Cops intentionally hit by a a guess what....

The cops probably deserved it

You know, I've always given you a lot of leeway. You seem reasonably well educated, and I do tolerate radical politics, I think they are necessary for change.

I'm not sure even Acephias would make a comment like that. Do you even know what ethnicity the cops were? Do you even know if they had families?

Have you ever known any police members yourself?

Do you really want to start down the road of "All cops are bad?" You do know that is somewhat the same philosophy as some on the alt-right hold, those "sovereign citizen" lunatics, yeah?

Sorry, I dont know anything about what happened and although I'm really encouraged by the number of member who are saying this is all blacks, or being compared to animals you will have to excuse my demeanor in this thread. But I cannot wear a Top Hat at Mud Wrestling contest.

You get what I mean?
So you don't know what happened yet you're sure the cops deserved to be run over? Are you going for idiot of the day.

No I'm not sure...thats why I said they probably deserved it
My God, man... It was the first day on duty for one of the policemen mowed down. Just how did he possibly "deserved it?" Biased much?

Ok, well he probably didnt deserve it then
The cops probably deserved it

You know, I've always given you a lot of leeway. You seem reasonably well educated, and I do tolerate radical politics, I think they are necessary for change.

I'm not sure even Acephias would make a comment like that. Do you even know what ethnicity the cops were? Do you even know if they had families?

Have you ever known any police members yourself?

Do you really want to start down the road of "All cops are bad?" You do know that is somewhat the same philosophy as some on the alt-right hold, those "sovereign citizen" lunatics, yeah?

Sorry, I dont know anything about what happened and although I'm really encouraged by the number of member who are saying this is all blacks, or being compared to animals you will have to excuse my demeanor in this thread. But I cannot wear a Top Hat at Mud Wrestling contest.

You get what I mean?
So you don't know what happened yet you're sure the cops deserved to be run over? Are you going for idiot of the day.

No I'm not sure...thats why I said they probably deserved it
I see. What's funny is because you're a little bitch, you won't hesitate to call the police when anyone looks at you wrong.


Just a lovely "man."

Isn't he?

This is what the left wants.
The cops probably deserved it

You know, I've always given you a lot of leeway. You seem reasonably well educated, and I do tolerate radical politics, I think they are necessary for change.

I'm not sure even Acephias would make a comment like that. Do you even know what ethnicity the cops were? Do you even know if they had families?

Have you ever known any police members yourself?

Do you really want to start down the road of "All cops are bad?" You do know that is somewhat the same philosophy as some on the alt-right hold, those "sovereign citizen" lunatics, yeah?

Sorry, I dont know anything about what happened and although I'm really encouraged by the number of member who are saying this is all blacks, or being compared to animals you will have to excuse my demeanor in this thread. But I cannot wear a Top Hat at Mud Wrestling contest.

You get what I mean?
So you don't know what happened yet you're sure the cops deserved to be run over? Are you going for idiot of the day.

No I'm not sure...thats why I said they probably deserved it
I see. What's funny is because you're a little bitch, you won't hesitate to call the police when anyone looks at you wrong.

You dont know me Keyboard gangster
You know, I've always given you a lot of leeway. You seem reasonably well educated, and I do tolerate radical politics, I think they are necessary for change.

I'm not sure even Acephias would make a comment like that. Do you even know what ethnicity the cops were? Do you even know if they had families?

Have you ever known any police members yourself?

Do you really want to start down the road of "All cops are bad?" You do know that is somewhat the same philosophy as some on the alt-right hold, those "sovereign citizen" lunatics, yeah?

Sorry, I dont know anything about what happened and although I'm really encouraged by the number of member who are saying this is all blacks, or being compared to animals you will have to excuse my demeanor in this thread. But I cannot wear a Top Hat at Mud Wrestling contest.

You get what I mean?
So you don't know what happened yet you're sure the cops deserved to be run over? Are you going for idiot of the day.

No I'm not sure...thats why I said they probably deserved it
My God, man... It was the first day on duty for one of the policemen mowed down. Just how did he possibly "deserved it?" Biased much?

Ok, well he probably didnt deserve it then
But it is okay to rush out and say that the others did?
Sorry, I dont know anything about what happened and although I'm really encouraged by the number of member who are saying this is all blacks, or being compared to animals you will have to excuse my demeanor in this thread. But I cannot wear a Top Hat at Mud Wrestling contest.

You get what I mean?
So you don't know what happened yet you're sure the cops deserved to be run over? Are you going for idiot of the day.

No I'm not sure...thats why I said they probably deserved it
My God, man... It was the first day on duty for one of the policemen mowed down. Just how did he possibly "deserved it?" Biased much?

Ok, well he probably didnt deserve it then
But it is okay to rush out and say that the others did?

Ok with you? IDK...Is it ok with you? And why you asking me? I said it so yeah its ok that I said it...thats why I said it
You know, I've always given you a lot of leeway. You seem reasonably well educated, and I do tolerate radical politics, I think they are necessary for change.

I'm not sure even Acephias would make a comment like that. Do you even know what ethnicity the cops were? Do you even know if they had families?

Have you ever known any police members yourself?

Do you really want to start down the road of "All cops are bad?" You do know that is somewhat the same philosophy as some on the alt-right hold, those "sovereign citizen" lunatics, yeah?

Sorry, I dont know anything about what happened and although I'm really encouraged by the number of member who are saying this is all blacks, or being compared to animals you will have to excuse my demeanor in this thread. But I cannot wear a Top Hat at Mud Wrestling contest.

You get what I mean?
So you don't know what happened yet you're sure the cops deserved to be run over? Are you going for idiot of the day.

No I'm not sure...thats why I said they probably deserved it
I see. What's funny is because you're a little bitch, you won't hesitate to call the police when anyone looks at you wrong.

You dont know me Keyboard gangster
I'm an uncanny judge of character. You're the kind of pussy that would call the police on a windy night because you were terrified of the noises made by trees hitting your house.

Otherwise you hope they die. Pathetic.
Sorry, I dont know anything about what happened and although I'm really encouraged by the number of member who are saying this is all blacks, or being compared to animals you will have to excuse my demeanor in this thread. But I cannot wear a Top Hat at Mud Wrestling contest.

You get what I mean?
So you don't know what happened yet you're sure the cops deserved to be run over? Are you going for idiot of the day.

No I'm not sure...thats why I said they probably deserved it
I see. What's funny is because you're a little bitch, you won't hesitate to call the police when anyone looks at you wrong.

You dont know me Keyboard gangster
I'm an uncanny judge of character.

No, you're not

You're the kind of pussy that would call the police on a windy night because you were terrified of the noises made by trees hitting your house.

Otherwise you hope they die. Pathetic.

Wrong again
So you don't know what happened yet you're sure the cops deserved to be run over? Are you going for idiot of the day.

No I'm not sure...thats why I said they probably deserved it
I see. What's funny is because you're a little bitch, you won't hesitate to call the police when anyone looks at you wrong.

You dont know me Keyboard gangster
I'm an uncanny judge of character.

No, you're not

You're the kind of pussy that would call the police on a windy night because you were terrified of the noises made by trees hitting your house.

Otherwise you hope they die. Pathetic.

Wrong again
Well then we disagree. I know a little bitch when I see one.
The cops probably deserved it

You know, I've always given you a lot of leeway. You seem reasonably well educated, and I do tolerate radical politics, I think they are necessary for change.

I'm not sure even Acephias would make a comment like that. Do you even know what ethnicity the cops were? Do you even know if they had families?

Have you ever known any police members yourself?

Do you really want to start down the road of "All cops are bad?" You do know that is somewhat the same philosophy as some on the alt-right hold, those "sovereign citizen" lunatics, yeah?

Sorry, I dont know anything about what happened and although I'm really encouraged by the number of member who are saying this is all blacks, or being compared to animals you will have to excuse my demeanor in this thread. But I cannot wear a Top Hat at Mud Wrestling contest.

You get what I mean?
So you don't know what happened yet you're sure the cops deserved to be run over? Are you going for idiot of the day.

No I'm not sure...thats why I said they probably deserved it
I see. What's funny is because you're a little bitch, you won't hesitate to call the police when anyone looks at you wrong.
You beat me to it, St. Michael. :beer:
So you don't know what happened yet you're sure the cops deserved to be run over? Are you going for idiot of the day.

No I'm not sure...thats why I said they probably deserved it
My God, man... It was the first day on duty for one of the policemen mowed down. Just how did he possibly "deserved it?" Biased much?

Ok, well he probably didnt deserve it then
But it is okay to rush out and say that the others did?

Ok with you? IDK...Is it ok with you? And why you asking me? I said it so yeah its ok that I said it...thats why I said it
I'm asking you so you acknowledge how stupid it was for you to make such a biased comment. We need the Blue to save us from people like you.
No I'm not sure...thats why I said they probably deserved it
My God, man... It was the first day on duty for one of the policemen mowed down. Just how did he possibly "deserved it?" Biased much?

Ok, well he probably didnt deserve it then
But it is okay to rush out and say that the others did?

Ok with you? IDK...Is it ok with you? And why you asking me? I said it so yeah its ok that I said it...thats why I said it
I'm asking you so you acknowledge how stupid it was for you to make such a biased comment. We need the Blue to save us from people like you.

Why are my posts assaulting you baby?
My God, man... It was the first day on duty for one of the policemen mowed down. Just how did he possibly "deserved it?" Biased much?

Ok, well he probably didnt deserve it then
But it is okay to rush out and say that the others did?

Ok with you? IDK...Is it ok with you? And why you asking me? I said it so yeah its ok that I said it...thats why I said it
I'm asking you so you acknowledge how stupid it was for you to make such a biased comment. We need the Blue to save us from people like you.

Why are my posts assaulting you baby?
It assaulted all normal people.
Ok, well he probably didnt deserve it then
But it is okay to rush out and say that the others did?

Ok with you? IDK...Is it ok with you? And why you asking me? I said it so yeah its ok that I said it...thats why I said it
I'm asking you so you acknowledge how stupid it was for you to make such a biased comment. We need the Blue to save us from people like you.

Why are my posts assaulting you baby?
It assaulted all normal people.

Then call the blue and tell them you want to file charges goofball
My God, man... It was the first day on duty for one of the policemen mowed down. Just how did he possibly "deserved it?" Biased much?

Ok, well he probably didnt deserve it then
But it is okay to rush out and say that the others did?

Ok with you? IDK...Is it ok with you? And why you asking me? I said it so yeah its ok that I said it...thats why I said it
I'm asking you so you acknowledge how stupid it was for you to make such a biased comment. We need the Blue to save us from people like you.

Why are my posts assaulting you baby?
I understand where CC is coming from.

Many posters in this same thread have made similar comments about minorities. I.e., generalizing them to the extreme. Saying they generally deserve the treatment they get from the po-po.

To flip it around and say that corrupt officers may, in some instances, deserve some blow back, is, in a general sense, not out of the realm of the absurd. It is just flipping the paradigm on it's head. The same shit is done everyday around here. A lot of posters are either too obtuse, or too blind to see the double standard.

I just got done earlier today with a post listing all the incidents of where cops killed innocent citizens' dogs for no reason other than they didn't want to deal with them. That's all. It was complete bullshit.

If folks are going to stereo type minorities, then it is equal play to put up with stereotypes of violent cops. We all know cops holding fealty to the thin blue line over human rights are nothing but a violent gang of thugs. On a day to day basis, folks with white privilege don't have to deal with it. If you are a minority, it probably is something that is on your mind daily, even if you are innocent and law abiding. That would probably suck to be profiled simply based on your ethnicity. Oh well.

Keep your mouth shut and make friends rather than enemies.
That's how you processed the events?

You can't think.
what does that even mean?
You seem to be thrown off by a post what you weren't prepared for. Your handlers won't be happy with you...
Yep, the ones that change your diapers.
dont you have a cross burning to get too?
Did you lose your pacifier again?

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