Zone1 Cop doesn't believe black people own stores

Ever ask yourself why people are suspicious of black people?
Do you think white babies are suspicious of black babies or is it something they might learn from experience as they grow older?
Do you ever consider it might be the behavior of a minority in the black race that causes so many problems throughout their communities?
Would black peoples lives be better if they stood up & repudiated the gangsta culture & expected all to follow the rule of law?
Would ditching the "snitches get stitches" mentality of inner city poverty plantations contribute to a greater sense of trust between the black community & LEO?
Would a better relationship with law enforcement help their community?
Maybe a little introspection is called for?
Why do whites like you ignore the fact that everything you say here is worse in white communities?

But they deny it.

Take your own advice racist.
Why do whites like you ignore the fact that everything you say here is worse in white communities?

But they deny it.

Take your own advice racist.
So making sense is optional now?
Good to know UR2.
If you ever leave your poverty plantation & race baiting drivel behind, maybe you'll find happiness someday.
Just don't ask for reparations or any other handouts along the way
Cops stop to question a group of black people in their store. He doesn't believe their word, but a random white guy from across the way yells that it is their store, and they immediately take it as the gospel truth. Can anyone explain why the cops didn't believe the black man, but did believe the white man? He's a random white guy with zero credibility, and for all we know, if they were really trying to rob the place, he could have been in on it. It's yet another example of racism and white privilege. It's also a very tough lesson for my African immigrant brothas who think they can take off their blackness, and distinguish themselves from FBAs.

Have you considered a prescription for anything that prevents you from being boring as shit?
Cops stop to question a group of black people in their store. He doesn't believe their word, but a random white guy from across the way yells that it is their store, and they immediately take it as the gospel truth. Can anyone explain why the cops didn't believe the black man, but did believe the white man? He's a random white guy with zero credibility, and for all we know, if they were really trying to rob the place, he could have been in on it. It's yet another example of racism and white privilege. It's also a very tough lesson for my African immigrant brothas who think they can take off their blackness, and distinguish themselves from FBAs.

IT couldve been a black person yell yes its there store. so what.
That's not how it works. Innocence until proven guilty. For example, if I'm sitting in my car at the Walmart, I don't have to demonstrate that I own the car or didn't steal it, just because I'm black and most cops are racist. There's this thin called probable cause. He had zero probably cause, and the courts that awarded this man $$$ agree with me.
a lib judge agrees with a lib? shocked!
Look who's here, my favorite stalker!! I'm glad you're in a good mood today. Did you change your BP meds again?

Don't take em. Did you? Because nobody is stalking you.
It should be your mission too.
brother, give up such thinking. for you are irritating people around yourself with such things. and only making look yourself bad and no one else.

personally, im irritated by your such words.
So go bother the white racists about what they do. OOPS, that doesn't irritate you. I wonder why?
any wiser than wisest spoken it truthfully. that if fool is advised nice instructions than he doesn't takes it. rather he becomes angry on the you.
than again why should i bother with any random person like you ? your life, your problems. do as you likes to.
any wiser than wisest spoken it truthfully. that if fool is advised nice instructions than he doesn't takes it. rather he becomes angry on the you.
than again why should i bother with any random person like you ? your life, your problems. do as you likes to.
I'm not the one with the problem.
I m irritated by your cries about it. and you are only harming yourself with it.
No I am not harming myself. Why do whites who think like you believe such stupid crap?
No I am not harming myself. Why do whites who think like you believe such stupid crap?
my fault, im wrong. you are right. you go on your path ahead. ( brother ) finish this argument here. im not interested in it anymore.

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