Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man

Poor lesbo...thinks repeating herself changes facts. Go get a dick, Miss Warrior. Lmao
You mean the facts that Gays can marry in all 50 states? The facts that you can't lock us up or kill us? You are so helpless. Can't do a thing about it, Little Impotent One.
You mean play house and pretend they're married by government decree?
So helpless...what can you do now? We are legally married....:lol:

Better hope the legal principle known as "simalarily situated" doesn't get destroyed. because if one male can be restricted access to a governmental mandated facility while another is allowed access because of an arbitray reason it opens everything up again

I can't see how I ne man with a cock can be determined so different then another man with a cock, but an opposite sex couple can be considered sI alar to a same sex couple

Careful what you ask for, you might get it.
Careful what I am asking for? What is it you think I am asking for?

Read the post, it's all right there

Drawing pictures is so boring
Has anyone proved that it definitively happened?
Who NEEDS proof? Everyone is getting on their soap boxes and being self righteous about such a petty trivial issue. Anyone here ever seen, let alone been hassled, by anyone in a restroom, let alone cross dressers or transsexuals? I just want a nice clean stall with a lock on the bloody door.
I am personally too mean. I would have loved the opportunity of slamming someone's head into a toilet. A friend of mine was raped in a public bathroom.

A young girl in my art class was badly beaten by two boys and a girl in a school restroom.

Does any of that count?
You mean the facts that Gays can marry in all 50 states? The facts that you can't lock us up or kill us? You are so helpless. Can't do a thing about it, Little Impotent One.
You mean play house and pretend they're married by government decree?
So helpless...what can you do now? We are legally married....:lol:

Better hope the legal principle known as "simalarily situated" doesn't get destroyed. because if one male can be restricted access to a governmental mandated facility while another is allowed access because of an arbitray reason it opens everything up again

I can't see how I ne man with a cock can be determined so different then another man with a cock, but an opposite sex couple can be considered sI alar to a same sex couple

Careful what you ask for, you might get it.
Careful what I am asking for? What is it you think I am asking for?

Read the post, it's all right there

Drawing pictures is so boring a women wearing pants dressed like a man?
That's the risk you take when playing dress up.

That's what Augusto Pinochet said.

General Augusto Pinochet will always be hated by Leftists, this is because he saved Chile from becoming a Communist crapheap like Cuba.
Cuba still stands...where is Small Hands Pinochet now?

Oh hush up Commie lover....look at Chile and look at the crapheap that's Cuba.
You mean play house and pretend they're married by government decree?
So helpless...what can you do now? We are legally married....:lol:

Better hope the legal principle known as "simalarily situated" doesn't get destroyed. because if one male can be restricted access to a governmental mandated facility while another is allowed access because of an arbitray reason it opens everything up again

I can't see how I ne man with a cock can be determined so different then another man with a cock, but an opposite sex couple can be considered sI alar to a same sex couple

Careful what you ask for, you might get it.
Careful what I am asking for? What is it you think I am asking for?

Read the post, it's all right there

Drawing pictures is so boring a women wearing pants dressed like a man?

No, but a woman with close cropped hair and swaggering like a Dockyard Sailor is like a man.....if they want to act like a man, they should be expected to be treated like a man.
Still raging in your impotence over Gay Americans walking around free with civil rights, aren't you? :lol: Where's your power, Little Impotent One?
Bitch...your accusations of rage mean squat. We all know you want some real dick so stop playing and go get some.

Say "dick" 100 times, means you really craving for one...

I didnt count but, you pretty close...
Little Impotent One is certainly giving us a view of his inner thoughts, isn't he?
Poor lesbo...thinks repeating herself changes facts. Go get a dick, Miss Warrior. Lmao are you getting by with absolutely no power to change what is happening with gays and equal rights. We get legally married now. And you can't do anything about it, Little Impotent One. What ARE you going to do with no power to do anything to gay citizens?

How do you know he's Little or Impotent? You've never seen what he's packing in those boxer shorts :smoke:
So helpless...what can you do now? We are legally married....:lol:

Better hope the legal principle known as "simalarily situated" doesn't get destroyed. because if one male can be restricted access to a governmental mandated facility while another is allowed access because of an arbitray reason it opens everything up again

I can't see how I ne man with a cock can be determined so different then another man with a cock, but an opposite sex couple can be considered sI alar to a same sex couple

Careful what you ask for, you might get it.
Careful what I am asking for? What is it you think I am asking for?

Read the post, it's all right there

Drawing pictures is so boring a women wearing pants dressed like a man?

No, but a woman with close cropped hair and swaggering like a Dockyard Sailor is like a man.....if they want to act like a man, they should be expected to be treated like a man.

Do you mean that a MTF trans who looks female should be able to use the womens bathroom? And the opposite for an FTM trans using the men's room. As someone who has a family member in this dilemma, I would think venturing into the men's room for a FTM could be quite dangerous for the trans person.
Has anyone proved that it definitively happened?

How do they even know the cops weren't trannies?

This was so clearly a set up. Friggen scripted. I'll bet the lesbian or her friend was the caller in the first place and the camera work? It was rolling when the officers entered. And check out the placement. The framing is excellent.

Some of the very Butch lesbians could enter the male bathroom and those men wouldn't know, except, well the urinal situation, she's got nothing to whip out of the pants....then they'd know.
Has anyone proved that it definitively happened?
Who NEEDS proof? Everyone is getting on their soap boxes and being self righteous about such a petty trivial issue. Anyone here ever seen, let alone been hassled, by anyone in a restroom, let alone cross dressers or transsexuals? I just want a nice clean stall with a lock on the bloody door.
I am personally too mean. I would have loved the opportunity of slamming someone's head into a toilet. A friend of mine was raped in a public bathroom.

A young girl in my art class was badly beaten by two boys and a girl in a school restroom.

Does any of that count?
So violence against a trans person is ok by you? But violence against girls and women isn't?
Has anyone proved that it definitively happened?

How do they even know the cops weren't trannies?

This was so clearly a set up. Friggen scripted. I'll bet the lesbian or her friend was the caller in the first place and the camera work? It was rolling when the officers entered. And check out the placement. The framing is excellent.

Some of the very Butch lesbians could enter the male bathroom and those men wouldn't know, except, well the urinal situation, she's got nothing to whip out of the pants....then they'd know.
ONly if what they do is look at other guys dicks.
Has anyone proved that it definitively happened?

How do they even know the cops weren't trannies?

This was so clearly a set up. Friggen scripted. I'll bet the lesbian or her friend was the caller in the first place and the camera work? It was rolling when the officers entered. And check out the placement. The framing is excellent.

Some of the very Butch lesbians could enter the male bathroom and those men wouldn't know, except, well the urinal situation, she's got nothing to whip out of the pants....then they'd know.
ONly if what they do is look at other guys dicks.

Well I've never been in the male bathrooms, but even I know they urinate standing up at the urinals. This is something that even the most manly looking Lesbian wouldn't be able to do.
Has anyone proved that it definitively happened?

How do they even know the cops weren't trannies?

This was so clearly a set up. Friggen scripted. I'll bet the lesbian or her friend was the caller in the first place and the camera work? It was rolling when the officers entered. And check out the placement. The framing is excellent.

Some of the very Butch lesbians could enter the male bathroom and those men wouldn't know, except, well the urinal situation, she's got nothing to whip out of the pants....then they'd know.
ONly if what they do is look at other guys dicks.

Well I've never been in the male bathrooms, but even I know they urinate standing up at the urinals. This is something that even the most manly looking Lesbian wouldn't be able to do.
Actually they can now do that. Ask Tilly, she isn't gay, but she just purchased something for her boat that lets her stand and pee.
Lets play a game here. A weirdo with sex identity issues strolls into your restroom and you don't know if they are a character from a episode of Criminal Minds or WHAT. Call the cops. Next, you are the bad guy here. Exactly what is it we are doing wrong with our so called "paranoia"? Get over it.
Better hope the legal principle known as "simalarily situated" doesn't get destroyed. because if one male can be restricted access to a governmental mandated facility while another is allowed access because of an arbitray reason it opens everything up again

I can't see how I ne man with a cock can be determined so different then another man with a cock, but an opposite sex couple can be considered sI alar to a same sex couple

Careful what you ask for, you might get it.
Careful what I am asking for? What is it you think I am asking for?

Read the post, it's all right there

Drawing pictures is so boring a women wearing pants dressed like a man?

No, but a woman with close cropped hair and swaggering like a Dockyard Sailor is like a man.....if they want to act like a man, they should be expected to be treated like a man.

Do you mean that a MTF trans who looks female should be able to use the womens bathroom? And the opposite for an FTM trans using the men's room. As someone who has a family member in this dilemma, I would think venturing into the men's room for a FTM could be quite dangerous for the trans person.

No, I've been consistent about this in multiple threads. If the MTF Transgender still has a penis, they use the male bathroom, men have a penis....if the FTM Transgender doesn't yet have a penis, they use the female bathroom, women don't have a penis.

My comment I stand with though, if a FTM Transgender still sans penis, wants to publicly act like a man, in some sort of aggressive way, then they should expect to be treated like a man.
Has anyone proved that it definitively happened?

How do they even know the cops weren't trannies?

This was so clearly a set up. Friggen scripted. I'll bet the lesbian or her friend was the caller in the first place and the camera work? It was rolling when the officers entered. And check out the placement. The framing is excellent.

Some of the very Butch lesbians could enter the male bathroom and those men wouldn't know, except, well the urinal situation, she's got nothing to whip out of the pants....then they'd know.
ONly if what they do is look at other guys dicks.

Well I've never been in the male bathrooms, but even I know they urinate standing up at the urinals. This is something that even the most manly looking Lesbian wouldn't be able to do.
Actually they can now do that. Ask Tilly, she isn't gay, but she just purchased something for her boat that lets her stand and pee.

Hey Tilly we need to know about this development on your boat :popcorn:

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