Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man

In the cop's defense most lesbians look like men
Stereotype. We look like women. All kinds of women. Long hair, short hair, make up, no make up, old, young, pretty, average, plain, the whole lot. Butch women still exist. Look at any serious women athletes, some look like you'd expect them to be gay and they aren't, and some look like you'd expect them to be straight and they aren't.
Careful what I am asking for? What is it you think I am asking for?

Read the post, it's all right there

Drawing pictures is so boring a women wearing pants dressed like a man?

No, but a woman with close cropped hair and swaggering like a Dockyard Sailor is like a man.....if they want to act like a man, they should be expected to be treated like a man.

Do you mean that a MTF trans who looks female should be able to use the womens bathroom? And the opposite for an FTM trans using the men's room. As someone who has a family member in this dilemma, I would think venturing into the men's room for a FTM could be quite dangerous for the trans person.

No, I've been consistent about this in multiple threads. If the MTF Transgender still has a penis, they use the male bathroom, men have a penis....if the FTM Transgender doesn't yet have a penis, they use the female bathroom, women don't have a penis.

My comment I stand with though, if a FTM Transgender still sans penis, wants to publicly act like a man, in some sort of aggressive way, then they should expect to be treated like a man.
I'm really sick of penis deciding everything.
Read the post, it's all right there

Drawing pictures is so boring a women wearing pants dressed like a man?

No, but a woman with close cropped hair and swaggering like a Dockyard Sailor is like a man.....if they want to act like a man, they should be expected to be treated like a man.

Do you mean that a MTF trans who looks female should be able to use the womens bathroom? And the opposite for an FTM trans using the men's room. As someone who has a family member in this dilemma, I would think venturing into the men's room for a FTM could be quite dangerous for the trans person.

No, I've been consistent about this in multiple threads. If the MTF Transgender still has a penis, they use the male bathroom, men have a penis....if the FTM Transgender doesn't yet have a penis, they use the female bathroom, women don't have a penis.

My comment I stand with though, if a FTM Transgender still sans penis, wants to publicly act like a man, in some sort of aggressive way, then they should expect to be treated like a man.
I'm really sick of penis deciding everything.

OMG! It must be the....

CONSPIRACY OF THE PENIS :eek-52: :terror: :eek-52: :terror:
Has anyone proved that it definitively happened?
Who NEEDS proof? Everyone is getting on their soap boxes and being self righteous about such a petty trivial issue. Anyone here ever seen, let alone been hassled, by anyone in a restroom, let alone cross dressers or transsexuals? I just want a nice clean stall with a lock on the bloody door.
I am personally too mean. I would have loved the opportunity of slamming someone's head into a toilet. A friend of mine was raped in a public bathroom.

A young girl in my art class was badly beaten by two boys and a girl in a school restroom.

Does any of that count?
It counts. I am speechless...I just hope time and justice caught up to them.
Read the post, it's all right there

Drawing pictures is so boring a women wearing pants dressed like a man?

No, but a woman with close cropped hair and swaggering like a Dockyard Sailor is like a man.....if they want to act like a man, they should be expected to be treated like a man.

Do you mean that a MTF trans who looks female should be able to use the womens bathroom? And the opposite for an FTM trans using the men's room. As someone who has a family member in this dilemma, I would think venturing into the men's room for a FTM could be quite dangerous for the trans person.

No, I've been consistent about this in multiple threads. If the MTF Transgender still has a penis, they use the male bathroom, men have a penis....if the FTM Transgender doesn't yet have a penis, they use the female bathroom, women don't have a penis.

My comment I stand with though, if a FTM Transgender still sans penis, wants to publicly act like a man, in some sort of aggressive way, then they should expect to be treated like a man.
I'm really sick of penis deciding everything.

I know, it sucks :wink:
Possibly but given the comments on this thread there is a question about what it ID? Get out....and I'll bet five bucks he/she had an ID

She might have had an ID, but no legal reason to show it.
You must show ID if questioned by the Police.

Not in every state, it's not even close to uniform. Some states you must provide ID, some states you must simply identify yourself, an in other states you can just ignore the police an walk away without identifying yourself unless they actually detain you.

If a person is not reasonably suspected of a crime, he has no obligation to show ID. What a woman wears is not a reasonable expectation of a crime.
But it might cause someone to believe they're a male hanging out in the ladies room and a dyke might as well be a man since they're attracted to women.

This is sometimes a confusing situation with the Transgenders, the biological males who then become a woman, but are attracted to men.
Has anyone proved that it definitively happened?
Who NEEDS proof? Everyone is getting on their soap boxes and being self righteous about such a petty trivial issue. Anyone here ever seen, let alone been hassled, by anyone in a restroom, let alone cross dressers or transsexuals? I just want a nice clean stall with a lock on the bloody door.
I am personally too mean. I would have loved the opportunity of slamming someone's head into a toilet. A friend of mine was raped in a public bathroom.

A young girl in my art class was badly beaten by two boys and a girl in a school restroom.

Does any of that count?
So violence against a trans person is ok by you? But violence against girls and women isn't?

No, that would make the act a federal offense and add a tremendous amount of time to the perps sentence. Hate crimes

The issue was addressed with the passage of that law
It isn't that hard. Two sexes. But wait! Family restrooms, that third option! And they have a lock on the doors, tampon and condom dispensers and have diaper changing stations and are gender neutral as you can get.
Read the post, it's all right there

Drawing pictures is so boring a women wearing pants dressed like a man?

No, but a woman with close cropped hair and swaggering like a Dockyard Sailor is like a man.....if they want to act like a man, they should be expected to be treated like a man.

Do you mean that a MTF trans who looks female should be able to use the womens bathroom? And the opposite for an FTM trans using the men's room. As someone who has a family member in this dilemma, I would think venturing into the men's room for a FTM could be quite dangerous for the trans person.

No, I've been consistent about this in multiple threads. If the MTF Transgender still has a penis, they use the male bathroom, men have a penis....if the FTM Transgender doesn't yet have a penis, they use the female bathroom, women don't have a penis.

My comment I stand with though, if a FTM Transgender still sans penis, wants to publicly act like a man, in some sort of aggressive way, then they should expect to be treated like a man.
I'm really sick of penis deciding everything.

Lets play a game here. A weirdo with sex identity issues strolls into your restroom and you don't know if they are a character from a episode of Criminal Minds or WHAT. Call the cops. Next, you are the bad guy here. Exactly what is it we are doing wrong with our so called "paranoia"? Get over it.
You want cops living in the women's bathroom?
most lesbians do not dress like men....typical stereotype

Doesn't matter how they dress. It's a stupid law. Stupid people trying to enforce it. Stupid situation to start with. If anyone is that worried about where trans people pee, they need to get a life.

That goes both ways Sparky, why are liberals so worried about letting them use the wrong bathroom? Get a life.

It's a matter of fairness and common sense. For the right, it's just a continuation of pouting over gay marriage.
With all due respect if kids r using those bathrooms it's a problem. Now I agree we as a country have bigger fish to fry. Just make a bathroom specifically for them n b done with it.
A transgender poster on here said s/he wouldn't use it, would only use the ladies, and would use his/her gun if need be. I think that's how it would go.
Lets play a game here. A weirdo with sex identity issues strolls into your restroom and you don't know if they are a character from a episode of Criminal Minds or WHAT. Call the cops. Next, you are the bad guy here. Exactly what is it we are doing wrong with our so called "paranoia"? Get over it.
You want cops living in the women's bathroom?

You want mental health experts living in the woman's bathrooms?

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