Coronavirus messaging: Trump vs The World

I’m just read your link and pasted the paragraph after the one you posted as it contradicted your narrative. I don’t know why we would consider what lawyers know about the law... that’s a great point. Haha

I should also mention that the fact check article that YOU linked concludes that Trumps claim was false. But who cares about that either, right?
Ok, so you're a happy asshole, but the fact remains that both California and Washington complained that the rule was in effect and that prevented them from using their own tests, so the lawyer the article dug up are obviously wrong. The fact remains that while airheads like yourself are trying to politicize the outbreak the President and the director or the CDC told the truth while Democrats and their allies in the media are frantically telling lies. By any reasonable measure the President has done an outstanding job of dealing with the outbreak and that is why the likelihood of becoming infected in most parts of the US remains low according to the CDC. The administration has dealt with public honestly and with great transparency while it critics and its critics haven't.
not happy... just looking for some honesty. You point to a rule but can’t cite the rule just a quote from one guy who is contradicted by several others. There’s an easy way to resolve it and thats by pointing to the law/regulation in question. If Obama made a regulation that held up the testing and trump reversed it then it should be easy to point out.

Commissioner Stephen Hahn first addressed the testing problem on Saturday by issuing new guidance that would allow the state labs to conduct not-yet-approved coronavirus testing on patients in response to the public health emergency. In return for skirting the Obama-era regulation, laboratories must apply for an F.D.A. review of the new test, document the test’s accuracy and notify the F.D.A. of the test’s validity prior to F.D.A. completing the approval process.

“We believe this policy strikes the right balance during this public health emergency,” said FDA Commissioner Stephen M. Hahn of the rule change. “We will continue to help to ensure sound science prior to clinical testing and follow-up with the critical independent review from the FDA, while quickly expanding testing capabilities in the U.S.”

You mean like these comments from the FDA COMMISSIONER? He even states they needed to skirt OBAMA regulations to get this done. Try to deny that.
Oh Really? What was the Obama regulation? Go ahead and post it for us.

Learn to read liar. Now you claim the FDA COMMISSIONER is a liar? You love making yourself more look like a totally uninformed uneducated TDS suffering moron don’t you? Go ahead and claim you know more than the commissioner does, it just affirms your idiocy. Now go learn how to do anything for yourself.
I simply said that there is conflict over whether there was a regulation or not and seeing the actual regulation would put an end to it. That’s a reasonable statement and I have no clue how you can spin that into a me being a liar. Just post the regulation and then we can move on.
Ok, so maybe you're an idiot instead of a liar. The both seem to fit. I posted the link simply because it contained the statement from the director of CDC supporting the President's claim that a regulation from the Obama administration had slowed down testing initially, but it was clear that the author of the article had a political agenda of his own when he posted the opinion of lawyer in Missouri that the director of the CDC must be lying. If you were simply too stupid to see that, I apologize for calling you a liar.
There is a simple way to settle it. Just point to the regulation. Why can’t you do that?
I quoted the statement of the director of CDC and that would have been sufficient for you if you weren't just a troll.
I’m not trolling. I’m posting links and quotes from real sources. There is obviously conflict over this issue so why not settle it by referring to the actual rule in question. If it exists then we should be able to see it, don’t you agree?
You are clearly just a troll.
Why do you say that?
You need to disabuse yourself of the notion you are clever. You are just an annoying trell, not clever.
It should be easy for you to quote me then... I’ll wait

Read your own posts moron. I’m not your secretary. You posted I a video and claimed he said that, now deny your OWN words. Does it chafe your pussy that people don’t drop everything and cater to a lazy libtard like you? You’ve been exposed and you’re now whining about it. Your utter stupidity is astounding.
You’re the one accusing me of saying something I didn’t say... quote me and win the argument or don’t quote me and lose.

GFY. Declaring yourself winner? Typical libtard thinking the world revolves around you and your TDS. Keep backpedaling.
I didn’t declare myself anything... typical dimwit, can’t even understand simple English.

Typical libtard. Doesn’t understand words or their meaning. And has no reading comprehension skills. Keep claiming the FDA COMMISSIONER is lying. You just keep embarrassing yourself.
When did I say the FDA commissioner was a liar? Since you are such a master of language why don’t you post a quote where I called him a liar. Go ahead school me.
Rules for radicals...........

When caught in a lie..........change the subject and try to make us defend ourselves calling THEM A LIAR....

It is a tactic............being used by Slade he is a better than average he will ask me to PROVE HE IS A TROLL........because I called him one.......

And this is how it works............just like the gator golfing changing HIS the word HUNCH........

I was not caught in a lie, I never said he told people to go to work sick.

Nice try, but your defense of your god has fallen flat once again.
He’s fighting the strawman that he made up.... that’s why he can’t point to a lie. He uses vague language. The closest he got to pointing out my lie was “your defense of the go to work narrative”... he is way to emotional for a rational debate. its rather pathetic.
Pathetic is the 3 years of TDS from people like you and the media........My point stands........The OP is is a soundbite TDS thread......and in the middle the TRUMP SAID GO TO WORK with the Virus came up.....And that is on this thread and many others.

It is a LIE.........And the left and the Media are LYING Sacks...........This is what your party offers.........LIES.....PERPETUAL LIES.
No shit Sherlock... The OP is a political attack ad. No mystery there. But there is no lie. Those were Trumps words and his positions. Don’t get so emo about it
There is a simple way to settle it. Just point to the regulation. Why can’t you do that?
I quoted the statement of the director of CDC and that would have been sufficient for you if you weren't just a troll.
I’m not trolling. I’m posting links and quotes from real sources. There is obviously conflict over this issue so why not settle it by referring to the actual rule in question. If it exists then we should be able to see it, don’t you agree?
You are clearly just a troll.
Why do you say that?
You need to disabuse yourself of the notion you are clever. You are just an annoying trell, not clever.
Ok. But why don’t you just answer my question and tell me why you say I’m trolling? Seems that you avoiding my questions to throw insults is more of a troll move.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

How on earth can you left-wing nuts PRETEND you're not politicizing this virus.

YOU are guilty of what you try to pin on Trump. Everybody sees it but you.

Yup, everybody is guilty. Trump plays politics and we call him on it thus playing politics. Shame shame
Ok, so maybe you're an idiot instead of a liar. The both seem to fit. I posted the link simply because it contained the statement from the director of CDC supporting the President's claim that a regulation from the Obama administration had slowed down testing initially, but it was clear that the author of the article had a political agenda of his own when he posted the opinion of lawyer in Missouri that the director of the CDC must be lying. If you were simply too stupid to see that, I apologize for calling you a liar.
There is a simple way to settle it. Just point to the regulation. Why can’t you do that?
I quoted the statement of the director of CDC and that would have been sufficient for you if you weren't just a troll.
I’m not trolling. I’m posting links and quotes from real sources. There is obviously conflict over this issue so why not settle it by referring to the actual rule in question. If it exists then we should be able to see it, don’t you agree?
You are clearly just a troll.
Why do you say that?

Someone's uncomfortable.
There is a simple way to settle it. Just point to the regulation. Why can’t you do that?
I quoted the statement of the director of CDC and that would have been sufficient for you if you weren't just a troll.
I’m not trolling. I’m posting links and quotes from real sources. There is obviously conflict over this issue so why not settle it by referring to the actual rule in question. If it exists then we should be able to see it, don’t you agree?
You are clearly just a troll.
Why do you say that?
You need to disabuse yourself of the notion you are clever. You are just an annoying trell, not clever.
What's a trell, is that something only clever folk are aware of?
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

I know the man is embarrassing and a disgrace but when it's put like that it really shows it in stark reality.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

I know the man is embarrassing and a disgrace but when it's put like that it really shows it in stark reality.

It is not just this man, this man is a symptom of a dysfunctional society. This man in this position is a reflection of what America is. Face it.
Interesting video pushed out by Mr Kellyanne Conway showing how Trumps messaging about the Coronavirus compares with other world leaders.

I know the reaction from non Trump diehards would be the usual headshake and familiar surge of embarrassment from how he represents our country.... however I’m curious how the Trump supporters see this video....

During the clips when Trump speaks in contrast with the other world leaders are you Trump supporters seeing the shining light of truth setting a new example of how to properly react? Or are you hearing something else? Serious question...

I know the man is embarrassing and a disgrace but when it's put like that it really shows it in stark reality.

It is not just this man, this man is a symptom of a dysfunctional society. This man in this position is a reflection of what America is. Face it.

Trumps election was the product of a population frustrated by their government and by the leadership options presented to them. Trump presented an alternative, a fuck you to the establishment, and the promise of a businessman who could get shit done. His election was understandable. But it’s also been a complete disaster and utter embarrassment. The 2020 election will show us what kind of nation we are. If Trump gets re-elected then you will be right. I’m hoping that we’ve learn a lesson and can prove to be better
Well retard, how would I know? I know, why don't check in with cnn and let us all know the "facts".
Just admit Fat Donnie is the worst President ever. Go ahead and check in with reality. It will set you free.
Trump has nothing to do with this bullshit virus.
Just as the virus has nothing to do with Don's incompetence.
There is no virus, liar.
Another idiot that doesnt believe in viruses eh?
Please keep it up. Everyone needs to see what a lying hack you are.
Just admit Fat Donnie is the worst President ever. Go ahead and check in with reality. It will set you free.
Trump has nothing to do with this bullshit virus.
Just as the virus has nothing to do with Don's incompetence.
There is no virus, liar.
Another idiot that doesnt believe in viruses eh?
Please keep it up. Everyone needs to see what a lying hack you are.
Wait... did you say there is no virus and then call somebody else a liar?!
Trump has nothing to do with this bullshit virus.
Just as the virus has nothing to do with Don's incompetence.
There is no virus, liar.
Another idiot that doesnt believe in viruses eh?
Please keep it up. Everyone needs to see what a lying hack you are.
Wait... did you say there is no virus and then call somebody else a liar?!
You're pretty smart aren't you? The sad thing is that neither of you two seem to be able to comprehend English. The one turd said that since I don't believe all the hype about this so called coronavirus that I don't believe in viruses and you can't seem to comprehend well either.
Just as the virus has nothing to do with Don's incompetence.
There is no virus, liar.
Another idiot that doesnt believe in viruses eh?
Please keep it up. Everyone needs to see what a lying hack you are.
Wait... did you say there is no virus and then call somebody else a liar?!
You're pretty smart aren't you? The sad thing is that neither of you two seem to be able to comprehend English. The one turd said that since I don't believe all the hype about this so called coronavirus that I don't believe in viruses and you can't seem to comprehend well either.
“There is no virus, liar” was the post I saw from you. Did you mean something other than you don’t believe there is a virus?
Trump has nothing to do with this bullshit virus.
Just as the virus has nothing to do with Don's incompetence.
There is no virus, liar.
Another idiot that doesnt believe in viruses eh?
Please keep it up. Everyone needs to see what a lying hack you are.
Wait... did you say there is no virus and then call somebody else a liar?!
Tex likes to tell stories. Everyone is a liar, but Tex.
10:08 am: NYU doctor says US hospitals are unprepared and will be ‘flooded’
Coronavirus patients could so overwhelm U.S. hospitals that doctors and nurses would be unable to provide adequately for other patients, an infectious disease specialist told CNBC.

“When you have emergency rooms flooded with patients, it makes it harder for us to attend to all the other issues,” Dr. Celine Gounder said in a “Squawk Box” interview. “If you come in with a heart attack, we’re going to be slower taking care of you and we’re going to be sloppier with our own infection control if we’re overwhelmed.”

The U.S. has fewer doctors per person and fewer hospital beds per person than Italy, said Gounder, a clinical assistant professor of medicine and infectious diseases at New York University.

“We have less capacity to absorb a big surge in cases,” she said. “We need to be preparing for that.” —Feuer
Be afraid. Fear Mongering continues and the numbers don't jive.

COVID-19: Approximately 121,564 cases worldwide; 1,050 cases in the U.S. as of Mar. 11, 2020.

Flu: Estimated 1 billion cases worldwide; 9.3 million to 45 million cases in the U.S. per year.
Dotard Don tries to speak in complete sentences,
only ends up repeating his stupid phrases.
and then there's this
Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu

COVID-19: Approximately 121,564 cases worldwide; 1,050 cases in the U.S. as of Mar. 11, 2020.

Flu: Estimated 1 billion cases worldwide; 9.3 million to 45 million cases in the U.S. per year.
Just as the virus has nothing to do with Don's incompetence.
There is no virus, liar.
Another idiot that doesnt believe in viruses eh?
Please keep it up. Everyone needs to see what a lying hack you are.
Wait... did you say there is no virus and then call somebody else a liar?!
Tex likes to tell stories. Everyone is a liar, but Tex.
Sorry liar, I haven't told any stories here or anywhere else. Fact of the matter is that if you are a high level politician, or you work for the centers for disease control then you very likely have some facts about this so called virus. If not then all you "know" is what the proven liars in the media are telling you. The hype being spread by the media is spreading faster than the actual virus itself, if there even is one.

living in fear.jpg

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