Constitutional Conservatives Support Open Borders

You keep repeating the same thing over and over. It wont wash. You are simply wrong.
And yet I am not.
If you cannot show where COngress has specific power over immigration then they do not have that power.
I have shown it repeatedly, you are simply to fucking stupid to recognize reality
"The Constitution says what it says and does not say what it does not say." -Scalia.
It would be great if you knew what he meant by it, yet I fear you are still showing just how fucking stupid you really are. How about placing that quote into context and finishing out that quote? Fundamentals of US Health Care: Principles and Perspectives
The Constitution says what it says and does not say what it does not say. Text is to be given the same meaning and same application to facts as it had when it was adopted....Where the original meaning or application of the text cannot be determined, it should be interpreted and applied as it is reflected in the traditional practices of the American people.

Yea, you're a fucking moron.
You have nothing. Move along, sonny boy.

Now that I've proven you really believe that immigration regulation IS constitutional, you should move along.
You keep repeating the same thing over and over. It wont wash. You are simply wrong.
And yet I am not.
If you cannot show where COngress has specific power over immigration then they do not have that power.
I have shown it repeatedly, you are simply to fucking stupid to recognize reality
"The Constitution says what it says and does not say what it does not say." -Scalia.
It would be great if you knew what he meant by it, yet I fear you are still showing just how fucking stupid you really are. How about placing that quote into context and finishing out that quote? Fundamentals of US Health Care: Principles and Perspectives
The Constitution says what it says and does not say what it does not say. Text is to be given the same meaning and same application to facts as it had when it was adopted....Where the original meaning or application of the text cannot be determined, it should be interpreted and applied as it is reflected in the traditional practices of the American people.

Yea, you're a fucking moron.
You have nothing. Move along, sonny boy.
LMFAO The shear fucking stupidity you exuberate is hilarious. watafuknmoron
Rabbi is still spewing bullshit. It's really quite absurd.

Even if we were to accept Rabbi's extraordinary premise that the federal government lacks power to make or enforce immigration laws, best case scenario is that the states retain that power under the 10th amendment. Therefore, Rabbi's bullshit liberal open borders Utopia still fails.
Rabbi is still spewing bullshit. It's really quite absurd.

Even if we were to accept Rabbi's extraordinary premise that the federal government lacks power to make or enforce immigration laws, best case scenario is that the states retain that power under the 10th amendment. Therefore, Rabbi's bullshit liberal open borders Utopia still fails.

He previously said that only in the 'leftist world' could undocumented aliens be 'illegal'.

So maybe he's become what he thinks is a leftist.
You keep repeating the same thing over and over. It wont wash. You are simply wrong.
And yet I am not.
If you cannot show where COngress has specific power over immigration then they do not have that power.
I have shown it repeatedly, you are simply to fucking stupid to recognize reality
"The Constitution says what it says and does not say what it does not say." -Scalia.
It would be great if you knew what he meant by it, yet I fear you are still showing just how fucking stupid you really are. How about placing that quote into context and finishing out that quote? Fundamentals of US Health Care: Principles and Perspectives
The Constitution says what it says and does not say what it does not say. Text is to be given the same meaning and same application to facts as it had when it was adopted....Where the original meaning or application of the text cannot be determined, it should be interpreted and applied as it is reflected in the traditional practices of the American people.

Yea, you're a fucking moron.
You have nothing. Move along, sonny boy.
LMFAO The shear fucking stupidity you exuberate is hilarious. watafuknmoron
When you have nothing you resort to insults.
The Constitution nowhere authorizes Congress to regulate immigration. That is simply the fact an no amount of pretending can change it.
Rabbi is still spewing bullshit. It's really quite absurd.

Even if we were to accept Rabbi's extraordinary premise that the federal government lacks power to make or enforce immigration laws, best case scenario is that the states retain that power under the 10th amendment. Therefore, Rabbi's bullshit liberal open borders Utopia still fails.
So how are states regulating immigration under the 10thA?
They arent.
You cannot refute what i wrote because very simp[ly Congress does not have the power to regulate immigration.
You keep repeating the same thing over and over. It wont wash. You are simply wrong.
And yet I am not.
If you cannot show where COngress has specific power over immigration then they do not have that power.
I have shown it repeatedly, you are simply to fucking stupid to recognize reality
"The Constitution says what it says and does not say what it does not say." -Scalia.
It would be great if you knew what he meant by it, yet I fear you are still showing just how fucking stupid you really are. How about placing that quote into context and finishing out that quote? Fundamentals of US Health Care: Principles and Perspectives
The Constitution says what it says and does not say what it does not say. Text is to be given the same meaning and same application to facts as it had when it was adopted....Where the original meaning or application of the text cannot be determined, it should be interpreted and applied as it is reflected in the traditional practices of the American people.

Yea, you're a fucking moron.
You have nothing. Move along, sonny boy.

Now that I've proven you really believe that immigration regulation IS constitutional, you should move along.
You've only proven you are irrlevant to any intelligent discussion.
You keep repeating the same thing over and over. It wont wash. You are simply wrong.
And yet I am not.
If you cannot show where COngress has specific power over immigration then they do not have that power.
I have shown it repeatedly, you are simply to fucking stupid to recognize reality
"The Constitution says what it says and does not say what it does not say." -Scalia.
It would be great if you knew what he meant by it, yet I fear you are still showing just how fucking stupid you really are. How about placing that quote into context and finishing out that quote? Fundamentals of US Health Care: Principles and Perspectives
The Constitution says what it says and does not say what it does not say. Text is to be given the same meaning and same application to facts as it had when it was adopted....Where the original meaning or application of the text cannot be determined, it should be interpreted and applied as it is reflected in the traditional practices of the American people.

Yea, you're a fucking moron.
You have nothing. Move along, sonny boy.

Now that I've proven you really believe that immigration regulation IS constitutional, you should move along.
You've only proven you are irrlevant to any intelligent discussion.

I proved you wrong on implied powers. I've quoted you totally contradicting yourself from only a few months ago.

Stop making it so easy. In fact, so many people in this thread have beaten your ass it could be fairly called a debate gang bang.
Rabbi is still spewing bullshit. It's really quite absurd.

Even if we were to accept Rabbi's extraordinary premise that the federal government lacks power to make or enforce immigration laws, best case scenario is that the states retain that power under the 10th amendment. Therefore, Rabbi's bullshit liberal open borders Utopia still fails.
So how are states regulating immigration under the 10thA?
They arent.
You cannot refute what i wrote because very simp[ly Congress does not have the power to regulate immigration.


You will spend the rest of your life trying to advocate for the same liberal bullshit. And it will still be liberal bullshit.
Here's Rabbi complaining about bi-partisan immigration bill, saying that it's bad because Obama won't enforce it, calling it, of all things,


The Senate Has Already Passed A Bi-Partisan Immigration Reform Bill.

That's an amnesty bill. The people have already expressed their opinion about it. That's why it failed.

If that were true then Rabbi should support it. He says NOW there's no such thing as an illegal alien, constitutionally.
Rabbi is still spewing bullshit. It's really quite absurd.

Even if we were to accept Rabbi's extraordinary premise that the federal government lacks power to make or enforce immigration laws, best case scenario is that the states retain that power under the 10th amendment. Therefore, Rabbi's bullshit liberal open borders Utopia still fails.
So how are states regulating immigration under the 10thA?
They arent.
You cannot refute what i wrote because very simp[ly Congress does not have the power to regulate immigration.

When did you flip flop?
You keep repeating the same thing over and over. It wont wash. You are simply wrong.
And yet I am not.
If you cannot show where COngress has specific power over immigration then they do not have that power.
I have shown it repeatedly, you are simply to fucking stupid to recognize reality
"The Constitution says what it says and does not say what it does not say." -Scalia.
It would be great if you knew what he meant by it, yet I fear you are still showing just how fucking stupid you really are. How about placing that quote into context and finishing out that quote? Fundamentals of US Health Care: Principles and Perspectives
The Constitution says what it says and does not say what it does not say. Text is to be given the same meaning and same application to facts as it had when it was adopted....Where the original meaning or application of the text cannot be determined, it should be interpreted and applied as it is reflected in the traditional practices of the American people.

Yea, you're a fucking moron.
You have nothing. Move along, sonny boy.

Now that I've proven you really believe that immigration regulation IS constitutional, you should move along.
You've only proven you are irrlevant to any intelligent discussion.

At least with Rabbi you can always tell when he knows he's lost the argument when he simply fails to address a point made against his position.
Normally, he offers at least an attempt to rebut. When he sinks to petulant, smartass remarks, it's a sure tell you've beaten his ass.
Funny. Are you trying to be satirical?
That was my impression as well. :eusa_think:
When people don't understand something they tend to laugh.
You laugh a lot.
You have yet to explain anything as to your OP in detail, you cite constitutional theory and project it on to ideological `leanings. SMFH
I have spent about 30 pages doing exactly that.
There is no authority in the Constitution for Congress to regulate immigration. Immigration is not naturalization, which is an explicit power granted to Congress. If a power is not explicitly granted to Congress, they do not have it, period.

The authority to defend the country includes, obviously, the authority to defend the borders of the country.

You're also wrong to claim that only explicit powers are granted to Congress. Implied powers have been recognized from the start as legitimate powers.
True. Having a sovereign, in this case the president, means inherently, there are borders over which the President presides.
You keep repeating the same thing over and over. It wont wash. You are simply wrong.
And yet I am not.
If you cannot show where COngress has specific power over immigration then they do not have that power.
I have shown it repeatedly, you are simply to fucking stupid to recognize reality
"The Constitution says what it says and does not say what it does not say." -Scalia.
It would be great if you knew what he meant by it, yet I fear you are still showing just how fucking stupid you really are. How about placing that quote into context and finishing out that quote? Fundamentals of US Health Care: Principles and Perspectives
The Constitution says what it says and does not say what it does not say. Text is to be given the same meaning and same application to facts as it had when it was adopted....Where the original meaning or application of the text cannot be determined, it should be interpreted and applied as it is reflected in the traditional practices of the American people.

Yea, you're a fucking moron.
You have nothing. Move along, sonny boy.
LMFAO The shear fucking stupidity you exuberate is hilarious. watafuknmoron
When you have nothing you resort to insults.
The Constitution nowhere authorizes Congress to regulate immigration. That is simply the fact an no amount of pretending can change it.
The simple fact is you are attempting to imply "strict constructionist" theory as being the only theory regarding the constitution, funny thing is that "strict constructionist" theory isn't recognized by anybody but fringe extremists and is "judicial activism" at the highest level. The last SCOTUS to attempt to use "strict constructionist" theory was Hugo Black, appointed by FDR. SMFH
You keep making assertions without evidence.
I asked you to quote where the Articles give power over immigration
I asked you to quote where the Constitution gives power of immigration.
You failed to do so and deflected to some nonsense you dreamed up somewhere.

You've been shown where Congress derives authority to handle immigration through naturalization. You simply keep repeating immigration is not equal to naturalization, but no one has made that claim. Naturalization is the process of handling immigration.

Open borders is certainly NOT the policy of any Constitutional Conservative I know of... other than YOU. I don't see where you've backed that claim up with any evidence. Give me some names of people who have made such an argument and point me to where I can read what they've argued, because I don't believe you. I don't know whether you've taken someone out of context or interpreted something incorrectly... you just keep repeating the same mindless nonsense. Without borders, we are not a sovereign nation, therefore, the Constitution doesn't mean a thing.
Naturalization is not immigration. They are two separate things.

Again, naturalization is the process by which governments handle immigration. I've never argued they were the same thing. Immigration is the act of coming to a country with intentions of staying permanently. In our country, if you want to come and stay permanently you have to follow the naturalization guidelines. If you don't want to follow the naturalization guidelines our government has the authority to deport you.

You've again avoided my query as to who these "Constitutional Conservatives" are in favor of open borders. I've only heard such lunacy from the liberal left, to be honest. I am a Constitutional Conservative and have been for most of my adult life. I follow many Constitutional Conservatives and pride myself on being pretty "in-tune" with the concept.... I've never heard anyone other than you make this claim.

An "open border" is essentially NO border! If we don't have a border, we're not a sovereign nation and the Constitution is pointless.
You keep repeating the same thing over and over. It wont wash. You are simply wrong.
And yet I am not.
If you cannot show where COngress has specific power over immigration then they do not have that power.
I have shown it repeatedly, you are simply to fucking stupid to recognize reality
"The Constitution says what it says and does not say what it does not say." -Scalia.
It would be great if you knew what he meant by it, yet I fear you are still showing just how fucking stupid you really are. How about placing that quote into context and finishing out that quote? Fundamentals of US Health Care: Principles and Perspectives
The Constitution says what it says and does not say what it does not say. Text is to be given the same meaning and same application to facts as it had when it was adopted....Where the original meaning or application of the text cannot be determined, it should be interpreted and applied as it is reflected in the traditional practices of the American people.

Yea, you're a fucking moron.
You have nothing. Move along, sonny boy.

Now that I've proven you really believe that immigration regulation IS constitutional, you should move along.
You've only proven you are irrlevant to any intelligent discussion.
You haven't presented any thing of intelligence to discuss. Your comebacks are :lalala:

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