consumer confidence at four year high


Diamond Member
May 10, 2007
Consumer Confidence Climbs as U.S. Job Market Improves: Economy - Bloomberg

Consumer confidence climbed last week to the highest level in four years and unemployment claims fell, pointing to a brighter job market that may invigorate the U.S. economy.

The Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index (COMFCOMF) rose to minus 31.4 in the period ended April 1, the best reading since March 2008, from minus 34.7 the prior week. Filings for jobless benefits dropped by 6,000 to 357,000 in the week ended March 31, the fewest since April 2008, the Labor Department said.

Employers probably took on more than 700,000 workers in the first three months of this year, the best quarter for job growth since 2006, a report tomorrow may show, while equities rallied the most since 1998. The improvements may support consumer spending in the face of rising gasoline prices.
Consumer Confidence Climbs as U.S. Job Market Improves: Economy - Bloomberg

Consumer confidence climbed last week to the highest level in four years and unemployment claims fell, pointing to a brighter job market that may invigorate the U.S. economy.

The Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index (COMFCOMF) rose to minus 31.4 in the period ended April 1, the best reading since March 2008, from minus 34.7 the prior week. Filings for jobless benefits dropped by 6,000 to 357,000 in the week ended March 31, the fewest since April 2008, the Labor Department said.

Employers probably took on more than 700,000 workers in the first three months of this year, the best quarter for job growth since 2006, a report tomorrow may show, while equities rallied the most since 1998. The improvements may support consumer spending in the face of rising gasoline prices.

Unfortunately the jobs numbers, for march, remained stagnant as we lost as many jobs combined with people who stopped looking for work as we gained in new jobs :(
Confident in the fact that this country is financially in the toilet .Good job Obama ,you have fucked this country for decades to come..:clap2::clap2:
When I saw that this morning, I almost fell out of my chair. It's like the government announced that the sky had turned to puce instead of blue.

Consumer spending is UP, because prices are UP UP UP. Prices are up because the cost of transportation is crippling and the dollar is near to worthless.

If this is the way democrats think, we are all in deep trouble.
When I saw that this morning, I almost fell out of my chair. It's like the government announced that the sky had turned to puce instead of blue.

Consumer spending is UP, because prices are UP UP UP. Prices are up because the cost of transportation is crippling and the dollar is near to worthless.

If this is the way democrats think, we are all in deep trouble.

Don't remind people about how the devaluing of the dollar and inflation also makes the stock market numbers higher than they really are if you compare them to the past adjusted for inflation ;)
People still bearish on the economy...
Declining Consumer Confidence Echoes Jittery Stock Market
5/04/12 -- Americans may have thought they had escaped the clutches of the five-year economic downturn, but the latest consumer confidence data says "not so fast" and mirrors this week's swoon in the stock market.
In fact, to paraphrase Al Pacino, "just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in." Fresh data from the Bloomberg Consumer Confidence Index has the news, and it's not good for the economy, although it may have a silver lining for homeowners and home buyers. The index shows U.S. consumer confidence at a two-month low, just as the data showed consumer sentiment on the economy at a four-year high in February.

Tepid employment numbers, along with slowing U.S. manufacturing data and high gasoline prices, are feeding the beast this month, as Bloomberg notes consumers' view April and May to be a "bad time to buy needed items." Overall, U.S. gross domestic product has fallen to 2.2%, based on the latest reading from the federal government.

Souring attitudes on the economy are particularly prevalent among middle-class consumers, widely viewed as the demographic group squeezed hardest by the Great Recession -- and its harsh aftermath. "The reversal of gains in confidence has been particularly pronounced in middle-income groups that are likely caught between sluggish wage increases and rising inflation that has eroded their real purchasing power," notes Joseph Brusuelas, a senior economist at Bloomberg LP in New York City. The deterioration "does not bode well for household consumption."


See also:

US adds 115,000 jobs in April, fewer than expected
4 May 2012 - President Barack Obama: "Just saying no to ideas that will create new jobs is not an option"
The US economy created 115,000 jobs during April, down on the previous month and fewer than analysts had expected, official figures have shown. However, the unemployment rate fell slightly to 8.1% from 8.2% in March, the Labor Department said. Employment has been rising for the past eight months, but the jobless rate has been stuck above 8% since early 2009. The weak report pushed US and European shares lower, with the Dow Jones index falling 168 points to 13,038. Both the Nasdaq and the Standard & Poor's 500 had their worst week of the year, while markets in London, Paris and Frankfurt closed almost 2% lower.

Meanwhile, the oil price continued to fall, with US light crude dipping below $100 a barrel on concerns about the strength of the world's largest economy. President Barack Obama said he would urge Congress next week to implement "common sense ideas" to accelerate job growth. Speaking after the data was released, he said: "We've got to do more if we're going to recover all the jobs lost in the recession." Andrea Saul, a spokesperson for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, said: "President Obama has broken countless promises during his time in office - but none more important than his promise to help create jobs and get our economy moving again".

'Bad sentiment'

The stubbornly high unemployment rate is seen as a drag on economic growth in the US. Jobs were created in the business services, retail and healthcare sectors in April, but were lost in transport. The Labor Department said the number of long-term unemployed was "little changed at 5.1 million". The unemployment rate hit a three-year low, but part of the reason for the fall was a drop in the number of people looking for work, which reduced the size of the workforce. "The drop in the unemployment rate was actually an unhealthy drop - you had less people looking for work, which shows a bad sentiment," said Ron Florence at Wells Fargo Private Bank.

'Sluggish growth'

The US saw two consecutive months of robust jobs growth in January and February, with increases of well over 200,000 jobs in both months. But the past two months have seen a sharp fall in job creation, with 154,000 jobs added in March, a figure revised up from 120,000. Analysts had expected a rise in April. "We're still growing just gradually," said Nigel Gault at IHS Global Insight in Massachusetts. "Hiring is coming back into line with what you would expect with sluggish growth."

Last week, official figures showed that US economic growth slowed to an annualised rate of 2.2% in the first three months of the year, down from 3% in the final quarter of last year. The Commerce Department said a cut-back in business investment was the key reason for the slowdown in growth. The Federal Reserve expects economic growth of between 2.4% and 2.9% in 2012, with an unemployment rate of between 7.8% and 8%.
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Dear fucking idiot that was a Bloomberg article.

I bet the writer knows more than some random internets disgruntled brain con like you
Leave it to a right wing con to try and piss all over a recovery of the American economy so he can pretend to win a point or two for his dying party.

Party over country at every turn for you assholes huh.
Stupid bullshit , the entire Country is under water, living on borrowed money , Obama has bankrupt our Country , he is a dismal failure .:cuckoo:

Lying wont pass anymore.

You guys are fucked and you did it to yourselves
Confident in the fact we are up to our assholes in overwhelming debt.
It Is Now Mathematically Impossible To Pay Off The U.S. National Debt
A lot of people are very upset about the rapidly increasing U.S. national debt these days and they are demanding a solution. What they don't realize is that there simply is not a solution under the current U.S. financial system. It is now mathematically impossible for the U.S. government to pay off the U.S. national debt. You see, the truth is that the U.S. government now owes more dollars than actually exist. If the U.S. government went out today and took every single penny from every single American bank, business and taxpayer, they still would not be able to pay off the national debt. And if they did that, obviously American society would stop functioning because nobody would have any money to buy or sell anything.

And the U.S. government would still be massively in debt
Lol, a thread posted by TM where Obama saves the world and Republicans are out to kill your children... Who saw that coming?
Consumer confidence up, retail sales up, industrial production up. The economy is moving up and there's not much the Republicans can do to reverse the trend.
Consumer confidence up, retail sales up, industrial production up. The economy is moving up and there's not much the Republicans can do to reverse the trend.

I heard that Chrysler had 28 straight months of profits. Did you hear that?
Consumer confidence up, retail sales up, industrial production up. The economy is moving up and there's not much the Republicans can do to reverse the trend.

unemployment is 12% is when you count those who have been too discouraged by BO to even look for a job.

CBS Poll: 81% Say U.S. On Wrong Track - CBS
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Eighty-one percent of those polled say the country is on the wrong track, while only 14 percent believe it is heading in the right direction. Asked to compare the ...

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