Corporation vs Government: Who Do You Trust?

You simply have no integrity, Bern80. Waitresses who get $2.13 per hour? Corporatons that (Dollar General) now require their employees, at minimum wage, to upsell products to a requirement for five weeks in a row or get fired? The employees are the local Dollar Generals are jumping jump and DG can't new hires ~ REAL SMART, NOT. Enron destroyed the financial security of tens of thousands. These are not isolated examples. Every one ofyou in your small or medium or large communities can reinforce my examples dozens of times over. Bern, you are a tool, and a very poor one. Your lies make the argument for further regulation.



3. you are the real tool...seriously are so fucking brainwashed its really fucking depressing.

He can't think beyond Stage One.
Actually he can't think beyond bumper sticker slogans.
You simply have no integrity, Bern80. Waitresses who get $2.13 per hour?Corporatons that (Dollar General) now require their employees, at minimum wage, to upsell products to a requirement for five weeks in a row or get fired? The employees are the local Dollar Generals are jumping jump and DG can't new hires ~ REAL SMART, NOT. Enron destroyed the financial security of tens of thousands. These are not isolated examples. Every one ofyou in your small or medium or large communities can reinforce my examples dozens of times over. Bern, you are a tool, and a very poor one. Your lies make the argument for further regulation.

So you are saying I am lieing that no jobs pay more than min wage. Oookkkaayy you stick with that.
No, I am saying that you are lying when you try to imply that matters are better when in fact they are much worse. What the hell, Bern: do you think everyone here is an idiot that can't see through what you are doing?
No, I am saying that you are lying when you try to imply that matters are better when in fact they are much worse. What the hell, Bern: do you think everyone here is an idiot that can't see through what you are doing?

so what is it? What mental disease do you have?
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No, I am saying that you are lying when you try to imply that matters are better when in fact they are much worse. What the hell, Bern: do you think everyone here is an idiot that can't see through what you are doing?

What do you mean better than they are? I am simply countering your argument. Which was that if given the chance, a business owner will treat his employees and customers as poorly as he can get away with. A position that does not explain why the vast majority of jobs pay more than what they are legally required to.
Go ahead. Please see if you can find corporate killings which exceed 169B.

Extra points for photos of corporation gas chambers, gulags, and mass graves.

What a comical attempt at an argument.

The fact that it produces unsubstantive rebuttals such as yours suggests it a pretty good one. It directly addresses the original OP regarding who should one trust. History tells us who that should be. Past actions tell us how much we should people and institutions with our well being. Unless you want to argue the numbers presented, historically speaking governments have clearly not had the well being of their citizens at heart. Can you you show even remotely comparable numbers from a corporation? Of course you can't. This is what happens when reality smacks someone with a contrary belief square in the head. It demands a response from you of some type, but you know you can't argue it with facts. And so we get treated to verbal diarhea like your response here.
The only lack of substantial discussion here is that of Bern80. History condemns business exploitation of individuals, not defend its humanitarian nature.
Go ahead. Please see if you can find corporate killings which exceed 169B.

Extra points for photos of corporation gas chambers, gulags, and mass graves.

What a comical attempt at an argument.

The fact that it produces unsubstantive rebuttals such as yours suggests it a pretty good one. It directly addresses the original OP regarding who should one trust. History tells us who that should be. Past actions tell us how much we should people and institutions with our well being. Unless you want to argue the numbers presented, historically speaking governments have clearly not had the well being of their citizens at heart. Can you you show even remotely comparable numbers from a corporation? Of course you can't. This is what happens when reality smacks someone with a contrary belief square in the head. It demands a response from you of some type, but you know you can't argue it with facts. And so we get treated to verbal diarhea like your response here.

Thank you. Body count is a pretty concrete metric for how lethal a social construct is. In terms of killing innocent people, governments are far more "effective" than any corporation.
Go ahead. Please see if you can find corporate killings which exceed 169B.

Extra points for photos of corporation gas chambers, gulags, and mass graves.

What a comical attempt at an argument.

When has ugly truth you wish to dismiss become comedy? Oh...Just now. Way to hide your head in the sand.

Materful admitted job.:clap2:
What a comical attempt at an argument.

The fact that it produces unsubstantive rebuttals such as yours suggests it a pretty good one. It directly addresses the original OP regarding who should one trust. History tells us who that should be. Past actions tell us how much we should people and institutions with our well being. Unless you want to argue the numbers presented, historically speaking governments have clearly not had the well being of their citizens at heart. Can you you show even remotely comparable numbers from a corporation? Of course you can't. This is what happens when reality smacks someone with a contrary belief square in the head. It demands a response from you of some type, but you know you can't argue it with facts. And so we get treated to verbal diarhea like your response here.

Thank you. Body count is a pretty concrete metric for how lethal a social construct is. In terms of killing innocent people, governments are far more "effective" than any corporation.

Yes, governments become more effective in oppression with business support and money. Look at Nazi Germany. Look at businesses throughout the South right through the Civil Rights Campaign. Thanks, body.
The fact that it produces unsubstantive rebuttals such as yours suggests it a pretty good one. It directly addresses the original OP regarding who should one trust. History tells us who that should be. Past actions tell us how much we should people and institutions with our well being. Unless you want to argue the numbers presented, historically speaking governments have clearly not had the well being of their citizens at heart. Can you you show even remotely comparable numbers from a corporation? Of course you can't. This is what happens when reality smacks someone with a contrary belief square in the head. It demands a response from you of some type, but you know you can't argue it with facts. And so we get treated to verbal diarhea like your response here.

Thank you. Body count is a pretty concrete metric for how lethal a social construct is. In terms of killing innocent people, governments are far more "effective" than any corporation.

Yes, governments become more effective in oppression with business support and money. Look at Nazi Germany. Look at businesses throughout the South right through the Civil Rights Campaign. Thanks, body.

Shin, what exactly do you want? What type of government do you want? What type of economic system?

A quasi-social-capitalistic economic system, where National Security items are under Government control and a free market reins without regulation. No federal taxation or IRS, and central government is run by the citizens donations to whatever cause they select to be funded, including National security items. Congress & the President would write legislation, but lack the ability to fund it.

What exactly are you advocating? what problem do you have with an individual having responsibility for choice and consequence? Please critique my ideology of libertarianism. thank you for the response.

I have no problem with an Individual having responsibility of federal government, to fund whatever they feel is necessary. And I would leave the states to tax for local government items that are not National Security items.

I disdain libertarianism as an unworkable system. Ron Paul came a long way, but he still accepts the Congressional system of government legislating & funding on a whim, corporate corruption, etc. I am more excessive in my approach, because I take away the power from the federal government to act without the consent of the people.

I also realize my view might be upsetting to a whole lot of people, from seniors, welfare, rich, poverty cases, Gov. Agencies, etc. However, I think Americans have a better idea of what they want America to be than any Senator or Representative. I hand you the reins to decide your own fate. All Volunteer Government Party (AVGP)
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The fact that it produces unsubstantive rebuttals such as yours suggests it a pretty good one. It directly addresses the original OP regarding who should one trust. History tells us who that should be. Past actions tell us how much we should people and institutions with our well being. Unless you want to argue the numbers presented, historically speaking governments have clearly not had the well being of their citizens at heart. Can you you show even remotely comparable numbers from a corporation? Of course you can't. This is what happens when reality smacks someone with a contrary belief square in the head. It demands a response from you of some type, but you know you can't argue it with facts. And so we get treated to verbal diarhea like your response here.

Thank you. Body count is a pretty concrete metric for how lethal a social construct is. In terms of killing innocent people, governments are far more "effective" than any corporation.

Yes, governments become more effective in oppression with business support and money. Look at Nazi Germany. Look at businesses throughout the South right through the Civil Rights Campaign. Thanks, body.

Yep, protected by government. It's as if government/corporations and other special interests are drawn to each other like moths to a flame.
Thank you. Body count is a pretty concrete metric for how lethal a social construct is. In terms of killing innocent people, governments are far more "effective" than any corporation.

Think so? To begin with, most of the killing being done is by corporations who rule government. ie ME Wars for instance, Blackwater, Vietnam, pollution, oil spills. There was undoubtedly a time when governments existed, but corporations did not. So why not deal in current reality instead of the past dinosaurs?
Thank you. Body count is a pretty concrete metric for how lethal a social construct is. In terms of killing innocent people, governments are far more "effective" than any corporation.

Think so? To begin with, most of the killing being done is by corporations who rule government. ie ME Wars for instance, Blackwater, Vietnam, pollution, oil spills. There was undoubtedly a time when governments existed, but corporations did not. So why not deal in current reality instead of the past dinosaurs?

Here you go, you poor misguided widdle boobie:

[ame=]Foil Hats[/ame]

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