Coronavirus messaging: Trump vs The World

So, back to the virus. We have no clue how many people in the country have it.

I was just reading about the girl from St Louis that is a "presumed positive".

She flew in from Italy where she was at a study abroad program. She flew in Chicago and took Amtrak from Chicago to St Louis. Then she went home and spent time with her family, her mom, dad and younger sister. Before she started to show symptoms dad and little sister went to a school Father Daughter Dance. Upon learning that the sister was feeling sick the other family members left the dance.

So, out of that couple days there could be zero other people with the virus or there could be 100.
Of course and that is why spread is exponential.........

And this thread ISN'T ABOUT THE VIRUS.........It is ABOUT SPREADING THE LIES of the MEDIA......and those with TDS..........

Especially the GO TO WORK.........which is utter BS..

Your POST is basically what Trump said ......................many get the virus............don't go to the doctor......beat it and go on with their the numbers from WHO could be wrong.....and that was the HUNCH of Trump in the interview.

are these the words you are talking about from Trump....“So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work but they get better.
YES........and in the video you need to look before and after that is said FOR THE CONTEXT..........

Which the media DID NOT DO...........
So, back to the virus. We have no clue how many people in the country have it.

I was just reading about the girl from St Louis that is a "presumed positive".

She flew in from Italy where she was at a study abroad program. She flew in Chicago and took Amtrak from Chicago to St Louis. Then she went home and spent time with her family, her mom, dad and younger sister. Before she started to show symptoms dad and little sister went to a school Father Daughter Dance. Upon learning that the sister was feeling sick the other family members left the dance.

So, out of that couple days there could be zero other people with the virus or there could be 100.
Of course and that is why spread is exponential.........

And this thread ISN'T ABOUT THE VIRUS.........It is ABOUT SPREADING THE LIES of the MEDIA......and those with TDS..........

Especially the GO TO WORK.........which is utter BS..

Your POST is basically what Trump said ......................many get the virus............don't go to the doctor......beat it and go on with their the numbers from WHO could be wrong.....and that was the HUNCH of Trump in the interview.

are these the words you are talking about from Trump....“So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work but they get better.
YES........and in the video you need to look before and after that is said FOR THE CONTEXT..........

Which the media DID NOT DO...........
Why dont you tell us what was said and how it changes what he meant?
So, back to the virus. We have no clue how many people in the country have it.

I was just reading about the girl from St Louis that is a "presumed positive".

She flew in from Italy where she was at a study abroad program. She flew in Chicago and took Amtrak from Chicago to St Louis. Then she went home and spent time with her family, her mom, dad and younger sister. Before she started to show symptoms dad and little sister went to a school Father Daughter Dance. Upon learning that the sister was feeling sick the other family members left the dance.

So, out of that couple days there could be zero other people with the virus or there could be 100.
Of course and that is why spread is exponential.........

And this thread ISN'T ABOUT THE VIRUS.........It is ABOUT SPREADING THE LIES of the MEDIA......and those with TDS..........

Especially the GO TO WORK.........which is utter BS..

Your POST is basically what Trump said ......................many get the virus............don't go to the doctor......beat it and go on with their the numbers from WHO could be wrong.....and that was the HUNCH of Trump in the interview.

are these the words you are talking about from Trump....“So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work but they get better.
YES........and in the video you need to look before and after that is said FOR THE CONTEXT..........

Which the media DID NOT DO...........
Why dont you tell us what was said and how it changes what he meant?

That is actually a good idea, because I am sure as hell not going to sit through a video of Hannity .
So, back to the virus. We have no clue how many people in the country have it.

I was just reading about the girl from St Louis that is a "presumed positive".

She flew in from Italy where she was at a study abroad program. She flew in Chicago and took Amtrak from Chicago to St Louis. Then she went home and spent time with her family, her mom, dad and younger sister. Before she started to show symptoms dad and little sister went to a school Father Daughter Dance. Upon learning that the sister was feeling sick the other family members left the dance.

So, out of that couple days there could be zero other people with the virus or there could be 100.
Of course and that is why spread is exponential.........

And this thread ISN'T ABOUT THE VIRUS.........It is ABOUT SPREADING THE LIES of the MEDIA......and those with TDS..........

Especially the GO TO WORK.........which is utter BS..

Your POST is basically what Trump said ......................many get the virus............don't go to the doctor......beat it and go on with their the numbers from WHO could be wrong.....and that was the HUNCH of Trump in the interview.

are these the words you are talking about from Trump....“So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work but they get better.
YES........and in the video you need to look before and after that is said FOR THE CONTEXT..........

Which the media DID NOT DO...........
Why dont you tell us what was said and how it changes what he meant?

That is actually a good idea, because I am sure as hell not going to sit through a video of Hannity .
I gave the exact time before and after this comment........PERIOD..............

And it is in the context of the death rate reporting being too high in his opinion..........that many get sick and don't report it......and so it's not showing those numbers....

If you honestly watch that.......and then play this STUPID little PRAVDA WORD GAME you would understand that.

IF YOU HAVE TDS........well you are too FUCKED in the head to try and understand it.
Like when Obama said......

"I'll have more flexibility" You have NO idea what the context was, but you rail on Obama anyway.

That is hypocrisy at it's finest.
You contards are hypocrites, the worlds best.
Show me the ACTUAL full interview .....not modified .......or you have NOTHING...........I looked and 50 back on youtube it didn't have it....

Usually a reason for that............doesn't suit the dang NARRATIVE by MSM
Go to and watch hannities show. They should have them in demand
Burden of proof is on the accuser..............unless you are a lib.

BTW ........... I FOUND IT..........and YOU ARE A LIAR.
HaHa...You found it?! Like that’s an accomplishment after I told you exactly where to look?!

Ok Now that you’ve seen the whole thing, what are you going to accuse me of lying about?! This should be good...
BS.................It is up to the accusers and I didn't find it where you told me to look...............found it on Youtube further back..........narrowed my search...


The Burden of proof was on only provided a BURDEN OF BULL SHIT.
Please take a pill and calm down. What exactly do you want me to prove that you think I lied about?
Trump blasts Biden's record in 'Hannity' exclusive interview

Start at 23:30 AND LISTEN TO IT IN CONTEXT................

Ok, so I listened to the video starting at the 23:30 is a really stupid point that he is making. The same thing can be said about the flu, yet he is not questioning the death rate for the flu.
So.............He is talking about the percent number of 3.4..........and then saying he thinks more get the corona virus than are reported..................

And in my opinion.......unless you go to the doc and it's recorded somehow............hell the Flu isn't documented's an educated GUESS...............This virus has Flu like symptoms............and people may treat it like a Flu and never know they had it......

The Flu went around work not long ago.....a lot got it.........most didn't go to a doc....they took a few days off and sweated it out................I did it and DIDN'T GO TO THE DOC......

Old remedies work well...............bury yourself in covers and SWEAT IT OUT..........That has worked for over a half century for me.
So.............He is talking about the percent number of 3.4..........and then saying he thinks more get the corona virus than are reported..................

And in my opinion.......unless you go to the doc and it's recorded somehow............hell the Flu isn't documented's an educated GUESS...............This virus has Flu like symptoms............and people may treat it like a Flu and never know they had it......

The Flu went around work not long ago.....a lot got it.........most didn't go to a doc....they took a few days off and sweated it out................I did it and DIDN'T GO TO THE DOC......

Old remedies work well...............bury yourself in covers and SWEAT IT OUT..........That has worked for over a half century for me.

Yet you do not see our president going on TV and saying the Flu numbers are false.

Trump cares more about how this makes him look than about the actual virus, in my opinion.

Everything he has said has been about painting himself a good light.
Show me the ACTUAL full interview .....not modified .......or you have NOTHING...........I looked and 50 back on youtube it didn't have it....

Usually a reason for that............doesn't suit the dang NARRATIVE by MSM
Go to and watch hannities show. They should have them in demand
Burden of proof is on the accuser..............unless you are a lib.

BTW ........... I FOUND IT..........and YOU ARE A LIAR.
HaHa...You found it?! Like that’s an accomplishment after I told you exactly where to look?!

Ok Now that you’ve seen the whole thing, what are you going to accuse me of lying about?! This should be good...
BS.................It is up to the accusers and I didn't find it where you told me to look...............found it on Youtube further back..........narrowed my search...


The Burden of proof was on only provided a BURDEN OF BULL SHIT.
Please take a pill and calm down. What exactly do you want me to prove that you think I lied about?
You were playing TDS earlier when the Go to Work BS was going on.......................So I called you A LIAR on that...............and I HAVE PROVEN THAT IS A LIE...........because being taken out of CONTEXT IS A LIE....

In regards to your OP........It is a soundbite of OUT OF CONTEXT video...........for ONE attack Trump and nothing else.............

So.............He is talking about the percent number of 3.4..........and then saying he thinks more get the corona virus than are reported..................

And in my opinion.......unless you go to the doc and it's recorded somehow............hell the Flu isn't documented's an educated GUESS...............This virus has Flu like symptoms............and people may treat it like a Flu and never know they had it......

The Flu went around work not long ago.....a lot got it.........most didn't go to a doc....they took a few days off and sweated it out................I did it and DIDN'T GO TO THE DOC......

Old remedies work well...............bury yourself in covers and SWEAT IT OUT..........That has worked for over a half century for me.

Yet you do not see our president going on TV and saying the Flu numbers are false.
LOL.............Your side is SO FULL OF SHIT that you need a back hoe to shovel it...........

He wasn't discussing the FLU........he was discussing a his own words...........HUNCH......that the 3.4 number is too high..........because he believes so many will not report it............HE CLASSIFIED THEM as NOT COUNTING THE EASY CASES.....

Yet the POINT........IS THAT THE MEDIA ............has played the LIE of GO TO WORK out of context...........Why no one gives a damn what they say anymore........The OP WAS A POLITICAL ATTACK VIDEO ..........and NOTHING MORE.
Yeah I listed to the video and nothing has changed. He said people were going to work and getting over the virus. Thats not a hunch you discuss on TV when you should be telling people to stay home if youre sick let alone have the virus. Drumpf is a fucking idiot.
So.............He is talking about the percent number of 3.4..........and then saying he thinks more get the corona virus than are reported..................

And in my opinion.......unless you go to the doc and it's recorded somehow............hell the Flu isn't documented's an educated GUESS...............This virus has Flu like symptoms............and people may treat it like a Flu and never know they had it......

The Flu went around work not long ago.....a lot got it.........most didn't go to a doc....they took a few days off and sweated it out................I did it and DIDN'T GO TO THE DOC......

Old remedies work well...............bury yourself in covers and SWEAT IT OUT..........That has worked for over a half century for me.

Yet you do not see our president going on TV and saying the Flu numbers are false.

Trump cares more about how this makes him look than about the actual virus, in my opinion.

Everything he has said has been about painting himself a good light.
The media takes any statement and can twist it anyway they want. The President does not cross the t's and dot the i's with his words and this makes the media even more zealous in their traitorous ways.Justice would be them getting their just due.
LOL.............Your side is SO FULL OF SHIT that you need a back hoe to shovel it...........

He wasn't discussing the FLU........he was discussing a his own words...........HUNCH......that the 3.4 number is too high..........because he believes so many will not report it............HE CLASSIFIED THEM as NOT COUNTING THE EASY CASES.....

Yet the POINT........IS THAT THE MEDIA ............has played the LIE of GO TO WORK out of context...........Why no one gives a damn what they say anymore........The OP WAS A POLITICAL ATTACK VIDEO ..........and NOTHING MORE.

It is not his job to talk about hunches on topics he is totally ignorant about.

Despite the fact he told you he is an expert on medical issues, he really is not.

He needs to stick to the facts, but of course you will just laugh and call me names, because we all know you would never say a bad thing about your god, that would be impossible for you.

All he is doing is trying to make himself look good, nothing else matter to the man.
Go to and watch hannities show. They should have them in demand
Burden of proof is on the accuser..............unless you are a lib.

BTW ........... I FOUND IT..........and YOU ARE A LIAR.
HaHa...You found it?! Like that’s an accomplishment after I told you exactly where to look?!

Ok Now that you’ve seen the whole thing, what are you going to accuse me of lying about?! This should be good...
BS.................It is up to the accusers and I didn't find it where you told me to look...............found it on Youtube further back..........narrowed my search...


The Burden of proof was on only provided a BURDEN OF BULL SHIT.
Please take a pill and calm down. What exactly do you want me to prove that you think I lied about?
You were playing TDS earlier when the Go to Work BS was going on.......................So I called you A LIAR on that...............and I HAVE PROVEN THAT IS A LIE...........because being taken out of CONTEXT IS A LIE....

In regards to your OP........It is a soundbite of OUT OF CONTEXT video...........for ONE attack Trump and nothing else.............

what did I lie about and how many more times do I need to ask before you give me a direct answer? What are you claiming I said that wasn’t true?
LOL.............Your side is SO FULL OF SHIT that you need a back hoe to shovel it...........

He wasn't discussing the FLU........he was discussing a his own words...........HUNCH......that the 3.4 number is too high..........because he believes so many will not report it............HE CLASSIFIED THEM as NOT COUNTING THE EASY CASES.....

Yet the POINT........IS THAT THE MEDIA ............has played the LIE of GO TO WORK out of context...........Why no one gives a damn what they say anymore........The OP WAS A POLITICAL ATTACK VIDEO ..........and NOTHING MORE.

It is not his job to talk about hunches on topics he is totally ignorant about.

Despite the fact he told you he is an expert on medical issues, he really is not.

He needs to stick to the facts, but of course you will just laugh and call me names, because we all know you would never say a bad thing about your god, that would be impossible for you.

All he is doing is trying to make himself look good, nothing else matter to the man.
It was an interview .......and he was ASKED about that figure.................and so he GAVE HIS OPINION.............

And are TRYING SO HARD TO DEMONIZE TRUMP because of TDS...............The GO TO WORK BS is a LIE..................

So now you move the goal post and ATTACK THE WORD.......................drum roll please.....

HUNCH...............TA DA.......

Jesus you people are freaking out of your minds.
Burden of proof is on the accuser..............unless you are a lib.

BTW ........... I FOUND IT..........and YOU ARE A LIAR.
HaHa...You found it?! Like that’s an accomplishment after I told you exactly where to look?!

Ok Now that you’ve seen the whole thing, what are you going to accuse me of lying about?! This should be good...
BS.................It is up to the accusers and I didn't find it where you told me to look...............found it on Youtube further back..........narrowed my search...


The Burden of proof was on only provided a BURDEN OF BULL SHIT.
Please take a pill and calm down. What exactly do you want me to prove that you think I lied about?
You were playing TDS earlier when the Go to Work BS was going on.......................So I called you A LIAR on that...............and I HAVE PROVEN THAT IS A LIE...........because being taken out of CONTEXT IS A LIE....

In regards to your OP........It is a soundbite of OUT OF CONTEXT video...........for ONE attack Trump and nothing else.............

what did I lie about and how many more times do I need to ask before you give me a direct answer? What are you claiming I said that wasn’t true?

Game over.............Opinion thread......the OP is a lie and a political attack BS video.......the statements made in this thread that you tried to defend on GO TO WORK SICK.........

ARE A LIE..........PERIOD.
LOL.............Your side is SO FULL OF SHIT that you need a back hoe to shovel it...........

He wasn't discussing the FLU........he was discussing a his own words...........HUNCH......that the 3.4 number is too high..........because he believes so many will not report it............HE CLASSIFIED THEM as NOT COUNTING THE EASY CASES.....

Yet the POINT........IS THAT THE MEDIA ............has played the LIE of GO TO WORK out of context...........Why no one gives a damn what they say anymore........The OP WAS A POLITICAL ATTACK VIDEO ..........and NOTHING MORE.

It is not his job to talk about hunches on topics he is totally ignorant about.

Despite the fact he told you he is an expert on medical issues, he really is not.

He needs to stick to the facts, but of course you will just laugh and call me names, because we all know you would never say a bad thing about your god, that would be impossible for you.

All he is doing is trying to make himself look good, nothing else matter to the man.
It was an interview .......and he was ASKED about that figure.................and so he GAVE HIS OPINION.............

And are TRYING SO HARD TO DEMONIZE TRUMP because of TDS...............The GO TO WORK BS is a LIE..................

So now you move the goal post and ATTACK THE WORD.......................drum roll please.....

HUNCH...............TA DA.......

Jesus you people are freaking out of your minds.
He always has the option to say....."Im not an expert so I am not going to speak on that". His problem is that he thinks he is smart but he is a fucking idiot.
LOL.............Your side is SO FULL OF SHIT that you need a back hoe to shovel it...........

He wasn't discussing the FLU........he was discussing a his own words...........HUNCH......that the 3.4 number is too high..........because he believes so many will not report it............HE CLASSIFIED THEM as NOT COUNTING THE EASY CASES.....

Yet the POINT........IS THAT THE MEDIA ............has played the LIE of GO TO WORK out of context...........Why no one gives a damn what they say anymore........The OP WAS A POLITICAL ATTACK VIDEO ..........and NOTHING MORE.

It is not his job to talk about hunches on topics he is totally ignorant about.

Despite the fact he told you he is an expert on medical issues, he really is not.

He needs to stick to the facts, but of course you will just laugh and call me names, because we all know you would never say a bad thing about your god, that would be impossible for you.

All he is doing is trying to make himself look good, nothing else matter to the man.
It was an interview .......and he was ASKED about that figure.................and so he GAVE HIS OPINION.............

And are TRYING SO HARD TO DEMONIZE TRUMP because of TDS...............The GO TO WORK BS is a LIE..................

So now you move the goal post and ATTACK THE WORD.......................drum roll please.....

HUNCH...............TA DA.......

Jesus you people are freaking out of your minds.

Yep, just as I predicted. Defend your god to your dying breath.
Rules for radicals...........

When caught in a lie..........change the subject and try to make us defend ourselves calling THEM A LIAR....

It is a tactic............being used by Slade he is a better than average he will ask me to PROVE HE IS A TROLL........because I called him one.......

And this is how it works............just like the gator golfing changing HIS the word HUNCH........
Where is the WHOLE INTERVIEW where that was said..........NOT SOUND BITES.

Like when Obama said......

"I'll have more flexibility" You have NO idea what the context was, but you rail on Obama anyway.

That is hypocrisy at it's finest.
You contards are hypocrites, the worlds best.
Show me the ACTUAL full interview .....not modified .......or you have NOTHING...........I looked and 50 back on youtube it didn't have it....

Usually a reason for that............doesn't suit the dang NARRATIVE by MSM

We are looking at whole interviews and press conferences, not just the sound bites that FOX News and the Trump Campaign are feeding Trumpkins.

Trump is more concerned about how the market is doing than how the country and the people in it, are doing.

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