Corporation vs Government: Who Do You Trust?

*Edit - note in the Brockovich case, it was the govt (in the end through the judiciary) who made the company accountable. Kinda proves the OP...

And that is a proper role of government. To foster a climate favorable to growth and honest business.

Yes it is. Which has what to do with trying to compare the OP with totalitarian regimes?
Don't know enough about the new health care plan to comment.

Of course you don't. That's hardly a surprise.

Why would I? I'm not American so it does not affect me.

You're a member here and there have only been a few dozen threads (if not hundreds) on this board in recent months. And considering how this bill will crater the American economy, which does affect the rest of the world, it wouldn't hurt you to know something about it.
*Edit - note in the Brockovich case, it was the govt (in the end through the judiciary) who made the company accountable. Kinda proves the OP...

And that is a proper role of government. To foster a climate favorable to growth and honest business.

Yes it is. Which has what to do with trying to compare the OP with totalitarian regimes?

I can't help it if you haven't read the thread and aren't willing to understand the context. I'm not going to rehash it for you. So, carry on.
Of course you don't. That's hardly a surprise.

Why would I? I'm not American so it does not affect me.

You're a member here and there have only been a few dozen threads (if not hundreds) on this board in recent months. And considering how this bill will crater the American economy, which does affect the rest of the world, it wouldn't hurt you to know something about it.

Actually, if you see how many posts I make a day, I'm not here that often, and I avoid the Medicare threads like the plague (although I have commented on the odd occasion)

Our economy is tied to if the US goes under, it won't be good, but it won't be fatal either...
And that is a proper role of government. To foster a climate favorable to growth and honest business.

Yes it is. Which has what to do with trying to compare the OP with totalitarian regimes?

I can't help it if you haven't read the thread and aren't willing to understand the context. I'm not going to rehash it for you. So, carry on.

I totally understand the context. It's called a strawman...
Hardly a surprise. You're lazy and disingenuous, as well as lacking an ability to conceptualize.
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Only to someone who cannot conceptualize.

I disagree. Shintao obviously started the OP as it relates to the US. It is clearly obvious, especially if you see the bolded excerpts I mentioned in my post to the pretend Rabbi. Then you bring up some of the most brutal regimes in world history, as if that is some kind of fair comparison. It is not. Unless you think the US is like those regimes??
Both corporations and government are inherently collectivist so I am against them entirely, so my answer would be that I don't trust either and that in time we should try to rid ourselves of both, and establish free market co-operatives* to replace both.


A cooperative (also co-operative; often referred to as a co-op) is a business organization owned and operated by a group of individuals for their mutual benefit.[1] Cooperatives are defined by the International Co-operative Alliance's Statement on the Co-operative Identity as autonomous associations of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprises.[2] A cooperative may also be defined as a business owned and controlled equally by the people who use its services or by the people who work there. Cooperative enterprises are the focus of study in the field of cooperative economics.
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Damn hippie Libertarians.

The problem is collectives are powerful, either corporate or government. And if we work really hard on reducing the collective might of America, another collective will swallow us.
Damn hippie Libertarians.

The problem is collectives are powerful, either corporate or government. And if we work really hard on reducing the collective might of America, another collective will swallow us.
If you get rid of collectives and leave one in place yes, but if any economist did that then they would deserve a medal in stupidity.
You prove my point. Companies are about profit, not the needs of workers or customers.

Congrats you're catching on. We are agreed then the purpose of a business is not to provide for your standard living. Wonder who's job that is though.....hmmmmmm......COULD THAT BE YOUR FUCKING JOB YOU LAZY SACK OF SHIT?

No that is not how the logic would follow. Your example would be requiring someone else to be responsible for your standard of living. The liberty of the individual is the business owner being free to run his business how he/she sees fit. It happens that it is in that person's best interest to provide reasonable compensation to his/her employees. It is also in his/her best interest to do right by his/her customers. A by product of an owner successfully accomplishing thiose things are more jobs which translates into an improved standard of living.

Of course there is regulation, guys, or the owners will force the workers into a form of indentured servitude if they get their way. If they succeed at that, then put the owners against the wall, metaphorically.

Again doing so would not be in the best interest of the business owner. You pretend for a second. Let's pretend what you say is true. That left to their own devices and business would screw over its employees and its customers. Does that honestly sound logical for the survivability of a business?

And do you think if it wasn't for unions and the govt anti-trust laws, all the things you state would have happened? I mean John Rockefeller just rolled over when it came to Standard Oil, right? He said "sure, regulate me and break up my company," right?

History is littered with companies - that before there was true oversight - didn't give a shit about "what was in the best interest of business and worker" and they made plenty of money....especially if they were a monopoly...

Maybe you can tell all of us what was accomplished by breaking up Standard Oil, you ignorant shitard.
Actually most of the advances attributed to labor unions would have happened anyway. I mean, those advances that don't involve putting companies out of business because of obscene labor costs.
The corporatists are in for a rude shock if the GOP gets in this fall. They will work a deal with Obama and tighten regulation and accountability over wall street. No, Boehner et all has no intent, regardless of what he says publicly, to overturn the economic reform bill. He wants it tweaked so he gets some credit for it.
The corporatists are in for a rude shock if the GOP gets in this fall. They will work a deal with Obama and tighten regulation and accountability over wall street. No, Boehner et all has no intent, regardless of what he says publicly, to overturn the economic reform bill. He wants it tweaked so he gets some credit for it.

So now you maintain the GOP will win. What was it, 3 weeks ago you were saying they didnt have a chance?

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