Corporation vs Government: Who Do You Trust?

Dr. Gump,

So sorry about your reading comprehension and cognitive problems.




No sympathy needed.
Anybody with an IQ over 100 would realise the OP was about American govt and American corporations.

Only somebody with a low IQ or in the inability to understand comprehension would bring in examples of totalitarian regimes to support their arguement...

...or a partisan hack...oh, that's right, you are....
Dr. Gump,

So sorry about your reading comprehension and cognitive problems.




No sympathy needed.
Anybody with an IQ over 100 would realise the OP was about American govt and American corporations.

Only somebody with a low IQ or in the inability to understand comprehension would bring in examples of totalitarian regimes to support their arguement...

...or a partisan hack...oh, that's right, you are....

Actually the OP didnt specify American. So examples of corporate and governmental misdeeds, while extreme, are still fair game.
It seems Boediccea is right. Your brain cells are endangered species.
Dr. Gump,

So sorry about your reading comprehension and cognitive problems.




No sympathy needed.
Anybody with an IQ over 100 would realise the OP was about American govt and American corporations.

Only somebody with a low IQ or in the inability to understand comprehension would bring in examples of totalitarian regimes to support their arguement...

...or a partisan hack...oh, that's right, you are....

Actually the OP didnt specify American. So examples of corporate and governmental misdeeds, while extreme, are still fair game.
It seems Boediccea is right. Your brain cells are endangered species.

This is what I mean by lacking comprehension. You are obviously in the same boat as Bod....
Oh, and for the moron Rabbi, I'll just repost the OP and bold a few bits and pieces....maybe then the comprehension will sink in..

"I have seen what corporations do to people, and what government does to people, and I would side with trusting government before I would ever trust a corporation.

Corporations don't care if people die. Whether it be a Katrina disaster or shutting off the electric power to families in the winter so they die of exposure. They want relaxed regulations so they can murder more people with their products cheaper. They have no use for repairing America, just raping it of its resources. The corporate way has made us a third world country.

Government on the other hand has regulated the corporate enemys, built and maintained America, taken care of its people to keep them safe from the harm of corporations & greed. They are the ones that made it possible for electricity, for sanitzed water sources, dams, freeways, space travel, internet, and support many of these corporations so you can buy almost anything your want from anywhere in the world.

So what is your take & reasoning?"

Still think he wasn't talking about America, or does Viet Nam and Cambodia have space programs?
The Rabbi of course has a space problem, not program, in his head.

Until the purchasing power of the middle class is returned in order to drive the economy, this depression, much like those of the 1890s and 1930s, is being contained by the programs of the government, not the greed-minded corporations.
It is in the best interest of a business, INCLUDING the profit motive, to do what is in the best interest of their customers.

So when they feed you poison, implant faulty pacemakers, sell roll over SUVs & BQ ford Pintos, and spend billions a year on various consumer class action court cases, they are acting in the best interest of the consumer? How does it help the consumer to have corporations out sourcing, off shoring, and paying subsidies to corporations? Talk about a warped reality, you & your gerbil are way out there in cyber space. LOL!:lol:

You have the warped reality friend. You speak of these things as if they are the norm. I laugh so hard at people that make imbecilic arguments like the above. You first complain about how there aren't enough jobs here in the states in things like manufacturing. I don't mind there being more jobs for people here in the states, but there is something you have to remember in your whining about accidents. Humans are fallable last I checked. So expecting 100% no failure rates on products put together by said fallable humans is rather ridiculous. Don't you think the billions in PR, clean up, and lost wages claims is money BP would just as soon not have to spend?

You talk about these things as if they are intentional, I ask again, how is it in the best interest of a company to hurt its customers?
Oh, and for the moron Rabbi, I'll just repost the OP and bold a few bits and pieces....maybe then the comprehension will sink in..

"I have seen what corporations do to people, and what government does to people, and I would side with trusting government before I would ever trust a corporation.

Corporations don't care if people die. Whether it be a Katrina disaster or shutting off the electric power to families in the winter so they die of exposure. They want relaxed regulations so they can murder more people with their products cheaper. They have no use for repairing America, just raping it of its resources. The corporate way has made us a third world country.

Government on the other hand has regulated the corporate enemys, built and maintained America, taken care of its people to keep them safe from the harm of corporations & greed. They are the ones that made it possible for electricity, for sanitzed water sources, dams, freeways, space travel, internet, and support many of these corporations so you can buy almost anything your want from anywhere in the world.

So what is your take & reasoning?"

Still think he wasn't talking about America, or does Viet Nam and Cambodia have space programs?

Oh, OK. So I guess we can infer that the poster has no problem with, say, Siemens Corporation. Or LG. Or Nokia. Since all those are non-American.
You really are stupid, aren't you? No wonder you live where your debate partners are sheep.
You talk about these things as if they are intentional, I ask again, how is it in the best interest of a company to hurt its customers?

Actually, you bring up a valid point. Why not ask Erin Brokovich...

Who is Erin Brokovich[!]?
You mean Erin Brockovich, right?
He isn't going to ask her because she's not on this board, to my knowledge.
Why don't you answer the question, turdball?
Oh, and for the moron Rabbi, I'll just repost the OP and bold a few bits and pieces....maybe then the comprehension will sink in..

"I have seen what corporations do to people, and what government does to people, and I would side with trusting government before I would ever trust a corporation.

Corporations don't care if people die. Whether it be a Katrina disaster or shutting off the electric power to families in the winter so they die of exposure. They want relaxed regulations so they can murder more people with their products cheaper. They have no use for repairing America, just raping it of its resources. The corporate way has made us a third world country.

Government on the other hand has regulated the corporate enemys, built and maintained America, taken care of its people to keep them safe from the harm of corporations & greed. They are the ones that made it possible for electricity, for sanitzed water sources, dams, freeways, space travel, internet, and support many of these corporations so you can buy almost anything your want from anywhere in the world.

So what is your take & reasoning?"

Still think he wasn't talking about America, or does Viet Nam and Cambodia have space programs?

Moron. The OP used the general concepts of Government and Corporations, while relating them to American examples. That doesn't change the fact that the concept of unfettered Government Power is far more lethal than that of Corporations. The totalitarian direction in which our current Administration is heading us makes comparisons to the epitomes of that philosophy perfectly apt.

It's clear you have a problem with conceptualizing.
Oh, and for the moron Rabbi, I'll just repost the OP and bold a few bits and pieces....maybe then the comprehension will sink in..

"I have seen what corporations do to people, and what government does to people, and I would side with trusting government before I would ever trust a corporation.

Corporations don't care if people die. Whether it be a Katrina disaster or shutting off the electric power to families in the winter so they die of exposure. They want relaxed regulations so they can murder more people with their products cheaper. They have no use for repairing America, just raping it of its resources. The corporate way has made us a third world country.

Government on the other hand has regulated the corporate enemys, built and maintained America, taken care of its people to keep them safe from the harm of corporations & greed. They are the ones that made it possible for electricity, for sanitzed water sources, dams, freeways, space travel, internet, and support many of these corporations so you can buy almost anything your want from anywhere in the world.

So what is your take & reasoning?"

Still think he wasn't talking about America, or does Viet Nam and Cambodia have space programs?

Oh, OK. So I guess we can infer that the poster has no problem with, say, Siemens Corporation. Or LG. Or Nokia. Since all those are non-American.
You really are stupid, aren't you? No wonder you live where your debate partners are sheep. I have to go back to what this little side thread started about? Viet Nam, Cambodia, the Soviet Union?

My god, your lack of comprehension is embarassing. I'm sure we can talk about LG, Samsung, Sony, Nokia or whoever as they relate to the US. Which has what to do with totalitarian regimes vis-a-vis corporations (hint: Nothing!)
Oh, and for the moron Rabbi, I'll just repost the OP and bold a few bits and pieces....maybe then the comprehension will sink in..

"I have seen what corporations do to people, and what government does to people, and I would side with trusting government before I would ever trust a corporation.

Corporations don't care if people die. Whether it be a Katrina disaster or shutting off the electric power to families in the winter so they die of exposure. They want relaxed regulations so they can murder more people with their products cheaper. They have no use for repairing America, just raping it of its resources. The corporate way has made us a third world country.

Government on the other hand has regulated the corporate enemys, built and maintained America, taken care of its people to keep them safe from the harm of corporations & greed. They are the ones that made it possible for electricity, for sanitzed water sources, dams, freeways, space travel, internet, and support many of these corporations so you can buy almost anything your want from anywhere in the world.

So what is your take & reasoning?"

Still think he wasn't talking about America, or does Viet Nam and Cambodia have space programs?

Moron. The OP used the general concepts of Government and Corporations, while relating them to American examples. That doesn't change the fact that the concept of unfettered Government Power is far more lethal than that of Corporations. The totalitarian direction in which our current Administration is heading us makes comparisons to the epitomes of that philosophy perfectly apt.

It's clear you have a problem with conceptualizing.

Dumbfuck: Definition of Straw man: Straw man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are misrepresenting the OP's position by bringing in totalitarian regimes and third world countries and equating them to the US, which is what the OP is about. You are making out that the end game in all this will be that the US govt will end up like those regimes, which is clearly never will.

I have no problem with conceptualising at all - I do have a problem, that the end game as far as your posts are concerned, will have them sitting in the conspiracy theory folder.
You talk about these things as if they are intentional, I ask again, how is it in the best interest of a company to hurt its customers?

Actually, you bring up a valid point. Why not ask Erin Brokovich...

Yes. Let's bring up Erin Brokovich. The PG&E case resulted in a settlement of $333M being paid by that company. Under a proper rule of law, companies which cause harm are held accountable.

Contrast that with Sebelius telling insurance companies that they will be denied business if they attribute their rate increases toObamaCare (which the government admits will cause insurance premiums to rise). The government under this bill will be able to put perfectly law-abiding companies out of business and their employees out of work...with their customer facing compromised health care due to the issues of changing plans under uncertain circumstances.
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Yes. Let's bring up Erin Brokovich. The PG&E case resulted in a settlement of $333M being paid by that company. Under a proper rule of law, companies which cause harm are held accountable.

Contrast that with Sebelius telling insurance companies that they will be denied business if they attribute their rate increases toObamaCare (which the government admits will cause insurance premiums to rise). The government under this bill will be able to put perfectly law-abiding companies out of business and their employees out of work...with their customer facing compromised health care due to the issues of changing plans under uncertain circumstances.

Don't know enough about the new health care plan to comment.

*Edit - note in the Brockovich case, it was the govt (in the end through the judiciary) who made the company accountable. Kinda proves the OP...
You prove my point. Companies are about profit, not the needs of workers or customers.

Congrats you're catching on. We are agreed then the purpose of a business is not to provide for your standard living. Wonder who's job that is though.....hmmmmmm......COULD THAT BE YOUR FUCKING JOB YOU LAZY SACK OF SHIT?

So, since America is created for the liberty of the individual, then it logically follows the business is to benefit the workers and welfare of America as well as the owners.

No that is not how the logic would follow. Your example would be requiring someone else to be responsible for your standard of living. The liberty of the individual is the business owner being free to run his business how he/she sees fit. It happens that it is in that person's best interest to provide reasonable compensation to his/her employees. It is also in his/her best interest to do right by his/her customers. A by product of an owner successfully accomplishing thiose things are more jobs which translates into an improved standard of living.

Of course there is regulation, guys, or the owners will force the workers into a form of indentured servitude if they get their way. If they succeed at that, then put the owners against the wall, metaphorically.

Again doing so would not be in the best interest of the business owner. You pretend for a second. Let's pretend what you say is true. That left to their own devices and business would screw over its employees and its customers. Does that honestly sound logical for the survivability of a business?
Yes. Let's bring up Erin Brokovich. The PG&E case resulted in a settlement of $333M being paid by that company. Under a proper rule of law, companies which cause harm are held accountable.

Contrast that with Sebelius telling insurance companies that they will be denied business if they attribute their rate increases toObamaCare (which the government admits will cause insurance premiums to rise). The government under this bill will be able to put perfectly law-abiding companies out of business and their employees out of work...with their customer facing compromised health care due to the issues of changing plans under uncertain circumstances.

Don't know enough about the new health care plan to comment.

Of course you don't. That's hardly a surprise.
Yes. Let's bring up Erin Brokovich. The PG&E case resulted in a settlement of $333M being paid by that company. Under a proper rule of law, companies which cause harm are held accountable.

Contrast that with Sebelius telling insurance companies that they will be denied business if they attribute their rate increases toObamaCare (which the government admits will cause insurance premiums to rise). The government under this bill will be able to put perfectly law-abiding companies out of business and their employees out of work...with their customer facing compromised health care due to the issues of changing plans under uncertain circumstances.

Don't know enough about the new health care plan to comment.

Of course you don't. That's hardly a surprise.

Why would I? I'm not American so it does not affect me.
*Edit - note in the Brockovich case, it was the govt (in the end through the judiciary) who made the company accountable. Kinda proves the OP...

And that is a proper role of government. To foster a climate favorable to growth and honest business.
You prove my point. Companies are about profit, not the needs of workers or customers.

Congrats you're catching on. We are agreed then the purpose of a business is not to provide for your standard living. Wonder who's job that is though.....hmmmmmm......COULD THAT BE YOUR FUCKING JOB YOU LAZY SACK OF SHIT?

So, since America is created for the liberty of the individual, then it logically follows the business is to benefit the workers and welfare of America as well as the owners.

No that is not how the logic would follow. Your example would be requiring someone else to be responsible for your standard of living. The liberty of the individual is the business owner being free to run his business how he/she sees fit. It happens that it is in that person's best interest to provide reasonable compensation to his/her employees. It is also in his/her best interest to do right by his/her customers. A by product of an owner successfully accomplishing thiose things are more jobs which translates into an improved standard of living.

Of course there is regulation, guys, or the owners will force the workers into a form of indentured servitude if they get their way. If they succeed at that, then put the owners against the wall, metaphorically.

Again doing so would not be in the best interest of the business owner. You pretend for a second. Let's pretend what you say is true. That left to their own devices and business would screw over its employees and its customers. Does that honestly sound logical for the survivability of a business?

And do you think if it wasn't for unions and the govt anti-trust laws, all the things you state would have happened? I mean John Rockefeller just rolled over when it came to Standard Oil, right? He said "sure, regulate me and break up my company," right?

History is littered with companies - that before there was true oversight - didn't give a shit about "what was in the best interest of business and worker" and they made plenty of money....especially if they were a monopoly...

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