Coronavirus: the catch-22 to end all 3 Abrahamic religions?


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2012
All 3 Abrahamic religions hold, that if you commit suicide then you land in hell, because it is proof that you have rejected God.

But now nobody went to church / synagogue / mosque for Easter / Passover / Ramadan, and no replacement services are offered either. Also, no religious congregation has ever accepted broadcasting as a substitute for attendance.

So your catch-22 is that by not going to church on this unique day you have rejected God for a virus so you land in hell, on the other hand if you go you commit suicide by knowingly infecting yourself through the crowd.

And if you think that infecting yourself by the crowd would have been the correct theological action then no, because nobody was declared a martyr for dying in a plague medieval or modern.

So is there any solution that saves the religious nature of the 3 Abrahamic religions after this? Or are they all just hellults from now on?
So your catch-22 is that by not going to church on this unique day you have rejected God for a virus so you land in hell, on the other hand if you go you commit suicide by knowingly infecting yourself through the crowd.
Community worship was suspended due to unique circumstances. Individual prayer and worship was in place--and strong.
So your catch-22 is that by not going to church on this unique day you have rejected God for a virus so you land in hell, on the other hand if you go you commit suicide by knowingly infecting yourself through the crowd.
Community worship was suspended due to unique circumstances. Individual prayer and worship was in place--and strong.
But Jesus said that 2 or more of you and I am between you, He didn't say 1. So the rejection is still real. And the unique circumstance word is just a liberal progressive looking euphemism for rejecting your faith in God when He says He is always with you to protect you.
no religious congregation has ever accepted broadcasting as a substitute for attendance.

Actually many churches do have a website and post services for members that can't attend and have been doing so for a few years.

That is for those who can't make it but want it. The coronavirus think is not making it to service because you decide not to want it. Hence the theological rejection.
no religious congregation has ever accepted broadcasting as a substitute for attendance.

Actually many churches do have a website and post services for members that can't attend and have been doing so for a few years.

That is for those who can't make it but want it. The coronavirus think is not making it to service because you decide not to want it. Hence the theological rejection.
Do you really think God thinks if we don't go to church because of a virus, we are rejecting Him???
But Jesus said that 2 or more of you and I am between you, He didn't say 1. So the rejection is still real. And the unique circumstance word is just a liberal progressive looking euphemism for rejecting your faith in God when He says He is always with you to protect you.
Yet the Gospels are clear that Jesus often went alone to pray to the Father, and even noted that individual prayer was to be done in one's closet, not on a street corner with trumpets blaring. And, of course, husbands and wives, parents and children, do qualify as two or more.
no religious congregation has ever accepted broadcasting as a substitute for attendance.

Actually many churches do have a website and post services for members that can't attend and have been doing so for a few years.

That is for those who can't make it but want it. The coronavirus think is not making it to service because you decide not to want it. Hence the theological rejection.
Do you really think God thinks if we don't go to church because of a virus, we are rejecting Him???
Fear is theologically proven by all church denominations to be a rejection of God, because it assumes that God doesn't want to take care of us and also assumes a lie that the devil would have more power than God. Fear of the virus fits this category hence it is a rejection if God. Also, not visiting His Cross on His day is another rejection of God, because it too assumes that some evil virus has more power than God. So by simple logic and generally disseminated church theology the answer to your question is a yes. And that's just solid logic.
But Jesus said that 2 or more of you and I am between you, He didn't say 1. So the rejection is still real. And the unique circumstance word is just a liberal progressive looking euphemism for rejecting your faith in God when He says He is always with you to protect you.
Yet the Gospels are clear that Jesus often went alone to pray to the Father, and even noted that individual prayer was to be done in one's closet, not on a street corner with trumpets blaring. And, of course, husbands and wives, parents and children, do qualify as two or more.
Most church going people are elderly so they don't have family around and even if they did Michigan has banned residence to residence travel. Also often you don't have the luxury of the closet. And either case none is an excuse for not venerating the cross.
Well, Jews don't believe in hell, and Pesach is not a big Shul time. RoshHashana and Yom Kippur are.
And that's just solid logic.

Only in your convoluted brain.

Most church going people are elderly so they don't have family around

What church do you go too? The one I belong has their elderly sure, but more than half are families, with kids of all ages....babies thru teenagers

There's something you are just waaaay too focused on...….and that is the law of religion, Old Testament, sin & death and you conveniently forget the message of Gods Word of love & mercy in the New Testament that brings forgiveness & Life. In Christianity, you can't have one without the other, it's a package deal.
Jesus spoke of those like you that adhere to the law above all else......Pharasees
Well, Jews don't believe in hell, and Pesach is not a big Shul time. RoshHashana and Yom Kippur are.
A literal lake of fire isn't really Christian doctrine, either. It's just orthodox doctrine.
All 3 Abrahamic religions hold, that if you commit suicide then you land in hell, because it is proof that you have rejected God.

But now nobody went to church / synagogue / mosque for Easter / Passover / Ramadan, and no replacement services are offered either. Also, no religious congregation has ever accepted broadcasting as a substitute for attendance.

So your catch-22 is that by not going to church on this unique day you have rejected God for a virus so you land in hell, on the other hand if you go you commit suicide by knowingly infecting yourself through the crowd.

And if you think that infecting yourself by the crowd would have been the correct theological action then no, because nobody was declared a martyr for dying in a plague medieval or modern.

So is there any solution that saves the religious nature of the 3 Abrahamic religions after this? Or are they all just hellults from now on?
In the former USSR any church caught together would be shot.

So services that were held were held in secret. It very well may be that this may have to be a world wide secret church attendance from here on out since our freedoms are all gone

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