Consumer Price Index rose 3.2% in October

And that doesn't stop them from buying cars.

So, what is your point.


Car sales are slowing due to high borrowing costs. Your earlier post confirms that.

Did you forget what you posted?
The global commodities market is what has been bringing gas prices down. If you want to thank somebody send a postcard to Saudi Arabia because they control the prices more than anyone else. Should the commodity decide to go sky high there is precious little the President can do about it especially with his current string of twisted foreign policies.
Can I just send that postcard to Kushner's investment firm?
Can I just send that postcard to Kushner's investment firm?


imho? Hunter Biden, the bag man will be called to testify. Possibly as an October surprise.

imho? Hunter Biden, the bag man will be called to testify. Possibly as an October surprise.
I didn't realize having LLCs was illegal.

Here you go tiger. Go get'em!

"Trump’s personal tax returns will reveal his aggregate income from hundreds of business entities — mostly corporations and LLCs — but won’t provide transparency into the revenue of those different businesses, or about possible trends since his presidential announcement four years ago. Focusing on this aggregation might even hide important patterns that justify further congressional investigation into the sources of those revenue, whether the president has undisclosed conflicts of interest, whether he fudged his required financial disclosure forms, or whether he has so benefited financially from foreign government largess at Trump properties that he has run afoul of the Constitution’s emoluments clause.

I didn't realize having LLCs was illegal.
No businesses, but many LLC's redirecting opaque funds into ()biden personal family accounts.

Did you rely on Affirmative Action, or has the obtusitive characterization ever been a foible of yours?
"Trump’s personal tax returns will reveal his aggregate income from hundreds of business entities — mostly corporations and LLCs — but won’t provide transparency into the revenue of those different businesses, or about possible trends since his presidential announcement four years ago. Focusing on this aggregation might even hide important patterns that justify further congressional investigation into the sources of those revenue, whether the president has undisclosed conflicts of interest, whether he fudged his required financial disclosure forms, or whether he has so benefited financially from foreign government largess at Trump properties that he has run afoul of the Constitution’s emoluments clause.
The left had years to go after Trump when they had the house, senate, and presidency as well as a helpful DOJ/FBI and CIA and IRS.

Nothing. Now they have a lot of talking and helpful media, but no proof of funds being distributed.

But it's coming back on them.

So does Trump. Is it illegal?

Trump didn't do it though. Where is the proof of fund transfers from Foreign countries? Why is Hunter not registered as a foreign lobbyist?

More to come.
The left had years to go after Trump when they had the house.

Why would they since LLCs are legal?

Now they have a lot of talking, but no proof of funds being distributed.

But it's coming back on them.

I know.

Where is the proof of fund transferrals from Foreign countries? Why is Hunter not registered as a foreign lobbyist?

More to come.
You don't have to be registered as a foreign lobbyist to make money from overseas.

How does it work in Russia?
What I said, MORON, is prices will NEVER return to 2021 levels, because salaries have risen. As most MAGA do, you spin and lie like your mane was trump.
How would you know about salaries jimboliar?
And you can never keep up with inflation especially when a Reich goosestepper is in charge.
Why would they since LLCs are legal?

I know.

You don't have to be registered as a foreign lobbyist to make money from overseas.

How does it work in Russia?

You're concerned with Russia, Russia, Russia.

Your party had two years and got nothing done regarding Trump's personal finances.

Screenshot 11-20-2023 06.51.09.png

October surprises are grand. Aren't they?
1. Of course I'm concerned with Russia. They are America's enemy. Why wouldn't any patriotic American?

When a Russian narrative is used to hide the leftist collaboration with China?

2. Russia was a republican investigation.
The uniparty was in full force back then. Not so much anymore and it's failing daily.

When Russia is used to hide the leftist collaboration with China?

That's cute.

When did the left gets fast tracked patents from China for the presidents daughter?

Why did Trump lie about his Chinese bank account?

Why did Trump praise Xi incessantly when COVID was first breaking.

Ok, you are an idiot.
Which Democrat appointed Mueller?

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