cop tells black guy this is how you guys get killed when pulling him over

Yes, and then we can do the same for people who eat fast food, use recreational narcotics, smoke cigarettes, no insurance for motorcycles. Hell, just let the insurance companies run the whole Fn country why don't we.
When drivers make a decision to not wear a seat belt and get injured because of it, why should those people that do wear them have to pay higher premiums to cover the cost of those that don't? It's just another case of entitlement over common sense and has nothing to do with insurance companies running the country. As far as the other risky behavior you mentioned, you sense of entitlement seems to say everyone else should pay for your idiocy.
How did the black guy respond to receiving the truth of responsibility?
When drivers make a decision to not wear a seat belt and get injured because of it, why should those people that do wear them have to pay higher premiums to cover the cost of those that don't? It's just another case of entitlement over common sense and has nothing to do with insurance companies running the country. As far as the other risky behavior you mentioned, you sense of entitlement seems to say everyone else should pay for your idiocy.

So you're all for an insurance company not covering your medical problems because you smoked cigarettes, used recreational narcotics, ate fast food or a similar unhealthy diet, not cover burglary in your home or apartment because you don't lock your door, same if somebody steals your car, didn't get enough exercise or overweight?

Like I said, if you want insurance companies to run this country, then don't complain when you have no freedom left.
So you're all for an insurance company not covering your medical problems because you smoked cigarettes, used recreational narcotics, ate fast food or a similar unhealthy diet, not cover burglary in your home or apartment because you don't lock your door, same if somebody steals your car, didn't get enough exercise or overweight?

Like I said, if you want insurance companies to run this country, then don't complain when you have no freedom left.
No, I don't want insurance companies running this country, but like I said everyone else shouldn't have to pay for your bad decisions. With freedom comes responsibility. If you act foolishly, you should be on your own.
No, I don't want insurance companies running this country, but like I said everyone else shouldn't have to pay for your bad decisions. With freedom comes responsibility. If you act foolishly, you should be on your own.
Health departments took over running this country
No, I don't want insurance companies running this country, but like I said everyone else shouldn't have to pay for your bad decisions. With freedom comes responsibility. If you act foolishly, you should be on your own.

Then who would need any insurance at all if nobody involved themselves in the slightest risky behavior?

We make all kinds of bad decisions in life regarding our health, our driving, our home in some cases, our guns. But you have the solution, don't you? Just have insurance companies refuse to cover any bad things that happen when you make risky decisions or make an honest mistake. So why stop at seat belts if that's the kind of country you wish to live in?

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