Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man

In the cop's defense most lesbians look like men
. And they are all FAT. Except bodecea . I secretly fantasize she's hot! :banana:

My sister is a lesbian and she is very feminine. You wouldn't know she was gay unless she told you.

I've know a few like that. A large percentage though, (most?) take active steps to make themselves look terrible.
Or it's a natural byproduct of being a hate filled, don't give a fuck militant asshole.
Police dragging a lesbian out of a women's restroom....a christer's wet dream.
After watching the video I have my doubts that was a female and the cops asked for an ID and he/she/it refused. The cops did nothing wrong

I also now think that that very possibly isn't a biological female.
Share with us your expertise.

If it looks like a male, how am I or anyone else not to know it's not a male?
I can see this is really important to you.
Lets play a game here. A weirdo with sex identity issues strolls into your restroom and you don't know if they are a character from a episode of Criminal Minds or WHAT. Call the cops. Next, you are the bad guy here. Exactly what is it we are doing wrong with our so called "paranoia"? Get over it.
You want cops living in the women's bathroom?
I think some of them want to BE the cop living in the women's restroom.
Lets play a game here. A weirdo with sex identity issues strolls into your restroom and you don't know if they are a character from a episode of Criminal Minds or WHAT. Call the cops. Next, you are the bad guy here. Exactly what is it we are doing wrong with our so called "paranoia"? Get over it.
You want cops living in the women's bathroom?
I think some of them want to BE the cop living in the women's restroom.

Thanks for showing your complete stupidity. For this stupidity not to be considered arbitrary, therefor unenforceable, it would need to be a mental health expert, not a cop.

But continue with your cop fantasy
Police dragging a lesbian out of a women's restroom....a christer's wet dream.

You appear to support arbitrary application of law.

You realize you then support the "christers" bakery denial of service to gay weddings.

You are a strange thing.

Cut your nose of to spite your face.

Brilliant, simply brilliant.
In the cop's defense most lesbians look like men
. And they are all FAT. Except bodecea . I secretly fantasize she's hot! :banana:

My sister is a lesbian and she is very feminine. You wouldn't know she was gay unless she told you.

I've know a few like that. A large percentage though, (most?) take active steps to make themselves look terrible.
Or it's a natural byproduct of being a hate filled, don't give a fuck militant asshole.

I don't know.

I've seen it happen to young women who "discovered" their "true sexuality" and they just became ugly, in short order.

One lesbian I was quite close with did not, for a long time, and then started chewing snuff and not taking care of herself. It really looked like a conscious effort to make herself less attractive.

It was very sad, and pathetic.

And really looked like a manifestation of a serious mental health problem.
She might have had an ID, but no legal reason to show it.
You must show ID if questioned by the Police.

Not in every state, it's not even close to uniform. Some states you must provide ID, some states you must simply identify yourself, an in other states you can just ignore the police an walk away without identifying yourself unless they actually detain you.

If a person is not reasonably suspected of a crime, he has no obligation to show ID. What a woman wears is not a reasonable expectation of a crime.
But it might cause someone to believe they're a male hanging out in the ladies room and a dyke might as well be a man since they're attracted to women.

This is sometimes a confusing situation with the Transgenders, the biological males who then become a woman, but are attracted to men.
That's why they are so unpindownable. Gender identity and sexual preference are completely different.
You can thank Liberals for this by pushing unisex restrooms and this whole "use the restroom you identify with today" bullshit. Should have just left things along.

Why is it that so few of us acknowledge that it is the Libs who brought this type of thing to us?
Wow. So if some good old boys lynch a negro for sitting at a white lunch counter, we can blame the negro and the liberals, right?
You can thank Liberals for this by pushing unisex restrooms and this whole "use the restroom you identify with today" bullshit. Should have just left things along.

Why is it that so few of us acknowledge that it is the Libs who brought this type of thing to us?
Wow. So if some good old boys lynch a negro for sitting at a white lunch counter, we can blame the negro and the liberals, right?

When you are out of arguments play the race card!
Lets play a game here. A weirdo with sex identity issues strolls into your restroom and you don't know if they are a character from a episode of Criminal Minds or WHAT. Call the cops. Next, you are the bad guy here. Exactly what is it we are doing wrong with our so called "paranoia"? Get over it.
You want cops living in the women's bathroom?
I think some of them want to BE the cop living in the women's restroom.
Transgendered thought police enforcing politically correct dogma, perhaps. I am not convinced there is a problem here. I am sure transsexuals already use public washrooms of their choice already. Being discreet about might be the better tact than trying to force the issue , don't you people think?
Lets play a game here. A weirdo with sex identity issues strolls into your restroom and you don't know if they are a character from a episode of Criminal Minds or WHAT. Call the cops. Next, you are the bad guy here. Exactly what is it we are doing wrong with our so called "paranoia"? Get over it.
You want cops living in the women's bathroom?
I think some of them want to BE the cop living in the women's restroom.
Transgendered thought police enforcing politically correct dogma, perhaps. I am not convinced there is a problem here. I am sure transsexuals already use public washrooms of their choice already. Being discreet about might be the better tact than trying to force the issue , don't you people think?

This never came up until right wingers got their feelings hurt about gay marriage, and started passing laws to show their butt hurt. Without gay marriage to start your tantrum, trans wouldn't be an issue.

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