Coronavirus messaging: Trump vs The World

Someone explain to PROG-Intellect Slade the video excludes information and verbiage because it was TAILORED to suit PROG-think.

Oh wait, it was "edited":abgg2q.jpg:
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

I went from living in Toronto, during the SARS epidemic in 2003, to living in Rural Ontario, during the Covid19 outbreak/pandemic. We learned a lot from SARS. We have 19 cases of Covid19 in the province. All are people who contracted the virus while travelling outside Canada. We have two cases in our county, who are recoverig at home - they were take off the Japanese cruise ship and brought back to Canada.

Our local hospital has testing kits, and treatments for those who contract the virus. The federal government will be providing funding so that all companies with more than 10 employees can give staff paid sick leave, to encourage the sick to stay at home, and not infect others.

I have faith that public health officials are providing me with good and valid information, and that our local health facilities are ready for a local outbreak - should there be one. I pretty much spend the winter indoors and only go out to do my shopping, so my life hasn't really changed. However, I am more cautious about attending large public gatherings, or taking public transit.
Well did Drumpf say that testing was available right now for anyone that wanted it or didnt he? :rolleyes:

Are you brain damaged? He said anyone who needs a test, not anyone who wants a test.

Are you brain damaged? Thats not true either. :rolleyes:

It's your video and he says anyone who needs a test, not anyone who wants a test.

Hey dingle berry. Thats not true. Pence even said so. :laugh:

Not enough coronavirus tests to meet US demand, Pence admits

lol You keep changing your point. First you said Trump said anyone who wanted to be tested could be tested, which he didn't and now you want to talk about Pence, who yous suddenly have decided is always right about everything.

After an initial delay in getting test kits out because of some glitches at the CDC labs and an unfortunate rule from Obama's CDC, test kits are being produced at a massive rate now and everyone who needs to be tested can be tested.

Ohh now this is interesting... you say there were delays from a glitch and an Obama rule but now all is fixed... so what was this rule and who overturned it to unclog the drain? Can you specifically point to what it was and how it was overturned?
Someone explain to PROG-Intellect Slade the video excludes information and verbiage because it was TAILORED to suit PROG-think.

Oh wait, it was "edited":abgg2q.jpg:
Correct, it was edited to include the information that the editors wanted tailoring it to whatever narrative they were pushing. There we go. Go both words into a factual sentence. Are we happy child? Wanna get back to the discussion at hand or do you have more troll games to play
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

So far, at least with respect to the US, the President is exactly right. You should really stop lying and try to understand what is really going on so you can post intelligently and stop making a fool of yourself. This effort by the Democrats to make up lies to try to use the coronavirus for political again is despicable.

While I agree that the virus is being way overhyped by the media there is no denying Trumps part in politicizing this thing... like when he blamed Obama for something Obama didn’t do or when he lied about test kit availability and compared their perfection to his Ukraine transcript. Do you see any politicking there? Maybe just a little?!

As always, you post nothing but bigoted bullshit. In response to assholes like yo badgering him about the test, the President pointed to a rule from Obama's CDC that required states and universities to obtain permission from the FDA before developing tests of their own that slowed down testing when the present CDC encountered glitches with its own tests. If you were actually interested in the issue, you would have recalled Ca complained about this rule when it's first patient died. After not being able to be tested for four days. The President wasn't politicking, he was accurately answering stupid questions from jerkoffs like you who see the coronavirus as nothing but a political opportunity to attack the President about the availability of test kits.

Despite the CDC glitches and the Obama CDC rule, test kits are being produced now at a massive rate and everyone in the US who needs to be tested can be tested.

The fact that you have to make up so many lies to have grounds to criticize the President's performance suggests that you must see his response as pretty near flawless.

That’s fake news, there was no Obama Rule requiring the CDC to do gain permission from the FDA to run tests. There was proposed Framework of regulations that Obama withdrew as they passed it on to congress who shockingly is still discussing the matter. Everything you’re claiming was non binding and not enforced. It was a cheap political ploy for Trump to bring up Obama to pass blame.

Nothing bigoted about me bringing up Trumps political games. You not being able to accept truth is more of a concern

According to CDC director, Robert Redfield, there was such a rule.

Redfield, March 4: n the past, we used to be able to have laboratories that could develop what we call “laboratory developed tests” and then be able to apply them for clinical purposes. And in the previous administration, that became regulated so that, now, for someone to do that, they had to formally file with the FDA. And what the president’s decision did was allow that regulatory relief now and that those university labs and those other labs in this country now can be fully engaged in developing laboratory diagnostics for the clinical arena so the men and women in this nation can get access to — and the doctors — to get to know the extent of [the virus] in the patients that they’re caring for. It’s, really, very important. It’s what’s changed the availability of testing overnight.

Trump’s Misplaced Blame on Obama for Coronavirus Tests

The President has not tried to politicize any of this, but has consistently worked to prevent a panic and mobilize resources to contain the virus and counter negative effects on our economy, while Democrats have done nothing but try to politicize the problem, apparently caring nothing for the people or the country.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

Also can you ever see the Orange Buffoon doing anything close to resembling this
Are you brain damaged? He said anyone who needs a test, not anyone who wants a test.
Are you brain damaged? Thats not true either. :rolleyes:
It's your video and he says anyone who needs a test, not anyone who wants a test.
Hey dingle berry. Thats not true. Pence even said so. :laugh:

Not enough coronavirus tests to meet US demand, Pence admits
lol You keep changing your point. First you said Trump said anyone who wanted to be tested could be tested, which he didn't and now you want to talk about Pence, who yous suddenly have decided is always right about everything.

After an initial delay in getting test kits out because of some glitches at the CDC labs and an unfortunate rule from Obama's CDC, test kits are being produced at a massive rate now and everyone who needs to be tested can be tested.
Ohh now this is interesting... you say there were delays from a glitch and an Obama rule but now all is fixed... so what was this rule and who overturned it to unclog the drain? Can you specifically point to what it was and how it was overturned?
lol First you say there was no rule and now you want to know who fixed it? As always you have no interest in the issues at hand but only in the politics. You are purely contemptible.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

Also can you ever see the Orange Buffoon doing anything close to resembling this

And the little kids ask how did my Grandpa die of a hoax?
Where is the WHOLE INTERVIEW where that was said..........NOT SOUND BITES.

Like when Obama said......

"I'll have more flexibility" You have NO idea what the context was, but you rail on Obama anyway.

That is hypocrisy at it's finest.
You contards are hypocrites, the worlds best.
Show me the ACTUAL full interview .....not modified .......or you have NOTHING...........I looked and 50 back on youtube it didn't have it....

Usually a reason for that............doesn't suit the dang NARRATIVE by MSM
Liar, photoshop makes editing videos very easy if you have a little sense. I do mostly memes which do not use video but I have the photoshop video editor and have created some fake videos with it. Like I always say though, you liars don't accept facts.


It costs around 150.00 and comes with photoshop elements. Once a person gets a little experience the uses are easily seen. Certainly people who fake videos for a living use an even more powerful program. But hey, don't this fact stop your lying.
You claimed the Fox News video was photoshopped you idiot. :laughing0301:
So what milkweed? You're a classic babbling traitor.
So what? Why would Fox photoshop their video and make Drumpf look bad? :laugh:
Same reason cnn would.
Seriously guys, what’s with this troll hole y’all are stuck in. Nothing was photoshopped, nothing has even been accused of being photoshopped. Mike just said a word and then rolled with it. LAMP!!! I love LAMP!

Closest thing to reality was the Twitter battle I showed earlier........showing the left and MSM LIED their stinking butts off again.......

Typical from the left and their PRAVDA.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

So far, at least with respect to the US, the President is exactly right. You should really stop lying and try to understand what is really going on so you can post intelligently and stop making a fool of yourself. This effort by the Democrats to make up lies to try to use the coronavirus for political again is despicable.

While I agree that the virus is being way overhyped by the media there is no denying Trumps part in politicizing this thing... like when he blamed Obama for something Obama didn’t do or when he lied about test kit availability and compared their perfection to his Ukraine transcript. Do you see any politicking there? Maybe just a little?!

As always, you post nothing but bigoted bullshit. In response to assholes like yo badgering him about the test, the President pointed to a rule from Obama's CDC that required states and universities to obtain permission from the FDA before developing tests of their own that slowed down testing when the present CDC encountered glitches with its own tests. If you were actually interested in the issue, you would have recalled Ca complained about this rule when it's first patient died. After not being able to be tested for four days. The President wasn't politicking, he was accurately answering stupid questions from jerkoffs like you who see the coronavirus as nothing but a political opportunity to attack the President about the availability of test kits.

Despite the CDC glitches and the Obama CDC rule, test kits are being produced now at a massive rate and everyone in the US who needs to be tested can be tested.

The fact that you have to make up so many lies to have grounds to criticize the President's performance suggests that you must see his response as pretty near flawless.

That’s fake news, there was no Obama Rule requiring the CDC to do gain permission from the FDA to run tests. There was proposed Framework of regulations that Obama withdrew as they passed it on to congress who shockingly is still discussing the matter. Everything you’re claiming was non binding and not enforced. It was a cheap political ploy for Trump to bring up Obama to pass blame.

Nothing bigoted about me bringing up Trumps political games. You not being able to accept truth is more of a concern

According to CDC director, Robert Redfield, there was such a rule.

Redfield, March 4: n the past, we used to be able to have laboratories that could develop what we call “laboratory developed tests” and then be able to apply them for clinical purposes. And in the previous administration, that became regulated so that, now, for someone to do that, they had to formally file with the FDA. And what the president’s decision did was allow that regulatory relief now and that those university labs and those other labs in this country now can be fully engaged in developing laboratory diagnostics for the clinical arena so the men and women in this nation can get access to — and the doctors — to get to know the extent of [the virus] in the patients that they’re caring for. It’s, really, very important. It’s what’s changed the availability of testing overnight.

Trump’s Misplaced Blame on Obama for Coronavirus Tests

The President has not tried to politicize any of this, but has consistently worked to prevent a panic and mobilize resources to contain the virus and counter negative effects on our economy, while Democrats have done nothing but try to politicize the problem, apparently caring nothing for the people or the country.

Nice quote... the paragraph after the one you posted in the link you provided says this...
It’s not clear what regulation Trump and Redfield have in mind, and neither the White House, FDA, nor the CDC responded to requests for more information. But experts told us that no such “rule” was implemented under Obama.

“It’s not true,” said Rachel Sachs, a Washington University in St. Louis law professor, of Trump’s claim in a phone interview. The Obama administration did attempt to impose a risk-based system of regulation on laboratory developed tests, or LDTs, and introduced draft guidance in 2014. But that guidance was never finalized, and was withdrawn after Trump won the election in 2016. “It never went into effect,” she said, “so it’s not an issue to walk back.”

Citing the withdrawn guidance document, Jeffrey Gibbs of the firm Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, who is an expert on FDA law, also told us that the president’s claim was “not accurate.”
Are you brain damaged? Thats not true either. :rolleyes:
It's your video and he says anyone who needs a test, not anyone who wants a test.
Hey dingle berry. Thats not true. Pence even said so. :laugh:

Not enough coronavirus tests to meet US demand, Pence admits
lol You keep changing your point. First you said Trump said anyone who wanted to be tested could be tested, which he didn't and now you want to talk about Pence, who yous suddenly have decided is always right about everything.

After an initial delay in getting test kits out because of some glitches at the CDC labs and an unfortunate rule from Obama's CDC, test kits are being produced at a massive rate now and everyone who needs to be tested can be tested.
Ohh now this is interesting... you say there were delays from a glitch and an Obama rule but now all is fixed... so what was this rule and who overturned it to unclog the drain? Can you specifically point to what it was and how it was overturned?
lol First you say there was no rule and now you want to know who fixed it? As always you have no interest in the issues at hand but only in the politics. You are purely contemptible.
Yes, I’m asking because I don’t think you can answer. It would involve you citing the actual rule and the process used to change it. This thread was started about messaging which Trump is obviously politicizing. Just admit it.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

So far, at least with respect to the US, the President is exactly right. You should really stop lying and try to understand what is really going on so you can post intelligently and stop making a fool of yourself. This effort by the Democrats to make up lies to try to use the coronavirus for political again is despicable.

While I agree that the virus is being way overhyped by the media there is no denying Trumps part in politicizing this thing... like when he blamed Obama for something Obama didn’t do or when he lied about test kit availability and compared their perfection to his Ukraine transcript. Do you see any politicking there? Maybe just a little?!

The virus is being overhyped by the media and Trump is defending himself from Gas Lighting.......

Fixed it for you.

You are Welcome
Where is the WHOLE INTERVIEW where that was said..........NOT SOUND BITES.

Like when Obama said......

"I'll have more flexibility" You have NO idea what the context was, but you rail on Obama anyway.

That is hypocrisy at it's finest.
You contards are hypocrites, the worlds best.
Show me the ACTUAL full interview .....not modified .......or you have NOTHING...........I looked and 50 back on youtube it didn't have it....

Usually a reason for that............doesn't suit the dang NARRATIVE by MSM
Go to and watch hannities show. They should have them in demand
The virus is being overhyped by the media and Trump is defending himself from Gas Lighting.......

Fixed it for you.

You are Welcome

I do think the media is overhyping it. What I find more annoying is that they are not talking about specifics. Old people with pre-existing conditions are by far making up most of those who have died. Vast majority of healthy people are surviving it easily.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

So far, at least with respect to the US, the President is exactly right. You should really stop lying and try to understand what is really going on so you can post intelligently and stop making a fool of yourself. This effort by the Democrats to make up lies to try to use the coronavirus for political again is despicable.

While I agree that the virus is being way overhyped by the media there is no denying Trumps part in politicizing this thing... like when he blamed Obama for something Obama didn’t do or when he lied about test kit availability and compared their perfection to his Ukraine transcript. Do you see any politicking there? Maybe just a little?!

The virus is being overhyped by the media and Trump is defending himself from Gas Lighting.......

Fixed it for you.

You are Welcome

I wouldn’t qualify lying and using political spin as “defending himself”

You should step back and remove your lips from his anus. Let’s just do real talk here
And the little kids ask how did my Grandpa die of a hoax?

What hoax?
Gas Lighting Trump saying the reaction from the Dems and Fake News media is a Hoax...........Doing it for political attacks against Trump during an election year...............Just as they said his travel ban early on was later saying he didn't do enough.

Same shit different day here.

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