iraq if they’d known weapons of mass destruction were a lie. They would lose the support of the public, and the international community would refuse to back them.
I have read more than you and you just proved my point.

You believe you are better read more informed and more enlightened but you are not and you claims are bullsghit and show massive ignorance of history. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was two incidents one of which HAPPENED and was quite real.

You failed to address any facts and you do not know what the fuck you are babbling about. Conspiraacy theory makes you feel supoerior when in ffact you are not qand governments must have secrets to functiion in war and in peace.

COnspiracy theories exist because of weak minds which is easily proven because none of them are true.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident is the most notorious false flag in American history. It resulted in the death of millions of people. Declassified documents reveal the North Vietnamese did not attack the United States on August 4, 1964. In fact, the CIA, through its South Vietnamese proxy, invaded North Vietnam and the standoff in the Gulf of Tonkin was a result of those illegal covert raids conducted under OPLAN 34A. President Lyndon Johnson’s Secretary of State, Robert McNamara, lied to a joint session of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees about the role played by the Navy in the phantom attacks. Declassified documents also reveal a number of senators knew the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin was a false flag. A March 1968 closed session of the Foreign Relations Committee withheld a committee staff investigation that raised doubts over whether the Tonkin incident ever took place. On August 7, Congress passed a joint resolution in response to the phantom attacks in the Gulf of Tonkin. The authorization to use military force was a direct violation of the Constitution. Congress did not formally declare war as specified by Article I, Section 8, Clause 11.

Once again you ignore it was two incidents and one did indeed happen.

There was no conspiracy THEORY here which is why you are full of shit and far less educated.

Conspiracy theorists ignore real conspiracies such as watergate and focus on ficrrion such as conspiracies to kill JFK or 911 inside jobs.

At this point you are ranting about politics not conpsiracy theories which are the product for weak minds.
If the government was not doing evil things in secret, then it wouldn’t need secrecy. If the government didn’t have secrecy, there would be no conspiracy theories...

Here's how politicians, media and government could eliminate conspiracy theories if they really want to:
- Stop lying all the time
- Stop killing people
- Stop promoting conspiracy theories (Russiagate)
- Stop doing evil things in secret
- End government opacity
- Stop conspiring

Wrong. Every government must have secrets to function and keeping something secret does not mean it is a bad thing.

The governnment and media does NOT lie all the time NO ONE CAN lie all the time.

You do not know they are doing evil things in secret.

The fact is conspiracy theories do not exist because of secrets or lioes or any of those things they exist because immature losers like to think they are smarter than others.

BS! Try reading some books sheeple. But you are correct on one part:

Government secrecy is indeed necessary for winning wars. Government secrecy is also necessary for starting those wars in the first place. US government agencies have an extensive history of using false pretenses to initiate military conflicts; if they could not hide the facts behind a veil of government opacity, the public would never engage in them. The American people would never have allowed their sons to go to Vietnam if they’d known the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie. They’d never have sent their sons and daughters to invade Iraq if they’d known weapons of mass destruction were a lie. They would lose the support of the public, and the international community would refuse to back them.
I have read more than you and you just proved my point.

You believe you are better read more informed and more enlightened but you are not and you claims are bullsghit and show massive ignorance of history. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was two incidents one of which HAPPENED and was quite real.

You failed to address any facts and you do not know what the fuck you are babbling about. Conspiraacy theory makes you feel supoerior when in ffact you are not qand governments must have secrets to functiion in war and in peace.

COnspiracy theories exist because of weak minds which is easily proven because none of them are true.

Now, you are just making baseless accusations. Congrats you get the sheeple award today. I don't just award it to anyone. So here you go.:) Also you can't spell very well. Maybe start with your spelling before you go further.

View attachment 458147
You are one of several people who have told this retarded adult that he can’t

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