Coronavirus messaging: Trump vs The World

LOL.............Your side is SO FULL OF SHIT that you need a back hoe to shovel it...........

He wasn't discussing the FLU........he was discussing a his own words...........HUNCH......that the 3.4 number is too high..........because he believes so many will not report it............HE CLASSIFIED THEM as NOT COUNTING THE EASY CASES.....

Yet the POINT........IS THAT THE MEDIA ............has played the LIE of GO TO WORK out of context...........Why no one gives a damn what they say anymore........The OP WAS A POLITICAL ATTACK VIDEO ..........and NOTHING MORE.

It is not his job to talk about hunches on topics he is totally ignorant about.

Despite the fact he told you he is an expert on medical issues, he really is not.

He needs to stick to the facts, but of course you will just laugh and call me names, because we all know you would never say a bad thing about your god, that would be impossible for you.

All he is doing is trying to make himself look good, nothing else matter to the man.
It was an interview .......and he was ASKED about that figure.................and so he GAVE HIS OPINION.............

And are TRYING SO HARD TO DEMONIZE TRUMP because of TDS...............The GO TO WORK BS is a LIE..................

So now you move the goal post and ATTACK THE WORD.......................drum roll please.....

HUNCH...............TA DA.......

Jesus you people are freaking out of your minds.
He always has the option to say....."Im not an expert so I am not going to speak on that". His problem is that he thinks he is smart but he is a fucking idiot.

That would be the correct thing to do, but he has to paint himself in the best possible light. He does not give a flying fuck how many people are dead, all that matters is that he comes out looking good.
LOL.............Your side is SO FULL OF SHIT that you need a back hoe to shovel it...........

He wasn't discussing the FLU........he was discussing a his own words...........HUNCH......that the 3.4 number is too high..........because he believes so many will not report it............HE CLASSIFIED THEM as NOT COUNTING THE EASY CASES.....

Yet the POINT........IS THAT THE MEDIA ............has played the LIE of GO TO WORK out of context...........Why no one gives a damn what they say anymore........The OP WAS A POLITICAL ATTACK VIDEO ..........and NOTHING MORE.

It is not his job to talk about hunches on topics he is totally ignorant about.

Despite the fact he told you he is an expert on medical issues, he really is not.

He needs to stick to the facts, but of course you will just laugh and call me names, because we all know you would never say a bad thing about your god, that would be impossible for you.

All he is doing is trying to make himself look good, nothing else matter to the man.
It was an interview .......and he was ASKED about that figure.................and so he GAVE HIS OPINION.............

And are TRYING SO HARD TO DEMONIZE TRUMP because of TDS...............The GO TO WORK BS is a LIE..................

So now you move the goal post and ATTACK THE WORD.......................drum roll please.....

HUNCH...............TA DA.......

Jesus you people are freaking out of your minds.

Yep, just as I predicted. Defend your god to your dying breath.
BS..............he was asked and he questions the 3.4 percent number...................and he did it with a SOUND ARGUMENT..............How many get it that DON'T REPORT IT.............That is what he is saying and those that are younger will not get real sick and possibly NOT GO TO THE DOCTOR.........That is NOT UNREASONABLE.
Rules for radicals...........

When caught in a lie..........change the subject and try to make us defend ourselves calling THEM A LIAR....

It is a tactic............being used by Slade he is a better than average he will ask me to PROVE HE IS A TROLL........because I called him one.......

And this is how it works............just like the gator golfing changing HIS the word HUNCH........

I was not caught in a lie, I never said he told people to go to work sick.

Nice try, but your defense of your god has fallen flat once again.
Where is the WHOLE INTERVIEW where that was said..........NOT SOUND BITES.

Like when Obama said......

"I'll have more flexibility" You have NO idea what the context was, but you rail on Obama anyway.

That is hypocrisy at it's finest.
You contards are hypocrites, the worlds best.
Show me the ACTUAL full interview .....not modified .......or you have NOTHING...........I looked and 50 back on youtube it didn't have it....

Usually a reason for that............doesn't suit the dang NARRATIVE by MSM

We are looking at whole interviews and press conferences, not just the sound bites that FOX News and the Trump Campaign are feeding Trumpkins.

Trump is more concerned about how the market is doing than how the country and the people in it, are doing.
Rules for radicals...........

When caught in a lie..........change the subject and try to make us defend ourselves calling THEM A LIAR....

It is a tactic............being used by Slade he is a better than average he will ask me to PROVE HE IS A TROLL........because I called him one.......

And this is how it works............just like the gator golfing changing HIS the word HUNCH........

I was not caught in a lie, I never said he told people to go to work sick.

Nice try, but your defense of your god has fallen flat once again.
That part was on the other poster........the last sentence was you.......LOL
Rules for radicals...........

When caught in a lie..........change the subject and try to make us defend ourselves calling THEM A LIAR....

It is a tactic............being used by Slade he is a better than average he will ask me to PROVE HE IS A TROLL........because I called him one.......

And this is how it works............just like the gator golfing changing HIS the word HUNCH........

I was not caught in a lie, I never said he told people to go to work sick.

Nice try, but your defense of your god has fallen flat once again.
That part was on the other poster........the last sentence was you.......LOL

except I have not changed anything, you are just a liar.
Rules for radicals...........

When caught in a lie..........change the subject and try to make us defend ourselves calling THEM A LIAR....

It is a tactic............being used by Slade he is a better than average he will ask me to PROVE HE IS A TROLL........because I called him one.......

And this is how it works............just like the gator golfing changing HIS the word HUNCH........

I was not caught in a lie, I never said he told people to go to work sick.

Nice try, but your defense of your god has fallen flat once again.
That part was on the other poster........the last sentence was you.......LOL

except I have not changed anything, you are just a liar.
You bitched he shouldn't have had a HUNCH on the numbers...........which was my point you NUT BAG.
Trump blasts Biden's record in 'Hannity' exclusive interview

This is FACTUAL............FULL CONTEXT.......

This is not what the Media was saying .....nor the LUNATICS on this board were saying......

Now you guys have a nice night now with your TDS..........had all I can stand for one night with a PACK OF LIARS.
You still havent explained how claiming that people went to work and got over the virus is different from suggesting they too could go to work with the virus. Why not?
Rules for radicals...........

When caught in a lie..........change the subject and try to make us defend ourselves calling THEM A LIAR....

It is a tactic............being used by Slade he is a better than average he will ask me to PROVE HE IS A TROLL........because I called him one.......

And this is how it works............just like the gator golfing changing HIS the word HUNCH........

I was not caught in a lie, I never said he told people to go to work sick.

Nice try, but your defense of your god has fallen flat once again.
That part was on the other poster........the last sentence was you.......LOL

except I have not changed anything, you are just a liar.
You bitched he shouldn't have had a HUNCH on the numbers...........which was my point you NUT BAG.

Yes, he should not have. But that was not a change for me. Do try and keep up.

We as a country do not need his hunches, he needs to stick to the facts. The fun thing about calling something a can never be accused of being wrong or telling a lie.
Rules for radicals...........

When caught in a lie..........change the subject and try to make us defend ourselves calling THEM A LIAR....

It is a tactic............being used by Slade he is a better than average he will ask me to PROVE HE IS A TROLL........because I called him one.......

And this is how it works............just like the gator golfing changing HIS the word HUNCH........

I was not caught in a lie, I never said he told people to go to work sick.

Nice try, but your defense of your god has fallen flat once again.
That part was on the other poster........the last sentence was you.......LOL

except I have not changed anything, you are just a liar.
You bitched he shouldn't have had a HUNCH on the numbers...........which was my point you NUT BAG.

Yes, he should not have. But that was not a change for me. Do try and keep up.

We as a country do not need his hunches, he needs to stick to the facts. The fun thing about calling something a can never be accused of being wrong or telling a lie.
And that is an opinion.............If you look at his hunch of WHY he doesn't agree with the number it is REASONABLE........and his right to say so.............Fear mongering only hurts this country......and LYING about what he really said .............which you didn't save some dang grief.........doesn't do our country justice.

Many will get this virus and not report it............I AGREE WITH THAT many younger people get it and will just ride it out and not go to the doc.
HaHa...You found it?! Like that’s an accomplishment after I told you exactly where to look?!

Ok Now that you’ve seen the whole thing, what are you going to accuse me of lying about?! This should be good...
BS.................It is up to the accusers and I didn't find it where you told me to look...............found it on Youtube further back..........narrowed my search...


The Burden of proof was on only provided a BURDEN OF BULL SHIT.
Please take a pill and calm down. What exactly do you want me to prove that you think I lied about?
You were playing TDS earlier when the Go to Work BS was going on.......................So I called you A LIAR on that...............and I HAVE PROVEN THAT IS A LIE...........because being taken out of CONTEXT IS A LIE....

In regards to your OP........It is a soundbite of OUT OF CONTEXT video...........for ONE attack Trump and nothing else.............

what did I lie about and how many more times do I need to ask before you give me a direct answer? What are you claiming I said that wasn’t true?

Game over.............Opinion thread......the OP is a lie and a political attack BS video.......the statements made in this thread that you tried to defend on GO TO WORK SICK.........

ARE A LIE..........PERIOD.

Well I’ve asked about 5 times now and you have pussy footed around an answer 5 times. So I’m going to take it as a poor troll job on your part. If all you got is yelling LIAR, but you can’t point to the lie then your done... so I agree... Game over
Rules for radicals...........

When caught in a lie..........change the subject and try to make us defend ourselves calling THEM A LIAR....

It is a tactic............being used by Slade he is a better than average he will ask me to PROVE HE IS A TROLL........because I called him one.......

And this is how it works............just like the gator golfing changing HIS the word HUNCH........

I was not caught in a lie, I never said he told people to go to work sick.

Nice try, but your defense of your god has fallen flat once again.
He’s fighting the strawman that he made up.... that’s why he can’t point to a lie. He uses vague language. The closest he got to pointing out my lie was “your defense of the go to work narrative”... he is way to emotional for a rational debate. its rather pathetic.
Wow, what a thread.

You RWI's lie constantly about Hunter Biden and How Joe Biden was 'caught on tape' talking about firing Shokin..
Us that aren't part of the Radical Crazy Right Wing, realize that you RWI's created a Conspiracy Theory about Biden being corrupt in dealing with Ukraine.

Watch the entire video, and do some real research, and you will see this is a HOAX created by team trump.
But you don't see US getting all pissy like eagle1462010
We just realize you RWI's are Cray-Cray.
Rules for radicals...........

When caught in a lie..........change the subject and try to make us defend ourselves calling THEM A LIAR....

It is a tactic............being used by Slade he is a better than average he will ask me to PROVE HE IS A TROLL........because I called him one.......

And this is how it works............just like the gator golfing changing HIS the word HUNCH........

I was not caught in a lie, I never said he told people to go to work sick.

Nice try, but your defense of your god has fallen flat once again.
He’s fighting the strawman that he made up.... that’s why he can’t point to a lie. He uses vague language. The closest he got to pointing out my lie was “your defense of the go to work narrative”... he is way to emotional for a rational debate. its rather pathetic.

That is the hallmark of one defending their god...emotion over rational thought
As always, you post nothing but bigoted bullshit. In response to assholes like yo badgering him about the test, the President pointed to a rule from Obama's CDC that required states and universities to obtain permission from the FDA before developing tests of their own that slowed down testing when the present CDC encountered glitches with its own tests. If you were actually interested in the issue, you would have recalled Ca complained about this rule when it's first patient died. After not being able to be tested for four days. The President wasn't politicking, he was accurately answering stupid questions from jerkoffs like you who see the coronavirus as nothing but a political opportunity to attack the President about the availability of test kits.

Despite the CDC glitches and the Obama CDC rule, test kits are being produced now at a massive rate and everyone in the US who needs to be tested can be tested.

The fact that you have to make up so many lies to have grounds to criticize the President's performance suggests that you must see his response as pretty near flawless.
That’s fake news, there was no Obama Rule requiring the CDC to do gain permission from the FDA to run tests. There was proposed Framework of regulations that Obama withdrew as they passed it on to congress who shockingly is still discussing the matter. Everything you’re claiming was non binding and not enforced. It was a cheap political ploy for Trump to bring up Obama to pass blame.

Nothing bigoted about me bringing up Trumps political games. You not being able to accept truth is more of a concern
According to CDC director, Robert Redfield, there was such a rule.

Redfield, March 4: n the past, we used to be able to have laboratories that could develop what we call “laboratory developed tests” and then be able to apply them for clinical purposes. And in the previous administration, that became regulated so that, now, for someone to do that, they had to formally file with the FDA. And what the president’s decision did was allow that regulatory relief now and that those university labs and those other labs in this country now can be fully engaged in developing laboratory diagnostics for the clinical arena so the men and women in this nation can get access to — and the doctors — to get to know the extent of [the virus] in the patients that they’re caring for. It’s, really, very important. It’s what’s changed the availability of testing overnight.

Trump’s Misplaced Blame on Obama for Coronavirus Tests

The President has not tried to politicize any of this, but has consistently worked to prevent a panic and mobilize resources to contain the virus and counter negative effects on our economy, while Democrats have done nothing but try to politicize the problem, apparently caring nothing for the people or the country.
Nice quote... the paragraph after the one you posted in the link you provided says this...
It’s not clear what regulation Trump and Redfield have in mind, and neither the White House, FDA, nor the CDC responded to requests for more information. But experts told us that no such “rule” was implemented under Obama.

“It’s not true,” said Rachel Sachs, a Washington University in St. Louis law professor, of Trump’s claim in a phone interview. The Obama administration did attempt to impose a risk-based system of regulation on laboratory developed tests, or LDTs, and introduced draft guidance in 2014. But that guidance was never finalized, and was withdrawn after Trump won the election in 2016. “It never went into effect,” she said, “so it’s not an issue to walk back.”

Citing the withdrawn guidance document, Jeffrey Gibbs of the firm Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, who is an expert on FDA law, also told us that the president’s claim was “not accurate.”
You see? Once again you show you have no interest at all in any of this except for a pretext for attacking the President. California and Washington state complained the rule was in effect and you quote two lawyers who were not dealing with the problems who say it wasn't. Are you trying to sound stupid and corrupt?
I’m just read your link and pasted the paragraph after the one you posted as it contradicted your narrative. I don’t know why we would consider what lawyers know about the law... that’s a great point. Haha

I should also mention that the fact check article that YOU linked concludes that Trumps claim was false. But who cares about that either, right?
Ok, so you're a happy asshole, but the fact remains that both California and Washington complained that the rule was in effect and that prevented them from using their own tests, so the lawyer the article dug up are obviously wrong. The fact remains that while airheads like yourself are trying to politicize the outbreak the President and the director or the CDC told the truth while Democrats and their allies in the media are frantically telling lies. By any reasonable measure the President has done an outstanding job of dealing with the outbreak and that is why the likelihood of becoming infected in most parts of the US remains low according to the CDC. The administration has dealt with public honestly and with great transparency while it critics and its critics haven't.
That’s fake news, there was no Obama Rule requiring the CDC to do gain permission from the FDA to run tests. There was proposed Framework of regulations that Obama withdrew as they passed it on to congress who shockingly is still discussing the matter. Everything you’re claiming was non binding and not enforced. It was a cheap political ploy for Trump to bring up Obama to pass blame.

Nothing bigoted about me bringing up Trumps political games. You not being able to accept truth is more of a concern
According to CDC director, Robert Redfield, there was such a rule.

Redfield, March 4: n the past, we used to be able to have laboratories that could develop what we call “laboratory developed tests” and then be able to apply them for clinical purposes. And in the previous administration, that became regulated so that, now, for someone to do that, they had to formally file with the FDA. And what the president’s decision did was allow that regulatory relief now and that those university labs and those other labs in this country now can be fully engaged in developing laboratory diagnostics for the clinical arena so the men and women in this nation can get access to — and the doctors — to get to know the extent of [the virus] in the patients that they’re caring for. It’s, really, very important. It’s what’s changed the availability of testing overnight.

Trump’s Misplaced Blame on Obama for Coronavirus Tests

The President has not tried to politicize any of this, but has consistently worked to prevent a panic and mobilize resources to contain the virus and counter negative effects on our economy, while Democrats have done nothing but try to politicize the problem, apparently caring nothing for the people or the country.
Nice quote... the paragraph after the one you posted in the link you provided says this...
It’s not clear what regulation Trump and Redfield have in mind, and neither the White House, FDA, nor the CDC responded to requests for more information. But experts told us that no such “rule” was implemented under Obama.

“It’s not true,” said Rachel Sachs, a Washington University in St. Louis law professor, of Trump’s claim in a phone interview. The Obama administration did attempt to impose a risk-based system of regulation on laboratory developed tests, or LDTs, and introduced draft guidance in 2014. But that guidance was never finalized, and was withdrawn after Trump won the election in 2016. “It never went into effect,” she said, “so it’s not an issue to walk back.”

Citing the withdrawn guidance document, Jeffrey Gibbs of the firm Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, who is an expert on FDA law, also told us that the president’s claim was “not accurate.”
You see? Once again you show you have no interest at all in any of this except for a pretext for attacking the President. California and Washington state complained the rule was in effect and you quote two lawyers who were not dealing with the problems who say it wasn't. Are you trying to sound stupid and corrupt?
I’m just read your link and pasted the paragraph after the one you posted as it contradicted your narrative. I don’t know why we would consider what lawyers know about the law... that’s a great point. Haha

I should also mention that the fact check article that YOU linked concludes that Trumps claim was false. But who cares about that either, right?
Ok, so you're a happy asshole, but the fact remains that both California and Washington complained that the rule was in effect and that prevented them from using their own tests, so the lawyer the article dug up are obviously wrong. The fact remains that while airheads like yourself are trying to politicize the outbreak the President and the director or the CDC told the truth while Democrats and their allies in the media are frantically telling lies. By any reasonable measure the President has done an outstanding job of dealing with the outbreak and that is why the likelihood of becoming infected in most parts of the US remains low according to the CDC. The administration has dealt with public honestly and with great transparency while it critics and its critics haven't.
not happy... just looking for some honesty. You point to a rule but can’t cite the rule just a quote from one guy who is contradicted by several others. There’s an easy way to resolve it and thats by pointing to the law/regulation in question. If Obama made a regulation that held up the testing and trump reversed it then it should be easy to point out.
According to CDC director, Robert Redfield, there was such a rule.

Redfield, March 4: n the past, we used to be able to have laboratories that could develop what we call “laboratory developed tests” and then be able to apply them for clinical purposes. And in the previous administration, that became regulated so that, now, for someone to do that, they had to formally file with the FDA. And what the president’s decision did was allow that regulatory relief now and that those university labs and those other labs in this country now can be fully engaged in developing laboratory diagnostics for the clinical arena so the men and women in this nation can get access to — and the doctors — to get to know the extent of [the virus] in the patients that they’re caring for. It’s, really, very important. It’s what’s changed the availability of testing overnight.

Trump’s Misplaced Blame on Obama for Coronavirus Tests

The President has not tried to politicize any of this, but has consistently worked to prevent a panic and mobilize resources to contain the virus and counter negative effects on our economy, while Democrats have done nothing but try to politicize the problem, apparently caring nothing for the people or the country.
Nice quote... the paragraph after the one you posted in the link you provided says this...
It’s not clear what regulation Trump and Redfield have in mind, and neither the White House, FDA, nor the CDC responded to requests for more information. But experts told us that no such “rule” was implemented under Obama.

“It’s not true,” said Rachel Sachs, a Washington University in St. Louis law professor, of Trump’s claim in a phone interview. The Obama administration did attempt to impose a risk-based system of regulation on laboratory developed tests, or LDTs, and introduced draft guidance in 2014. But that guidance was never finalized, and was withdrawn after Trump won the election in 2016. “It never went into effect,” she said, “so it’s not an issue to walk back.”

Citing the withdrawn guidance document, Jeffrey Gibbs of the firm Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, who is an expert on FDA law, also told us that the president’s claim was “not accurate.”
You see? Once again you show you have no interest at all in any of this except for a pretext for attacking the President. California and Washington state complained the rule was in effect and you quote two lawyers who were not dealing with the problems who say it wasn't. Are you trying to sound stupid and corrupt?
I’m just read your link and pasted the paragraph after the one you posted as it contradicted your narrative. I don’t know why we would consider what lawyers know about the law... that’s a great point. Haha

I should also mention that the fact check article that YOU linked concludes that Trumps claim was false. But who cares about that either, right?
Ok, so you're a happy asshole, but the fact remains that both California and Washington complained that the rule was in effect and that prevented them from using their own tests, so the lawyer the article dug up are obviously wrong. The fact remains that while airheads like yourself are trying to politicize the outbreak the President and the director or the CDC told the truth while Democrats and their allies in the media are frantically telling lies. By any reasonable measure the President has done an outstanding job of dealing with the outbreak and that is why the likelihood of becoming infected in most parts of the US remains low according to the CDC. The administration has dealt with public honestly and with great transparency while it critics and its critics haven't.
not happy... just looking for some honesty. You point to a rule but can’t cite the rule just a quote from one guy who is contradicted by several others. There’s an easy way to resolve it and thats by pointing to the law/regulation in question. If Obama made a regulation that held up the testing and trump reversed it then it should be easy to point out.
You'll never get a link to that regulation because it was just something that he heard Drumpf say on Fox and just believed it.

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