Coppin State University teacher Calls for Gun Owners to Be Shot

Depends. Does the country have secure borders?

Really? What other 1st world countries have wide open borders?
You tell me. How many 1st world countries have closed borders?

You mean closed then to illegals? Or closed them to visitors and legal immigrants?
Get to your fucking point. Stop pussyfooting around. Illegal immigrants are no less legal here than in other 1st world countries.

I'm making it. You're arguing ease of access to weapons. Well...with a wide open Southern border...nothing we do will stop guns from coming. You bring up these other nation's ease of gun access...or lack of ease. I bet they secure what comes over their borders.

Just curious, do you consider killing an armed intruder the same as a mass shooter killing people?

No dumbass.

Now here's a question for you. Do you think it's easier for a mass shooter to get a gun in the U.S. than in other 1st world countries that have only a tiny fraction of as many mass shootings as the U.S.?
terrorists in France Belgium and Great Britain had zero trouble getting AK-47's. All 3 Countries allow almost no firearms ownership and sure as hell ban AK-47's.
Combine all of those countries and they have a tiny fraction of the number of mass shootings the U.S. has had.

Ya cause you claim we can stop firearms from getting to shooters when those Countries can NOT. Retard.

Just curious, do you consider killing an armed intruder the same as a mass shooter killing people?

No dumbass.

Now here's a question for you. Do you think it's easier for a mass shooter to get a gun in the U.S. than in other 1st world countries that have only a tiny fraction of as many mass shootings as the U.S.?
terrorists in France Belgium and Great Britain had zero trouble getting AK-47's. All 3 Countries allow almost no firearms ownership and sure as hell ban AK-47's.
Combine all of those countries and they have a tiny fraction of the number of mass shootings the U.S. has had.

Ya cause you claim we can stop firearms from getting to shooters when those Countries can NOT. Retard.

Apparently they can do it way better than us. Since we have more mass shootings than the entire rest of the first world combined and then some.

You dumb, pathetic fucking retard.

Just curious, do you consider killing an armed intruder the same as a mass shooter killing people?

No dumbass.

Now here's a question for you. Do you think it's easier for a mass shooter to get a gun in the U.S. than in other 1st world countries that have only a tiny fraction of as many mass shootings as the U.S.?
terrorists in France Belgium and Great Britain had zero trouble getting AK-47's. All 3 Countries allow almost no firearms ownership and sure as hell ban AK-47's.
Combine all of those countries and they have a tiny fraction of the number of mass shootings the U.S. has had.


Big fucking deal



Just curious, do you consider killing an armed intruder the same as a mass shooter killing people?

No dumbass.

Now here's a question for you. Do you think it's easier for a mass shooter to get a gun in the U.S. than in other 1st world countries that have only a tiny fraction of as many mass shootings as the U.S.?
terrorists in France Belgium and Great Britain had zero trouble getting AK-47's. All 3 Countries allow almost no firearms ownership and sure as hell ban AK-47's.
Combine all of those countries and they have a tiny fraction of the number of mass shootings the U.S. has had.


They also combine to have about 70% smaller population than we do. So....while they have a lot fewer mass shooters....I bet they also have fewer carpenters and fewer firemen and fewer plumbers.

They also don't have a failed diversity experiment like the US does either. Although Europe is gaining ground

I just left the President another voicemail calling for Mr Watkins to be fired

Following are email links where I have been busy there as well


Dr. Christopher-Hicks, Joann M
Chief of Staff
(410) 951-3847
[email protected]

Mrs. Johnson, Sherie E
Executive Assistant to The President
(410) 951-3846
[email protected]

Executive Administrative Assistant
(410) 951-1290
[email protected]

Dr. Neufville, Mortimer H
(410) 951-6112
[email protected]

Dr. Thompson, Maria
(410) 951-3838
Yet another thread in which a leftist hopes for death and or misery upon non-leftist and not one

not a single fucking leftist

says her comments are wrong.

leftist are just some truly evil creatures.
I have already sent the school my demands that they immediately fire this asshat


"So if you love guns, if they make you feel safe, if you hold and cuddle with them at night, then you need to be shot. You need to feel a bullet rip through your flesh, and if you survive and enjoy the feeling––then the right to bear arms will be all yours."

In what will go down as one of the most disgusting, hate filled articles ever published on the hard left clickbait rag, an author and liberal college professor has written a piece that calls for all gun owners to be shot.

No, you did not read that incorrectly and this is not hyperbole.

The article, written by Coppin State University teacher D. Watkins, not only calls for all gun owners to be shot but also ridiculously compares them to slaveholders while claiming that there is no legitimate reason to own a weapon.

Starting out the article with the writers dreams of charging five thousand dollars per bullet, Watkins then makes his position on gun ownership in America startlingly clear. (emphasis mine)

Professor Compares Law-Abiding Gun-Owners To Slaveholders, Calls For Them To Be Shot | Zero Hedge
Isn't that what gun fetishists want? To be shot at? So they can fulfill their dreams?

If Professor D. Watkins doesn't think people should own guns, I challenge him to come and try to take mine.
Yet another thread in which a leftist hopes for death and or misery upon non-leftist and not one

not a single fucking leftist

says her comments are wrong.

leftist are just some truly evil creatures.

There have been a couple of drive bye's making jokes, other than that, the leftist are waiting for The Hildabeast next fart

Yet another thread in which a leftist hopes for death and or misery upon non-leftist and not one

not a single fucking leftist

says her comments are wrong.

leftist are just some truly evil creatures.

There have been a couple of drive bye's making jokes, other than that, the leftist are waiting for The Hildabeast next fart

There's a (D) rep in HI that takes a sledge hammer to homeless peoples stuff, he didn't make the news until some homeless kicked his ass.

not one leftist cared about what he did, they only cared that the homeless got violent.

sick fucking creatures, pure evil
I have already sent the school my demands that they immediately fire this asshat


"So if you love guns, if they make you feel safe, if you hold and cuddle with them at night, then you need to be shot. You need to feel a bullet rip through your flesh, and if you survive and enjoy the feeling––then the right to bear arms will be all yours."

In what will go down as one of the most disgusting, hate filled articles ever published on the hard left clickbait rag, an author and liberal college professor has written a piece that calls for all gun owners to be shot.

No, you did not read that incorrectly and this is not hyperbole.

The article, written by Coppin State University teacher D. Watkins, not only calls for all gun owners to be shot but also ridiculously compares them to slaveholders while claiming that there is no legitimate reason to own a weapon.

Starting out the article with the writers dreams of charging five thousand dollars per bullet, Watkins then makes his position on gun ownership in America startlingly clear. (emphasis mine)

Ironic how the 'anti-gunner' wants to shoot people.
Yet another thread in which a leftist hopes for death and or misery upon non-leftist and not one

not a single fucking leftist

says her comments are wrong.

leftist are just some truly evil creatures.
you're lying ya know....? All liars get thrown in to the Lake of who is the evil one?

The op NEVER said they should be shot and killed, never called upon death as YOU now fabricate.

Why isn't the TRUTH good enough? Why do you have to LIE two thumbs.


I guess only right wingers have first amendment rights and all left wingers should be FIRED for their OPINION pieces....?

GET your JIHAD outfits on little boys, be all tough and demanding, and hoo....

just because of a person's OPINION PIECE....

yippee ki yay....!!! woot woot!

Do I agree with the opinion piece, NO.....

But they are allowed an opinion.
Yet another thread in which a leftist hopes for death and or misery upon non-leftist and not one

not a single fucking leftist

says her comments are wrong.

leftist are just some truly evil creatures.
you're lying ya know....? All liars get thrown in to the Lake of who is the evil one?

The op NEVER said they should be shot and killed, never called upon death as YOU now fabricate.

Why isn't the TRUTH good enough? Why do you have to LIE two thumbs.


I guess only right wingers have first amendment rights and all left wingers should be FIRED for their OPINION pieces....?

GET your JIHAD outfits on little boys, be all tough and demanding, and hoo....

just because of a person's OPINION PIECE....

yippee ki yay....!!! woot woot!

Do I agree with the opinion piece, NO.....

But they are allowed an opinion.

Yes, and they can be fired for doing so


Georgia Teacher Tells Students Obama is Muslim - Gets Fired for Criticizing Obama
Read more at Georgia Teacher Tells Students Obama is Muslim - Gets Fired for Criticizing Obama - Freedom Outpost
Yet another thread in which a leftist hopes for death and or misery upon non-leftist and not one

not a single fucking leftist

says her comments are wrong.

leftist are just some truly evil creatures.
you're lying ya know....? All liars get thrown in to the Lake of who is the evil one?

The op NEVER said they should be shot and killed, never called upon death as YOU now fabricate.

Why isn't the TRUTH good enough? Why do you have to LIE two thumbs.


I guess only right wingers have first amendment rights and all left wingers should be FIRED for their OPINION pieces....?

GET your JIHAD outfits on little boys, be all tough and demanding, and hoo....

just because of a person's OPINION PIECE....

yippee ki yay....!!! woot woot!

Do I agree with the opinion piece, NO.....

But they are allowed an opinion.

Yes, and they can be fired for doing so


Georgia Teacher Tells Students Obama is Muslim - Gets Fired for Criticizing Obama
Read more at Georgia Teacher Tells Students Obama is Muslim - Gets Fired for Criticizing Obama - Freedom Outpost
He's a Creative Writer....

He DID NOT WRITE THIS PIECE for the University or on behalf of the University....

You are being immature and pathetic....and lead by the irrational and not rational.

This person writing this OPINION PIECE has no power to take your guns away, no power to make you feel the pain of a bullet before you ever use a bullet....he has no power to take your precious gun rights away....or limit them.


yet YOU want him fired for teaching creative writing at a college, for simply an opinion piece...that was MEANT to make you think.....that was MEANT for you to think outside of the little box you are in....and that had absolutely nothing to do with the college he teaches a course at.

It was meant to SHOCK you......

Didn't your Momma ever teach you, sticks and stones may break your bones but NAMES will never hurt you!

You all seem to want to shoot down a Newspaper staff because of a Mohamed comic....

CHILL OUT, for goodness sakes!
Last edited:
Wouldn't gun nuts being shot be classified as "shit happens"?

So you agree in that for one to purchase a gun they must accept a non lethal firing squad to do so?


Hell no!! I'm a gun owner myself, and will probably buy more. I just believe the gun nuts who oppose any reasonable restrictions probably have it coming.

Reasonable restrictions? I bet you think what you believe is considered reasonable and if you disagree it's not.
Yet another thread in which a leftist hopes for death and or misery upon non-leftist and not one

not a single fucking leftist

says her comments are wrong.

leftist are just some truly evil creatures.
you're lying ya know....? All liars get thrown in to the Lake of who is the evil one?

The op NEVER said they should be shot and killed, never called upon death as YOU now fabricate.

Why isn't the TRUTH good enough? Why do you have to LIE two thumbs.


I guess only right wingers have first amendment rights and all left wingers should be FIRED for their OPINION pieces....?

GET your JIHAD outfits on little boys, be all tough and demanding, and hoo....

just because of a person's OPINION PIECE....

yippee ki yay....!!! woot woot!

Do I agree with the opinion piece, NO.....

But they are allowed an opinion.

Yes, and they can be fired for doing so


Georgia Teacher Tells Students Obama is Muslim - Gets Fired for Criticizing Obama
Read more at Georgia Teacher Tells Students Obama is Muslim - Gets Fired for Criticizing Obama - Freedom Outpost
He's a Creative Writer....

He DID NOT WRITE THIS PIECE for the University or on behalf of the University....

You are being immature and pathetic....and lead by the irrational and not rational.

This person writing this OPINION PIECE has no power to take your guns away, no power to make you feel the pain of a bullet before you ever use a bullet....he has no power to take your precious gun rights away....or limit them.


yet YOU want him fired for teaching creative writing at a college, for simply an opinion piece...that was MEANT to make you think.....that was MEANT for you to think outside of the little box you are in....and that had absolutely nothing to do with the college he teaches a course at.

It was meant to SHOCK you......

Didn't your Momma ever teach you, sticks and stones may break your bones but NAMES will never hurt you!

You all seem to want to shoot down a Newspaper staff because of a Mohamed comic....

CHILL OUT, for goodness sakes!

In other words, he's just another loud mouth gun hater that doesn't have the guts to back up what he says should happen. Got it. Just another pussy.
You actually THINK that the guy EVER thought that people owning guns should take a bullet?

Oh for goodness sake! :lol:


If you read his FULL article, it's merely him trying to get you, to realize guns can hurt people, specifically, the bullets that are shot from guns can really hurt people.....

so we wouldn't have so many children killed, due to their parents not taking gun safety seriously.... if they had to take a bullet before being given their gun, they would KNOW AND REMEMBER the seriousness and responsibility of owning a gun.... or when their child gets a parent's or neighbor's gun and kills a sister or brother by accident.... and a number of other cases each and every year where if gun safety had been followed, hundreds if not thousands, would be a live today....

What I got out of what he was saying, is that GUNS, ARE NOT TOYS....their bullets can really hurt people if they are is not some video game, those hurt, will never lose that hurt...they will always have scar from that wound.... KNOW what pain you will cause if you use your gun in anger, if you leave it unattended know the harm that bullet would cause if fired off.... or not keeping your guns locked up and a thief could easily steal it....etc etc etc

He doesn't really want you to be shot, in order for you to own a gun....but he wants you to not forget how powerful that gun is that you yield....

Most gun shootings and deaths in this country do not come from murderers or mass murderers or the 'bad guys'...but haphazardness....he's saying this would lessen, if gun owners took a a SHOCK jock make you think....

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