Contessa Brewer vs. Mo Brooks

[ame=]‪Mo Brooks vs. Contessa Brewer‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

“Do you have a degree in economics?” « Hot Air

- Ed Morrissey -

Brooks actually has three degrees: political science, economics, and law. As a lawyer, Brooks would have been experienced enough not to make Brewer’s mistake in a cross-examination, which is to ask a question without first knowing the answer. Not only that, but Brewer was being flat-out rude as well as foolish; MSNBC invited Brooks to appear to get his perspective on the issues. If their hosts respond by belittling them (whether it backfires or not), what does that say about MSNBC, its management, and the kind of invitations they make?

For those with the time and or energy, the full interview below is a fairly reasonable seven minutes. Context matters as much as pulling out a scant twenty seconds of video. Unfortunately for Brewer and MSNBC... they come off even worse when the whole thing is viewed:

[ame=]‪Rep. Brooks Talks Debt Ceiling with MSNBC's Contessa Brewer‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

IMHO she does not come off as bad as the usual suspects at that hate filled network. Just a little bit of snark and a little bit of talking point slavery. This may be less about Contessa Brewer and more about the poison partisan environment in which she dwells. Who knows?

He's a politictian, a RW one at that...not a serious ecomomist.

List all the serious economists that agree with him.
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Are there any non-socialist "serious" economist in the new Left? :lol:

Does that make MSNBC look any better in the above full interview?
we all know that the only reason MSNBC hired Contessa was because of her looks. Other than that,she's not very bright,she can only speak in an intelligent manner when there is a teleprompter present,,,,The Al Sharpton/Jackson debacle was the perfect example, and later on some black commentator accused her of thinking that all black people look alike!!! (thats on you-tube for those who didnt see it) and remember her comments about the Black Guy with all those guns? and complained that it was a white dude?
Cool that he has a degree in economics. If he's an expert on the subject then he must be lying about what's going on.
That little exchange will give me a month of happiness...She is one of those hosts that has no idea what's going on,she obviously doesn't do any research on her guests.She probably picks the last stall in the Mens
room puts up an out of order sign and listens in when Chris Mathews and Ed Schultz go head to head in Battleshits.....

I'm gonna read this story a few times before I sign off here tonight....This is very sweet.
That little exchange will give me a month of happiness...She is one of those hosts that has no idea what's going on,she obviously doesn't do any research on her guests.She probably picks the last stall in the Mens
room puts up an out of order sign and listens in when Chris Mathews and Ed Schultz go head to head in Battleshits.....

I'm gonna read this story a few times before I sign off here tonight....This is very sweet.

Read on, Good night Roz...
Cool that he has a degree in economics. If he's an expert on the subject then he must be lying about what's going on.
Obama doesn't have a degree in economics. Why should I believe him when he says everything's peachy?

NOTE: "Because he's Obama!!" isn't sufficient reason.
Cool that he has a degree in economics. If he's an expert on the subject then he must be lying about what's going on.
Obama doesn't have a degree in economics. Why should I believe him when he says everything's peachy?

NOTE: "Because he's Obama!!" isn't sufficient reason.

I think Obama's a nice guy... He appears to be in way over his head. When he said congress isn't doing their job last week I was taken a back by it. More as well...
But he is the president so we deal. I'm a right leaning moderate so I can't judge him economically or socially with fairness so I won't.
I will repeat again though.. They're all liars..........
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Cool that he has a degree in economics. If he's an expert on the subject then he must be lying about what's going on.
Obama doesn't have a degree in economics. Why should I believe him when he says everything's peachy?

NOTE: "Because he's Obama!!" isn't sufficient reason.
Many on the right, particularly tea partiers, think that degrees are useless.

well since you have one, thats sorta is a self fulfilling prophecy eh?

He's a politictian, a RW one at that...not a serious ecomomist.

List all the serious economists that agree with him.

He was asked if he had a degree in Economics...not if was an economist...
She was looking for a gotcha moment where he had to bow his head to her and admit with shame that he did not so once again a Lib scored points and showed her superior intellect
over a stupid right wing piece of crap.....

Epic Fail.....:eek:
we all know that the only reason MSNBC hired Contessa was because of her looks. Other than that,she's not very bright,she can only speak in an intelligent manner when there is a teleprompter present,,,,The Al Sharpton/Jackson debacle was the perfect example, and later on some black commentator accused her of thinking that all black people look alike!!! (thats on you-tube for those who didnt see it) and remember her comments about the Black Guy with all those guns? and complained that it was a white dude?

Bubba the Love Sponge a radio guy from Florida was on with the producer from the Dom Imus show and they were talking because Bubba had a crush on her....

Bubba was asking questions about her appearance and Bernard the producer said she had a big Dumper.....

Maybe that's how she got a TV hosting gig....
Well they gave Ed Schultz a show so.....who knows.:lol:

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