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Cost of 13 years of war: $1.6 trillion

China National Petroleum has rapidly expanded its presence in the Iraqi oil business. CNPC is now operating four projects in the as-yet-untouched southern part of the country, making it the single biggest foreign investor in Iraq.
Do you think the Chinese would be there absent the US invasion?
"Before the invasion, there were just two things standing in the way of Western oil companies operating in Iraq: Saddam Hussein and the nation's legal system.

"The invasion dealt handily with Hussein.

"To address the latter problem, some both inside and outside of the Bush administration argued that it should simply change Iraq's oil laws through the U.S.-led coalition government of Iraq, which ran the country from April 2003 to June 2004.

"Instead the White House waited, choosing to pressure the newly elected Iraqi government to pass new oil legislation itself."
Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil - CNN.com
China National Petroleum has rapidly expanded its presence in the Iraqi oil business. CNPC is now operating four projects in the as-yet-untouched southern part of the country, making it the single biggest foreign investor in Iraq.
Do you think the Chinese would be there absent the US invasion?
"Before the invasion, there were just two things standing in the way of Western oil companies operating in Iraq: Saddam Hussein and the nation's legal system.

"The invasion dealt handily with Hussein.

"To address the latter problem, some both inside and outside of the Bush administration argued that it should simply change Iraq's oil laws through the U.S.-led coalition government of Iraq, which ran the country from April 2003 to June 2004.

"Instead the White House waited, choosing to pressure the newly elected Iraqi government to pass new oil legislation itself."
Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil - CNN.com
That's not my point the real winners were the Chinese so by saying the war was fought over oil, is false. I still say the real reason was simple, bush Jr. ran out of things to bomb in Afghanistan and wanted to kill Saddam
China National Petroleum has rapidly expanded its presence in the Iraqi oil business. CNPC is now operating four projects in the as-yet-untouched southern part of the country, making it the single biggest foreign investor in Iraq.
Do you think the Chinese would be there absent the US invasion?
"Before the invasion, there were just two things standing in the way of Western oil companies operating in Iraq: Saddam Hussein and the nation's legal system.

"The invasion dealt handily with Hussein.

"To address the latter problem, some both inside and outside of the Bush administration argued that it should simply change Iraq's oil laws through the U.S.-led coalition government of Iraq, which ran the country from April 2003 to June 2004.

"Instead the White House waited, choosing to pressure the newly elected Iraqi government to pass new oil legislation itself."
Why the war in Iraq was fought for Big Oil - CNN.com
That's not my point the real winners were the Chinese so by saying the war was fought over oil, is false. I still say the real reason was simple, bush Jr. ran out of things to bomb in Afghanistan and wanted to kill Saddam

Or the fact that Iraq was bank rolling freakin terrorists and holding on to chemical weapons
That's not my point the real winners were the Chinese so by saying the war was fought over oil, is false

The Iraq War was fought for the same reasons most wars have been fought; they make a few cowards filthy rich.
Dick Cheney Net Worth Celebrity Net Worth
Or the fact that Iraq was bank rolling freakin terrorists and holding on to chemical weapons
"At the same time, representatives from ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and Halliburton, among others, met with Cheney's staff in January 2003 to discuss plans for Iraq's postwar industry.

"For the next decade, former and current executives of western oil companies acted first as administrators of Iraq's oil ministry and then as 'advisers' to the Iraqi government..."

"This Iraq Hydrocarbons Law, partially drafted by the Western oil industry, would lock the nation into private foreign investment under the most corporate-friendly terms.

"The Bush administration pushed the Iraqi government both publicly and privately to pass the law. And in January 2007, as the ''surge' of 20,000 additional American troops was being finalized, the president set specific benchmarks for the Iraqi government, including the passage of new oil legislation to 'promote investment, national unity, and reconciliation.'

"But due to enormous public opposition and a recalcitrant parliament, the central Iraqi government has failed to pass the Hydrocarbons Law. Usama al-Nujeyfi, a member of the parliamentary energy committee, even quit in protest over the law, saying it would cede too much control to global companies and 'ruin the country's future.'"

The friggin' terrorists were mostly in New York and DC. Millions of civilians have been maimed, murdered, and displaced because a few US elites were willing to trade blood for oil. And their war crimes continue to this very minute.

I don't understand why are the facts confusing you?, Americans didn't grab iraqs oil the Chinese companies did, off our dead soldiers and us tax payers pay the US navy for securing the shipping lanes for Chinese oil, not ChIna tax payers
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I am still trying to figure out your knowledge level is, you Seem pretty bright but the facts are

China got 80 percent of iraqs oil
I don't know maybe you are a girl and was blowing up when I told you were wrong. I get that
I don't understand why are the facts confusing you?, Americans didn't grab iraqs oil the Chinese companies did, off our dead soldiers and us tax payers pay the US navy for securing the shipping lanes for Chinese oil, not ChIna tax payers
Rich Chinese and rich Americans profit from dead US soldiers and Marines, and US taxpayers pay for the bullets, funerals, and wheel chairs. The fact that the US couldn't steal all of Iraq's oil for itself doesn't negate the war crimes involved or the reason why they were committed.
I don't understand why are the facts confusing you?, Americans didn't grab iraqs oil the Chinese companies did, off our dead soldiers and us tax payers pay the US navy for securing the shipping lanes for Chinese oil, not ChIna tax payers
Rich Chinese and rich Americans profit from dead US soldiers and Marines, and US taxpayers pay for the bullets, funerals, and wheel chairs. The fact that the US couldn't steal all of Iraq's oil for itself doesn't negate the war crimes involved or the reason why they were committed.
I agree, we must run these Democrat Liberal Politicians and their family and friends that profit from the war crimes out of office.

Nobody profits more than the Democrats, just ask Democrat Diane Feinstien and her husband Richard Blum.

Feinstein and Blum Scam Documentation
Dianne Feinstein Still Dogged by Allegations of Conflicts of Interest - Breitbart
Dianne Feinstein Inside Traitor April 25 2013
Snopes Misses on Story of Collusion Between Sen. Feinstein and Husband s Company
From my point of view now , my friend The democrats tried to smoke liberals with B.S. for votes
Yes I know I didn't like Dick and halburton thing, but trying to figure out both sides
I guess from your side you have liberals bias towards cons and vise versa, I have no bias towards the 1 percent , they will die eventually.
And then you will get dumb ass heirs like The Walmart kids from sam, but there fate is already written
Am I right in saying that TARP was a complete success? Do you attribute that brilliant success to Bush or to Obama? I know the banks paid the money back, but I am a little confused (as usual). I was under the impression that TARP was a program that bailed out the banks, so the money was not 'spent' but was loaned by the treasury at interest. If the cost was a net $24 billion, how can you call that a surplus? That would seem to be a loss of $24 billion and a net negative.

The efficacy of TARP is another discussion. My argument is that the budget passed prior to Obama being elected is not his responsibility, other than what he passed after he was sworn in. That is convention. The first trillion dollar deficit was on Bush. The next three thereafter were on Obama.

The flow of TARP funds looked like this

Spent $270 billion
Received $0
Deficit $270 billion

Spent $161 billion
Received $407 billion
Surplus $246

Spent $431 billion
Received $407 billion
Deficit $24 billion.

TARP ran a deficit but under Obama, TARP ran a surplus.

What you are saying is the interest on the money Bush loaned was paid back when Obama was in office, therefore Obama gets credit for all of the interest. Is that correct?
Since Bush loaned the majority of the money, he should get credit for the majority of the interest paid back IMO.

No, that's not what I'm saying.

The interest on the loans was something like 4%, and the duration wasn't much more than a couple of years. Interest income back to the government wasn't large, something like $30 billion. So maybe $20 billion of that can be attributed to Bush. TARP still ran a surplus under Obama.

The only relevance of this, however, is to show that TARP didn't contribute to the deficit under Obama. $10 billion here or there doesn't make much of a difference when there are 12 zeros in the number.

Some day you will have to explain to me how a loss of $24 billion is a net gain.

It's not. I didn't say it was.

Spent $270 billion
Received $0
Deficit $270 billion

As I said, the interest collected on the $270 billion Bush loaned was repaid On Obama's watch.
Why tea partiers and right wingers keep ignoring facts, it's beyond comprehension.

"Thirteen years of war have cost the United States roughly $1.6 trillion.

Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the government has spent the money on military operations, base support, weapons maintenance, training of Afghan and Iraq security forces, reconstruction, foreign aid, embassy costs and veterans’ healthcare, according to a recently released report by the Congressional Research Service tracking expenses through September.

The money was distributed to Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn, Operation Enduring Freedom for Afghanistan, Operation Noble Eagle and other war-designated funding not directly died to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, according to the report.

Nearly half of the money spent, $815 billion, went toward the Iraq War, the report said.

About 92 percent of the expenses over the past 13 years came from the Department of Defense.Though U.S. troop levels in the Middle East, especially in Afghanistan, have been on a steady decline, the war funds request for fiscal 2015 remains at $73.5 billion, including $58.1 billion for Afghanistan.

Notably missing from the totals is the request to cover expenses for Operation Inherent Resolve, the airstrikes that began in late August against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

“There are some indications that the [Defense Department's fiscal 2015] war funding request may be more than is needed in light of [2014's] experience when expenses for returning troops and equipment have proven to be lower and the pace faster than anticipated,” the report said, referring to the cost of the airstrikes against the Islamic State and the recent announcement by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel that roughly 1,000 groups may remain in Afghanistan until spring 2015."

Cost of 13 years of war 1.6 trillion WashingtonExaminer.com

SO... One obama/Democrat Annual Deficit?

Wow... who would have bet (besides me...) that executing a world war for nearly 15 years would cost a FRACTION (~ 1/6th) of what it costs to simply allow the Left to Control the US Government for say... 6 years?

Why do libs. Have a problem math? I never can understand

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