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Cost of 13 years of war: $1.6 trillion

Iraq was in material breach of the cease fire imposed by the UN and that was the only authorization the US led coalition needed to re-invade Iraq.

So you wouldn't have minded to much if one of your kids was killed in Iraq over the noble cause of war because Iraq "was in material breach of the cease fire..........

That sounds like a real good reason for one of your kids to have died for his country. Don't you think so? How noble their death or maiming would be. Cause Iraq didn't comply with a cease fire.

But really, you war mongering asshole. You didn't suffer any loss from Iraq now did ya? You may have even found a job in the "defense" industry. Or got you a tax cut while the war was happening. How noble your sacrifice was for our war of choice. I am impressed.

If one of my kids had volunteered to serve in the military, I would expect him to do exactly the same thing I did when I served.
Kill Yankees?

Sorry, couldn't resist!
Not supporting the war, however, is not a valid reason for losing my damn mind and becoming nothing more than an extension of hate filled rhetoric.

Really? Our country needlessly killing thousands of people, destroying a country, getting thousands of young Americans killed or maimed and wasting trillions of dollars.

If those are not good reasons to become really pissed off, why don't you tell me just what it would take for you to become really REALLY mad at what our country was led to do. And if you got really really mad about the actions our country took, why wouldn't you look to blame the person or persons responsible?

If only those pesky Democrats hadn't voted to go to war. Here are two of the leading Democrats and their reasons in case you missed them.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..." - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." - Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
Iraq was in material breach of the cease fire imposed by the UN and that was the only authorization the US led coalition needed to re-invade Iraq.

So you wouldn't have minded to much if one of your kids was killed in Iraq over the noble cause of war because Iraq "was in material breach of the cease fire..........

That sounds like a real good reason for one of your kids to have died for his country. Don't you think so? How noble their death or maiming would be. Cause Iraq didn't comply with a cease fire.

But really, you war mongering asshole. You didn't suffer any loss from Iraq now did ya? You may have even found a job in the "defense" industry. Or got you a tax cut while the war was happening. How noble your sacrifice was for our war of choice. I am impressed.

If one of my kids had volunteered to serve in the military, I would expect him to do exactly the same thing I did when I served.
Kill Yankees?

Sorry, couldn't resist!

Raised in Wisconsin and attended the U of W. Wouldn't want to kill my Mom and Dad and uncles and aunts and brothers and sisters and cousins.
I am not with the OP on this one.

It's not just the money.......

The wars basically gave us Obamacare.

If GWB hadn't been such a moron and thrown away what he had to work with......

The dems never would have developed the horsepower to push Obamacare down our throats.
GWB never knew when to quit. Afghanistan was as far as America really wanted to go, but GWB had to send us to Iraq. Mission Accomplished, if dumping Saddam and replacing him with ISIS was the goal.

If we had poured all the resources into Afghanistan, it is unlikely the war would had the negative impact on public opinion it did. It probably would have been over by 2008.

Without the anti-war feeling it is likely Obama would have never been elected, and it would have been Clinton who won the Democratic nomination.
"Before inauguration. Senator Obama voted for the budgets he would later blame on Bush, and for the TARP bailout. After just two months of TARP, the Bush administration said it was done -- crisis averted. In fact, President Bush was done after using about $270 billion of the $350 B that was authorized by Congress. But as a courtesy to the incoming president, Bush would request the second $350B from Congress if President-Elect Obama asked for it.

President-Elect Obama asked for it, and he got it."

Except that he didn't spend it. Only $431 billion was ever spent, including the original amount under Bush. Given that the net cost to the Treasury was $24 billion after all disbursements back to the government, TARP actually was in a surplus under Obama and was a net positive to the Treasury during his time in office.

Troubled Asset Relief Program - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Am I right in saying that TARP was a complete success? Do you attribute that brilliant success to Bush or to Obama? I know the banks paid the money back, but I am a little confused (as usual). I was under the impression that TARP was a program that bailed out the banks, so the money was not 'spent' but was loaned by the treasury at interest. If the cost was a net $24 billion, how can you call that a surplus? That would seem to be a loss of $24 billion and a net negative.

The efficacy of TARP is another discussion. My argument is that the budget passed prior to Obama being elected is not his responsibility, other than what he passed after he was sworn in. That is convention. The first trillion dollar deficit was on Bush. The next three thereafter were on Obama.

The flow of TARP funds looked like this

Spent $270 billion
Received $0
Deficit $270 billion

Spent $161 billion
Received $407 billion
Surplus $246

Spent $431 billion
Received $407 billion
Deficit $24 billion.

TARP ran a deficit but under Obama, TARP ran a surplus.

What you are saying is the interest on the money Bush loaned was paid back when Obama was in office, therefore Obama gets credit for all of the interest. Is that correct?
Since Bush loaned the majority of the money, he should get credit for the majority of the interest paid back IMO.
Last edited:

The money wasted on these horrific "wars" pales in importance in comparison to the thousands of young American lives lost, thousands more limbs and minds lost, so many young American families destroyed.

To say men like my brother in law is wasting his life defending our rights piss me off. Fuck you. They didn't die for nothing.

I can certainly understand that you would want to think that they did not die for nothing.

I look at results and a cost/benefits analysis, myself.

The benefit is your right to be the ungrateful asshole you are right now

The money wasted on these horrific "wars" pales in importance in comparison to the thousands of young American lives lost, thousands more limbs and minds lost, so many young American families destroyed.

To say men like my brother in law is wasting his life defending our rights piss me off. Fuck you. They didn't die for nothing.

I can certainly understand that you would want to think that they did not die for nothing.

I look at results and a cost/benefits analysis, myself.

The benefit is your right to be the ungrateful asshole you are right now

Hardly ungrateful when I point out the thousands of young American lives lost, thousands more limbs and minds lost, so many young American families destroyed. Or how many times I've seen a young boy pushing his legless father in a wheelchair.

Horrific. I care about these people, and I hate to see what is done to them.

Interestingly, I say the same thing to the PC Police about American Blacks.


The money wasted on these horrific "wars" pales in importance in comparison to the thousands of young American lives lost, thousands more limbs and minds lost, so many young American families destroyed.

To say men like my brother in law is wasting his life defending our rights piss me off. Fuck you. They didn't die for nothing.

I can certainly understand that you would want to think that they did not die for nothing.

I look at results and a cost/benefits analysis, myself.

The benefit is your right to be the ungrateful asshole you are right now

Hardly ungrateful when I point out the thousands of young American lives lost, thousands more limbs and minds lost, so many young American families destroyed. Or how many times I've seen a young boy pushing his legless father in a wheelchair.

Horrific. I care about these people, and I hate to see what is done to them.

Interestingly, I say the same thing to the PC Police about American Blacks.

None were forced.
I am not with the OP on this one.

It's not just the money.......

The wars basically gave us Obamacare.

If GWB hadn't been such a moron and thrown away what he had to work with......

The dems never would have developed the horsepower to push Obamacare down our throats.
GWB never knew when to quit. Afghanistan was as far as America really wanted to go, but GWB had to send us to Iraq. Mission Accomplished, if dumping Saddam and replacing him with ISIS was the goal.

If we had poured all the resources into Afghanistan, it is unlikely the war would had the negative impact on public opinion it did. It probably would have been over by 2008.

Without the anti-war feeling it is likely Obama would have never been elected, and it would have been Clinton who won the Democratic nomination.

When and where was ISIS formed as a force?
"Thirteen years of war have cost the United States roughly $1.6 trillion.

Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the government has spent the money on military operations, base support, weapons maintenance, training of Afghan and Iraq security forces, reconstruction, foreign aid, embassy costs and veterans’ healthcare, according to a recently released report by the Congressional Research Service tracking expenses through September.

The money was distributed to Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn, Operation Enduring Freedom for Afghanistan, Operation Noble Eagle and other war-designated funding not directly died to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, according to the report.

Nearly half of the money spent, $815 billion, went toward the Iraq War, the report said.

About 92 percent of the expenses over the past 13 years came from the Department of Defense.Though U.S. troop levels in the Middle East, especially in Afghanistan, have been on a steady decline, the war funds request for fiscal 2015 remains at $73.5 billion, including $58.1 billion for Afghanistan.

Notably missing from the totals is the request to cover expenses for Operation Inherent Resolve, the airstrikes that began in late August against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

“There are some indications that the [Defense Department's fiscal 2015] war funding request may be more than is needed in light of [2014's] experience when expenses for returning troops and equipment have proven to be lower and the pace faster than anticipated,” the report said, referring to the cost of the airstrikes against the Islamic State and the recent announcement by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel that roughly 1,000 groups may remain in Afghanistan until spring 2015."

Cost of 13 years of war 1.6 trillion WashingtonExaminer.com

SO... One obama/Democrat Annual Deficit?

Wow... who would have bet (besides me...) that executing a world war for nearly 15 years would cost a FRACTION (~ 1/6th) of what it costs to simply allow the Left to Control the US Government for say... 6 years?


Huh, try this on for size:

You'll hear lots of talk about how recessions are caused because people feel poorer or irrationally react to a flood of bad economic news. But the truth is that these depressed feelings are rooted in reality. Americans don't just feel poorer, they are poorer:

  • U.S. homeowners lost a cumulative $3.3 trillion in home equity during 2008, according to a report fromZillow. (MortgageWire.)
  • One in six homeowners is now underwater on their mortgage.
  • The stock market erased $6.9 trillion in shareholder wealth in 2008.
Add together the loss of housing equity of $3.3 trillion and the stock market loss of $6.9 trillion, and you've got a historic loss of wealth of $10.2 trillion.

Read more:America Lost 10.2 Trillion Of Wealth In 2008 - Business Insider
"Thirteen years of war have cost the United States roughly $1.6 trillion.

Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the government has spent the money on military operations, base support, weapons maintenance, training of Afghan and Iraq security forces, reconstruction, foreign aid, embassy costs and veterans’ healthcare, according to a recently released report by the Congressional Research Service tracking expenses through September.

The money was distributed to Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn, Operation Enduring Freedom for Afghanistan, Operation Noble Eagle and other war-designated funding not directly died to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, according to the report.

Nearly half of the money spent, $815 billion, went toward the Iraq War, the report said.

About 92 percent of the expenses over the past 13 years came from the Department of Defense.Though U.S. troop levels in the Middle East, especially in Afghanistan, have been on a steady decline, the war funds request for fiscal 2015 remains at $73.5 billion, including $58.1 billion for Afghanistan.

Notably missing from the totals is the request to cover expenses for Operation Inherent Resolve, the airstrikes that began in late August against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

“There are some indications that the [Defense Department's fiscal 2015] war funding request may be more than is needed in light of [2014's] experience when expenses for returning troops and equipment have proven to be lower and the pace faster than anticipated,” the report said, referring to the cost of the airstrikes against the Islamic State and the recent announcement by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel that roughly 1,000 groups may remain in Afghanistan until spring 2015."

Cost of 13 years of war 1.6 trillion WashingtonExaminer.com

SO... One obama/Democrat Annual Deficit?

Wow... who would have bet (besides me...) that executing a world war for nearly 15 years would cost a FRACTION (~ 1/6th) of what it costs to simply allow the Left to Control the US Government for say... 6 years?


Huh, try this on for size:

You'll hear lots of talk about how recessions are caused because people feel poorer or irrationally react to a flood of bad economic news. But the truth is that these depressed feelings are rooted in reality. Americans don't just feel poorer, they are poorer:

  • U.S. homeowners lost a cumulative $3.3 trillion in home equity during 2008, according to a report fromZillow. (MortgageWire.)
  • One in six homeowners is now underwater on their mortgage.
  • The stock market erased $6.9 trillion in shareholder wealth in 2008.
Add together the loss of housing equity of $3.3 trillion and the stock market loss of $6.9 trillion, and you've got a historic loss of wealth of $10.2 trillion.

Read more:America Lost 10.2 Trillion Of Wealth In 2008 - Business Insider
Guess forcing banks to make bad loans didn't work out for the Democrats huh?
"Thirteen years of war have cost the United States roughly $1.6 trillion.

Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the government has spent the money on military operations, base support, weapons maintenance, training of Afghan and Iraq security forces, reconstruction, foreign aid, embassy costs and veterans’ healthcare, according to a recently released report by the Congressional Research Service tracking expenses through September.

The money was distributed to Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn, Operation Enduring Freedom for Afghanistan, Operation Noble Eagle and other war-designated funding not directly died to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, according to the report.

Nearly half of the money spent, $815 billion, went toward the Iraq War, the report said.

About 92 percent of the expenses over the past 13 years came from the Department of Defense.Though U.S. troop levels in the Middle East, especially in Afghanistan, have been on a steady decline, the war funds request for fiscal 2015 remains at $73.5 billion, including $58.1 billion for Afghanistan.

Notably missing from the totals is the request to cover expenses for Operation Inherent Resolve, the airstrikes that began in late August against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

“There are some indications that the [Defense Department's fiscal 2015] war funding request may be more than is needed in light of [2014's] experience when expenses for returning troops and equipment have proven to be lower and the pace faster than anticipated,” the report said, referring to the cost of the airstrikes against the Islamic State and the recent announcement by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel that roughly 1,000 groups may remain in Afghanistan until spring 2015."

Cost of 13 years of war 1.6 trillion WashingtonExaminer.com

SO... One obama/Democrat Annual Deficit?

Wow... who would have bet (besides me...) that executing a world war for nearly 15 years would cost a FRACTION (~ 1/6th) of what it costs to simply allow the Left to Control the US Government for say... 6 years?


Huh, try this on for size:

You'll hear lots of talk about how recessions are caused because people feel poorer or irrationally react to a flood of bad economic news. But the truth is that these depressed feelings are rooted in reality. Americans don't just feel poorer, they are poorer:

  • U.S. homeowners lost a cumulative $3.3 trillion in home equity during 2008, according to a report fromZillow. (MortgageWire.)
  • One in six homeowners is now underwater on their mortgage.
  • The stock market erased $6.9 trillion in shareholder wealth in 2008.
Add together the loss of housing equity of $3.3 trillion and the stock market loss of $6.9 trillion, and you've got a historic loss of wealth of $10.2 trillion.

Read more:America Lost 10.2 Trillion Of Wealth In 2008 - Business Insider

Well, this is going to happen when a people tolerate or otherwise encourage perversions of human reasoning, which reject the principles in nature that guide human behavior.

Such is the fast track to chaos, calamity and catastrophe. Such perversions are sold internationally through the "Ideological Left", a wholly owned subsidiary of Evil Inc. US Citizens are most often found buying their Foriegn Ideas Hostile to American Principle through the Democrat Party, which has retail establishments throughout the Mainstream Media, Academia and their Local Socialized "Union" Labor Shop, with branch outlet kiosk sales networks setup throughout the North East, West Coast and most densely populated urban centers.

So for those of you seeking misery and death... be sure to visit your local House of Smelly Ass soon:


The money wasted on these horrific "wars" pales in importance in comparison to the thousands of young American lives lost, thousands more limbs and minds lost, so many young American families destroyed.

To say men like my brother in law is wasting his life defending our rights piss me off. Fuck you. They didn't die for nothing.

I can certainly understand that you would want to think that they did not die for nothing.

I look at results and a cost/benefits analysis, myself.

The benefit is your right to be the ungrateful asshole you are right now

Hardly ungrateful when I point out the thousands of young American lives lost, thousands more limbs and minds lost, so many young American families destroyed. Or how many times I've seen a young boy pushing his legless father in a wheelchair.

Horrific. I care about these people, and I hate to see what is done to them.

Interestingly, I say the same thing to the PC Police about American Blacks.

None were forced.

Evil never 'forces' anyone into destruction... It doesn't have that power. Evil can only lull the sinner into anguish.

And how does it do so?

Does it say: HEY! If you get a mortgage for a house that you can't afford... you're going to break your heart, discredit your reputation, disappoint your children and spouse and injure yourself and those who depend on you!

Nu huh... Evil says: YOU DESERVE THAT BIGASS HOUSE! Just think how good that is going feel to sit out on that deck and watch the kids play... Oh YOU DUH MAN ZEKE! Just sign the papers and lets get you moved in!

It also doesn't say: HEY! If you snort that coke... you're going to enter into a slow death, wherein your judgment will be egregiously impaired, causing you to blow off your responsibilities and spend money you don't have... lie to everyone you know until no one wants any more to do with your sorry, lyin ass!


Evil say: "Go ahead Lakeesha, let him slip on in... you KNOW how good that's gonna feel GIRL! He wants you... and you dam' well KNOW YOU WANT HIM, RIGHT? Ain't gone be no baby! Its just once ... go own now, let him in ... give it to him."

Evil is a lyin' ****. Always has been always will be and yet... there is at least 30% of the US culture who considered evil its personal BFF.

And THAT is how THAT works.
Imagine the good that could have been done if that money was put into something useful.
Imagine the good that could have been done if that money was put into something useful.

If they'd taken it and piled it up 100' tall over the entire state of Rhode Island and burned it... THAT would have been MORE USEFUL.
"Thirteen years of war have cost the United States roughly $1.6 trillion.

Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the government has spent the money on military operations, base support, weapons maintenance, training of Afghan and Iraq security forces, reconstruction, foreign aid, embassy costs and veterans’ healthcare, according to a recently released report by the Congressional Research Service tracking expenses through September.

The money was distributed to Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn, Operation Enduring Freedom for Afghanistan, Operation Noble Eagle and other war-designated funding not directly died to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, according to the report.

Nearly half of the money spent, $815 billion, went toward the Iraq War, the report said.

About 92 percent of the expenses over the past 13 years came from the Department of Defense.Though U.S. troop levels in the Middle East, especially in Afghanistan, have been on a steady decline, the war funds request for fiscal 2015 remains at $73.5 billion, including $58.1 billion for Afghanistan.

Notably missing from the totals is the request to cover expenses for Operation Inherent Resolve, the airstrikes that began in late August against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

“There are some indications that the [Defense Department's fiscal 2015] war funding request may be more than is needed in light of [2014's] experience when expenses for returning troops and equipment have proven to be lower and the pace faster than anticipated,” the report said, referring to the cost of the airstrikes against the Islamic State and the recent announcement by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel that roughly 1,000 groups may remain in Afghanistan until spring 2015."

Cost of 13 years of war 1.6 trillion WashingtonExaminer.com

SO... One obama/Democrat Annual Deficit?

Wow... who would have bet (besides me...) that executing a world war for nearly 15 years would cost a FRACTION (~ 1/6th) of what it costs to simply allow the Left to Control the US Government for say... 6 years?

an unfunded war is what helped put us in the economic doldrums dummy. Not to mention the "out to lunch" SEC when Repubs have the WH. Thanks for playing.
There is pretty much nothing more trollish than calling Iraq 'one of the greatest war crimes in history.
Supply another example of any country invading and occupying another state on the opposite side of the planet by killing, maiming, incarcerating, and displacing millions of innocent civilians for the sole purpose of ruling the known world.
Supply another statement that is not full of vitriolic hatred and false statements and maybe I will bother to give you some good examples.

Otherwise you are not looking for answers, you are looking for something to spew hate and partisanship at - a pointless argument to get into.

Otherwise, you have no good, credible explanation for why our country decided to invade and destroy a nation that did not attack us.

When did we do this before Iraq? I know it's convenient for you to dodge these tough questions because you want to believe that we were justified in destroying Iraq. However, you can't come up with a valid reason for us doing what we did.

So dodge those questions once more.
I am not dodging those questions - they are worthless fallacies.

You continue the hate spewing and asshattery by creating straw men as well: I do not and have never supported the Iraq war. We don't belong there and never should have been in a conflict in Iraq to begin with. that, more than anything, will highlight Bush as an absolutely terrible president. Not supporting the war, however, is not a valid reason for losing my damn mind and becoming nothing more than an extension of hate filled rhetoric.
Then if we all agree that invading Iraq was the wrong move, why the hostility? I agree with Zeke on virtually nothing, but we agree on this.
I am not being hostile, just pointing out the idiocy in spewing hate and propaganda. It was not zeke that started that - he was just defending georgephillip. Defending statements like Iraq being the one of the greatest war crimes in history.

You really think that is constructive or even reasonable? It is not even close. Statements like that and continually spewing nothing but propaganda and hate are not constructive - even if the broken clocks get it close to correct once in awhile.
"Thirteen years of war have cost the United States roughly $1.6 trillion.

Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the government has spent the money on military operations, base support, weapons maintenance, training of Afghan and Iraq security forces, reconstruction, foreign aid, embassy costs and veterans’ healthcare, according to a recently released report by the Congressional Research Service tracking expenses through September.

The money was distributed to Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn, Operation Enduring Freedom for Afghanistan, Operation Noble Eagle and other war-designated funding not directly died to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, according to the report.

Nearly half of the money spent, $815 billion, went toward the Iraq War, the report said.

About 92 percent of the expenses over the past 13 years came from the Department of Defense.Though U.S. troop levels in the Middle East, especially in Afghanistan, have been on a steady decline, the war funds request for fiscal 2015 remains at $73.5 billion, including $58.1 billion for Afghanistan.

Notably missing from the totals is the request to cover expenses for Operation Inherent Resolve, the airstrikes that began in late August against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

“There are some indications that the [Defense Department's fiscal 2015] war funding request may be more than is needed in light of [2014's] experience when expenses for returning troops and equipment have proven to be lower and the pace faster than anticipated,” the report said, referring to the cost of the airstrikes against the Islamic State and the recent announcement by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel that roughly 1,000 groups may remain in Afghanistan until spring 2015."

Cost of 13 years of war 1.6 trillion WashingtonExaminer.com

SO... One obama/Democrat Annual Deficit?

Wow... who would have bet (besides me...) that executing a world war for nearly 15 years would cost a FRACTION (~ 1/6th) of what it costs to simply allow the Left to Control the US Government for say... 6 years?

an unfunded war is what helped put us in the economic doldrums dummy. Not to mention the "out to lunch" SEC when Repubs have the WH. Thanks for playing.
I thought you supported the idea that government spending increased the economy, not destroyed it. Or is that only spending that you agree with?
"Thirteen years of war have cost the United States roughly $1.6 trillion.

Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the government has spent the money on military operations, base support, weapons maintenance, training of Afghan and Iraq security forces, reconstruction, foreign aid, embassy costs and veterans’ healthcare, according to a recently released report by the Congressional Research Service tracking expenses through September.

The money was distributed to Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn, Operation Enduring Freedom for Afghanistan, Operation Noble Eagle and other war-designated funding not directly died to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, according to the report.

Nearly half of the money spent, $815 billion, went toward the Iraq War, the report said.

About 92 percent of the expenses over the past 13 years came from the Department of Defense.Though U.S. troop levels in the Middle East, especially in Afghanistan, have been on a steady decline, the war funds request for fiscal 2015 remains at $73.5 billion, including $58.1 billion for Afghanistan.

Notably missing from the totals is the request to cover expenses for Operation Inherent Resolve, the airstrikes that began in late August against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

“There are some indications that the [Defense Department's fiscal 2015] war funding request may be more than is needed in light of [2014's] experience when expenses for returning troops and equipment have proven to be lower and the pace faster than anticipated,” the report said, referring to the cost of the airstrikes against the Islamic State and the recent announcement by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel that roughly 1,000 groups may remain in Afghanistan until spring 2015."

Cost of 13 years of war 1.6 trillion WashingtonExaminer.com

SO... One obama/Democrat Annual Deficit?

Wow... who would have bet (besides me...) that executing a world war for nearly 15 years would cost a FRACTION (~ 1/6th) of what it costs to simply allow the Left to Control the US Government for say... 6 years?

an unfunded war is what helped put us in the economic doldrums dummy. Not to mention the "out to lunch" SEC when Repubs have the WH. Thanks for playing.
I thought you supported the idea that government spending increased the economy, not destroyed it. Or is that only spending that you agree with?
please provide a quote of me stating that. I'll wait.
"Thirteen years of war have cost the United States roughly $1.6 trillion.

Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the government has spent the money on military operations, base support, weapons maintenance, training of Afghan and Iraq security forces, reconstruction, foreign aid, embassy costs and veterans’ healthcare, according to a recently released report by the Congressional Research Service tracking expenses through September.

The money was distributed to Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn, Operation Enduring Freedom for Afghanistan, Operation Noble Eagle and other war-designated funding not directly died to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, according to the report.

Nearly half of the money spent, $815 billion, went toward the Iraq War, the report said.

About 92 percent of the expenses over the past 13 years came from the Department of Defense.Though U.S. troop levels in the Middle East, especially in Afghanistan, have been on a steady decline, the war funds request for fiscal 2015 remains at $73.5 billion, including $58.1 billion for Afghanistan.

Notably missing from the totals is the request to cover expenses for Operation Inherent Resolve, the airstrikes that began in late August against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

“There are some indications that the [Defense Department's fiscal 2015] war funding request may be more than is needed in light of [2014's] experience when expenses for returning troops and equipment have proven to be lower and the pace faster than anticipated,” the report said, referring to the cost of the airstrikes against the Islamic State and the recent announcement by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel that roughly 1,000 groups may remain in Afghanistan until spring 2015."

Cost of 13 years of war 1.6 trillion WashingtonExaminer.com

SO... One obama/Democrat Annual Deficit?

Wow... who would have bet (besides me...) that executing a world war for nearly 15 years would cost a FRACTION (~ 1/6th) of what it costs to simply allow the Left to Control the US Government for say... 6 years?


Huh, try this on for size:

You'll hear lots of talk about how recessions are caused because people feel poorer or irrationally react to a flood of bad economic news. But the truth is that these depressed feelings are rooted in reality. Americans don't just feel poorer, they are poorer:

  • U.S. homeowners lost a cumulative $3.3 trillion in home equity during 2008, according to a report fromZillow. (MortgageWire.)
  • One in six homeowners is now underwater on their mortgage.
  • The stock market erased $6.9 trillion in shareholder wealth in 2008.
Add together the loss of housing equity of $3.3 trillion and the stock market loss of $6.9 trillion, and you've got a historic loss of wealth of $10.2 trillion.

Read more:America Lost 10.2 Trillion Of Wealth In 2008 - Business Insider
Guess forcing banks to make bad loans didn't work out for the Democrats huh?

"Forcing"? Yeah, that's right, the GD Democrats held a gun to the head of all those CEO's, especially at Wells Fargo and Bank of America, forcing them not only to loan to persons who they knew would not be able to pay the balloon payment in five years, but also forced them to bundle up these loans and sell them to others. Those damn Democrats sure did burn a whole bunch of people.

Funny thing is, the banksters and insurance brokers and real estate brokers did fine, and continued to do fine during the Great Recession of 2007 - 2009. It was only those dumb working stiffs who lost. But it was all there fault for voting for Democrats.

I sure wished everyone was as dishonest or stupid as thanatos144, then we could get beyond all these petty partisan squabbles and learn how to live in a Plutocracy.

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